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What is the database name?

What is the database instance name?
What is the version of the database?
Engine version
What port is used for the database?
Does database have a large object? If yes, then what is the type of large object?
It seems like user might have created these large objects as part of AWS DMS job -- converting Oracle
tables to Postgres
total count of large object varies per database, the one we are testing has 4750 count.
• Psql client utility version
PSQL client utility version for what? the one I used for pg_restore? if so, its version 15.2
• PostgreSQL Database user who created large object and Backup username
user: lord0306 created large object and backup service account we are using is:
svc_ebb_veritas_netbk, one example below
oid lomowner lomacl
156486 16455 {lord0306=rw/lord0306,webui_admin=r/lord0306,svc_ebb_veritas_netbk=r/
Does the user have a materialized view on the database?
Is the database encrypted?
What is the average amount of time that it takes to backup this database?
5 MB/s
What is the average amount of time that it takes to restore this database?
5 MB/s

What is the count of tables in a dd? --> 1000+ tables

What is the database size used? --> Lakefront-EDC is 17815184163 bytes
What is the count of records in the database? --> hard to determine, each table has different
number of records
What is the count of databases in database instance? --> there are total of 8 databases in this
RDS, including the one we restored on 11/06
Is this database from on-premise to cloud? NO
This is a moving target.
What is the size of the largest database the user is planning to protect?
In the TBs
Current Configuration Information:
Is instant-access-object-store enabled?
Is universal-share-object-store enabled?
What is the password authentication method?

For AWS IAM/Azure AMI based authentication:

Is that attached to media, and if it is the same as that attached to the NSM server?
What is the list of permission present in the Azure AMI or AWS IAM?
For user and password based authentication:
See end of Doc

Are there any special characters in the password?

Is the user able to connect from media server to database on default database ports?
What is the version of installed third party database utility (sqlpackage, psql, mysql)?
Did the user restart NetBackup services on media server or has the media server been rebooted after
installing and configuring path for third party database utility?
Is the customer using a Government cloud?
Is the volume used in storage-unit and ushare the same?
Is this a migrated database from on-premise to cloud?
Is there any AWS CLI configured on media server used for backup?
Does the user have NBU/NSM in one account/subscription and workload db in a different
Did we check the trust setup between IAM role on NSM server and the role to access workload database
in a different account?
Is there any proxy configured on media server for cloud access? What type of proxy?
[root@csvd-nbmedia001-infra seymo309]# env | grep -i prox
[root@csvd-nbmedia001-infra seymo309]#

"Statement": [

"Action": [





"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "EC2AutoScaling"


"Action": [












"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "KMS"


"Action": [
















"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "RDSBackup"


"Action": [













"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "RDSRecovery"


"Action": [




























"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "EC2Backup"


"Action": [



























"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "EC2Recovery"


"Action": [







"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "EBS"


"Action": [




"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "arn:aws-us-gov:sns:*:*:*",

"Sid": "SNS"


"Action": [




"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "IAM"


"Action": [






"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "EKS"


"Action": [












"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "DynamoDB"


"Action": [












"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "S3Permissions"


"Action": [












"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "arn:aws-us-gov:s3:::v-s3-adsd-edl-dev-cdl-athena-818199694861-us-gov-west-1",

"Sid": "NetbackupS3Access"


"Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",

"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "*",

"Sid": "NetbackupListS3Buckets"


"Action": "rds-db:connect",

"Effect": "Allow",

"Resource": "arn:aws-us-gov:rds-db:us-gov-west-1:818199694861:dbuser:*/svc_ebb_veritas_netbk",

"Sid": "ServiceAccount"


"Version": "2012-10-17"

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