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TOPIC 1: Call a friend and thank them for helping you with a difficult task (studying

for an exam/shopping for a new outfit for a date, etc.) cảm ơn họ đã giúp bạn làm một việc khó
Huỳnh : Hey!
Hoa : Hey. How is going
Huỳnh : Everything’s great! How about you?
Hoa : Mine is good too. So what do you call me for?
Huỳnh : Remember the date I went to last week?
Hoa : yeah. What is the problem?
Huỳnh : Nothing, I just want to thank you for helping me choose the outfit. The date went out smoothly and I even
got complimented on my dress too!
Hoa : Really. See I told you that white look better on you than blue.
Huỳnh : Thankfully I didn’t buy that blue dress or else I would have regretted a lot.
Hoa : True. The color blue doesn’t suit you as much as white.
Huỳnh : Yeah, thank God, I asked you to go shopping with me. I can’t thank you enough for that.
Hoa : No problem. I enjoy going shopping so it’s a bonus for. I can help you while I do the thing I like. Its not a
big deal
Huỳnh : But still, I need to do something to thank you. Do you want to go eating or shopping?
Hoa : How about both. I want to eat and go shopping too.
Huỳnh : So, we go out to eat and I pay for the meal then we go find ourselves some clothes. is that ok?
Hoa : Good. I need to buy some clothes.
Huỳnh : Then deal, see you this weekend. I have to go now. Bye.
Hoa : Bye. See you later.

TOPIC 2: Explain why you are thankful for the people in your life (friends & family).
Share your personal experiences.
Huỳnh : Welcome back from a long trip, did you have a good time with your family?
Hoa : Yes of course. I have wanted to take my parents there for a long time buts I couldn’t do it because I’m busy
with work. I’m trying to take my parents on trip 3 times 1 year.
Huỳnh : Looks like you really love your parents, right?
Hoa : Yes of course I do
Huỳnh : Can you tell me what do you always been thankful for your parents?
Hoa : Let me see. Well. I’m thankful to my parents for a lifetimes of love, support and encouragement. I’m
thankful for them in raising a good human being the best way they knew how, for teaching me the value upon
which my life is based, for allowing me to make and lean from my mistakes, being there through good times
and bad times. So how about you. Can I ask you about the people whom you have been thankful for?
Huỳnh : Just like you, I am very grateful about my mother. I'm thankful to her for providing with unlimited trust and
freedom. There is a period of time I felt , Mom wasn't always as indulgent as I wanted her to be. When I won
top honors she'd say, "That's what I expected." If I slipped to second it was, "You can do better." It was only
in adulthood that I understood she was letting me know how much confidence she had in me. And that she
taught me both how to look to myself for affirmation.
Hoa : it’s so profound. We have both grown-up , not kids anymore. We have leaned to think about ours families.
I’m very proud of you, my friend. So because it’s too late and I’m very tired after long trip so I want to go
home and sleep now. Have a good day!
Huỳnh : You too. Goodbye, go carefully.

TOPIC 3: You just watched a movie with your best friend. One of you liked the movie,
and one of you didn’t. Make an argument for why you liked or didn’t like the movie.
Huỳnh : So, what’s your opinion?
Hoa : opinion about what?
Huỳnh : The movie, we just watched it.
Hoa : so bring. I’m sorry if you think the opposite.
Huỳnh : Why do you think so?
Hoa : The plot is basic and the cast doesn’t that good too. The poor-girl rich-guy relationship is overused in
movies. I don’t know why people still find the interesting, especially when the film doesn’t have any creative
Huỳnh : Can’t you see the actors poured out their heart while acting? The scenes are such a masterpiece, not also
they’re breathtaking but also the emotional they put in it. I just don’t know why you don’t like it.
Hoa : Maybe we have different taste in films.
Huỳnh : Yeah maybe. But I have to disagree with you on this one. The writer must have spent a lot of time writing it
because it’s perfect to me. Not to forget the soundtracks, it’s just so calming and well made.
Hoa : Still, the ending is quite rushed and a little bit disappointing, they could do better.
Huỳnh : Yeah, I think the same. The movie would be out this world if they had a different ending. Want go have ice
Hoa : of course. I cant refuse an ice cream on a hot day.

TOPIC 4: Your daughter/son is moving to a new country where they don’t speak the
language. Express your concern and why you don’t think it’s a good idea. In
response, the daughter/son should explain why it will be okay.
Huỳnh : You sure you want to move to Spain?
Hoa : yes mom. There are plenty of people like me so you don’t need to worry.
Huỳnh : But you don’t speak Spanish. There will be a lot of problems if you don’t speak the same language with the
people around you.
Hoa : I can deal with that.
Huỳnh : Tell me how you’re going to deal with it. I don’t have much faith in you.
Hoa : well, since my major is studied completely in English so I just need to find Spanish class to enroll in. I will
probably to join Spanish clubs to help improve my skill too.
Huỳnh : That does not sound promising at all. Even though you enroll in a Spanish class, you still need a lot of time
to use it fluently too. Have you ever considered about the culture differences yet?
Hoa :
Huỳnh : You just met them for a month, after that you guys are internet friends. You shouldn’t trust people that
Hoa :
Huỳnh : I’m still pretty much oppose the idea of you studying in Spain. It’s like stepping into a whole new world!
Hoa :
Huỳnh : We will talk about this another time. I have works to do but you’re not done with me.
Hoa :
TOPIC 5: You’re having a party. You’ve told your best friend three times now that it
started at 7 pm. It’s now 8 pm and she hasn’t shown up. Let her know how you feel.
Huỳnh : Hey. Where are you?
Hoa :
Huỳnh : Look, I don’t want to make a fuss but you were supposed to be at my house at 7 p.m. and it’s already 8. Do
you still want to come or not?
Hoa :
Huỳnh : You know what, there no need for you to come anymore. I have told you three times already that the party
start at 7 yet it’s now 8 and you still not here.
Hoa :
Huỳnh : Fine, but I have to make this clear. Even though we are best friend, you shouldn’t be like that.
Hoa :
Huỳnh : Like you always late to our date and then brush it off with a simple sorry. Do you even consider my
feelings? I have to wait for you for at least half an hour until you get there yet you don’t look apologetic at all.
Hoa :
Huỳnh : Now you know what I feel so please don’t be late again.
Hoa :
Huỳnh : Okay, fine. I believe you this time.
TOPIC 6: Both of you are at an environmental protest to reduce the use of plastic
package. What are some arguments you can make for the reduction of plastic?
Discuss this together.

Huỳnh : Plastics have damaged our planet a lot ever since it was created.
Hoa : Right, because it can’t be decomposed even after many years.
Huỳnh : There are evident that products which were made from plastics in the 70s still haven’t decomposed fully
Hoa : Oh my, that’s more than 50 years ago!
Huỳnh : I know, right? Some can even take up 100 years to decompose. And the fact that almost everything has
plastics in it makes it much worse.
Hoa : I can’t even imagine the consequence we have to face in the future.
Huỳnh : Well, there’s no need to imagine. Global warming, greenhouse effect and more are happening right now as
we’re talking.
Hoa : Moreover, not only it’s affecting the environment, it’s also harming the wildlife too.
Huỳnh : Yeah, many sea animals died with their stomach full of plastics which they mistook for foods.
Hoa : Poor them. Oh, I remember one thing.
Huỳnh : What is it?
Hoa : Since plastics takes a long time to decompose, they eventually break down into tiny pieces, smaller than 5
millimeters. Scientists have found it in salt, beer and sea food or human stools too.
Huỳnh : By the way, because we’ve been using overconsumed plastics, many companies begin to dump their trash
into the ocean.
Hoa : Haiz, this makes the situation which bad enough even worse.
Huỳnh : We should think of a better alternative to replace it with or we have to face the consequences of our own
Huỳnh: Nhựa đã làm hỏng hành tinh của chúng ta rất nhiều kể từ khi nó được tạo ra.
Hoa: Đúng vậy, vì nó không thể bị phân hủy sau nhiều năm.
Huỳnh: Rõ ràng là các sản phẩm làm từ nhựa trong những năm 70 vẫn chưa phân hủy hết.
Hoa: Ôi trời, đó là hơn 50 năm trước!
Huỳnh: Tôi biết, phải không? Một số thậm chí có thể mất 100 năm để phân hủy. Và thực tế là hầu hết mọi thứ đều có
nhựa trong đó khiến nó trở nên tồi tệ hơn nhiều.
Hoa: Tôi thậm chí không thể tưởng tượng được hậu quả mà chúng tôi phải đối mặt trong tương lai.
Huỳnh: Chà, không cần phải tưởng tượng. Hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu, hiệu ứng nhà kính và hơn thế nữa đang diễn ra
ngay khi chúng ta đang nói chuyện.
Hoa: Hơn nữa, nó không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến môi trường mà còn gây hại cho cả động vật hoang dã.
Huỳnh: Đúng vậy, nhiều loài động vật biển chết với cái bụng đầy nhựa mà chúng lầm tưởng là thức ăn.
Hoa: Tội nghiệp cho họ. Ồ, tôi nhớ một điều.
Huỳnh: Cái gì vậy?
Hoa: Vì nhựa mất nhiều thời gian để phân hủy, cuối cùng chúng sẽ phân hủy thành những mảnh nhỏ, nhỏ hơn 5 mm.
Các nhà khoa học đã tìm thấy nó trong muối, bia và thức ăn biển hoặc phân người.
Huỳnh: Nhân tiện, bởi vì chúng tôi đã sử dụng quá nhiều nhựa, nhiều công ty bắt đầu đổ rác ra biển.
Hoa: Haiz, điều này làm cho tình hình vốn đã tồi tệ lại càng trở nên tồi tệ hơn.
Huỳnh: Chúng ta nên nghĩ ra một giải pháp thay thế tốt hơn để thay thế nó, nếu không chúng ta phải đối mặt với hậu
quả do chính hành động của mình gây ra.

TOPIC 7: You are at an art critique and your friend’s artwork is being critiqued. Tell
them if you like it and why or why not. Discuss how he/she could improve it next

Huỳnh : Oh I heard that you have a new work, can I see it?
Hoa : Of course. Cuz I know you’re an art critique, I want to listen your opinion about it to improve my skills for
the next time.
Huỳnh : Okay, give me your artwork, please.
Hoa : How do you like it?
Huỳnh : Hmm.. I can see this is a small portrait of a young woman, shown from the center of the body upwards,
against a dark background. She is clasping her hands in front of her chest and looking up and slightly to the right of the
viewer. She wears a purple dress, ….
Hoa : So, what do you feel about it?
Huỳnh : Actually, I really like this picture, but there are a few points that I don't like very much.
Hoa : What points?
Huỳnh : First, we should talk about the use of color in the work, I see something wrong here.
Hoa : You mean the colors are in conflict?
Huỳnh : Yes, of course. I wonder if you could choose pink on her dress instead of purple.
Hoa : Okay, I think purple enhances her maturity, I'll think twice about your opinion.
Huỳnh : Second, you may see the use of light in your work, which is not true. The light in this work looks cool
instead of warm, I think warm is probably better in this picture, why did you choose cool light?
Hoa : Because I think it was in the night and she had many stormy thoughts in her head, at that time I thought her
heart was full of cold, so I chose a cool light to describe her mind.
Huỳnh : Good idea, so think about it later, the decision is yours
Hoa : Thank you for your comments. Wish you a good day.

Huỳnh: Ồ nghe nói bạn có tác phẩm mới, cho mình xem nhé?
Hoa: Tất nhiên. Vì tôi biết bạn là một nhà phê bình nghệ thuật, tôi muốn lắng nghe ý kiến của bạn về điều đó để cải
thiện kỹ năng của tôi cho lần sau.
Huỳnh: Được rồi, làm ơn cho tôi tác phẩm nghệ thuật của bạn.
Hoa: Bạn thích nó như thế nào?
Huỳnh: Hmm .. Tôi có thể thấy đây là một bức chân dung nhỏ của một phụ nữ trẻ, được thể hiện từ chính giữa cơ thể
trở lên, trên nền tối. Cô ấy đang chắp tay trước ngực và nhìn lên và hơi sang bên phải của người xem. Cô ấy mặc một
chiếc váy màu tím, ….
Hoa: Vậy bạn cảm thấy thế nào về nó?
Huỳnh: Thực ra thì mình rất thích bức ảnh này, nhưng có một vài điểm mà mình không thích lắm.
Hoa: Những điểm nào?
Huỳnh: Đầu tiên, chúng ta nên nói về việc sử dụng màu sắc trong tác phẩm, tôi thấy có gì đó không ổn ở đây.
Hoa: Ý bạn là màu sắc xung đột?
Huỳnh: Tất nhiên là có. Tôi tự hỏi nếu bạn có thể chọn màu hồng trên váy của cô ấy thay vì màu tím.
Hoa: Được rồi, tôi nghĩ màu tím nâng cao sự trưởng thành của cô ấy, tôi sẽ suy nghĩ kỹ lại ý kiến của bạn.
Huỳnh: Thứ hai, bạn có thể thấy việc sử dụng ánh sáng trong công việc của mình là không đúng. Ánh sáng trong tác
phẩm này trông mát mẻ thay vì ấm áp, tôi nghĩ ấm áp có lẽ tốt hơn trong bức tranh này, tại sao bạn lại chọn ánh sáng
mát mẻ?
Hoa: Vì tôi nghĩ trời đang đêm và trong đầu cô ấy có nhiều suy nghĩ bão táp, lúc đó tôi nghĩ tim cô ấy đầy lạnh lẽo nên
tôi chọn ánh sáng dịu mát để miêu tả nội tâm của cô ấy.
Huỳnh: Ý kiến hay đấy, nên nghĩ lại sau, quyết định là ở bạn
Hoa: Cảm ơn bạn đã đóng góp ý kiến. Chúc bạn một ngày tốt lành.
TOPIC 8: Tell your friend about how they could have done better regarding a
presentation that they delivered to the class.Nói với bạn bè của bạn về cách họ có thể
làm tốt hơn về bài thuyết trình mà họ đã trình bày trước lớp
Huỳnh : Hi Hoa, Could we talk about a presentation that you delivered to the class?
Hoa : yes, did I pass? I were very worried.
Huỳnh : Well, I’m not sure
Hoa :why? What’s wrong with it?
Huỳnh : Your presentation looks good and completely, but you have bit confident and speak fluently and a few other
Hoa : I see. What do I need to do it better.
Huỳnh : If I were you, I would practice before the presentation a lot
Hoa : I always do it
Huỳnh : And don't forget to make eye contact and choose an appropriately outfit
Hoa : ok I got it. I hpe that presentation won’t get low marks
Huỳnh : I hope so
Hoa : thank you
TOPIC 9: Your mutual friend just graduated from university and you are planning a
graduation party for him/her. Discuss how you are going to do this together.
Huỳnh : So, I heard that Ly just graduated, right?
Hoa : yeah. Her university just made a graduation ceremony for students yessterday.
Huỳnh : Since she’d just graduated, should we do something for her?
Hoa : definitely, she loves to have fun so the best way to celebrate a graduation is to thrown party
Huỳnh : That’s sound nice! I like it. But keep it simple or make it extra?
Hoa : extra, of course. You know her personalities.
Huỳnh : Thought we would do something new for her but okay. We need to pick a restaurant first
Hoa : right. I haven’t thought of one yet. Do have recomend?
Huỳnh : She’s quite interested in those fancy restaurant these day so I would recommend that.
Hoa : but those are pricey
Huỳnh : I know. But I also know that this is the last time she graduates. She’s not going to study higher.
Hoa : oh then we should add a gift or stuff.
Huỳnh : I think I will buy her earring. She said she needed some jewelry to go with her new outfit.
Hoa : do you think st from PNJ suit her?
Huỳnh : I think so, most of their products have a really feminine touch that Ly likes
Hoa : decide that. gbye
Huỳnh : Bye

TOPIC 10: Your conversation partner just landed their dream job. Ask him or her the
secret for that.
Huỳnh : Someone told me that you just got your dream jobs. Congratulations!
Hoa : aww thank you
Huỳnh : Can you tell me how you make it?
Hoa : of course. The first step is make your goals clear. Articulate your goals and develop the plan to get there
Huỳnh : Okay but I want to know more details about it.
Hoa : first, imagine where you want to be in the future.
Huỳnh : So, I need to figure where I want to be in the future first?
Hoa : well, that the way I do it. The second step is research carefully about the organization and the position you
want to work
Huỳnh : I see.
Hoa : The last step is make a list of what you need to do after you identify all of that and approach them one by
Huỳnh : Sound easy but doesn’t seem easy at all, huh? Many of my friends struggle at that part a lot, they can’t figure
out what they want to do. Any more tips?
Hoa : You should ask the employee where you want to work at for some tips. You can find them on Facebook
Huỳnh : Wow! Thank you for your sharing. I’ve never heard about these things before
Hoa : No problem. Good bye, see you later

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