Answer Format Eng 2nd Paper

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Answer to the Ques No: 1

(a) at
(b) of
(c) as
(d) by
(e) For
(f) on
(g) over
(h) with
(i) over
(j) to
Answer to the Ques No: 2

(a) Have to
(b) would rather
(c) as if
(d) let alone
(e) There
(f) It
(g) What does----look like
(h) What’s it like
(i) As soon as
(j) What if
Answer to the Ques No: 3

3.a) If people drive slowly, the number of road accident

will reduce.
b)Do you know when the train will come?
c) It is high time we called the police.
d) No sooner had we reached at the station than the train
e) We eat so that we can live.
f) He studied hard lest he should fail in the examination.
g) We should come forward with a view to removing all
those problems.
h) There is a proverb: "Actions speak louder than words."
i) As the old mariner killed the albatross without any
reason, he was punished for his crime.
j) He behaved as though he had been insane.
Answer to the Ques No: 4

a) starting
b) seeking
c) look
d) to earn
e) are
f) will have to cry
g) has to decide
h) will hire
i) will make
j) fitting
k)l ead
l) earns
m) adopting
n) keeping
Answer to the Ques No: 5

Drawing the attention of his master, John asked him (M) if

he (J) could ask him (M) a question. The master readily
replied that he (J) could surely ask him (M) a question. John
said that he had been absent from work the previous day and
could not do the due task. John’s master told him (J) not to
mind and advised him (J) to do it that day and not to ever
remain absent unnecessarily. John respectfully thanked the
master. The master told John that he (J) was welcome. Then
John told his master in a happy tone that the work seemed to
him (J) very easy. He requested his (J) master not to worry
and told him (M) that he would complete it by noon. The
master told him(J) that he (M) knew that he (J) was very
efficient in his (J) work. Then John politely told his (J)
master that he (J) would remain graceful to him(M) for his
kind help.
Answer to the Ques No: 6

a) birth
b) independently/freely
c) colonial
d) for nearly two hundred years
e) strictly
f) the/any
g) living
h) untold
i) oppressed
j) ruling
Answer to the Ques No: 7

a) In fact
b) Truly speaking
c) However
d) Firstly
e) Secondly
f) Thirdly
g) So
h) However
i) Moreover
j) In addition
k) because
l) Apart from these
m) Above all
n) Thus
Answer to the Ques No: 8

SL Word Synonym Antonym

a. popular famous ---
b. mode way ---
c. reduce --- increase
d. consumption use ---
e. improve --- degrade
f. efficiency effectiveness ---
g. cheaper --- costlier
h. greatly --- insignificantly
i. flourish prosper ---
j. afford manage ---
k. reason cause ---
l. many --- few
m. enough insufficient
n. rural --- urban
Answer to the Ques No: 9

But she assured me. “I never eat anything for luncheon,” she
“Oh, don’t say that!” I answered generously.
“I never eat more than one thing. I think people eat far too
much nowadays. A little fish, perhaps. I wonder if they have
any salmon.”
Well, it was early in the year for salmon and it was not on
the menu, but I asked the waiter if there was any. Yes, a
beautiful salmon had just come in; it was the first they had
had. I ordered it for my guest. The waiter asked her if she
would have something while it was being cooked.
Answer to the Ques No: 10

From :
To :
Subject : Complaint About Faulty Juice Blender Machine
Date : 13 June, 2023, Tuesday, 12:05pm

Dear Sir,
I recently purchased to the
a juice blender Quesfrom
machine No:Marvel
11 Electronics (dated: 05 June,
2023), but I am disappointed to inform you that it is faulty. The blender frequently
stops working during use and fails to blend the ingredients properly.

As a Significance
loyal customer,of the 7th
I kindly March
request Speech in
your assistance ofresolving
this issue. I would
appreciate it if you could arrange for a technician to inspect the blender and provide a
The 7th March
suitable speech
solution, suchofasBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, delivered in
repair or replacement.
1971, stands as a pivotal moment in the history of Bangladesh, inspiring and
uniting the Bengali
I have attached people
a copy of theinpurchase
their quest
your reference.and self-forward to
I look
determination. Bangabandhu,
your prompt attention who isand
to this matter widely regardedresolution.
a satisfactory as the father of the
nation, made this speech at a critical time when the Bengali people were
Thank youforintheir rights
advance forand independence
your cooperation.from West Pakistan. His words
not only inspired the Bengali masses but also served as a turning point in the
country's journey towards freedom and self-determination. The speech was
delivered at the Race Course Ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka, in
Anisur Rahman,
a massive crowd of Bengali people who had gathered to hear
Bangabandhu's message. In his speech, Bangabandhu called for resistance
against the West Pakistani government, which had been oppressing the
Bengali photocopies
people for manyof purchase
years. Hereceipt
talked& warranty
about how card Bengalis had been
treated unfairly for a long time because of their language, culture, and lack of
economic opportunities. This made many Bengalis feel angry and frustrated.
Answer to the Ques No: 10

09 August 2023

The Mayor,
Dhaka South City Corporation

With due respect, I am writing to you as a concerned resident
of Zigatola, Dhanmondi Thana, under Dhaka South City
Corporation regarding a serious issue.

We, the residents of Zigatola, have been facing a consistent

and distressing problem of insufficient water supply by
WASA in our area. Despite multiple complaints, the
situation hasn't improved. Adequate water supply is crucial
for our daily lives, and we hope for swift action to resolve
this issue.

I , therefore, hope that you will take immediate actions to

solve the water supply problem in Zigatola area.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Sincerely yours,
Md Zala Mia,
15-B, Haji Afsar Uddin Lane, Zigatola
On behalf of the residents of Zigatola
Answer to the Ques No: 10

03 August 2023

The Upazila Nirbahi Officer

Doarabazar Upazila, Sunamgonj District

Subject: Urgent Relief for Flood-Affected Residents in

Doarabazar Upazila

With due respect, I want to let you know about the tough
situation the flood-affected people in Doarabazar Upazila
are going through. Because of heavy rain and water coming
from higher areas, our place is flooded. This is causing a lot
of damage to homes, crops, and buildings.

Therefore, we kindly request your immediate intervention to

provide essential relief measures for the affected population.
These include urgent distribution of food, clean drinking
water, establishment of temporary shelters, medical
assistance, damage assessment for compensation, and
deployment of rescue teams.

Sincerely yours,
Al-Amin Talukder,
On behalf of the inhabitants of Doarabazar Upazila
Answer to the Ques No: 11

The Significance of the 7th March Speech

The 7th March speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur

Rahman, delivered in 1971, is a landmark moment in the
history of Bangladesh. Bangabandhu, who is widely
regarded as the father of the nation, made this speech at a
critical time when the Bengali people were struggling for
their rights and independence from West Pakistan. His
words not only inspired the Bengali masses but also served
as a turning point in the country's journey towards freedom
and self-determination. The speech was delivered at the
Race Course Ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka, in
front of a massive crowd of Bengali people who had
gathered to hear Bangabandhu's message. In his speech,
Bangabandhu called for resistance against the West
Pakistani government, which had been oppressing the
Bengali people for many years. He talked about how
Bengalis had been treated unfairly for a long time because of
their language, culture, and lack of economic opportunities.
This made many Bengalis feel angry and frustrated. He
emphasized that the Bengali people had the right to
determine their own destiny and that independence was the
only solution to their suffering. His words inspired the
independence movement and united the people in their
struggle for freedom. In the months that followed the speech,
the Bengali people rose up against the West Pakistani
government, and a sanguinary war broke out. The war lasted
nine months, and resulted in the creation of Bangladesh on
16 December 1971. The people of Bangladeshi honour and
commemorate the 7th March Speech of Bangabandhu as a
source of national pride and inspiration to proactively pursue
their goals. The historic 7th March Speech of Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is widely regarded as one of the
most defining moments in the history of Bangladesh. The
speech still inspires and encourages the Bangladeshis today,
showing that words can change the world. Bangabandhu's
legacy and his speech will keep making the Bangladeshis
proud and inspired for a long time.
Answer to the Ques No: 11

Smart Bangladesh
The Smart Bangladesh Vision 2041 is about more than just
technology - it's about making Bangladesh a better place for
everyone. It has four parts: Smart Citizens, Smart
Government, Smart Economy, and Smart Society. Smart
Bangladesh is the next big step after Digital Bangladesh, and
it aims to create a prosperous and advanced Bangladesh, like
the one Bangabandhu dreamed of. The Smart Bangladesh
initiative is a plan by the ruling government of Bangladesh
to transform the country into a more technologically
advanced and innovative nation. The government aims to
create a more efficient, sustainable, and prosperous society
by focusing on the development of smart cities, digital
infrastructure, innovation and entrepreneurship, education
and skills development, and sustainable development. The
initiative is centered around the development of smart cities,
with modern infrastructure and advanced technology to
enhance the quality of life for inhabitants. The government
is investing significantly in digital infrastructure,
particularly in enhancing the high-speed internet and mobile
connectivity, to improve communication and drive growth
of digital entrepreneurship and e-commerce. The promotion
of innovation and entrepreneurship is another objective, with
numerous innovation centers and incubators established
throughout the country. These centers aim to help
entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses by
providing resources such as funding and mentorship. The
government is also investing in new educational programs
and initiatives that promote STEM (STEM stands for
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
education to equip the next generation with the skills and
knowledge necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing
world. Additionally, sustainable development and
environmental conservation are priorities, with investments
in renewable energy sources and sustainable practices in
agriculture and other industries. The government hopes these
efforts will create a more sustainable and resilient society
capable of thriving despite environmental challenges. By
investing in the right policies and programs, Bangladesh
could become a leading nation in the technology and
innovation sector, driving economic growth and improving
the quality of life for its citizens.
Answer to the Ques No: 11

Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is an infectious tropical disease that is caused
by a virus carried by mosquitoes. The word “dengue” is
derived from the Swahili phrase Ka-dinga pepo, meaning
“cramp-like seizure”. The first clinically recognized dengue
epidemics occurred almost simultaneously in Asia, Africa,
and North America in the 1780s. Dengue is a viral infection
transmitted to humans through the bite of infected
mosquitoes. The primary vectors that transmit the disease
are Aedes mosquitoes. The virus responsible for causing
dengue, is called dengue virus (DENV). Dengue fever is not
contagious, so it can't spread directly from person to person.
A person with dengue fever may notice: high fever, pain
behind the eyes and in the joints, muscles, and bones, severe
headache, rash, bleeding from the nose or gums, bruises etc.
Some people can get a more serious form of the infection
called dengue hemorrhagic fever. If dengue hemorrhagic
fever is not treated right away, a person can have heavy
bleeding and a drop in blood pressure, and could even die.
People with dengue hemorrhagic fever need to be treated in
a medical facility immediately. For mild cases of dengue
fever, doctors usually recommend drinking plenty of fluids
to avoid dehydration, getting lots of rest, and taking pain
killer to relieve the fever and pain. People with dengue
shouldn't take medicines with aspirin which can make
bleeding more likely. The best way to protect oneself from
dengue fever is by avoiding mosquito bites and destroying
the breeding places of Aedes mosquitoes. Moreover, one
should take precautions when visiting tropical and
subtropical areas because the infection is common there. A
dengue vaccine is recommended in some states for kids and
teens who have already had dengue fever.

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