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General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.

Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 552-9793 |

Requirement 3: Summary and Documentation

Submitted by
BSN 3A – Group 1
Azucena, Kloue Cynin, SN
Bernardo, Mikaella Alleah, SN
Binoya, Jayveah, SN
Burgos, Daisy Rae, SN
Catiban, Ann Rea, SN
Fuertes, Wilmarc, SN
Gumapac, Aubrey, SN
Manibog, Kaye Honeylee, SN
Ochavo, Darlene, SN
Tarnate, Anthony, SN
Tormis, Ferliza, SN
Waya, Nashreeya Aerl, SN

Submitted to
Ms. Rizza Francisco, RN, MAN
January 5, 2024

Photo documentation of the group session


First Generation of Drugs

● Azucena, Kloue Cynin
● Bernardo, Mikaella Alleah
● Burgos, Daisy Rae
● Waya, Nashreeya Aerl

Second Generation of Drugs

● Fuertes, Wilmarc
● Manibog, Kaye Honeylee
● Ochavo, Darlene
● Binoya, Jayveah

Third Generation of Drugs

● Tarnate, Anthony
● Tormis, Ferliza
● Gumapac, Aubrey
● Catiban, Ann Rea

Summary and Documentation

● Binoya, Jayveah

Minutes of Meeting

Date: December 22, 2023

Time: 7:30 pm via Google Meet

Attendees: All members are present.

Agenda: Division of labor and discussion about the activity.

Meeting Minutes:

The meeting commenced at 7:35 pm.

1. First Generation of Drugs:

- Azucena, Kloue Cynin, initiated the discussion on the first generation of

antipsychotic drugs, highlighting their significance and mechanism of action.

- Bernardo, Mikaella Alleah, and Waya, Nashreeya Aerl provided insights into the
clinical applications and challenges associated with these drugs.

- Burgos, Daisy Rae opened the floor for questions and additional contributions.

2. Second Generation of Drugs:

- Fuertes, Wilmarc, led the discussion on second-generation antipsychotic drugs,

emphasizing their side effects.

- Manibog, Kaye Honeylee, and Binoya, Jayveah shared examples and case studies
illustrating the effectiveness of second-generation drugs.

- Ochavo, Darlene, encouraged opened a discussion to foster a comprehensive

understanding of this drug category.

3. Third Generation of Drugs:

- Tarnate, Anthony, presented information on the latest advancements in third-

generation antipsychotic drugs, discussing potential benefits and drawbacks.

- Tormis, Ferliza, facilitated a collaborative exploration of psychiatric medications.

- Gumapac, Aubrey, and Catiban, Ann Rea, shared their perspectives and engaged in
discussions on the potential effects of third-generation drugs.

4. Summary and Documentation:

- Binoya, Jayveah, took responsibility for summarizing key points from all discussions
and compiling the documentation.

- Participants were encouraged to share any additional thoughts or insights before

concluding the meeting.

The meeting ended at 8:10 pm with a reminder of the next meeting date and a collective
commitment to ongoing collaboration and knowledge-sharing.


“Through engaging in this activity, I have gained an insight into the realm of antipsychotic
medications— their indications, side effects, drug interactions, and the like. As these
drugs are vital in managing conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe
depression by regulating brain chemicals, they can ease hallucinations and delusions but
cause side effects such as weight gain or movement problems. By grasping these
fundamental aspects, I learned the correct way of administering these drugs, how to
monitor patient responses, educate patients and their families, and contribute effectively
to the multidisciplinary care of individuals with psychiatric conditions.''- Azucena

“I have learned the significance of antipsychotic drugs in the field of mental health
treatment. These medications play a vital role in managing and alleviating symptoms
associated with various psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Moreover, antipsychotic drugs not only help in reducing hallucinations, delusions, and
disorganized thinking but also aid in improving overall functioning, enhancing quality of
life, and promoting long-term recovery for individuals struggling with these conditions.
Thus, it is clear that antipsychotic drugs are highly valuable and play a crucial role in the
treatment and management of mental health disorders.”- Bernardo

“As a student nurse, I've come to appreciate the profound impact antipsychotic drugs can
have on patients battling mental health challenges through this activity. I have learned
that these medications play a pivotal role in restoring balance and providing much-needed
relief to individuals experiencing psychiatric disorders, allowing them to regain control of
their lives. To witness the positive transformations in patients highlights the importance
of empathy, understanding, and the vital role nurses play in supporting mental well-being.
It reinforces my commitment to compassionate care and the pursuit of holistic approaches
to enhance the lives of those facing mental health struggles.” - Binoya

“Based on the topic that was assigned to us in which it talks about the different generation
of antipsychotics drugs. I have learned that each generation of drugs have different
actions that help alleviate the suffering of others that are experiencing mental illnesses.
These drugs help them to control the symptoms that they are feeling as well as keeping
them sane. Thus, as a student nurse it is very important to learn these different drugs in
order for us to know its different actions and indications to be able to give proper
intervention during our exposure.” - Burgos

“As a student nurse, I learned that antipsychotic medications are drugs that can lessen
psychotic symptoms. It helps lessen the symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions,
hallucinations, and disordered thinking, by working to alter the brain chemistry. Also, I
learned that antipsychotic drugs are often regarded as the first line of treatment for
patients with psychotic illnesses since they are effective in treating and helping patients
recover from a variety of psychiatric illnesses. When working in inpatient settings,
psychiatric nurses face significant problems related to the use of antipsychotic
medications. Nurses in these situations are in charge of giving the patient each dose of
medication and being alert for any possible adverse effects and managing them.” -

“Antipsychotic drugs are essential for treating mental health conditions. They support
long-term recovery, improve quality of life, and regulate brain chemistry. They
demonstrate the value of comprehension and empathy in the management and treatment
of mental health issues by assisting in the restoration of equilibrium and offering
consolation.” - Fuertes

“Understanding the potential side effects and adverse reactions of antipsychotic drugs is
crucial in providing safe and competent care to patients. In addition to treating symptoms
of psychosis, antipsychotic drugs can also have a significant impact on a patient's quality
of life. By reducing symptoms and improving functioning, these medications can help
patients to engage in therapy and other treatments that can further aid in their recovery.
As a student nurse, it is important to understand the role of antipsychotic drugs in a
patient's overall treatment plan and to work collaboratively with other healthcare
professionals to ensure the best outcomes for the patient.” -Gumapac

“Antipsychotic drugs have been a vital tool in treating psychotic disorders and have
significantly improved the lives of millions of individuals. However, there are important
lessons that have been learned about these medications over the years, such as their
side effects, potential for dependency, and overprescription. It is essential for healthcare
providers to carefully consider the risks and benefits of these drugs and closely monitor
individuals on long-term treatment to ensure their well-being. Additionally, more research
is needed to develop safer and more effective antipsychotic medications to improve the
lives of those with psychotic disorders.” -Manibog

“Individualized treatment is crucial, and this is one important lesson in the field of
psychopharmacology. There is no one-size-fits-all method for treating mental health
issues, even though drugs can be quite helpful in doing so. Individual differences in
responses to drugs, co-existing disorders, brain chemistry, genetic makeup, and other
factors all play a significant role. Because of this, it's critical that medical professionals
approach psychopharmacology through a tailored lens, taking into account each patient's
unique needs, tolerances, and possible interactions. The optimization of treatment
efficacy and mitigation of potential side effects or dangers associated with psychotropic
drugs are contingent upon regular monitoring and open communication between patients
and their healthcare professionals.”-Ochavo

“In the realm of mental health treatment, the evolution of antipsychotic medications has
been instrumental in managing various psychiatric conditions, notably schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, and major depression disorder. The development of third generation
antipsychotics marks a significant advancement in pharmacotherapy, offering improved
efficacy, tolerability, and fewer side effects compared to their predecessors. The lessons
I learned from these medications are the importance of continued research and innovation
in pharmaceuticals. These aforementioned drugs were designed with a focus on targeting
specific neurotransmitter pathways while minimizing adverse effects commonly
associated with older antipsychotics. This emphasis on refining drugs mechanisms and
reducing side effects exemplifies the commitment to enhancing patient outcomes and
quality of life.”- Tarnate

“As a student nurse, learning about psychology is part of my curriculum. Understanding

the human mind and behavior is crucial in providing holistic care to patients. And now that
we are tasked to report about antipsychotic drugs, I have learned that these medications
are commonly used to treat various mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder. Antipsychotic drugs work by altering the levels of certain chemicals in
the brain, helping to reduce symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, and mood swings.
Additionally, while digging deeper about these certain medications I have also learned
that antipsychotic drugs can have potential side effects, including weight gain,
drowsiness, and movement disorders. It is important for healthcare professionals to
carefully monitor patients who are prescribed these medications to ensure that the
benefits outweigh the risks. Furthermore, different types of antipsychotic drugs may be
more effective for certain individuals depending on their specific symptoms and medical
history. Therefore, a personalized approach is necessary when prescribing these
medications to optimize treatment outcomes.”- Tormis

“Antipsychotic drugs have evolved over three generations, each with its own benefits and
drawbacks. First-generation drugs reduced hallucinations and delusions but had severe
side effects like EPS and TD. I learned from these drugs that while they can be effective
in managing symptoms, the potential for debilitating side effects cannot be ignored.
Second-generation drugs reduced these symptoms but had metabolic side effects like
weight gain and increased diabetes risk. This taught me that although second-generation
drugs may offer some advantages over their predecessors, they still come with significant
risks. Third-generation drugs aim to provide symptom relief without severe side effects. I
have learned that advancements in pharmacology continue to shape the field of
psychiatry. Hence, I learned that finding the right medication is a delicate balance
between symptom management and potential side effects, and healthcare professionals
must consider each patient's unique needs when prescribing these powerful
medications.” - Waya

Chokhawala, K. (2023, February 26). Antipsychotic medications. StatPearls -

NCBI Bookshelf.

De Bartolomeis, A., Barone, A., Begni, V., & Riva, M. A. (2022). Present and future

antipsychotic drugs: A systematic review of the putative mechanisms of

action for efficacy and a critical appraisal under a translational perspective.

Pharmacological Research, 176, 106078.

Haddad, P. M., & Correll, C. U. (2018). The acute efficacy of antipsychotics in

schizophrenia: a review of recent meta-analyses. Therapeutic Advances in

Psychopharmacology, 8(11), 303–318.

Read, J., & Williams, J. S. (2019). Positive and negative effects of antipsychotic

medication: an international online survey of 832 recipients. Current Drug

Safety, 14(3), 173–181.

Weston–Green, K. (2022). Antipsychotic drug development: From historical

evidence to fresh perspectives. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.


3 2 1 0
Clearly organized: All information/events were Most information/events were covered A number of information/events Copy pasted or no summary
introduction, body, & covered missing
Key ideas and main learning points Some ideas and main learning points Just a simple list of activities within Copy pasted content or no summary
Addresses the prompt or explained in a way that is easily explained but not very easily understood the lessons/few thoughts on
the topic given? understood and all points covered or missing some key points journals and videos.
Paragraph Organization Saying how you think the Saying how you felt about the Saying how you felt about the Irrelevant or non-coherent with the
and Writing Style: Ideas are lesson/journal and/or video has lesson/journal and/or video with some lesson/ journal and/or video without topic/journal/or video discussed,
original and sequential and benefited your learning referring explanation about how it helped you as a saying why (e.g., It was a good read, or watched.
has evident nursing to past knowledge and next steps nursing student or as a future nurse. lesson for me)
implication. as you work on being a nurse.
The output show evidence The writing is generally free of The writing has some errors such as The writing is mostly erroneous such Writing is barely comprehensible due
of deep thought about grammar, spelling, and grammar, spelling, and missing as grammar, spelling and missing to numerous grammatical errors
being connected and make punctuation errors and makes very punctuation. It generally makes sense. punctuation. It may also not make
sense. good sense sense in places.
Correct references and All references used are important Some of the references cited and listed Most of the references cited and No reference cited
citations. and current; are of good/scholarly are important, some are of listed are not important and/or not
quality. References are correctly good/scholarly quality. Some are of good/scholarly quality.
cited correctly cited and listed. References are not correctly cited
and listed. References are outdated.

Comments: .

Clinical Instructor’s Signature/Date:

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