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As for my opinion, we all deserve to have freedom.

Well in fact we all have

freedom. Us humans can do anything we desire. We are free to do what we want.
We can kill, steal and do all kinds of evil in this world. Because if we cannot do
such, then I think our body will not be able to move properly. Because if
movements are limited then how are we going to develop and do other things. God
gave us our physical body for us to be able to use them and for us to experience the
freedom and rights He gave. Even God gave us the freedom to do what we want.
We can follow Him or not, we can believe in Him or not. It depends upon our
decision. We deserve freedom because freedom itself was already given to us by
the day when we were born. God gave us the freedom to live on Earth and even
though He gave us rules and laws yet we can still choose to do things freely. If a
person doesn’t have freedom then he won’t be capable of deciding and to do what
he thinks is right or wrong. A lot of people lived their lives seeking, understanding
and fighting for freedom even before they died and some will even risk their
dignity and lives for them to be freely express the freedom they want. For example,
the LGBTQ community are now given the freedom to live and in other countries
they give third gender people the right of same-sex marriage. Here in the
Philippines they are given the right to fight for the things they want to express. My
point is we can live freely and do the things what we want. Because everything in
this world is permissible. But does that mean that everything that an individual
does is right and good? Of course not! Freedom can be freely expressed but not
everything that we want to do is right. We have to be considerate and we should
not only think about ourselves. That is why God gave us wisdom for us to think
and to do the right things so we can please Him and not to use such intelligence to
abuse the power and the ability that He entrusted. The Scripture says in 1
Corinthians 6:12 that “I have the right to do anything,” you say-but not everything
is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”-but I will not be mastered by
anything. In 1 Peter 2:16, For you are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use
your freedom as an excuse to do evil. It means that we have the freedom to do
things but let us be mindful with our actions and make sure that the things that we
do are right. Because in my opinion, to be free doesn’t mean that we will destroy
everything and act like satanic creatures. That is why God gave us conscience. But
us humans are sinful in nature that is why even in the beginning God gave us laws
to follow because law helps us to limit our liberty. Laws helps us to maintain peace
and orderliness in the world. Because if we do not have laws to follow and we
practice our freedom to do anything then all will end up in chaos. Laws helps us to
act righteously and pleasingly to the society. Just like what I said a world without
laws will end up in chaos. Just like in the movie, The Purge, the people were given
the freedom to do anything and everything that they did were not punished by the
law. That was for only 12 hours but look how chaotic it was. How if from the day
that you were born the whole world was already like that? I doubt that us humans
will live long. For this society nowadays is corrupt and the thoughts of the people
are bad. I believe freedom can still be expressed as long as we act and we think for
what is right. There are different kinds of freedom that a person has: freedom to
live, love, study and etc. And as a Christian I believe that true freedom is in the
Lord and not the things that are worldly. God Himself is the true freedom that any
man can encounter. Let us live the kind of freedom that is good and that benefits to
our society. Galatians 5:13-14, For you have been called to live in freedom, my
brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature.
Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be
summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

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