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Author’s name: Welsi Haslina, Afrini Rahmi, Ulfatmi Azlan.

“Title: Anies Baswedan’s 2024

Candidacy Presidencial Declaration: Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis.” Jurnal
Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. 9 no. 2 (2023): 286-300.
DOI: 10.22202/jg.v9i2.7381

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Volume 9 Issue 2, 2023 (286-300)
P-ISSN: 2442-8485, E-ISSN: 2460-6316
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Anies Baswedan’s 2024 Candidacy Presidential

Declaration: Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse

Deklarasi Capres 2024 Anies Baswedan: Analisis Wacana

Kritis Norman Fairclough
Welsi Haslina1, Afrini Rahmi2, Ulfatmi Azlan3
Politeknik Negeri Padang, Indonesia. E-mail:
Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. E-mail:
Aberdeen University, Scotland. E-mail:

Abstract: Discourse is a unit of language based on words used to communicate in social contexts.
Therefore, it can be said that language plays an effective role in every aspect of life, including politics.
This study aims to analyze the linguistic tactics employed by Anies Baswedan in portraying himself as a
prospective candidate for the 2024 presidential election. It is descriptive qualitative research using the
Norman Fairclough model of critical discourse analysis. The results showed that Anies Baswedan
employed linguistic strategies in his presidential declaration speech that align with Fairclough's
discourse dimensions. Specifically, the text dimension of Baswedan's speech demonstrates a proclivity
towards utilizing refined synonyms to convey critical sentiments and utilizing active sentence structures
to clarify actions. Regarding the dimensions of his discourse practice, the electability of his supporting
parties and his political career experience, as well as his vision and mission were utilized. Anies'
declaration of political speech was delivered when the integrity of the government was less stable, so
the political discourse conveyed was expected to be a solution to the problems faced by the community.
Keywords: declaration, critical discourse analysis

Abstrak: Wacana merupakan satuan bahasa berdasarkan kata yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi
dalam konteks sosial. Oleh karena itu, tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi bahwa bahasa adalah alat yang efektif
dalam segala aspek kehidupan termasuk dalam panggung politik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguraikan
stratefi linguistic yang digunakan Anies Baswedan dalam merepresentasikan dirinya sebagai calon
presiden 2024. Penelitian ini merupakan penlitian kualitatif deskripstif dengan menggunakan model
analisis wacana kritis model Norman Fariclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi linguistik
yang digunakan Anies Baswedan dalam pidato deklasi capresnya menurut dimensi wacana Fairclough.
Dimensi teks dalam pidato Anies Baswedan menunjukkan kecenderungan Anies Bawedan menggunakan
diksi dengan sinonim yang lebih halus untuk menggambarkan kritik dan menggunakan kalimat aktif
untuk menjelaskan tindakan. Dimensi praktik wacana yang dimanfaatkan Anies Baswedan adalah
elektabilitas partai pendukungnya dan pengalaman karir politiknya, serta visi misinya. Pidato politik
deklarasi Anies disampaikan ketika eletabklitas pemerintahan kurang stabil sehingga wacana politik yang
disampaikan diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat.
Kata kunci: deklarasi, analisis wacana kritis

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9(2): 286-300

1. Introduction
In 2024, Indonesia will hold a presidential election. The candidate who has caught the
attention of the public and received an election sequence number is Anies Basswedan.
The name of Anies Basswedan itself in the political scene of the country has been
familiar. Since 2013, Anies Baswedan has participated in the Democratic Party
presidential exchange convention and became one of the supporters of President Joko
Widodo's victory in 2014. When President Joko Widodo was elected, Anies Baswedan
himself had served in several government positions including the position of Minister
of Education and Culture from 2014 to 2016, and as Governor of Special Capital Region
of Jakarta from 2017 to 2022. On October 3, 2022, Anies Baswedan officially released
his presidential candidacy speech for the 2024 election.

In politics, effective communication has a positive impact on the evolution of the

political world. In this regard, the delivery and strategy of political communication are
crucial. Political communication strategies are needed to channel political issues
through communication to be free from matters and accomplish the desired political
objectives. Therefore, the influence of language cannot be released, especially during
election campaigns when political speeches are delivered. During political speeches of
regional election campaigns, the use of political registers is visible, or political
speeches during election campaigns clearly use the language of political registers or
special words in politics. Pragmatic studies indicate that the language of political
speech carries numerous implications beyond the promises made to the audience.
When linked to ideology, language can be a means for self-image and has power in the
political field. Thus, when politicians aim to challenge their rivals' ideology, they
employ critical language to undermine them.

In terms of speeches, especially in political speeches, a political party figure carries out
the duties and carries out the functions of his party. The use of language in political
speech is also influential in carrying out its function because language is not neutral
and depends on the speaker or conveyor. Public perceptions and opinions about the
role of political parties in fulfilling their functions are primarily shaped by the language
used in speeches and political orations (Ayuningtias & Hartanto, 2014; Aziz & Nasution,
2022; Hamidi, 2004; Hardianto et al., 2017; Luhukay, 2007; Mustofa et al., 2021; Rahman &
Hamdani, 2023; Sutrisno & Wiendijarti, 2014).

Form of words addressed to many people or can also be interpreted as discourse

prepared to be expressed in front of audiences. Speech is also called discourse when
speech is seen as a form of communication media informing or explaining something,
offering vision, mission, and programs, influencing, and persuading the public to side
with the speaker. The speech can be in the form of oral or written discourse. In other
words, discourse is a set of utterances or writings that contain beliefs and values.
These beliefs build a worldview, management, or representation of experiences that
are often referred to as ideologies. Therefore, different discourses will produce
different representations (Fauzan, 2014; Helena et al., 2021).

P-ISSN: 2442-8485, E-ISSN: 2460-6316

In the study of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), language is not something

autonomous, neutral, or value-free in representing reality. On the contrary, language is
inseparable from social phenomena and is often employed as a means to exercise
power. Thus, in CDA language is not only analyzed to linguistic structure and syntax but
also examines the social context surrounding language usage. Language is used
effectively by social groups to control other social groups. It can be considered that
language allows individuals to shape and manage their experiences of social reality
(Badara, 2013; Fairclough, 1989, 1995; Martono, 2012).

Research on an oral discourse of political speech was conducted by Sofa (2018) on the
representation of social situations and ideological construction of Anies Baswedan
when he was inaugurated as Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta for the
year 2017-2022. The findings indicate that Anies Baswedan's speech reflected a social
climate of criticism and emphasized issues of justice, welfare, colonialism,
indigenousness, and independence. This ideology is also the rationale for using the
language in his speech as an attempt to form an image of a 'governor’ who will act in
the interests of the people and improve their situation.

Further research was conducted by Nur (2017) who analyzed the language, ideology,
and power in the victory speech of Anies Baswedan, the elected governor of the
Special Capital Region of Jakarta, applying the CDA point of view. The results showed
that the ideology in Anies’s speech was delivered in a very clear language media and
was influenced by his authority or the power he had as an elected governor which
could cause a good mindset towards his forethought.

Anies Baswedan made many speeches when he held various strategic positions in the
government. It seems that he wants to convey many things through the language in
different packaging. In speeches, an effective communicator does not merely create
and deliver messages based on their desire but rather constructs them in a structured
manner that's influenced by their strategic vision and mission while persuading their
audience. Communicators tend to use message packaging techniques. Every word put
forward by a public figure, let alone a political figure, is considered loaded with
political content. As stated by Nimmo (2005), the use of discourse is common in this
political world, even becoming a tradition. Political actors frequently engage in
discourse when discussing politics. They convey that political ideology also creates
public opinion in order to achieve political benefits to be achieved, such as position,
power, and material. This is reaffirmed by Darma (2013: 92) that the language used by
government figures and political figures functions to move people to have certain
ideologies. This method is in line with what was stated by Octavian (2006: 72) that the
way of expressing actors' language has an informative function, namely exchanging
ideas, disseminating knowledge, and passing on culture and directives, namely
influencing interlocutors or other groups of speakers.

In state life, language is crucial for disseminating information through state speeches,
discourses in mass media, electronics, and even internet social media The spoken
discourse can be analyzed using a critical discourse analysis approach, a
comprehensive approach to examining language. Critical discourse analysis has several

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9(2): 286-300

characteristics, namely (a) action, (b) context, (c) historical, (d) power, and (e) ideology.
Therefore, it is ensured that every discourse, including speech discourse, has these five
characteristics. In this regard, this study will try to examine Anies Baswedan's ability to
frame his ideology using the choice of words conveyed when giving a speech. The
speech delivered by Anies Baswedan was such a commitment to his willingness to
serve as the country's leader. Thus, this study contributes to the collection of political
discourse phenomena within critical discourse analysis that demonstrate how social
situations are represented and constructed through ideology in speeches given by
aspiring state leaders. The phenomenon of using language in Anies Baswedan's
political speech during his announcement as a 2024 presidential candidate, utilizing
CDA Norman Fairclough's model.

2. Method
This study was a form of descriptive-qualitative research using a critical discourse
analysis approach Basrowi (2008). The data was obtained from the text of Anies
Baswedan's political speech during the declaration of the 2024 presidential candidate
in Padang, on October 3, 2022. Here, the data taken was limited to materials that
contained depictions of Indonesia's social conditions. Whereas for the data analysis
method used was an analytical approach that had been tailored to align with
Fairclough's perspective on critical discourse analysis.

Data was collected through recording techniques and analyzed using Fairclough's AWK
model framework to extract the texts and obtain a clear representation of
relationships and identity. The results of this analysis were intended to enhance
readers’ knowledge and increase their media literacy, thereby becoming epistemically
knowledgeable. Triangulation techniques were employed to validate this study
through the researchers' diligent observations.

In Fairclough's view, the analysis process comprises three stages: description,

interpretation, and explanation. The description stage involves delineating the content
of the discourse and carrying out a descriptive analysis of it. This stage is confined to
analyzing the vocabulary, grammar, and structure of the text. The interpretation stage
is by interpreting the text that relates to the discourse practice carried out. The final
stage, known as the explanation stage aims to find an explanation for the results of
interpretation obtained at the interpretation stage to find the reason why the text was
produced. (Basrowi, 2008; Miles, 2014).

3. Anies Baswedan in 2024 Presidential Candidate Declaration

Anies Baswedan's political speech, the object of this study was taken from the
declaration speech that declared him as a presidential candidate for 2024, supported
by various political parties. The 6.54-minute political speech was delivered at Nasdem
Tower in Jakarta on October 3, 2022. This study analyzed Anies Baswedan's linguistic
strategy in political speeches by applying Norman Fairclough's model to assess the
presidential candidate declarations.

P-ISSN: 2442-8485, E-ISSN: 2460-6316

Fairclough divides discourse analysis into three dimensions: text, discourse practice,
and sociocultural practice (Fairclough, 1989, 1995). The analytical framework
developed by Fairclough consists of text analysis, analysis of discourse practices in the
form of text production and consumption, and analysis of socio-cultural practices. The
developed methods involve linguistically describing texts, interpreting the relationship
between the enlargement processes in the production and consumption of texts and
their texts, as well as explaining the correlation between these discursive processes
and social processes. (Burhan, 2017; Fairclough, 1989, 1995; Fauzan, 2014; Munfarida, 2014;
Siswanto & Febriana, 2017).

3.1. Textual

The text has been linguistically analyzed with a focus on coherence and grammar,
taking into consideration transitivity, modalities, and aspects. The coherence consists
of pronominal and conjunction. In addition, it also considers the lexical (keywords)
contained in the text.

3.1. 1. Grammar
A. Transitivities

In his political declaration speech, Anies Baswedan used a lot of transitive active voice
as seen in the following data.

In his political speech, Anies Baswedan used frequently active clauses with first-person
pronouns using my diction (Anies Baswedan), we (Anies Baswedan and his confidants),
and us (Anies Baswedan and party members) as actors who perform actions or actions
in the embedded predicate fillers. Furthermore, the verb classes used indicate the
action form and active attitude describing Anies Baswedan's character as someone
who can act quickly on a problem (Fadila et al., 2023). The words Anies Baswedan used
in his political speeches reflect the way he behaves in every action.The diction of
berkumpul, membuat, mencita-citakan, menjadikan, and menyaksikan are a transitive
active verb form that refer to the action (Fadila et al., 2023; Katolik Widya Mandala
Madiun, n.d.; Sholekha, 2021).

B. Modality

Language modalities, as used in speech expression, are attitudes and beliefs. Modality
is the speaker's demeanor and assurance toward his or her audience. There are many
ways to express the speaker's speech, including by utilizing nouns, adverbs, or
modality auxiliary words. An adverb in a sentence that expresses a speaker's attitude
toward the subject under discussion is known as a modality. Modality in the
Indonesian language is a speaker's linguistic response to a variety of topics. This
response pertains to the speaker's trust and behavior regarding the topics they discuss.
Modality is a method used to evaluate a speaker's level of authority (Aisyah, 2019;
Faradi, 2015).

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9(2): 286-300

In his political speech, Anies Basweedan referred to deontic modalities and epistemic
modalities. Deontic modalities denote requests for permission while epistemic
modalities are modalities that explain feelings of certainty, possibility, and necessity
(Faradi, 2015; Santoso, 2008; Wijana, 2015). The word izin was chosen by Anies
Baswedan as the deontic modality that he used in his speech when he wanted to do
something during his political speech. Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan utilized the word
bisa, which connotes a potential desire or possibility, The epistemic modality was used
by Anies Baswedan when conveying his hopes and wishes to join the Nasdem party. An
expression that combines the elements of possibility, predictability, necessity, and
certainty is considered to have an epistemic modality. In his declaration speech, Anies
Baswedan mentioned the following epistemic modalities several times.

1. “Kami yang penuh dengan yang tadi kami sampaikan. Kita semua tidak ada yang
sempurna. Kami semua memiliki ketidaksempurnaan tapi kita akan jalan bersama,
kita saling mengisi, saling menopang dan InsyaAllah menjadi keutuhan kekuatan
yang bisa menggerakkan perubahan di negeri ini”
2. “…bersiap untuk melaksanakan apa yang diamanahkan oleh partai Nasdem
sebagai bagian dari tanggung jawab kita untuk negeri ini dan InsyaAllah niat baik
keinginan luhur yang menjadi cita-cita kita akan bisa tercapai…”

The statement above uses the modality "can" to express a possibility. The statement
does not objectively convey truth but rather reflects the speaker's subjective attitude.
The statement implies that with good cooperation, even big and difficult tasks can be

In addition to epistemic modalities, Anies Baswedan also uses deontic modalities.

Deontic modality includes expression with elements of permission and command. Here
is an instance of using deontic modalities in the declaration made by the 2024
presidential candidate; Anies Baswedan.

1. ““Izinkan kami menuntaskan yang di Jakarta sampai dengan tuntasnya

tanggung jawab yang diamanahkan oleh rakyat Jakarta”.

In the example above, Anies Baswedan's statement indicates deontic modality through
the use of the word izinkan. This word is a request for permission from the readers to
do something. The use of deontic modality by Anies Baswedan reflects the speaker's
attitude towards the topic at hand. Specifically, in the given example, the deontic
modality is expressed through the term "allow". The use of deontic modality in Anies
Baswedan's declaration speech indicates that Anies Baswedan made a request.

C. Aspect

Aspect refers to information that explains the timing of an event or occurrence,

whether ongoing or already underway. During a political speech in 2024 by
presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, he employed both the repetitive and
perspective aspects to emphasize important information. The following are examples
of how he used repetitive and perspective information in his speech.

P-ISSN: 2442-8485, E-ISSN: 2460-6316

1. “Pesan itu Saya pegang terus, pesan itu Saya ingat terus, pesan itu Saya bawa
terus, sejak dibacakan saat itu”.
2. “…hari ini Izinkan saya menyampaikan bahwa Bang Surya Paloh telah
melaksanakan secara konsisten menjadi teladan bagi kita semua dalam

Anies Bawedan's declaration speech used the word since and has been, which shows
commitment and consistency of attitude. "has been" are utilized to describe elapsed
time. The use of "since" in the statement "since it was read then" indicates a long-
standing action. In this regard, the statement demonstrates that Anies Baswedan
adheres to principles that are believed to guide the political manifestation of the
Nasdem party.

3.1.2 Coherence

Coherence refers to the connection and integration between words or sentences

within a text. It involves the strategic use of discourse to explain facts or events,
showing how they are related to each other or establishing cause-and-effect
relationships. Coherence in writing is evaluated by analyzing the selection of pronouns
and conjunctions.

A. Pronoun

Pronouns indicate a speaker's position in discourse. They serve to support or eliminate

opposition. Pronouns are utilized to enhance clarity and objectivity.

1. “Hari ini izinkan saya menyampaikan bahwa Bang Surya Paloh telah melaksanakan
secara konsisten menjadi teladan baik bagi kita semua dalam kebenaran.
Keberanian untuk konsisten. Konsisten membutuhkan keberanian. Konsisten
membutuhkan kesolitan pikiran antara apa yang ada di dalam gagasan. Apa yang
ada dalam hati. Dan apa yang ada dalam tindakan. Hari-hari ini kita menyaksikan

The choice of the words saya and kami in his political speech illustrates that Anies
Baswedan is a careful person in choosing identical words. The use of saya and kami
diction chosen as the opening speech is a type of identical diction that refers to
singular person diction. The word saya is a personae diction for the first-person
singular and kami is a personae diction for the first-person plural. Anies Baswedan
used the singular personae diction and kami in his gree\ting to give a personal
interpretation of the appreciation conveyed by the speaker to the intended audience
The pronoun kami was used to convey a personal interpretation, while "we" involved
the speaker and all listeners in the appreciation. Anies Baswedan's precise selection of
words is evident in his use of these pronouns.

In certain political speech excerpts, Anies Baswedan frequently employed both the
first-person singular and plural pronouns. The interchangeable use of singular and
plural pronouns conveys a sense of closeness with the listener. The usage of first-

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9(2): 286-300

person pronouns when greeting also suggests a direct involvement in the conversation
as opposed to second or third-person pronouns. First and second-person pronouns
pertain to individuals involved in communication events, while third-person pronouns
refer to those outside the speaker. Emotional meaning can arise because individuals
external to the conversation may not comprehensively grasp the intentions and
purposes communicated. Anies Baswedan uses first-person singular and plural
pronouns to establish an emotional connection with the audience during the activity.

B. Conjunction

Studying conjunctions is a crucial element in understanding sentence structures and

their meanings. Conjunctions play a significant role in linking words together to create
a coherent sentence. In his political speeches, Anies Baswedan used the conjunction
dan, maka, yang, dengan, untuk, maka, and karena itu.

1. “Keberanian untuk konsisten konsistensi membutuhkan keberanian konsistensi

membutuhkan sebuah kesolitan pikiran antara apa yang ada di dalam Gagasan apa
yang dalam hati dan apa yang ada di dalam tindakan hari-hari ini kita menyaksikan
2. “Karena itu, Ketika Bang Surya dan teman-teman di Nasdem mengajak kami untuk
berdampingan, untuk berjalan bersama, untuk meneruskan pembangunan di
republik ini, untuk memperbaiki yang kurang, untuk menuntaskan yang belum,
maka dengan memohon ridho Allah Swt., dengan memohon petunjuk dari Nya dan
dengan seluruh kerendahan hati Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim kami terima dan
bersiap untuk menjawab tantangan ini kami terima dan bersiap untuk menjawab
tantangan ini”

The use of conjunctions dan, untuk, dengan, yang, and maka to elaborate information
in sentences and reinforce the flow of information conveyed. Cause-consequence
conjunction is used to explain why Anies Baswedan agreed to become the 2024
presidential candidate. Anies Baswedan's declaration speech used many coordinating
conjunctions. The conjunction “and” is frequently used in his statement as a way to
add information. In the example above, the word “and” is used to give additional
information. In the quoted example (1), the conjunction "and" conveys the parties that
received a respectful greeting during the opening speech. The use of conjunctions and
quotations in (1) indicates that Anies Baswedan greeted all individuals present in the
room without exception.

The following subordinating conjunctions, 'which,' 'for,' and 'with,' are present in the
sentence is the function of subordinative conjunctions that, for, and within quotations
(1,2,3,4) is to explain the purpose and intention of the events described in the
sentence. Whereas, the conditional subordinative conjunction 'therefore' in quotation
(4) is a conditional statement describing the reason Anies Bswedan joined the Nasdem

P-ISSN: 2442-8485, E-ISSN: 2460-6316

C. Relationships

In addition to grammatical and coherence dimensions, the text dimension is also

related to relationships and identities. The relational dimension focuses on the choices
of words used in the text that played a role and contributed to the creation of social
relations among participants. In his declaration speech, Anies Baswedan formed a
relationship with the emotional closeness of listeners. This can be seen from the
chosen words and “ours” as a form of appreciation for participants' presence in their
speeches. The chosen words that have more subtle but firm synonyms were widely
used when he conveyed his goals and desires to become a 2024 presidential candidate.
Anies Baswedan's statement had a goal of accepting the Party's invitation to
collaborate with the 2024 presidential candidate with Nasdem Party represented by
the diction: “side by side, walking, together, continuing, improving, and finishing”.
Diction side by side had the meaning of being together. Walking diction means moving
towards the point. Shared diction means an accompaniment. The side-by-side, walking,
and joint diction refers to Anies Baswedan's willingness to join the Nasdem Party in the
2024 presidential election. Meanwhile, the diction continues, improves, and completes
refers to the vision and mission that Anies Baswedan wanted to do when he decided to
join the Nasdem Party.

When referring to its denotative meaning, the diction of continuing means Extending,
the diction of correcting, means to be better, and the diction of completing means
solving all things that have not been done anymore. In addition, the statement, Anies
Baswedan also affirmed his ability and readiness to implement the vision and mission
that will be realized when he decided to join the coalition. This offense and readiness
are represented by acceptance, preparation, and challenge dictions. Acceptable diction
means welcome, prepared diction means willing to face circumstances, and challenge
diction means faced the overcome. One statement that shows Anies Baswedan's
attitude is to establish good relations with the party he follows.

1. “Yang saya hormati yang kami banggakan yang kami teladani Bapak Surya Paloh
Ketua Umum Partai Nasional Demokrat. Yang saya hormati yang saya banggakan
seluruh keluarga besar Partai Nasional Demokrat dan seluruh hadirin sekalian yang
saya hormati dan teman-teman media yang saya hormati”
2. “…sesudah itu kita langsung bersiap membangun kolaborasi yang solid”.

The use of respect, pride, and exemplary diction is a word of praise directed to others.
In his declaration speech, Anies Baswedan used diction to praise the participants and
then build good relationships with the participants who attended the activity. In
addition, the use of the word kita shows that Anies Baswedan invites participation or
involves participants to realize the vision and mission design conveyed.

C. Identity

The identity dimensions are related to how both the audience's and participant’s
identities are presented and portrayed in the text. In his declaration speech, Anies
Baswedan framed himself as a wise man with strong religious obedience and side. In

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9(2): 286-300

excerpts of his speech, Anies Baswedan used invoked diction and hints to show his
religious side. Invoking diction in this statement refers to asking respectfully. Invoking
diction has a more subtle meaning than other synonyms, where invoking diction shows
respect from lower to higher. In this case. The diction of pleading used by Anies
Baswedan in his speech shows a servant's request for his wish to be granted by the
Creator. The diction of the instructions above quotation also refers to the meaning of
guidance. This diction is a form of petition that Anies Baswedan as a human being who
expects guidance while doing a kind of thing. It can be seen in the following quotes.

1. ““Bismillahirrahmanirrahim kami terima dan bersiap untuk menjawab tantangan


To emphasize his religious side, Anies Baswedan used basmallah in starting his
statement of willingness. In Islam, the greeting of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim is recited
when starting every activity. This saying is always used by Muslims in the hope that
everything that is done always gets Mercy from Allah SWT. Anies Baswedan uses a lot
of diction that contains religious elements. This religious diction is used by Anies
Baswedan to show his religious side as a religious person. In his political speeches,
Anies Baswedan several times used diction that contained religious values to show the
spiritual side he upheld.

3.2. Discourse Practice

Discourse practice (analysis of discourse practice/interpretation) is a dimension related

to the process of production and consumption of texts. The text is formed through a
discourse practice, which determines how the text is produced. The process of text
consumption also be different in different social contexts. The distribution of text
depends on the pattern and text type and the nature of the institutions inherent in the
text. For example, Political leaders can distribute the text by involving journalists and
conducting press conferences to disseminate it to a wider audience (Assidik & Dianastiti,
2016; Eriyanto, 2001). Fairclough (1989). Reveals that interpretation is done through the
combination of text with the "meaning" been using all the "sources" of interpretation
to produce it. Interpretation is carried out at several levels, namely: speech (surface of
utterance), meaning of utterance, local coherence, and the integrity of discourse (text
and point) (Abidin, 2019; Alvionita, 2018; Ardan, 2022).

The 2024 presidential declaration speech delivered by Anies Baswedan was formed to
give direct notification to the public about his readiness to be state leader. The speech
was delivered openly in front of members of the political parties that supported him by
involving journalists from various media. In his declaration speech, Anies Baswedan
explained the reasons behind his willingness to join the Nasdem party to become the
2024 presidential candidate. The reasons conveyed by Anies Baswedan in his speech
illustrate the speech about his thoughts when deciding while invited by the Nasdem
party to become a 2024 presidential candidate.

1. “Dan saya pun menyaksikan Nasional Demokrat konsisten menjalankan pesan

dalam manifesto itu. Semangat ini adalah semangat kematangan berdemokrasi.

P-ISSN: 2442-8485, E-ISSN: 2460-6316

Semangat kematangan bernegara. Semangat kematangan menomorsatukan

kepentingan negara, kepentingan republik di atas semua”.

3.3. Sosio-cultural Practice

The social context associated with this part of the discourse is quite interesting when
examined further. The initial definition of social context, in general, is the relationship
between text/discourse and social conditions in society. The point of this statement is
that the relationship between text and society has a reciprocal nature; a text can
influence the social condition of a society, and vice versa, the social condition of a
society can be influenced by discourse/text (Fauzan, 2014; Helena et al., 2021; Sholikhati &
Mardikantoro, 2017; Siswanto & Febriana, 2017; Suharya et al., 2021).

Sociocultural practice determines how texts are produced and understood.

Sociocultural Practice describes the forces that exist in society to interpret and
disseminate the dominant ideology within society. Norman Fairclough outlined three
levels of analysis in Sociocultural Practice: situational, institutional, and social. In this
section, situational, institutional, and social contextual factors are identified in the
process of delivering the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan's declaration speech.

Each text is produced in a distinctive or unique condition or atmosphere, making it

different from other texts. If the text is understood as part of an action, then the action
is a form of response to a particular social context (Eriyanto, 2001). At this level, the
text is analyzed at the situational level. The declaration speech of presidential
candidate Anies Baswedan was broadcast to the public on October 3, 2022, while
Indonesia is scheduled to hold a presidential election in 2024. The presentation of
Anies Baswedan's declaration speech serves as an early notification to the public that
Anies Baswedan intends to play a role in the nomination of the head of state for 2024.
This speech also signifies that Anies Baswedan has prepared himself to emerge as a
figure worthy of consideration as the country's leader, given his extensive political
track record in the government sector

The next level in socio-cultural practice is institutional. The institutional level examines
how organizational institutions influence discourse production practices. Institutions
can originate from within the creator of the text. Additionally, external forces of the
text maker determine the process of producing the declarative speech text of the 2024
presidential candidate. Anies Baswedan has a brilliant career in Indonesian politics
because he has served in several strategic government positions. Anies Basweedan is
supported to be the 2024 presidential candidate by the Nasdem Party. The political
speech of presidential candidate Anies Baswedan's declaration was broadcast live by
Kompas TV. Kompas TV itself is a mass media company owned by Surya Paloh, who is
also the leader of the Nasdem Party. Indirectly, Anies Baswedan has a strong
foundation to become a 2024 presidential candidate. This is because Surya Paloh is a
person who wields significant influence in the country. His position as a well-known
mass media leader in the country makes Anies Bawedan's steps to aggressively
promote himself as a 2024 presidential candidate become effortless.

Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9(2): 286-300

The last level in socio-cultural practice is the level of socio-political situations. The
political situation that occurred during the presidential declaration was a lot of
discourse critical of government policies. The emergence of Anies Bawedan's
declaration had an impact on the increasingly intense news coverage about Anies
Baswedan's candidacy. Based on this situation, the emergence of political discourse
following the declaration of presidential candidate Anies Baswedan is expected to
offer new hope for the government. The disparity in survey results from several
independent survey institutions regarding government performance indicates that the
declaration of this presidential candidate aims to make the community see Anies
Baswedan as one of the leaders expected to be able to bring about change.

1. “Karena itu, Ketika Bang Surya dan teman-teman di Nasdem mengajak kami untuk
berdampingan, untuk berjalan bersama, untuk meneruskan pembangunan di
republik ini, untuk memperbaiki yang kurang, untuk menuntaskan yang belum…”.

The quote above describes the vision and mission conveyed by Anies Baswedan, which
is a hope that he carries and intends to realize when choosing to join the Nasdem party.
The quote was delivered in a speech broadcast live by Kompas TV. Therefore, by
listening to the delivery of this hope, the community is expected to support him in
becoming a 2024 presidential candidate.

4. Conclusion
The declaration speech of presidential candidate Anies Baswedan represents him as a
candidate worthy of consideration. Judging from the textual dimension of his political
speech discourse, the choice of words used by Anies Baswedan when delivering a
speech describes his character as systematic and proactive. The words chosen by Anies
Baswedan in his speech focus more on portraying him as a humble and responsible
individual. He consistently employs synonyms to convey his thoughts. In terms of the
social dimension and socio-cultural practices evident in his political speech, it
illustrates that he has a mission to steer the government in a better direction if
allowed to lead. The explicit meaning of the speech subtly criticizes the state of the
country and emphasizes his determination to improve that condition. The linguistic
strategy used by him involves creating a positive image of himself through word
choices conveying deeper meaning and establishing an emotional connection with the

Declaration of Conflicting Interest

I hereby declare that there is no conflict of interest in this research.

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