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Newspaper Headlines often include key words that may or may not be commonly used.

They are chosen because

they are shorter and require less space and also because of the effect that they may produce on the learners.
Headlines are also written in a special style which basically consist of simplifying the grammar.

Therefore, in headlines, we usually find:

1. Short words instead of long ones and abreviations.

2. Dramatic adjectives and adverbs to attract readers attention.
3. Active verbs.
4. Cultural references.
5. A very condensed structure:

• articles and verb the "to be" are frequently omitted;

• verbs are simplified:
- the present simple refers to the present or the past;
- the infinitive refers to the future;
- the verb "to be" is also omitted in the passive and in continuous forms;
- the progressive -ing form is used to show something that is developing.
• nouns and adjectives are grouped together without any verbs or conjunctions.

Following is a list of words that often appear in headlines and the meaning they usually have in this context:

Headline word Meaning

accord (n) agreement
aid (n/v) assist/ assistance
axe (v) cut, destroy
awe (v) veneration
back (v) support
ban (n/v) prohibition

bar (n/v) exclude, prohibit

bid (n) attempt
blast (n) explosion
blaze (n) fire
blow (n) injury/disappointment
boom (n/v) sudden beneficial increase
boost (n/v) help, incentive
bring (v) to cause, result in
bug (n) disease, virus
call (for) (n/v) demand
clash (n/v) argument, conflict
cop (n) policeman
coup (n) revolution, change in government
crook (n) criminal
curb (n/v) restrain, limit
cut (n/v) reduction
deal (n) agreement
drama (n) dramatic action,
drive (n) campaign, effort
envoy (n) diplomat
exit (n/v) leave
fear (n/v) anxious expectations
flee (v) escape rapidly
gems (n) jewels
go (v) be sold or knock down
go-ahead (n) approval
gunman (n) a man with a gun
hail (v) celebrate, acclaim
halt (n/v) stop
hammer (v) beat
haul (n/v) large quantity that has been stolen
head (n/v) direct, lead
hit (v) affect badly
hold (v) detain, keep in police custody
hurdle (n) obstacle
jail (n/v) prison
jet (n) aeroplane
jobless (adj) unemployed
key (adj) essential, vital
kid (n) child
killing (n) murder
link (n/v) connection
loom (v) approach (of something threatening)
mob (n) mafia/ uncontrolled crowd
net (v) to capture
no (n) refusal, rejection
ordeal (n) unpleasant experience

oust (v) push out, replace

output (n) production
pact (n) agreement, treaty
peril (n) danger
pledge (n/v) promise
plea (n) strong request
poll (n) election, public survey
press (v) to insist on something
press for (v) demand, ask for
probe (n/v) investigate
quit (v) leave, resign
quiz (v) interrogate
raid (n/v) attack, robbery
riddle (n) mystery
row (n) argument, disagreement
scare (n) alarm
seek (v) request
shock (n) surprising revelation
slam (v) criticise severely
slash (v) reduce
smash (v) destroy
snub (v) reject, turn down
soar (v) increase dramatically
spark (v) cause, produce
split (n/v) divide
squeeze (n/v) shortage, scarcity
storm (n) violent disagreement
strife (n) conflict
sue (v) accuse, appeal
switch (n/v) change, deviation
swoop (n/v) sudden attack or raid
talks (n) discussions
threat (n) menace
toll (n) number of people killed
top (n) exceed
urge (v) recommend strongly
vow (n/v) promise, threaten
walkout (n) strike
wed (v) wedding
weep (v) cry, mourn
win (v) gain, achieve
woe (n) misfortune
woo (v) try to win the favour of
No Word and meaning Example
1 Air – to make know, to broadcast Iran airs video of boats with US ships in Gulf
2 Assail – to criticize strongly Green groups assail Govt energy plans

3 Axe – to remove from a job Rolls to axe up to 2,300 jobs

4 Back – to support Call for factory day care centres backed

5 Ban – to not allow to do something Court bans couple from naming son “Friday”
6 Bar – to officially say that something must not be done Reformers barred from elections
7 Bid – an attempt Chad, Sudan make new bid for peace
8 Blast – an explosion Blast kills US troops
9 Blaze – a big fire Blaze destroys 50 houses
10 Cite – to mention; to give as a reason Management cites labour unrest for shutdown
11 Claim – to declare to be true Man claims ghost sighting
12 Claim – to kill Bombs claim 40
13 Curb – to limit; to control Lifestyle changes can curb climate change
14 Dim – to become weaker Hopes dim for ending crisis
15 Dub – to give a name or description to Japan dubs activists ‘terrorists’
16 Due – expected Decision on attempted bribery case due today
17 Ease – to reduce or lessen Authorities ease restrictions on Koh Smui flights
18 Eye – to watch with interest; to have as a goal Thai team eyes 10 golds
19 Fault – to criticize; to say someone or something is wrong Tests fault SUVs and pickups
20 Flay – to accuse; to criticize strongly NGOs flay govt for rushing bill
21 Foe – enemy; rival; competitor Farmers’ foe: Smog damage to crops costs billions
22 Foil – to prevent from succeeding Gang uses phones to foil police
23 Grip – control; to take control of Army chief tightens his grip
24 Gut – to destroy by fire Fire guts part of Bo Bae market
25 Haul – a large amount of something illegal that has been Cocaine haul tops a tone
26 Haul – an amount of something that has been won or Suphan Buri add eight medals to gold haul
27 Heist – theft Two held over Bt17-million van heist
28 Helm – the head of an organization, project, etc. Hughes takes helm at City
29 Hike – an increase Opec says no to output hike
30 Ink – to sign MoU to be inked on eradication of opium crops
31 Irk – to case to be angry or annoyed Indian Muslims irked over Rushdie invite
32 Key – very important Army urged to help protect key witness
33 Lash – to hit with a strong force Heavy downpours lash Norteast
34 Lash out – to criticize strongly PM advisers lash out at new sytem
35 Laud – to praise; to say good things about World lauds ‘free and fair’ elections
36 Launch – to start or begin Government to launch a new war on drugs
37 Link – to connect; connection Studies link starchy foods with diabetes
38 Loom – expected in the near feature Controversy looms over Olympic qualifying
39 Mull –to think carefully about; to consider Google mulls ad-sponsored encyclopedia
40 Nab – to capture; to arrest Police nab gang leader
41 Net – to capture; to take possession of Police net two suspects in teacher’s murder
42 Nod –approval Toll way linking ring roads still awaits nod
43 Opt – to choose; to decide on When buying handbags, men opt for luxury
44 Oust – to force out of a position, competition, etc. Rules agreed to oust party leaders
45 Pact – an agreement Government urged to sign UN pact
46 Plea – a request; an answer to a criminal charge Court rejects TITV staff’s plea to keep broadcasting.
Sen Craig trying to take back his guilty plea.
47 Pledge – a serious promise Opposition pledges to continue protests
48 Poised – ready; about to achieve Data show US poised for better growth
49 Poll – an election PM won’t quit over poll result
50 Post – a job or position Putin accepts offer of prime minister’s post
51 Probe – to investigate; an investigation Censors probe hidden message in love poem
52 Prompt – to cause Injuries in fire drill prompt legal threat
53 Rage – to burn out of control Forest fire rages
54 Rage – to continue with a lot of force, violence or anger Battles rage in north Sri Lanka
55 Reel – to feel very shocked or upset about something Island reels from worst cyclone in memory
56 Rock – to shock; to surprise Tremors rock provinces in the North
57 Rout – to defeat completely or by a large amount Awesome Federor routs Roddick
58 Row – quarrel; a serious disagreement Temple row divides Hindus during festival
59 Rule – to make a decision (especially in a court or a WTO rules on shrimp next month
regulating agency)
60 Rule out – to not consider as a possibility President rules out calling an early election
61 Sack – to dismiss from a job Police chief sacked
62 Scam – a clever and dishonest plan for making money Police seek four more suspects in car scam
63 Set – ready; decided on 27-hole golf course set to open in Pattaya
64 Shun – to avoid someone or something Japanese food makers shun China for Thailand
65 Slam –to criticize someone very strongly Japan firms slammed for fake recycled papers
66 Slay – to kill someone or something in a war or fight Tribes slay 250 foreign militants
67 Snag – a problem or difficulty Early retirement plan for teachers hits snag
68 Snub –to pay no attention to; to refuse to accept Iran subs UN vote
69 Soar –to rise rapidly Expert warns of unrest as rice price soars
70 Split – to divide or become divided Movie industry split over rating system
71 Spook – to frighten or become frightened Tsunami prediction spooks island voters
72 Stalemate – a disagreement that can’t be solved Battle ends in stalemate
73 Stall – to delay or make things wait; to stop making Election defeat could stall reforms
74 Stance – the opinions that someone has about something; IMF praises bank stance on bath
75 Stem – to stop something from spreading or increasing Taiwan stems departure of experts to China
76 Sway – to influence or persuade Strong growth fails to sway government
77 Swindle – a situation in which someone cheats someone Fake policemen held after B500,000 swindle
in order to get money or property
78 Thwart – to prevent from being successful Zone chiefs told to thwart teachers’ plan to rally in city
79 Tie – relationship; strong connection US, Australia look for growing ties with China
80 Tip – to say in advance that someone or something will be Nationalists tipped to win election
81 Trigger – to make something happen; to cause someone Thai chilies trigger UK chemical attack alert
to say or do something
82 Trim – to cut or reduce the amount or number of Opec trims forecast on oil demand
83 Urge – to advise someone very strongly about what action Airlines urge government to resolve airport troubles
or attitude they should take
84 Vie – to compete with other people for something that is Thai company vies for projects in Brunei
difficult to get
85 Void – to make something no longer legal or effective Residents demand result be declared void
86 Vow – a serious promise; to make a serious promise Teheran vows to go on with nuclear work
87 Weigh – to consider all the aspects of situation Hyundai weighs launch of $3,500 car
88 Woo – to try to persuade people to support you Thailand aims to woo Bollywood producers
89 Yield – to produce something useful; to make a profit Video yields new clues in tourist murder

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