ICT Netiquettes

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Netiquette: InterNET + Etiquette

The etiquette of the Internet;

polite online behavior and the
correct or acceptable way of
communicating on the Internet.
1. Be Respectful
- Don't type in ALL CAPS! If
you do it will look like you
are screaming & always
remember to say "please" and
"thank you"
1. Be Respectful
1. Be Respectful
- Don't say bad words
- Stay on topic. Don't post
irrelevant links, comments,
thoughts or pictures
1. Be Respectful
- Respect the opinion of
- Do unto other as you would
have done unto you
2. Don't Be Too Quick to
Take Offense
- Check the most recent
comments before you reply
to an older comment
3. Use Emoticons and Abbreviations
to Convey Meaning
- Learn common abbreviations,
like "lol" (laugh out loud) or "jk"
(just kidding), or use emoticons,
such as :) or :( or =0 and stickers
3. Use Emoticons and Abbreviations
to Convey Meaning
- Don't write anything that sounds
angry or sarcastic even as a joke,
because without hearing your tone
of voice, your peers might not
realize you're joking.
4. Protect the Privacy of Others

- Don’t push anyone to

do something for you
4. Protect the Privacy of Others
- Do not post copyrighted
material to which you do
not own the rights
4. Protect the Privacy of Others
- Ask permission before posting
photos or videos of others online
and protect the email addresses
of others by deleting them from
emails you forward
4. Protect the Privacy of Others

- Protect the identity

of others
5. Check Your Spelling,
Grammar and Language
- Run a spelling and
grammar check before
posting anything
5. Check Your Spelling,
Grammar and Language

- Keep your posts

short and concise
6. Think before you Share
or Post
- Freedom of expression
seems to rule above all else on
the internet, frequently at the
expense of good manners
Freedom of speech includes the
right to remain silent

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