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Approved by:

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Faculty of Built Environment

Name of Experiment :
Date of Experiment :
Date of Submission : Program:

Marking Criteria

A. Group Work (10%)

Marks Allocated
Assessment Criteria Score
1 2 3 4 5
1 Quality of
Poor Weak Average Good Excellent
Experiment (5%)
Poor Weak Basic Good Excellent
2 Quality of Report format, format, format, format, format,
(5%) contents & contents & contents & contents & contents &
referencing referencing referencing referencing referencing
Note: Marks will be deducted for breach of discipline marks

B. Individual Marks (10%)

Assessment Marks Allocated
Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
1 Contribution
Minimal Average Full Proactive & full
to experiment No participation
participation participation participation participation
Poor Weak Average Good Excellent
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
subject matter subject matter subject matter subject matter subject matter
Student’s Name Student’s ID No. Marks for Marks for Overall
B1 B2 (A + B)

Note :
1. Experiment and report to be done in groups. Individual assessment will be carried out at discretion of lecturer.
2. Relevant information is to be filled up by students in this mark sheet and submitted to lab lecturer for assessment. It shall
be compiled and submitted to BTBE1013 ESBS Course Coordinator by end of Week 13/ week 7
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Faculty of Built Environment

Experiment: Effects of Light in a Building Demonstrator

Light is another source of energy. Light is actually an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves
are transverse wave made up of continually changing electric and magnetic field. Electromagnetic
waves can travel in solids, liquids, gases and even in vacuum.
Like other types of energy, light can also transport energy from one source to its
surroundings. Any object that gives off light such as the Sun of light bulb is known as a luminous
object. Most of the things in this world are non-luminous and can be seen only because they are
reflecting the light from luminous object.
Some luminous objects give off more light than others. The level of brightness is called
intensity. The further you are from a source of light, the less intense the light is. This is because the
light waves spread out as they travel away from the source.

(i) To determine the intensity of light along the demonstrator when the light intensity meter is
moved away from the light source.
(ii) To demonstrate the inverse square law.

Building Demonstrator, Light panel (light bulb), light intensity meter

1. Students performing the experiments should be supervised by the lecturers in charge.
2. Do not touch the light panel or the light bulb while carrying out the experiment because the
panel is hot.
3. Switch off the power from the power point and the main supply when the Building
Demonstrator is not in use.
4. Pull off the plug from the power supply after turning it off, to prevent voltage surge during

1. Set up the demonstrator by plugging into a 240 V AC single-phase 50 Hz supply.
2. Unscrew all the four nuts at the end of the demonstrator, out the light panel and tighten it.
3. Plug in the light bulb to a power point which is located at the side of the control panel and
turn it ON.
4. Switch ON the light intensity meter, hold the light sensor by hand and face the light sensor to
the light source.
5. Take and record the light intensity meter reading for the distance 60 cm away from the
source. Continue the experiment and take the result for different distance (120 cm, 180 cm,
240 cm) away from the light source.

Note: Immediately after the experiment, do not take out the light panel because the panel is hot. Use
the thermo hunter to check the temperature of the panel before taking out the light panel.
With the light panel facing directly the light intensity meter:

Illuminance of Light, E (lux)

Distance ,d Light Bulb is On
(cm) Reading due to
Light bulb is OFF (A) (B) (reading due
light bulb only
(reading due to sunlight) to sunlight and
light bulb) (C) = (A) - (B)

1. 60

2. 120

3. 180

4. 240


1. Plot the illuminance readings against the square of distance (E Vs d2).

2. Plot the illuminance readings against the inverse of distance squared (E Vs 1/d2).
3. What is the illuminance of light due to light bulb alone when the distance is increased to 300


1. Comment on the graph obtained.

2. Deduce a relationship between the illuminance of light E and the distance d from the light
3. Discuss some factors why this would happen.

Correction Factor for Different Types of Lighting:

1. The light meter is calibrated under a precision “Standard Light tungsten incandescent source
of 2846oK”.
2. If the user intends to use the light meter to make precision measurements using the following
types of lighting, mercury lamp, fluorescent lamp and daylight. Then the reading values
should be corrected (multiplied) by the following factors:
a) Mercury lamp: × 1.05
b) Fluorescent lamp: × 1.11
c) Daylight: × 0.95

For a demonstration of the inverse square law, check the website
Experiment: Effects of Sound in a Building Demonstrator


All sound in caused by vibrating objects. If there is no any adjacent material, the sound would
not transmit. Sound does not transmit in vacuum because there is no material to carry it.
The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB). The value of intensity decreases as
the distance from the source increases. This is because as the distance increases, the sound
would spread out more. The intensity of the sound would decreases as the square of the
distance, that is,
1 1/r2.


(i) To determine the intensity of sound along the demonstrator when the measuring
instrument (sound level meter) is moved away from the speaker (energy source).

(ii) To determine the intensity of sound when it passed through different materials such as
Plywood, softwood, concrete board and gypsum board.

Building Demonstrator, Sound panel (speaker), sound level meter, plywood, soft board, gypsum


1. Students performing the experiments should be supervised by the lecturers in charge.

2. The sound from the speaker is in high pitch. While performing this experiment, it is better
to wear some ear protection. Stop the experiment immediately when the ears feel
3. Switch off the power from the power point and the main supply when the Building
Demonstrator is not in use.
4. Pull off the plug from the power supply after turning it off, to prevent voltage surge during

Experiment A:

1. Set up the demonstrator by plugging into a 240 V AC single-phase 50 Hz supply.

2. Unscrew all the four nuts at the end of the demonstrator, put the sound panel and tighten
3. Connect the speaker wire to a switch that is located above the power point at the side of
the control panel.
4. Turn ON the speaker, switch the selector switch to high. Turn the frequency and volume
to maximum position.
5. Take and record the sound intensity reading for the distance 60 cm away from the
source. Continue the experiment and take result for different distance (120 cm, 180 cm,
240 cm) away from the speaker.
Experiment B:

1. Repeat the procedures for Experiment A from (1) to (4).

2. Put a piece of plywood into a black rack and place it onto the demonstrator that is
located 60cm away from the sound source.
3. Take and record the sound intensity readings immediately before and after the sound
travels though the plywood.
4. Continue this experiment by placing the rack at different distances (120 cm, 180 cm)
away from the sound source.
5. Repeat the experiment by using different board.

Experiment C (Optional if you have enough time):

1. Repeat the procedures for Experiment A from (1) to (4).

2. By using two pieces of plywood, put it into two different black racks and place it onto the
demonstrator that is located 60 cm 1220 cm away from the sound source.
3. Take and record the sound intensity readings after the sound travels through the two
4. Continue this experiment by placing the two racks on two different distance (60 cm and
180 cm, 120 cm and 180 cm) away from the sound source.
5. Repeat the experiment by using different board.


Experiment A:

Distance d Intensity of sound (dB)

(cm) 1st 2nd 3rd
1. 60
2. 120
3. 180

Distance d Intensity of sound (dB) Transmission Sound

(cm) Reading before Reading after coefficient reduction Index
I1(dB) I2(dB) T=I2/I1 R=10xlog10(1/T)
1. 60
2. 120
3. 180

Distance d Intensity of sound (dB) Transmission Sound

(cm) Reading before Reading after coefficient reduction Index
I1(dB) I2(dB) T=I2/I1 R=10xlog10(1/T)
1. 60
2. 120
3. 180

Experiment B: GYPSUM BOARD

Distance d Intensity of sound (dB) Transmission Sound reduction

(cm) Reading before Reading after coefficient Index
I1(dB) I2(dB) T=I2/I1 R=10xlog10(1/T)
1. 60
2. 120
3. 180

Experiment C

Distance d Intensity of sound immediate after the second rack (dB)

(cm) At 60cm and 120cm At 60cm and 180cm At 120cm and 180cm
1. Plywood
2. Softwood
3. Gypsum


1. Compare all the results and make some conclusion.

2. Discuss why this would happen.
3. Discuss about their material and their application.
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Faculty of Built Environment

Experiment: Rain Water Harvesting: Collection Procedure and Water Tests


Rainwater harvesting is the utilisation of technological techniques to collect and store rainfall. It involves
the collection of water from the surfaces that rain has fallen upon or from downpipes. The harvested
water is filtered and subsequently used for both domestic and commercial purposes. New innovative
methods have emerged as a result of technological advancements. Such methods have played a
considerable role towards water conversation.

(i) To determine the mechanism by which the rain water is collected for testing and analysis

(ii) To determine the chemical /mineral factors present in the rainwater sample by means of various
meters/ tester and by comparison.


Rain Water Harvesting apparatus, small glass jars, pH testing paper or pH test meter, Chlorine meter
and TDS meter

Chlorine Meter pH tester Paper pH test meter

TDS Meter Glass jars

1. Students performing the experiments should be supervised by the lecturers in charge.

2. Jars for collection of rainwater should be very clean and free from impurities.

3. Collection process of samples is to be done carefully to avoid pollution of contamination from

any sources.

Experiment 1 (Sample 1)

1. Determine through labelled sketches this mechanism of how rainwater is directed into the
collection tank.
2. Collect a sample of rain water from the rainwater container placed at the end of rainwater
downpipes, in the given jars. Ensure jars are clean.

3. TESTS: Determine
i. chlorine level in the sample rainwater
ii. TDS (total dissolved solids) in the same sample
iii. pH factor for the same sample

Note : take note of units for all the readings.

Experiment 2: Sample 2

Repeat the 3 tests on a second sample (Sample B) of rainwater collected from another source,
preferably from an open grass area or in planters. Ensure that this ample is visually clean.

Experiment 3: Tap water

Repeat the 3 tests on tap water for comparison purposes.

Sample A:
Water Samples Chemical Test Readings
Chlorine TDS pH Value/ Status
1. Sample A
2. Sample B
3. Tap Water

1. Compare all the results and make some conclusion.
2. Discuss the safe and healthy levels of chlorine, TDS and pH values in all 3 samples (Use tables
and diagrams to back up your discussion).
3. State the major differences in the sample of tap water.
4. In your opinion which sample is safest for human consumption? State your reasons for this

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Faculty of Built Environment

Measurement of Relative Humidity, Temperature, O2 and CO2


To determine the Relative Humidity. Temperature. O2 and CO2 of given areas


A relative humidity data logger Patent CO2, CO, O2, Humidity, Temperature and measuring tape.

* Air quality measurement application, multi-

function : CO2 (Carbon dioxide ), CO ( Carbon
monoxide ), O2 ( Oxygen in air ), Humidity,
temperature measurement.

* CO2 range : 0 to 4,000 ppm x 1 ppm.

* O2 range : 0 to 30.0 % x 0.1 %.
* CO range : 0 to 1,000 ppm x 1 ppm.
* Humidity range: 10 to 95 %RH.
* Dew point : -25.3 to 48.9 oC, oC/oF.
* Temp. range : 0 to 50.0 oC, oC/oF.
* CO2 sensor : NDIR, long term reliability.
* CO, O2 sensor : Galvanic cell type.

* Humidity sensor : Precision capacitance

* Alarm setting with the beeper sound
* Sampling time for data recorder is 2 seconds
to 8 hours.


Theory: Humidity is simply the amount of water vapor in the air. Relative humidity refers to the
amount of water vapor in the air in relation to the amount of vapor necessary to saturate the air at its
current temperature. Relative humidity values are expressed as percentages. The relative humidity in
the desert is typically between 10% and 20%. When it is raining, relative humidity is close to 100%.

Traditionally relative humidity can be calculated by dividing the actual vapor pressure (e) by the
saturation vapor pressure (es), and then multiplying by 100%. The saturation vapor pressure can be
determined by measuring the air temperature and then finding the corresponding vapor pressure in a
psychrometric chart. If the relative humidity were 100%, the actual vapor pressure would be the
same as the saturation vapor pressure, implying that the air temperature and the dew point would also
be the same.
Introduction: In this lab, you will learn an easy way to determine relative humidity by using a
relative humidity data logger.


1. Select three different areas in and around the lab: in the lab, in a basement carpark and in
sunny outdoors.
2. Compute readings of relative humidity, temperature, O2 and CO2 in intervals of 10 minutes
for a total of 40 minutes for the selected 3 areas by using the relative humidity data logger.
3. Provide discussions using the data you have obtained.


Area (name the Relative humidity Temperature Oxygen Level Carbon Dioxide
area) level

Area (name the Relative humidity Temperature Oxygen Level Carbon Dioxide
area) level

Area (name the Relative humidity Temperature Oxygen Level Carbon Dioxide
area) level


1. How do the relative humidity measurements for CORRIDOR, OPEN AREA LAB and
outside (car park with trees) compare? Why are your determinations similar or different?

2. Suppose you hear on the radio that the relative humidity is 90 percent on a cold rainy day;
can you conclude that this air contains more moisture than air on a summer day with a 40
percent relative humidity? Explain the reasons with diagrams.
3. In wooded area (trees and parks) are the RH, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide very different
when compared to urban areas with traffic, roads and built up features? Explain with

Example of Diagram (must have title, source and labelling



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