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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Introduction
Technical writing is a typical form of writing, different from expressive
expository or descriptive writing. Technical writing requires give and take, dialogue,
follow-up, input, and action. Most often, it creates action; it causes the person at the
other end to react or respond. It is also a form of documentation where processes are
described, recorded, and analyzed.
Documentation could also be about the different phases of a product life cycle
or even the responses to a certain experiment or exercise. Most often, these are in
the form of reports. It is important to emphasize here that there may not be a single
procedure for reporting or documenting. It is always needed- and situation-specific.
There are three factors determining technical writing: purpose, audience, and
tone. The purpose of writing and the audience very often set the tone of a piece of
writing. If you are writing to someone above you in the hierarchy, you are probably
requesting or recommending action. But if it is someone below you, you are
directing action or instructing. Again, if you are writing a report solely for the
purpose of documenting, your language will be different. But if you are presenting
a proposal and trying to convince your colleagues, your tone will have to be
Technical writing is very specifically aimed at achieving certain purposes. A
good training manual will do exactly what it is intended to do. Similarly, a well-
written marketing report or a feasibility report has very specific goals to achieve,
and they are tailored to fulfill those specific purposes only. A well-designed and
well-written piece of technical writing must take into consideration some important
factors even before the process of writing begins.
1.2. Defining The Objectives
A well-written technical document must define the objectives very
specifically at the outset. The writer must be very clear about:
 Why the document is being written. Is it being written to simply record
a process and keep it for reference or is it a proposal or plan which one
wants others to accept or is one trying to convince somebody that the
proposed plan of action is undesirable or desirable.
 What exactly is the writing intended to do?
Chapter 1: Introduction

Technical writing is generally written to convey information. It can be aimed

at giving the reader information he/she desired to have, or it can be aimed at
changing the readers’ response or attitude towards an object, a proposal, or a process.
Or it can aim at giving the reader a set of instructions as to the operation or working
of a machine or gadget. To do this, the writer must have a clear idea. Identifying the
information, the readers want the communication to provide. Determining how the
audience will look for this information.
If your report is about the financial feasibility of changing certain machinery
in the company, your highlight should be the cost incurred in maintaining the old
machinery and other recurring expenditures. The present expense should be
compared with the new expense and shown as less. The superior quality of the output
or the subsequent convenience should also be presented appealingly.
If your communication is intended to get funding for a project, your purpose
will be to convince your boss or the funding agency about the necessity of this
project, to highlight how the organization will benefit from it and how the proposed
outcome will fulfill long-term goals and objectives. This can be done by presenting
the material in the form of:
 Points and Sub-points: Presenting the relevant facts as easily accessible
points and sub-points.
 Tables: Putting the facts you want your readers to compare and contrast
in the form of a table.
 Flow Charts: If you want your audience to quickly compare the lengths
of two processes you could present both in the form of two flow charts
on the same page. This will make comparison and assessment easy for
the readers.
 The following are some general technical writing tips for success:
 Be Specific and Avoid Clutter in Your Writing:

The secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest

components. Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a
short word, every adverb which carries the same meaning that is already in the verb,
every passive construction that leaves the writer unsure of who is doing what – these
are thousand and one adulterants that weaken the strength of a sentence. And they
usually occur, ironically, in proportion to education and rank.”
Chapter 1: Introduction

Technical writing is not literary writing, which serves a completely different

purpose. Technical writing must be clear and concise. Short declarative sentences
are the easiest to write and read, and they are usually clear. However, too many
short sentences in a row can sound abrupt and monotonous. Good technical writing
involves finding the right mix between short sentences and more complex
 Write with an Active Voice

An active voice is always preferable to a passive voice. Write “The

researchers found a strong correlation between the dosage of the drug and its
efficacy.” instead of “A strong correlation between the dosage of the drug and its
efficacy was found by the researchers.”
 Present Accurate Information and Be as Precise as Possible

The author of a technical paper uses words to relay information about facts
and events that have happened. The author typically does not relay opinions, except
in the cases where an unexplained event or phenomenon has occurred. In this case,
it is appropriate for the author to render an opinion (an educated one, of course)
about the situation. If this is done, it is important that the author make clear that he
or she is offering an opinion and not a fact.
 Use Different Verb Tenses for Different Expository Purposes

As the writer is usually writing about events which have already happened,
the tense of a paper is mainly past tense. For example, “Smith (1994) found (not
“finds”) that freshmen spend less time” . . ., or “The results were” (not “are”).
However, in some parts of the document, it may be appropriate to use the present or
future tense. For instance, if the author is covering facts that were, are, and forever
shall be true, these facts may be presented in the present tense.
The present tense can also be used when you are giving your own ideas, when
presenting statements that are well accepted, or when describing your results. For
example, “I believe that maintaining a positive attitude is very useful in helping to
beat the cancer scourge.”; or “Freud believes that the unconscious determines our
behavior.”; or “Table 1 shows . . .”. Future tenses are used very sparingly but are
more common when writing research proposals. If the author is writing about
experiments or activities yet to come, the future tense can also be appropriate.
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Try Using Third-Person Pronouns

Technical documents usually do not contain first-person and second-person

pronouns such as “I”, “you”, and “we”. However, in recent years the use of first-
person pronouns has become more acceptable. Even then, only the first-pronoun
“we” is used. When in doubt, stick to third-person pronouns.
 Use Charts, Tables, and Graphs

Tables and charts are important components in technical papers. They convey
a lot of information in the shortest time and in minimum space. Label all charts,
tables, and graphs sequentially, and give them titles. A common mistake among
novice writers is to include tables and graphs but somehow fail to discuss them in
the report.
If you are new to technical writing, following the six tips above will
immediately improve your writing. Remember, in technical writing you write for
the readers, not to satisfy your ego or to tell a story. So, don’t be ambiguous and go
straight to the point. In subsequent chapters, we will revisit some of the tips and
elaborate on them.
1.3. A General Definition of Technical Communication
Technical communication is “writing that aims to get work done, to change
people by changing the way they do things” (Killingsworth and Gilbertson, Signs
232). Authors use this kind of writing “to empower readers by preparing them for
and moving them toward effective action” (Killingsworth and Gilbertson, Signs
1.4. What Counts as technical Communication?
Technical communication is an extremely broad field. It encompasses a wide
range of skills and writing types. The Society for Technical Communication, an
international professional organization, says that technical communication is any
item of communication that includes one or more of these characteristics (STC,
 Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer
applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.
 Communicating by using technology, such as Web pages, help files, or
social media sites.
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how

technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute
that communication.

STC offers a certification to become a professional technical communicator.

In such a capacity, a communicator is able to do all of the following:
 User, Task, and Experience Analysis—Define the users of the
information and analyze the tasks that the information must support.
 Information Design—Plan information deliverables to support task
 requirements. Specify and design the organization, presentation,
distribution, and archival for each deliverable.
 Process Management—Plan the deliverables schedule and monitor the
process of fulfillment.
 Information Development—Author content in conformance with the
 design plan, through an iterative process of creation, review, and
 Information Production—Assemble developed content into required
deliverables that conform to all design, compliance, and production
guidelines. Publish, deliver, and archive (STC, “Certification”).

Technical communicators apply these skill areas to deliver diverse

information products, including technical reports, articles, books, periodicals,
tutorials and training, training materials, brochures, posters, websites, quick start
guides, context-sensitive help, organizational manuals, quick reference, reference
documents, user guides, and interactive knowledge bases (based in part on STC,
“General”). Further, the content they produce may be drawn upon to meet other
needs of the company or organization, such as sales and marketing, product
development, and regulatory compliance. Broadly considered, technical
communication is a part of almost everyone’s life on a regular basis.
1.5. Who Creates technical Communication?
Two different types of writers create technical communication—technical
communication professionals and those professionals who write as part of their jobs.
Professional technical communicators are hired to write the content that
companies need to explain their products or services, often to help customers and
technicians interact efficiently with the product or service. For instance, technical
Chapter 1: Introduction

communicators work with software engineers to understand their software and then
write guides and tutorials that users need. Whatever is needed to make information
available to help people with their work, technical communicators produce.
Technical communicators are also those professionals who write about issues
in their specific field or workplace. Sometimes these experts write for other experts.
For instance, an engineer might write a progress report explaining to a division
manager the actions and issues with a current project; a dietitian could write a
proposal to fund a new low-fat breakfast program at a hospital; a packaging engineer
may offer a solution for an inefficient method of filling and boxing jars of perfume.
Sometimes these experts write to help nonexperts with technical material.
Dieticians, for instance, often write brochures or Web content explaining the
components of a healthy diet to hospital patients. Engineers write reports for
nontechnical users, perhaps a county board, explaining an issue that has arisen in a
bridge project. Both groups and their activities center on the basic definition of
technical writing given by Killingsworth and Gilbertson. The goal is to empower
readers who depend on the information for success.
1.6. How Important Is Technical Communication?
Communication duties are a critical part of most jobs. Survey after survey has
revealed that every week people spend the equivalent of one or more days
communicating. In one survey (“How do they”), engineers reported that they spend
34 percent of their time writing on the job. In addition, they report that in their
writing, they collaborate up to 30 percent of their time. E-mail takes up to 38 percent
of their time. Bob Collins, a corporate manager, puts it this way: “The most critical
skill required in today’s business world is the ability to communicate, both verbally
and in writing. Effective communication has a direct impact on one’s potential
within an organization.” Holly Jeske, an assistant technical designer for a department
store chain, says “communication is my job.” Her comments demonstrate the
importance and complexity of everyday, on-the-job writing:
I have to say that I depend a lot on my computer and e-mail for communicating
with our overseas offices. I send and receive a lot of e-mails daily. A huge part of
my job depends on writing and communicating in that way. I don’t get the chance to
hop on a plane every time there is a fit issue so that I can verbally communicate with
them or even call them on the phone. . . . If I were never able to communicate through
writing what I want the factory to change about a garment, I probably never would
Chapter 1: Introduction

be moving from my current position. Communication is my job and pretty much

anyone’s job, . . . e-mail is a huge part of the corporate world.

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