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Limit equilibrium analysis
The procedures for using the Bishop and Janbu methods of slices are very similar and it is convenient to
discuss them together.
Step 1: Slope and slide surface geometry – The geometry of the slope is defined by the actual or the
designed profile as seen in a vertical section through the slope. In the case of a circular failure, the charts
given in Figures 9.11 and 9.12 can be used to estimate the centre of the circle with the lowest factor of safety.
In the Janbu analysis, the slide surface may be defined by known structural features or weak zones within the
rock or soil mass, or it may be estimated in the same way as that for the Bishop analysis. In either case, the
slide surface assumed for the first analysis may not give the lowest factor of safety, and a series of analyses
are required with variations on this position to find the surface with the lowest factor of safety.
Step 2: Slice parameters – The sliding mass assumed in step 1 is divided into a number of slices. Generally,
a minimum of five slices should be used for simple cases. For complex slope profiles, or where the rock or
soil mass comprises different materials, a larger number of slices may be required in order to define
adequately the problem. The parameters that have to be defined for each slice are:

• Base angle yb.

• The weight of each slice W is given by the product of the vertical height h, the unit weight gr of the rock or
soil and the width of the slice Δx: W = (h · gr · Δx).
• Uplift water force U on the base of each slice is given by the product of the height hw to the phreatic
surface, the unit weight gw of water and the width of the slice Δx, that is, U = (hw · gw · Δx).
Figure 9.16 The Bishop simplified method of slices for the analysis of circular failure in slopes cut into
materials in which failure is defined by the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion.
Step 3: Shear-strength parameters – The shear strength acting on the base of each slice is required for the
stability calculation. In the case of a uniform material in which the failure criterion is assumed to be that of the
Mohr–Coulomb (Equation 1.1 in Section 1.4), the shear-strength parameters c and ϕ will be the same on the
base of each slice. When the slope is cut in a number of materials, the shear-strength parameters for each
slice must be chosen according to the material in which it lies. When the shear strengths of the materials
forming the slope are defined by non-linear failure criterion as discussed in Section 5.5, it is necessary to
determine the cohesion and friction angle for each slice at the effective normal stress for that slice (see
Figure 5.23).
Step 4: Factor of safety iteration – When the slice and shear-strength parameters have been defined, the
values of factors A, B and C are calculated for each slice. The water force Q is added to ΣC, the sum of the
components of the weight of each slice acting parallel to the slide surface. An initial estimate of FS = 1.00 for
the factor of safety is used, and a new factor of safety is calculated from Equations 9.3 and 9.10 given in
Figures 9.16 and 9.17, respectively. If the difference between the calculated and the assumed factors of
safety is greater than 0.001, the calculated factor of safety is used as a second estimate of FS for a new
factor of safety calculation. This process is repeated until the difference between successive factors of safety
is less than 0.001. For both the Bishop and Janbu methods, approximately seven iteration cycles will be
required to achieve this result for most slope and slide surface geometries.
9.6.3 Example of the Bishop and Janbu methods of analysis
A slope is to be excavated in strong, blocky sandstone with closely spaced and persistent discontinuities. The
slope will consist of three, 15 m (50 ft) high-bench faces with two 8 m (26 ft) wide benches, the primary
function of which is to collect surface run-off and control erosion (Figure 9.19a). The bench faces will be at 75°
to the horizontal, and the overall slope angle of he benched face is 60°, with the upper slope above the crest
of the cut at an

Figure 9.19 Circular slope stability analysis of benched slope in closely jointed
sandstone; (a) section of slope showing water table, slice boundaries, tension
crack and circular sliding surface for minimum factor of safety; (b) plot of the
Hoek–Brown rock mass shear strength showing curved strength envelope and
best fit line at a normal stress level of 280 kPa (40.6 psi).
angle 45°. The overall cut height is 60 m (200 ft). The assumed position of the water table is shown in the
figure. It is required to find the factor of safety of the overall slope, assuming that a circular-type stability
analysis is appropriate for these conditions.
The shear strength of the jointed rock mass is based on the Hoek–Brown strength criterion, as discussed in
Section 5.5, which defines the strength as a curved envelope (Figure 9.19b); the rock mass parameters
defining the curved envelope are as follows:
1. Very poor quality rock mass, GSI = 20 (see Tables 5.3 and 5.4)
2. Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock (from point load testing) ≈ 150 MPa (21,800 psi)
3. Rock material constant, mi = 13
4. Unit weight of rock mass, gr = 25 kN/m3 (165 lb/ft3)
5. Unit weight of water, gw = 9.81 kN/m3 (62.4 lb/ft3)
6. For careful blasting used in excavation, disturbance factor D = 0.7
The instantaneous cohesion and friction angle values for the Hoek–Brown strength criterion at the effective
normal stress value at the base of each slide as shown in Table 9.1 are calculated from the best fit line to the
curved envelope using the program RocData 4 (Rocscience Inc). The effective normal stress at the base of
each slice is determined from the product of the slice height, width and rock unit weight, less the water
pressure. The table shows that c increases and ϕ decreases with increasing normal stress, as the gradient of
the best fit line decreases.
For the effective normal stress values listed in Table 9.1, the average stress is about 280 kPa (40.6 psi). At this
stress level, the calculated best fit line to the curved strength envelope defines a cohesion of 120 kPa (17.4
psi) and a friction angle of 47.5°; this is the equivalent Mohr–Coulomb shear strength used in the stability
Table 9.1 shows the input parameters for the Bishop and Janbu stability analyses assuming a linear shear
strength, and for the Bishop analysis assuming a non-linear shear strength. The slope is divided into eight
slices, and for each slice the base angle, rock weight and pore pressure are calculated. The program SLIDE
(Rocscience Inc) is then used to calculate the factors of safety for the linear and non-linear shear strengths. In
the case of the non-linear strength analysis, the values of the effective normal stress on the base of each
slice, and the corresponding instantaneous friction angle and cohesion as shown in the last three columns of
Table 9.1, are used in the stability analysis. The calculated factors of safety are:
Irisan yb tg yb f tg f B Irisan c Dx cos yb gr.h.Dx gw.hw.Dx tan f
1 12 0.212 47.5 1.090 0.232
1 120 7.03 0.978 1585 70.3 1.090
2 18 0.325 47.5 1.090 0.354
2 120 7.03 0.951 2127 393.68 1.090
3 24 0.445 47.5 1.090 0.485
3 120 7.03 0.914 3875 660.82 1.090
4 30 0.577 47.5 1.090 0.629
4 120 7.03 0.866 4334 864.69 1.090
5 37 0.753 47.5 1.090 0.821
5 120 7.03 0.799 5744 984.2 1.090
6 45 0.999 47.5 1.090 1.090
6 120 7.03 0.707 5695 885.78 1.090
7 53 1.326 47.5 1.090 1.446
7 120 7.03 0.602 5203 646.76 1.090
8 64 2.047 47.5 1.090 2.232
8 120 7.03 0.439 3600 295.26 1.090

(gr.h.Dx). (gw.hw.Dx). (gr.h.Dx). (gw.hw.Dx).

c.Dx/cosyb A (A/(1+B/FS)) sin yb C c.Dx/cosyb A (A/(1+B/FS)) sin yb C
(tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb)
862.427 1766.836 78.365 2550.898 2071.125 0.208 329.375 862.427 1766.836 78.365 2550.898 2172.509 0.208 329.375
886.968 2438.483 451.332 2874.120 2122.537 0.309 656.957 886.968 2438.483 451.332 2874.120 2269.810 0.309 656.957
923.348 4624.679 788.666 4759.361 3204.537 0.407 1575.353 923.348 4624.679 788.666 4759.361 3487.202 0.407 1575.353
973.956 5455.981 1088.540 5341.397 3278.640 0.500 2166.004 973.956 5455.981 1088.540 5341.397 3626.092 0.500 2166.004
1056.041 7840.429 1343.411 7553.059 4147.510 0.602 3455.324 1056.041 7840.429 1343.411 7553.059 4669.954 0.602 3455.324
1192.556 8778.433 1365.366 8605.622 4118.468 0.707 4025.369 1192.556 8778.433 1365.366 8605.622 4730.474 0.707 4025.369
1400.888 9421.103 1171.092 9650.899 3946.257 0.798 4153.832 1400.888 9421.103 1171.092 9650.899 4624.505 0.798 4153.832
1922.165 8944.123 733.567 10132.721 3134.719 0.899 3234.764 1922.165 8944.123 733.567 10132.721 3782.970 0.899 3234.764
S (A/(1+B/FS)) = 26023.794 SC = 19596.98 S (A/(1+B/FS)) = 29363.515 SC = 19596.98

FS = S (A/(1+B/FS))/S C FS Q=0 FS = S (A/(1+B/FS))/S C FS Q=0

1.328 1 1.498 1.33
(gr.h.Dx). (gw.hw.Dx). (gr.h.Dx). (gw.hw.Dx).
c.Dx/cosyb A (A/(1+B/FS)) sin yb C c.Dx/cosyb A (A/(1+B/FS)) sin yb C
(tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb)
862.427 1766.836 78.365 2550.898 2209.656 0.208 329.375 862.427 1766.836 78.365 2550.898 2228.286 0.208 329.375
886.968 2438.483 451.332 2874.120 2325.218 0.309 656.957 886.968 2438.483 451.332 2874.120 2353.308 0.309 656.957
923.348 4624.679 788.666 4759.361 3596.142 0.407 1575.353 923.348 4624.679 788.666 4759.361 3651.927 0.407 1575.353
973.956 5455.981 1088.540 5341.397 3763.049 0.500 2166.004 973.956 5455.981 1088.540 5341.397 3833.854 0.500 2166.004
1056.041 7840.429 1343.411 7553.059 4881.115 0.602 3455.324 1056.041 7840.429 1343.411 7553.059 4991.475 0.602 3455.324
1192.556 8778.433 1365.366 8605.622 4984.875 0.707 4025.369 1192.556 8778.433 1365.366 8605.622 5119.499 0.707 4025.369
1400.888 9421.103 1171.092 9650.899 4914.596 0.798 4153.832 1400.888 9421.103 1171.092 9650.899 5070.109 0.798 4153.832
1922.165 8944.123 733.567 10132.721 4072.182 0.899 3234.764 1922.165 8944.123 733.567 10132.721 4230.320 0.899 3234.764
S (A/(1+B/FS)) = 30746.832 SC = 19596.98 S (A/(1+B/FS)) = 31478.779 SC = 19596.98

FS = S (A/(1+B/FS))/S C FS Q=0 FS = S (A/(1+B/FS))/S C FS Q=0

1.569 1.5 1.606 1.6

(gr.h.Dx). (gw.hw.Dx).
c.Dx/cosyb A (A/(1+B/FS)) sin yb C
(tgf /cosyb) (tgf /cosyb)
862.427 1766.836 78.365 2550.898 2230.038 0.208 329.375
886.968 2438.483 451.332 2874.120 2355.960 0.309 656.957
923.348 4624.679 788.666 4759.361 3657.212 0.407 1575.353
973.956 5455.981 1088.540 5341.397 3840.587 0.500 2166.004
1056.041 7840.429 1343.411 7553.059 5002.012 0.602 3455.324
1192.556 8778.433 1365.366 8605.622 5132.413 0.707 4025.369
1400.888 9421.103 1171.092 9650.899 5085.101 0.798 4153.832
1922.165 8944.123 733.567 10132.721 4245.682 0.899 3234.764
S (A/(1+B/FS)) = 31549.004 SC = 19596.98

FS = S (A/(1+B/FS))/S C FS Q=0
1.610 1.61
Suatu lereng digali dalam batupasir dengan diskontinu yang sangat rapat dan menerus. Lereng yang digali
merupakan lereng tunggal dengan tinggi 5,5 m dan kemiringan 50,74o. Batupasir yang merupakan material
penyusun utama badan lereng mempunyai bobot isi 19 kN/m3, kohesi 22 kPa, dan sudut gesek dalam 36o. Asumsi
letak muka air tanah dan retakan tarik dalam lereng seperti terlihat pada Gambar, dengan bobot isi air tanah 9,81
Tentukan faktor keamanan lereng tersebut menggunakan Bishop simplified method, dengan kriteria keruntuhan
Mohr–Coulomb, jika lereng dibagi dalam 5 irisan (lihat Gambar) dan masing-masing sudut bidang dasar irisan
adalah sebagai berikut:

Irisan 1 2 3 4 5
Sudut bidang dasar (o) 7,6 15 21,8 33,7 46,9
Data lain yang diperlukan, lihat Gambar.


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