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1 Discussion points SB • p 26 • Ex 1a
Optional activity

What’s the minimum age limit What’s the minimum age limit
in Switzerland for getting married? in Switzerland for driving a car?

What’s the minimum age limit

What’s the minimum age limit
in Switzerland for having
in Switzerland for voting?
a credit card?

What’s the minimum age limit
What’s the minimum age limit
in Switzerland for getting a
in Switzerland for smoking?
full time job?

At what age can you drink Do you know any minimum

alcohol in Switzerland? age limits in other countries?

At what age do you officially

What do you think of the minimum
become an adult in the different
age limits in Switzerland?
countries that you know?

How do people celebrate coming What are you most looking

of age in the different countries forward to being able to do
that you know? when you’re 18?

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.2 Mixed ability SB • p 26 • Ex 1

1 Exercise 1c Listen and circle the best answer.

Adam and Chloe are … for homework.
a writing a quiz
b doing a quiz
c doing research

2 Exercise 1c Listen again and circle the correct answers.

In Britain
1 You can drive a car from the age of:
a 16 b 17 c 18
2 You can get married when you are:
a 16 b 17 c 18
3 You can’t vote until you are:
a 16 b 18 c 21

In the USA
4 In most American states you can vote from the age of …,
but you don’t have to.
a 16 b 17 c 18
5 In most American states you can drive a car when you’re:
a 16 b 17 c 18
6 In New York you can get married from the age of:
a 16 b 17 c 18

Around the world

7 In Brazil you can vote when you are:
a 21 b 18 c 16
8 In Japan girls can get married when they are:
a 16 b 17 c 18
9 Japanese boys can get married when they are:
a 16 b 17 c 18
10 In Australia you have to vote in every election when
you reach the age of:
a 16 b 18 c 21

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.3 Mixed ability SB • p 26 • Ex 1

1 Exercise 1c Listen and circle the correct answers.

In Britain
1 You can drive a car from the age of:
a 16 b 17 c 18
2 You can get married when you are:
a 16 b 17 c 18
3 You can’t vote until you are:
a 16 b 18 c 21

In the USA
4 In most American states you can vote from the age of …,
but you don’t have to.
a 16 b 17 c 18
5 In most American states you can drive a car when you’re:
a 16 b 17 c 18
6 In New York you can get married from the age of:
a 16 b 17 c 18

Around the world

7 In Brazil you can vote when you are:
a 21 b 18 c 16
8 In Japan girls can get married when they are:
a 16 b 17 c 18
9 Japanese boys can get married when they are:
a 16 b 17 c 18
10 In Australia you have to vote in every election when
you reach the age of:
a 16 b 18 c 21

2 After Exercise 1c Listen again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1 Chloe is typing the questions because she’s faster than Adam.
2 In Britain they are thinking of changing the age limit for driving a car.
3 In Britain you don’t need your parents’ permission to get married at 16.
4 In California you can’t get married until you’re 16.
5 In the USA the states have different laws about age limits.
6 You can vote when you’re 16 in India and Austria.
7 In Britain voting is obligatory.
8 Adam wants to print out the quiz.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.4 Mixed ability SB • p 26 • Ex 1

1 After Exercise 1c Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Who types the questions and why?

2 What are they thinking of changing in Britain?

3 In Britain whose permission do you need to get married at 16?

4 When can you get married in California?

5 What does Chloe want to say about US laws in their presentation?

6 In which countries as well as Brazil can you vote at 16?

7 Is voting obligatory in Britain?

8 What does Adam want to do when they finish?

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

driving licence election illegal law legal married permission reach vary voted

1 I need from my parents to go on the school trip.

2 My older brother for the Green Party this year.
3 Who do you think will win the next year?
4 My mum can’t take us because she hasn’t got a .
5 My sister and her fiancé are getting next month.
6 It’s against the to drink and drive.
7 It’s for 16-year-olds to drive in some US states.
8 In Australia you have to vote when you the age of 18.
9 Age limits for different things a lot in different countries.
10 It’s for under 16s to buy cigarettes in Britain.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.5 Audioscript CD1 T28 SB • p 26 • Ex 1c

Page 1 of 2
Adam: So, Chloe, what shall we do first? Shall we write the quiz or do the presentation?
Chloe: Let’s do the quiz. I’ll type it in, OK?
Adam: OK, you’re much faster than I am. I’ll do the answers.
Chloe: OK. What shall we call it?
Adam: Erm … how about ‘How old do you have to be?’
Chloe: That sounds really good.
Chloe: OK. So, question number 1. Have you got our notes?
Adam: Sure. They’re here. OK, number 1 is: ‘In Britain you can drive a car from the age of … 16, 17 or 18.’
Chloe: Right, so the first answer is b – when you’re 17.
Adam: Yep. But they’re thinking of changing it, you know? …
Chloe: Yeah, I know. Anyway, number 2: ‘In Britain you can get married when you are 16, 17 or 18.’
And the answer is when you’re 16. So that’s answer a.
Adam: Right, but you have to get your parents’ permission, so do we need to put a note, do you think?
Chloe: No, I think it’s OK. Now for question 3.
Adam: Number 3 is: ‘You can’t vote until you are 16, 18 or 21.’
Chloe: And the answer is when you’re 18. Answer b.
Adam: Yes. It’s crazy, really, isn’t it? You can get married when you’re 16, but you can’t vote until
you’re 18! Anyway, now the questions are about the United States, OK?
Chloe: OK! In … the … USA.
Adam: Right, question number 4. ‘In most American states you can vote from the age of 16, 17 or 18,
but you don’t have to.’
Chloe: Right. And it’s 18 too. So that’s answer c.
Adam: Are you ready? Shall I read the next question?
Chloe: Yep. Go on …
Adam: OK. It’s: ‘In most American states you can drive a car when you’re 16, 17 or 18.’
Chloe: And the answer is a – 16. It isn’t fair, is it? They can get a driving licence at 16! And we have to be
17 here. … Anyway, what’s the next question?
Adam: Question number 6: ‘In New York you can get married from the age of 16, 17 or 18.’
Chloe: Right. Is it 18?
Adam: No, it isn’t. The answer’s a again – 16. But in California, for example, you can only get married
when you’re 18. Should we put that too?
Chloe: No, not in the quiz. We can talk about that in the presentation, about the different laws in
different states in the USA.
Adam: OK! Let’s finish this quickly then. We’re at the third part now: ‘Around the world’.
Chloe: OK. What’s the question? It’s number 7.
Adam: Number 7, let me see: ‘In Brazil you can vote when you are 21, 18 or 16.’
Chloe: OK. And the answer? Is it 18 too?
Adam: No, it isn’t. Don’t you remember? There are a few countries where you can vote at 16:
India, Austria and Brazil … and I can’t remember the others.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.5 Audioscript CD1 T28 SB • p 26 • Ex 1c

Page 2 of 2
Chloe: Right. And question number 8?
Adam: Number 8: ‘In Japan girls can get married when they are 16, 17 or 18.’
Chloe: Oh yes. I remember! In Japan there are different age limits for boys and girls. It’s crazy!
I think girls have to be 16 to get married. Is that right?
Adam: Yes, that’s it. The answer is a, 16.
Adam: And question 9 is about Japanese boys. ‘Japanese boys can get married when they are
16, 17 or 18.’
Chloe: And for boys the answer is 18, isn’t it?
Adam: Yes. And the last question, Australia this time. ‘In Australia you have to vote in every election
when you reach the age of 16, 18 or 21.’
Chloe: Wait a minute. Did you say, ‘you have to vote’, not ‘you can vote’?
Adam: Yeah, that’s right. Don’t you remember? In Australia voting in elections is an obligation.
They have to do it. Not like here in Britain where we don’t have to vote – we can if we want to.
Chloe: Oh yes. And the answer is 18.
Adam: Yep. Right, we’ve finished the quiz then. Let’s print it out and have some tea.
Chloe: OK, but I mustn’t be long – I’ve got a match at 6.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.6 Home rules questionnaire SB • p 27 • Ex 2a
Optional activity

1 Interview a partner and make notes. Find out as much as possible.

Do you have to help in the kitchen? If yes, what do you have to do?

Do you have to help with other housework? If yes, what do you have to do?

Until what time can you stay out …

at the weekend? during the week?

What rules do your parents have about doing your homework?

When can and can’t you watch TV?

Can you use the internet as much as you like? If not, how much can you use it?

What rules do your parents have about your friends visiting?

What are your family rules at meal times?

Can you use your phone as much as you like? If not, how much can you use it?

2 Swap partners. Speak about the person you interviewed.

Jasmine has to do the washing-up, but she doesn’t have to do

the cooking, the washing or the ironing. She has to make her
bed every day. She has to tidy her room at the weekend.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Exercise 2c
Make notes about the different ages. Use the words and phrases in the box and your own ideas.
Then use your notes to speak about the different ages.
do chores do homework drink wine get a driving licence get married go shopping alone go skiing
go to school keep a pet leave home make a phonecall read run fast smile smoke speak
stay out late travel on a plane alone use a computer vote work part-time

can can’t has to doesn’t have to mustn’t

a baby

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Mixed ability

a toddler

a child

English in Mind 11e

a teenager

Unit 4
a young adult

a middle-aged person

an elderly person

SB • p 27 • Ex 2
4.8 Audioscript CD1 T30 SB • p 27 • Ex 3b

1 Boy: I need to go to the loo. Where is it?

Mum: It’s at the front of the plane, but you can’t go at the moment.
Boy: Why not?
Mum: Look at that sign up there. You mustn’t leave your seat yet.
Boy: Ah, OK. But I hope it goes off soon.
2 Girl 1: Tom says that the exhibition is really interesting.
Girl 2: I’m looking forward to it. Is it far to the museum?
Girl 1: No, it’s just round the corner. Look, there it is.
Girl 2: And look at the sign. That’s great! It’s Monday today, so we don’t have to pay.
Girl 1: I know. That’s why we’ve come today.
Girl 2: Ah!
3 Girl: I’m so excited about seeing my baby nephew! Which room are they in?
Boy: I can’t remember. I think it’s on the second floor.
Girl: I’ll send Carla a message and ask.
Boy: A text? Well, don’t go in yet! Look at that sign. You have to turn off your mobile phone in
a hospital.
Girl: Oh, OK. I’ll send it from out here. Wait a moment.
4 Woman: Excuse me, is there a park near here where I can go with my dogs?
Boy: There’s a park just down the end of this road, and I think you can take them into part of it.
Look, over there. Can you see the sign?
Woman: Oh, yes. I can take the dogs for a walk there. It looks great. Thank you.
5 Girl: Wow, Dad. Look at that ride! It’s awesome.
Dad: Yeah, it looks really good, but I’m not sure if we can go on it. Come and stand over here
next to the sign.
Girl: Am I tall enough?
Dad: No, I’m afraid not. You can’t go on the ride this year – but you’ll be tall enough next year!
Girl: Huh! I hate this theme park and their stupid rules!
Dad: It’s not stupid. It’s for your safety …
6 Girl: Is this the club that your sister comes to?
Boy: Yes. She says it’s brilliant.
Girl: Have you ever been here with her?
Boy: No, of course I haven’t! You have to be 18 to get in.
Girl: Oh, well. We’ll be able to come in two years then.
Boy: Yeah, and it might not be a club by then!

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.9 Guided dialogue SB • p 27 • Ex 3b
Optional activity

1 Complete the dialogue.

A: Are your parents very strict?

B: Yes, they are. For example, I 1 be home by nine o’clock at the weekend!
A: Wow! That’s early!

B: What time 2 have to be home?

A: I don’t really have a time. I 3 get home whenever I like.
B: You’re so lucky! And do you have to 4 with the housework?
A: Yes, 5
. I have to 6
my bed and I have to 7
my room. How about you?
B: Well, I 8 have to do anything during the week. But at the weekend,
I9 help with the cleaning and the shopping.
A: 10
you use the internet as much as you like?
B: Yes, I can. And you?

A: 11
only use the internet after finishing my homework. And I 12
play games or things like that.
B: I see, so your parents are quite strict too – but in a different way.

A: Yes, I guess they are.

2 Work with a partner. Practise the dialogue.

SB • p 27 • Ex 3b
3 Prepare and act out a similar dialogue. Give different answers. Optional activity

A: Are your parents very strict?

B: . For example, !
A: Wow! That’s !
B: What time ?

B: You’re so lucky! And ?

A: . How about you?
B: Well, during the week.
But at the weekend, .
A: as much as you like?

And you?

B: I see.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.10 Mixed ability SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 Exercise 4a Scan the article and circle the best answer.

1 The people in the photo are … . 2 Nanggol is a … ceremony.
a jumping into the sea a coming-of-age
b taking part in a ritual b traditional African
c building a wooden tower c modern

2 Exercise 4bRead the article again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Write the line numbers where you can find the information.
T/F Line/s
1 Boys on Pentecost Island have to take part in a special ceremony to
become men.
2 They have to jump off a high tower into the water.
3 The boys’ mothers mustn’t watch the boys when they jump.
4 The Nanggol ritual started because of a woman and her husband.
5 The woman jumped out of a tree and died.
6 The first people to do bungee jumping got the idea from Nanggol.

SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 Exercise 4a Scan the article and circle the best answer.

1 The people in the photo are … . 2 Nanggol is a … ceremony.
a jumping into the sea a coming-of-age
b taking part in a ritual b traditional African
c building a wooden tower c modern

2 Exercise 4b Read the article again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Write the line numbers where you can find the information.
T/F Line/s
1 Boys on Pentecost Island have to take part in a special ceremony to
become men.
2 They have to jump off a high tower into the water.
3 The boys’ mothers mustn’t watch the boys when they jump.
4 The Nanggol ritual started because of a woman and her husband.
5 The woman jumped out of a tree and died.
6 The first people to do bungee jumping got the idea from Nanggol.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.11 Mixed ability SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 Exercise 4a Scan the article and circle the correct words.

1 The people in the photo are jumping into 2 Nanggol is a coming-of-age / traditional
the sea / taking part in a ritual / building a African / birthday / modern ceremony.
wooden tower / bungee jumping .

2 Exercise 4b Read the article again and choose the correct answer.
1 Boys on Pentecost Island have to take part in a special ceremony … .
a to become men b when they are 18 c to find a wife
2 They have to jump off a high tower … .
a on their birthday b into the water c using lianas
3 The boys’ mothers … the boys when they jump.
a watch b mustn’t watch c sing songs to
4 The Nanggol ritual started because of a woman and … .
a her son b her husband c a wild animal
5 The woman jumped out of a tree … .
a and died b with lianas around her ankles c to save her husband
6 The first people to do bungee jumping … .
a jumped from a b were on holiday on c got the idea
wooden tower Pentecost Island from Nanggol

1 Exercise 4a Scan the article and circle the correct words. SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 The people in the photo are jumping into 2 Nanggol is a coming-of-age / traditional
the sea / taking part in a ritual / building a African / birthday / modern ceremony.
wooden tower / bungee jumping .

2 Exercise 4b Read the article again and choose the correct answer.
1 Boys on Pentecost Island have to take part in a special ceremony … .
a to become men b when they are 18 c to find a wife
2 They have to jump off a high tower … .
a on their birthday b into the water c using lianas
3 The boys’ mothers … the boys when they jump.
a watch b mustn’t watch c sing songs to
4 The Nanggol ritual started because of a woman and … .
a her son b her husband c a wild animal
5 The woman jumped out of a tree … .
a and died b with lianas around her ankles c to save her husband
6 The first people to do bungee jumping … .
a jumped from a b were on holiday on c got the idea
wooden tower Pentecost Island from Nanggol

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.12 Mixed ability SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 After Exercise 4b Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.
1 What kind of ceremony is Nanggol?

2 What do boys on Pentecost Island have to do to show that they are men?

3 What do their mothers do after they jump and why?

4 Why did Tamalie’s wife run away from him?

5 How did she survive her jump?

6 Why did the men of the tribe start land diving?

7 Why did people in England start bungee jumping?

2 Find words in the article that mean the same as these words and phrases.
1 very old (adj)

2 a ceremony which is always organised in the same way (n)

3 the part of the Earth that isn’t the sea (n)

4 made of wood (adj)

5 a jump with your hands and head first (n)

6 how fast something moves (n)

7 a thing you can see or touch, not living (n)

8 as said by (someone) (prep)

9 behave towards someone (v)

10 fix together with e.g. cord or string (v)

11 give an idea (v)

12 very thick cord or string (n)

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.13 Mixed ability and SB • p 29 • Ex 6

Exercise 6a Listen and circle the correct answers to complete the form.

TeenPlanetOrg Summer Volunteer Programme

Name: Jake Shackleton Age: 15 / 16 / 17

Destination: When / start:

China / Tibet / India tomorrow / next week /
15th July

Means of transport:
by train and plane / by plane and train / by train and on foot

How long / stay: Volunteer work:

two weeks / four weeks / work in a school /
six weeks build a school / put up tents

SB • p 29 • Ex 6
Exercise 6a Listen and complete the form.

TeenPlanetOrg Summer Volunteer Programme

Name: Jake Shackleton Age:

Destination: When / start:

Qinghai, 15th

Means of transport:

by and

How long / stay: Volunteer work:

weeks build

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.14 Mixed ability SB • p 29 • Ex 6

After Exercise 6a Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 Jake is very about his plans for the summer.
2 He can do volunteer work because he’s 16.
3 He doesn’t know how long the takes.
4 He’s a bit about the train journey.
5 His grandmother thinks that the journey will be .
6 She tells him to pack some .
7 She offers to give him the money to buy some .
8 Jake to send her a postcard when he arrives.
9 Jake says he’ll show his grandmother how to read .
10 Jake has to his GCSEs.

SB • p 29 • Ex 6
After Exercise 6a Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 Jake is very about his plans for the summer.
2 He can do volunteer work because he’s 16.
3 He doesn’t know how long the takes.
4 He’s a bit about the train journey.
5 His grandmother thinks that the journey will be .
6 She tells him to pack some .
7 She offers to give him the money to buy some .
8 Jake to send her a postcard when he arrives.
9 Jake says he’ll show his grandmother how to read .
10 Jake has to his GCSEs.

SB • p 29 • Ex 6
After Exercise 6a Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 Jake is very about his plans for the summer.
2 He can do volunteer work because he’s 16.
3 He doesn’t know how long the takes.
4 He’s a bit about the train journey.
5 His grandmother thinks that the journey will be .
6 She tells him to pack some .
7 She offers to give him the money to buy some .
8 Jake to send her a postcard when he arrives.
9 Jake says he’ll show his grandmother how to read .
10 Jake has to his GCSEs.
© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE
4.15 Audioscript CD1 T32 SB • p 29 • Ex 7a

Gran: Now, Jake, your mother said that you’ve got something exciting to tell me.
Jake: Yes, Gran. It’s about my plans for the summer. I’m so excited!
Gran: So come on … tell me then!
Jake: Well, now I’m 16, I can do volunteer work abroad. And I’m going to take part in an international
volunteer programme.
Gran: Great! What are you going to do?
Jake: Well, I’m going to travel to a place called Qinghai. It’s in central China, near Tibet.
Gran: That sounds like a long way away!
Jake: I know! We’re going to fly to Beijing and then get a train.
Gran: How long does the flight take?
Jake: I don’t know. I’ll check on the website and let you know. I’m really excited about flying. And then
the train journey takes a whole day and night! I’m a bit worried about that – you know, sleeping
on a train.
Gran: Don’t worry, Jake. You’ll love it! It will be exhausting though!
Jake: I know! Anyway, there are lots of Tibetan people in Qinghai. And they live in tents, but it gets
really cold in winter and they can’t go to school. We’re going to help to build a small school so
the children can study there all the year round.
Gran: That sounds amazing, Jake! Are you going to stay in a tent too?
Jake: Yes … well, I hope so! It’ll be exciting!
Gran: It won’t be very comfortable though and it’ll be very cold at night if it’s in the mountains.
Is your suitcase ready?
Jake: No, not yet, Gran! I’m not going until next month! I’m leaving on 15th July.
Gran: Well, you mustn’t forget to pack some warm clothes.
Jake: Don’t worry! I’ll pack some sweaters.
Gran: And you’d better take some good walking boots.
Jake: But I haven’t got any walking boots, Gran.
Gran: Don’t worry! I’ll give you some money to buy a pair before you go.
Jake: Ah, thanks a lot, Gran. That’ll be great. But you gave me some money for my birthday …
Gran: Don’t worry! I’ll be happy to buy you some boots. But anyway, how long are you going to
stay there for?
Jake: For six weeks. I can’t wait!
Gran: Six weeks! What a long time! I hope I’ll hear from you while you’re there.
Jake: Of course you will, Gran. I’ll send you a postcard as soon as I get there, I promise. And I’m going
to write a blog too, so you’ll be able to read that on your laptop every week.
Gran: Well, that will be nice, but you’ll have to show me how to read it. You know I’m not very good with
the internet.
Jake: Don’t worry, Gran. I’ll show you before I go. Anyway, I must go now. I have to study for my GCSEs –
that’s the worst thing about being 16!

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.16 Guided dialogue SB • p 29 • Ex 7b

1 Complete the dialogue.

A: What are you going 1 this summer?
B: spend a month in England. I’m so excited!
A: That sounds great! Where 3 to stay?
B: Well, I’m going to live with an English family in Stratford-upon-Avon.

A: Is that where Shakespeare was born?

B: Yes, that’s right. The family 4 take me to see his house.

And we 5 probably go to the theatre as well.
A: Are you going with anyone else?

B: No, I’m going on my own. I think 6 learn more English if I go alone.

A: It 7 be difficult at first though and maybe you’ll get homesick.
B: I don’t think so. But anyway, I 8 you an email and tell you what it’s like.
A: Great! That’ll be cool.

2 Work with a partner. Practise the dialogue.

SB • p 29 • Ex 7b
3 Prepare and act out a similar dialogue. Give different answers.
A: What are you going to do ?
B: I’m going to ! I’m so !
A: That sounds great! ?
B: Well, .
A: Is that ?
B: Yes, that’s right.

A: Are you going with anyone else?


A: It will be .

A: Great! That’ll be cool.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.17 Photostory – SB • p 30 • Ex 8
All over the place
Page 1 of 2

1 Look at the pictures on Student’s Book page 30.

Exercises 8a and b
What do you think? Listen and circle the best answers.
1 Joel is worried because … 4 Pete thinks Joel’s room is …
a he can’t do his Maths homework. a great.
b they’ve got a Maths test soon. b a mess.
c he doesn’t understand his homework. c surprising.
2 Pete suggests to Joel that … 5 Pete doesn’t believe …
a they can study for the test together. a that Joel knows where his things are.
b he should go to extra Maths classes. b that Joel tidies his room every weekend.
c he should talk to the teacher. c that Joel can’t find his book.
3 Joel is grateful because …
a he understands everything.
b Pete does his homework for him.
c Pete helps him.

2 Exercise 8c Listen again. Complete the expressions and write the names.
1 5
There’s no point But I think we should
to do this. .

2 6
I’m just stupid. Anything else
to know?

There’s nothing wrong
you. Your things are
the place.

Why don’t
to your place I know
this afternoon? everything .

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.17 Photostory – SB • p 30 • Ex 8
All over the place
Page 2 of 2

3 After Exercise 8c Listen, read and check your answers.

Joel: I hate Maths! There’s no point in trying to do this. I can’t do it. And the test is in three days’
time. What am I going to do?
Joel: I can’t do Maths. I’m just too stupid.
Pete: Oh, come on, Joel. There’s nothing wrong with you. You just haven’t studied enough.
Why don’t I come over to your place this afternoon? We can study together.
Joel: Oh, man. Thanks! That’d be fantastic.
Pete: See? It’s not so difficult.
Joel: Well, thanks, Pete. But I think we should stop now.
Pete: Well, it’s up to you, Joel. Anything else you want to know?
Joel: Yeah, there is something. Just a moment. Let me get the book.
Joel: I don’t believe it. I can’t find it.
Pete: Well, it’s not surprising. Your things are all over the place.
Joel: So what? I know where everything is. I always find my things really quickly.
Pete: Always? Well, if you say so …

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.18 Everyday English SB • p 31 • Ex 9

1 After Exercise 9c Listen and complete the phrases.

Giving thanks Responding
1 Thanks much. That’s really nice of you. 2 No .

3 Thank you much your help. 4 You’re .

5 I’m very . 6 It was a to help you.

7 Thanks a . 8 That’s .
Apologising Responding
9 I’m sorry about that. 10 Never .

11 I’m sorry. I didn’t to! 12 It doesn’t .

13 I really must . 14 Don’t .

15 I’m I can’t play tomorrow.

2 Exercise 9d Work with a partner. Act out the scenes.

A: Oh no! I didn’t bring my English G: Oy! You hit me with your bag!
notebook. H: Oops! I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to!
B: Don’t worry, you can copy my notes G: It doesn’t matter. It didn’t hurt.
after the lesson. But it gave me a shock.
A: Hey, thanks very much. That’s really H: Yeah, it’s really heavy, I know.
nice of you. I’ll be more careful next time.
B: No problem.

I: So, would you like to come to the

C: Oh dear! I’m terribly sorry about that. concert, then? I’ll call round for you
D: Never mind, it wasn’t your fault. at six.
C: I hope I didn’t hurt you. J: Fantastic! Yes, I’d love to go.
D: No, please don’t worry. Thanks a lot.
I: That’s OK! See you on Saturday.

E: Thank you so much for your help.

I’m very grateful. K: I really must apologise, but I’m afraid
F: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure to I can’t play tomorrow. I’m not feeling
help you. Are you sure that you’ll find very well.
your way now? L: Don’t worry. Thank you for letting me
E: Oh yes. I think so. And if I get lost, I’ll know. I hope you get better soon.
ask someone for help. K: Thanks very much.
F: Enjoy your visit to the museum!
E: I’m sure I will. Thank you.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.19 TV reality shows SB • p 33 • Ex 3
Optional activity

1 After Exercise 3a Read about reality shows and discuss the questions in groups.
• Which of the reality shows would you like to watch? Why?
• Which of the reality shows wouldn’t you like to watch? Why?
• Are there similar shows in your country? What are the differences?


Reality shows take up an increasing amount of prime TV time in countries all over the world.
Do they give viewers a look at real life or are they a cheap way to make shows? In some of the shows,
the participants or contestants can win large sums of money, but in many of them, the only thing
they ‘win’ is a few minutes of fame. Read about some British reality shows.


The family and friends of five unmarried A group of famous people go into the jungle
people have one month to find them partners. to live. Viewers watch their adventures and
Each episode ends with a big party in which can vote on who has to leave. The person
the new couple meets, and then quickly follows who survives longest in the jungle is called the
the success (or not) of the new relationships. ‘King/Queen of the jungle’.


A group of young people share This is a music competition to find talented new singers.
a house together for a week. They The contestants have to sing on stage in front of the
have to do strange tests every day, judging panel and a live audience and are then trained
but the most important thing is that by one of the judges and appear in the final show in
they aren’t allowed to sleep for which members of the public vote for their favourite act.
the whole week. If a participant falls Lucky winners sometimes win recording contracts.
asleep, they have to leave the house.
THE APPRENTICE Two married women from very different
A group of women and men with great ideas for new social backgrounds change lives for two
businesses compete for the chance to win £250,000 weeks. Viewers see how the women
to start up their business. Some contestants have adapt and watch the reactions of their
called the show ‘the job interview from hell’. husbands, children and friends.

2 Choose one of these statements and organise a class debate to discuss it.
• Most people spend too much of their free time watching TV.
• Having a TV in your bedroom is a bad thing.
• There should be more control over the types of programmes on TV.
• There is a good balance of TV shows in Switzerland.
• There are both good and bad things about television.
• Television is killing conversation.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.20 PER Niveau 1 Extra practice

Page 1 of 2

Modal verbs
1 Put the words in order and write questions. Then match them with the answers.
1 I / the party / to / a friend / bring / Can

2 I / identity card / Do / my / show / have to

3 the concert / to / can’t / I / Why / go

4 back / have to / we / What time / do / be

5 the writing activity / have to / How long / does / be

6 luggage / take / How much / on / we / can / the plane

7 a scooter / have to / Do / a helmet / you / wear / on

a Because you’re too young.

b Of course you do.

c Yes. Sure.

d Not more than 20 kg.

e A student card is OK.

f Midnight at the latest.

g Between 200 and 250 words.

2 Circle the correct words.

1 a You don’t have to / mustn’t drive fast. We’ve got lots of time.

b You don’t have to / mustn’t drive fast. This road is very dangerous.
2 a You don’t have to / mustn’t buy a new laptop. They’re much too expensive.

b You don’t have to / mustn’t buy a new laptop. I can fix your old one easily.
3 a You don’t have to / mustn’t tell Sara about the party. I invited her last night.

b You don’t have to / mustn’t tell Jamie about the party. I don’t want him to come.
4 a You don’t have to / mustn’t get up early today. It’s a holiday!

b You don’t have to / mustn’t get up today. The doctor told you to stay in bed.
5 a You don’t have to / mustn’t wash my new T-shirt. It has to be dry-cleaned.

b You don’t have to / mustn’t wash my new T-shirt. It isn’t dirty.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.20 PER Niveau 1 Extra practice

Page 2 of 2

will and going to

3 Circle the correct answers.
1 I … start studying hard because I want to do well in my exams.
a ’ll b ’m going to

2 … help me with the washing-up, please?

a Are you going to b Will you

3 My brother’s saving up his money. He … buy a motorbike.

a ’s going to b ’ll

4 Let’s meet outside the cinema. Don’t worry, I promise I … be late.

a won’t b ‘m not going to

5 I’ve decided I … eat sweets or chocolate any more.

a ’m not going to b won’t

6 My mum … start her new job on Monday.

a will b ’s going to

4 Match the statements with the responses.

1 It’s raining now. a I’ll answer it!

2 What are you going to do tonight? b He’s going to travel.

3 We haven’t got any milk. c It’ll bite you.

4 Don’t go near that dog! d I’ll close the window.

5 The phone’s ringing! e You won’t do very well.

6 What is he going to do next year? f I’ll go to the supermarket.

7 It’s freezing in here. g I’m going to see a film with Max.

8 I didn’t study for that exam. h OK, we’ll go out later.

5 Correct ✓ or wrong ✗? Correct the wrong sentences.

1 You must to stop behaving like a child.

2 Jeremy musted to go to hospital last week.

3 You don’t have to pay me back until next week.

4 Sorry, you don’t can’t go in there yet.

5 Danny musts find a place to live soon.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.21 PER Niveau 2 Extension

Page 1 of 3
1 Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, can’t or don’t have to.
1 You tell anyone. It’s a surprise.
2 I love Sundays because I get up early.
3 You take your dog into the restaurant.
4 I stop eating so much chocolate.
5 You use your mobile on a plane.
6 I eat nuts. I’m allergic to them.
7 I forget to pay Emily back.
8 You pay to get in if you’re a member.

2 What do you have to do when you go to Britain? Read and complete the sentences
with have to, mustn’t or don’t have to.

1 You forget to wear 5 You drink tea

a seatbelt when you’re in a car. every day at half past four.
2 You learn to play 6 You stand in a queue
cricket before you go there. at a bus stop.
3 You drive on the right. 7 You buy a dog
if you live in a house with a garden.
4 You wear a hat
when you arrive at the airport. 8 You stay at school
full-time until you are 18.

Permission and prohibition

3 What do the sentences mean? let and be allowed to
Write Permission or Prohibition.
We use let to say that someone
1 My sister let me wear her new jacket yesterday. gives or doesn’t give you permission
to do something:
My parents let me use the computer
2 I’m allowed to come home late on Saturdays. at the weekend.
My parents don’t let me use
the computer during the week.
3 I’m not allowed to drive my dad’s car yet. My dad let me stay out late
last weekend.
We use be allowed to to say that
4 My dad sometimes lets me borrow his guitar.
you have or don’t have permission
to do something:
I’m allowed to use the computer at
5 You’re not allowed to drive until you’re 17.
the weekend.
I’m not allowed to use the computer
6 My mum doesn’t let me go out if my room is untidy. during the week.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.21 PER Niveau 2 Extension

Page 2 of 3
4 Complete the sentences with let (someone) and the verbs.
1 I have to go now. My parents (not / me / stay) out after midnight.
2 When I stay with Grandma, she (me / eat) ice cream any time I want!
3 My brother (me / ride) his bike yesterday.
4 My dad (me / listen) to all his old CDs. Some of them are quite good.
5 My teacher (not / us / write) with a pencil. We have to use a pen.
6 Natalie’s mum (not / her / walk) to school. She says it’s too far.
7 Our teachers (not / us / use) our phones in the classroom. It’s not fair!
8 your parents (you / stay out) late at the weekend?

5 Rewrite the sentences using be allowed to.

1 Lianne can’t come to the park today. She .
2 My brother and I can’t play computer games after 10 o’clock.

We .
3 My parents say I can go on the skiing trip. I .
4 Can you stay at my house this weekend?

you ?
5 My parents say I mustn’t get a tattoo. I .
6 Can Jake watch TV before school? Jake ?
7 You can’t drink in a pub until you’re 18. You .
8 We mustn’t run in the school corridors. We .

will and going to

6 Complete the sentences with will or be going to and the verbs in the box.

be do not buy carry move not sleep not stay visit

1 We to Germany because my dad’s got a job there.

2 You’ve got a lot of bags – I some for you.
3 Don’t forget, we your grandparents on Sunday.
4 there a lot of people at the concert, do you think?
5 My parents a new car because they say we don’t need one.
6 Don’t worry, I promise I too late at the party.
7 What for the History project?
8 Long flights are really uncomfortable. You at all!

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4.21 PER Niveau 2 Extension

Page 3 of 3
7 Read and write responses.
1 A: The car is really dirty.
B: Oh dear. (Make an offer.)

2 A: What are you going to do this summer?

B: (Explain your plans.)

3 A: The phone’s ringing.

B: (Offer to answer it.)

4 A: Don’t use that knife! (Make a prediction.)

B: (Promise to be careful.)

5 A: Why do you want a bigger house?

B: (Explain about the birth of a baby in the summer.)

6 A: Can I take your order?

B: Yes, please. (Decide and order your food.)

had better PER Niveau 2 Discovery

8 Tick the correct sentences.

1 My hair looks terrible. I think I’d better go to the hairdresser’s.

2 I’ve got an exam tomorrow, so I think I’d better not go to bed late.

3 I’m not surprised she’s angry – you’d better not talk to people in that way.

4 OK, you can borrow my camera. But you’d better not break it!

5 If you want to study at university, you’d better work harder at school.

6 When you give presentations, you’d better speak clearly.

Expressions with feel

9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to help you.

confident embarrassed fine homesick sorry for strange the need up to

1 I was ill last weekend, but I feel again now.

2 I went back to my primary school after three years and it felt to be there again.
3 Jessica’s granny died last week. I feel her.
4 No. I don’t want to go out this evening. I’m tired and I don’t feel it.
5 I’ve studied hard for the exams and I feel that I’m going to do well.
6 I don’t know why you feel to be rude all the time!
7 I didn’t make any friends in China and I felt .
8 I made a terrible mistake in English yesterday – I felt so .

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.22 PER Niveau 2 Extra wordlist

Education keen (adj)

absent (adj) mad CRAZY (adj)
advanced (adj) original (adj)
composition (n) pleasant (adj)
conference (n) punctual (adj)
curriculum (n) realistic (adj)
degree (n) reasonable (adj)
diploma (n) reliable (adj)
drama (n) U responsible (adj)
economics (n) U serious (adj)
educate (v) skilled (adj)
education (n) U slim (adj)
elementary school US (n) special (adj)
essay (n)
handwriting (n) U
TV shows
intermediate (adj) cartoon (n)
laboratory/lab (n) chat show (n)
notice board (n) cookery show (n)
primary school (n) documentary (n)
private school (n) drama (n)
qualification (n) game show (n)
register SCHOOL LIST (n) reality show (n)
secondary school (n) sitcom (n)
state school (n) soap opera (n)
the news (n) U

Personal descriptions
amazed (adj) Words and phrases
amusing (adj) accept (v)
anxious (adj) admire (v)
ashamed (adj) allow (v)
bossy (adj) behaviour (n) U

calm (adj) belong (to sb) (v)

challenging (adj) citizen (n)
cruel (adj) demonstrate (v)
curious (adj) develop (v)
delighted (adj) hire (v)
depressed (adj) illegal (adj)
disappointed (adj) legal (adj)
dizzy (adj) legend (n)
embarrassed (adj) let (v)
envious (adj) military service (n) U

feel sorry for sb (expr) pensioner (n)

feel up to doing sth (phr v) prove (v)
fond (adj) retire (v)
free NO PRISON (adj) retired (adj)
generous (adj) wedding (n)
glad (adj)
guilty (adj)
homesick (adj)
jealous (adj)

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4.23 Determiners questionnaire TRB • p 101
Memo from Mario

Yes No Sometimes
Do you like being on your own?
Do you enjoy hanging out with friends?
Are you good at PE and sports?
Can you sing well?
When you read a story, do you make pictures
in your mind?
Do you like Maths?
Are you good with plants?
Are you affected by the weather?
Are you happy in mother-tongue lessons?
Are you good at reading maps?
Do you often talk to yourself? Do you enjoy it?
Do you think you’re intelligent?

TRB • p 101
Memo from Mario

Yes No Sometimes
Do you like being on your own?
Do you enjoy hanging out with friends?
Are you good at PE and sports?
Can you sing well?
When you read a story, do you make pictures
in your mind?
Do you like Maths?
Are you good with plants?
Are you affected by the weather?
Are you happy in mother-tongue lessons?
Are you good at reading maps?
Do you often talk to yourself? Do you enjoy it?
Do you think you’re intelligent?

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.2 Mixed ability SB • p 26 • Ex 1

1 a writing a quiz
2 The answers are the same as those given in the TRB for Student’s Book Exercise 1c.
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 c 10 b

4.3 Mixed ability SB • p 26 • Ex 1

1 The answers are the same as those given in the TRB for Student’s Book Exercise 1c.
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 c 10 b
2 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 T

4.4 Mixed ability SB • p 26 • Ex 1

1 Possible answers:
Students can check their answers with students who have done PDF 4.3. They don’t need to write
full sentences.
1 Chloe, because she’s faster than Adam
2 the age limit for driving a car
3 your parents’ permission
4 from the age of / when you’re 18
5 that the states have different laws about age limits
6 India and Austria
7 no, it isn’t
8 print out the quiz
2 1 I need permission from my parents to go on the school trip.
2 My older brother voted for the Green Party this year.
3 Who do you think will win the election next year?
4 My mum can’t take us because she hasn’t got a driving licence.
5 My sister and her fiancé are getting married next month.
6 It’s against the law to drink and drive.
7 It’s legal for 16-year-olds to drive in some US states.
8 In Australia you have to vote when you reach the age of 18.
9 Age limits for different things vary a lot in different countries.
10 It’s illegal for under 16s to buy cigarettes in Britain.

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Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.9 Guided dialogue SB • p 27 • Ex 3b – Optional activity

1 A: Are your parents very strict?
B: Yes, they are. For example, I 1 have to be home by nine o’clock at the weekend!
A: Wow! That’s early!
B: What time 2 do you have to be home?
A: I don’t really have a time. I 3 can get home whenever I like.
B: You’re so lucky! And do you have to 4 help with the housework?
A: Yes, 5 I do. I have to 6 make my bed and I have to 7 tidy my room. How about you?
B: Well, I 8 don’t have to do anything during the week. But at the weekend, I 9 have to help with
the cleaning and the shopping.
A: 10 Can you use the internet as much as you like?
B: Yes, I can. And you?
A: 11 I can only use the internet after finishing my homework. And I 12 can’t play games or things
like that.
B: I see, so your parents are quite strict too – but in a different way.
A: Yes, I guess they are.

4.9 Guided dialogue SB • p 27 • Ex 3b – Optional activity

1 A: Are your parents very strict?
B: Yes, they are. For example, I 1 have to be home by nine o’clock at the weekend!
A: Wow! That’s early!
B: What time 2 do you have to be home?
A: I don’t really have a time. I 3 can get home whenever I like.
B: You’re so lucky! And do you have to 4 help with the housework?
A: Yes, 5 I do. I have to 6 make my bed and I have to 7 tidy my room. How about you?
B: Well, I 8 don’t have to do anything during the week. But at the weekend, I 9 have to help with
the cleaning and the shopping.
A: 10 Can you use the internet as much as you like?
B: Yes, I can. And you?
A: 11 I can only use the internet after finishing my homework. And I 12 can’t play games or things
like that.
B: I see, so your parents are quite strict too – but in a different way.
A: Yes, I guess they are.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.10 Mixed ability SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 1 b 2 a
2 1 T Lines 8–11
2 F Lines 24–26 (They jump and they just touch the ground because of the lianas around
their ankles.)
3 F Lines 26–27 (Everyone in the village watches them.)
4 T Lines 33–47
5 F Lines 40–42 (The woman survived because she tied lianas around her ankles. Her husband
Tamalie died.)
6 T Lines 54–57

4.11 Mixed ability SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 1 The people in the photo are taking part in a ritual.
2 Nanggol is a coming-of-age ceremony.
2 Students can check their answers with students who have done PDF 4.10.
1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 c

4.12 Mixed ability SB • p 28 • Ex 4

1 Possible answers:
Students don’t need to write full sentences.
1 a traditional rite of passage / coming-of-age ceremony
2 climb a high tower, tie lianas around their ankles and jump down
3 they throw away one of the boy’s toys/things to show that the boy is now a man
4 because she was scared of him / he behaved badly
5 she tied lianas around her ankles
6 to show the women that they could jump and survive
7 there was an article in a magazine about Nanggol / they found out about the Nanggol divers
2 1 ancient 4 wooden 7 object 10 tie
2 ritual 5 dive 8 according to 11 inspire
3 land 6 speed 9 treat 12 rope

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.13 Mixed ability and SB • p 29 • Ex 6

The answers are the same as those given in the TRB for Student’s Book Exercise 6a.
Students can check their work in mixed ability pairs or groups.

TeenPlanetOrg Summer Volunteer Programme

Name: Jake Shackleton Age: 16

Destination: When / start:

Qinghai, China 15th July

Means of transport:
by plane and train

How long / stay: Volunteer work:

six weeks build a school

4.14 Mixed ability SB • p 29 • Ex 6

Students can check their answers in the Audioscript on PDF 4.15.
1 Jake is very excited about his plans for the summer.
2 He can do volunteer work abroad because he’s 16.
3 He doesn’t know how long the flight takes.
4 He’s a bit worried about the train journey.
5 His grandmother thinks that the journey will be exhausting.
6 She tells him to pack some warm clothes.
7 She offers to give him the money to buy some walking boots.
8 Jake promises to send her a postcard when he arrives.
9 Jake says he’ll show his grandmother how to read his blog.
10 Jake has to study for his GCSEs.

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Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.16 Guided dialogue SB • p 29 • Ex 7b

1 A: What are you going 1 to do this summer?
B: 2 I’m going to spend a month in England. I’m so excited!
A: That sounds great! Where 3 are you going to stay?
B: Well, I’m going to live with an English family in Stratford-upon-Avon.
A: Is that where Shakespeare was born?
B: Yes, that’s right. The family 4 are going to take me to see his house. And we 5 ’ll probably
go to the theatre as well.
A: Are you going with anyone else?
B: No, I’m going on my own. I think 6 I’ll learn more English if I go alone.
A: It 7 will be difficult at first though and maybe you’ll get homesick.
B: I don’t think so. But anyway, I 8 ’ll send you an email and tell you what it’s like.
A: Great! That’ll be cool.

4.16 Guided dialogue SB • p 29 • Ex 7b

1 A: What are you going 1 to do this summer?
B: 2 I’m going to spend a month in England. I’m so excited!
A: That sounds great! Where 3 are you going to stay?
B: Well, I’m going to live with an English family in Stratford-upon-Avon.
A: Is that where Shakespeare was born?
B: Yes, that’s right. The family 4 are going to take me to see his house. And we 5 ’ll probably
go to the theatre as well.
A: Are you going with anyone else?
B: No, I’m going on my own. I think 6 I’ll learn more English if I go alone.
A: It 7 will be difficult at first though and maybe you’ll get homesick.
B: I don’t think so. But anyway, I 8 ’ll send you an email and tell you what it’s like.
A: Great! That’ll be cool.

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Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.17 Photostory – All over the place SB • p 30 • Ex 8

1 The answers are the same as those given in the TRB for Student’s Book Exercise 8b.
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a
2 The answers are the same as those given in the TRB for Student’s Book Exercise 8c.
1 There’s no point in trying to do this. (Joel)
2 I’m just too stupid. (Joel)
3 There’s nothing wrong with you. (Pete)
4 Why don’t I come over to your place this afternoon? (Pete)
5 But I think we should stop now. (Joel)
6 Anything else you want to know? (Pete)
7 Your things are all over the place. (Pete)
8 I know where everything is. (Joel)

4.18 Everyday English SB • p 31 • Ex 9

1 Giving thanks Responding
1 Thanks very much. That’s really nice of you. 2 No problem.

3 Thank you so much for your help. 4 You’re welcome.

5 I’m very grateful. 6 It was a pleasure to help you.

7 Thanks a lot. 8 That’s OK.

Apologising Responding
9 I’m terribly sorry about that. 10 Never mind.

11 I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to! 12 It doesn’t matter.

13 I really must apologise. 14 Don’t worry.

15 I’m afraid I can’t play tomorrow.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.20 PER Niveau 1 Extra practice

1 1 Can I bring a friend to the party?
2 Do I have to show my identity card?
3 Why can’t I go to the concert?
4 What time do we have to be back?
5 How long does the writing activity have to be?
6 How much luggage can we take on the plane?
7 Do you have to wear a helmet on a scooter?

3 a 7 b 1 c 6 d 2 e 4 f 5 g
2 1 a You don’t have to drive fast. We’ve got lots of time.
b You mustn’t drive fast. This road is very dangerous.
2 a You mustn’t buy a new laptop. They’re much too expensive.
b You don’t have to buy a new laptop. I can fix your old one easily.
3 a You don’t have to tell Sara about the party. I invited her last night.
b You mustn’t tell Jamie about the party. I don’t want him to come.
4 a You don’t have to get up early today. It’s a holiday!
b You mustn’t get up today. The doctor told you to stay in bed.
5 a You mustn’t wash my new T-shirt. It has to be dry-cleaned.
b You don’t have to wash my new T-shirt. It isn’t dirty.
3 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b
4 5 a 6 b 4 c 7 d 8 e 3 f 2 g 1 h
5 1 You must stop behaving like a child.
2 Jeremy had to go to hospital last week.
3 ✓
4 Sorry, you can’t go in there yet.
5 Danny must find a place to live soon.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.21 PER Niveau 2 Extension

1 1 You mustn’t tell anyone. It’s a surprise.
2 I love Sundays because I don’t have to get up early.
3 You can’t/mustn’t take your dog into the restaurant.
4 I must stop eating so much chocolate.
5 You can’t/mustn’t use your mobile on a plane.
6 I can’t/mustn’t eat nuts. I’m allergic to them.
7 I mustn’t forget to pay Emily back.
8 You don’t have to pay to get in if you’re a member.
2 1 You mustn’t forget to wear a seatbelt when you’re in a car.
2 You don’t have to learn to play cricket before you go there.
3 You mustn’t drive on the right.
4 You don’t have to wear a hat when you arrive at the airport.
5 You don’t have to drink tea every day at half past four.
6 You have to stand in a queue at a bus stop.
7 You don’t have to buy a dog if you live in a house with a garden.
8 You don’t have to stay at school full-time until you are 18.
3 1 Permission 4 Permission
2 Permission 5 Prohibition
3 Prohibition 6 Prohibition
4 1 I have to go now. My parents don’t let me stay out after midnight.
2 When I stay with Grandma, she lets me eat ice cream any time I want!
3 My brother let me ride his bike yesterday.
4 My dad lets me listen to all his old CDs. Some of them are quite good.
5 My teacher doesn’t let us write with a pencil. We have to use a pen.
6 Natalie’s mum doesn’t let her walk to school. She says it’s too far.
7 Our teachers don’t let us use our phones in the classroom. It’s not fair!
8 Do your parents let you stay out late at the weekend?
5 1 She isn’t allowed to come to the park today.
2 We aren’t allowed to play computer games after 10 o’clock.
3 I’m allowed to go on the skiing trip.
4 Are you allowed to stay at my house this weekend?
5 I’m not allowed to get a tattoo.
6 Is Jake allowed to watch TV before school?
7 Young people under 18 aren’t allowed to drink in a pub.
8 We aren’t allowed to run in the school corridors.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 Worksheet answer keys

4.21 PER Niveau 2 Extension (continued)

6 1 We’re going to move to Germany because my dad’s got a job there.
2 You’ve got a lot of bags – I’ll carry some for you.
3 Don’t forget, we’re going to visit your grandparents on Sunday.
4 Will there be a lot of people at the concert, do you think?
5 My parents aren’t going to buy a new car because they say we don’t need one.
6 Don’t worry, I promise I won’t stay too late at the party.
7 What are you going to do for the History project?
8 Long flights are really uncomfortable. You won’t sleep at all.
7 Possible answers:
1 A: The car is really dirty.
B: Oh dear. I’ll wash it.
2 A: What are you going to do this summer?
B: I’m going to …
3 A: The phone’s ringing.
B: I’ll answer it.
4 A: Don’t use that knife! You’ll cut yourself.
B: I’ll be careful.
5 A: Why do you want a bigger house?
B: (Because) we’re going to have a baby in the summer.
6 A: Can I take your order?
B: Yes, please. I’ll have …
8 1 ✓ 2 ✓ 4 ✓ 5 ✓
9 1 I was ill last weekend, but I feel fine again now.
2 I went back to my primary school after three years and it felt strange to be there again.
3 Jessica’s granny died last week. I feel sorry for her.
4 No, I don’t want to go out this evening. I’m tired and I don’t feel up to it.
5 I’ve studied hard for the exams and I feel confident that I’m going to do well.
6 I don’t know why you feel the need to be rude all the time!
7 I didn’t make any friends in China and I felt homesick.
8 I made a terrible mistake in English yesterday – I felt so embarrassed.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 English in Mind 11e Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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