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a. What subject would you want your research would be venturing to?
- Science
b. What problem/s does that subject have that is worth researching/studying?
- The problem worth researching/studying in this context is the potential lack of
engagement critical among elementary students in science education. Traditional
teaching methods may not always effectively stimulate curiosity and encourage
students to think critically about scientific concepts. By assessing the use of inquiry
based learning in the classroom setting , the research aims to address this issue by
identifying approaches that better foster critical thinking skills and active
participation among elementary students. This problem is worth studying for us to
identify and address the barriers that students lacks in participating inquiry based
learning .Current methods of assessing science learning may not accurately reflect
students' understanding that's why we should prioritize using inquiry based learning
for the students to develop and enhance their critical thinking.
c. How familiar/master are you with the said subject and problem?
- Having experienced the challenges firsthand during our elementary school years,
we have a personal understanding of the importance of addressing this issue.
Reflecting on our own educational journey, we recognize the impact that
uninspiring teaching methods can affect students’ engagement and curiosity in
science. Our own experiences serve as a motivation for us to explore solutions to
this problem, so that the future generations of elementary students can have a
more enriching science education. This personal connection fuels our passion for
this research topic and drives our determination to make a meaningful
contribution to the field.
d. What is your proposed title/topic?
- Our proposed topic is ‘Assessing the Effectiveness of Using Inquiry-Based Learning
in Enhancing Science Literacy Among Elementary Students’. Through this research,
we intend to explore how inquiry-based learning methods can positively impact
elementary students’ development of critical thinking skills and their interest in
science. By investigating different aspects of inquiry-based learning and its
outcomes, we hope to provide insights that can inform educators and curriculum
designers on effective teaching practices for elementary science education.
e. Explain in at least 3 sentences the reasons why it is important to venture in such
research topic?
- Venturing into the research topic of assessing the effectiveness of inquiry-based
learning strategies in elementary science education is vital for several reasons.
Firstly, it can help educators understand how to engage young students more
effectively, fostering a love for learning and exploration from an early age.
Secondly, promoting critical thinking skills and scientific curiosity in elementary
students lays a strong foundation for their future academic and career success,
particularly in STEM fields where problem-solving and innovation are essential.
Thirdly, by identifying and implementing evidence-based teaching practices, we
can enhance the quality of science education and contribute to building a
scientifically literate society equipped to address global challenges and
advancements in technology.
f. Locate at least 5 related literature and studies that are relevant to your research topic.
What do they say about the research problem?
1. The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Students’ Academic Achievement
In Science Course (Abdi, 2014)
The results showed that students who were instructed through inquiry-based
learning achieved higher score than the ones which were instructed through the
traditional method.
2. Fostering Students’ Process Skills Through Inquiry-Based Science Learning
Implementation (JH Nunaki, 2020)
It was revealed that the process skill of student in the inquiry-based learning class
was better compared to students in the conventional class.
3. Effects of the Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Students’ Achievement, Science
Process Skills and Attitudes towards Science: A Meta-Analysis Science
Meta-analysis results showed that the inquiry-based science education had a
positive and higher levels of affects of students’ academic achievement. It was also
found that this specific teaching and learning method had a positive and medium
level of effect on their science process skills and attitudes towards science. It was
found that inquiry-based learning method used in science education had much more
significant effects on student achievement rather than on their science process skills
and their attitudes towards science in contrast to the traditional teaching method.
4. Improving Basic Science Process Skills through Inquiry-based Approach in
Learning Science for Early Elementary Students (Mulyeni, Jamaris,& Supriyati,
The study showed that the basic science process skills improved after the
intervention of learning. The study also revealed the factors contributed to the
inquiry-based approach of science learning to develop the basic science process
skills, such as the use of worksheets, singing a song, and the interactions with
both peers and teacher. This study revealed that science learning through the
inquiry-based approach improved science process skills of second graders who
were the age within the early childhood.
5. The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Science Learning by Future Teacher of
Elementary School (USEJ, 2017)
It concludes that science learning by using inquiry-based is effective to develop
students’ inquiry skills.
g. Where would you want to collect the relevant information for your study? Who will be
your respondents that will provide information that would help you answer your
research questions?
- We intend to gather data from both elementary learners and educators through
questionnaires. These questionnaires would be designed to gather insights into the
experiences, perceptions, and practices related to inquire-based learning in
elementary science education.
For elementary learners, the questionnaires would aim to understand their
experiences with inquiry-based learning activities, their attitudes towards science,
and their perceived benefits or challenges of such approach.
For educators, the questionnaires would seek input on their experiences with
implementing inquiry-based learning strategies, the challenges they encounter, the
resources they utilize, and their perceptions of the effectiveness of these strategies
in promoting student engagement and learning.
By gathering data from both students and educators, we aim to obtain a
comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness and impact of inquiry-based
learning in elementary science education, which will help answer our research
questions and inform recommendations for practice.
h. What will be the variables that you want to consider in this research? Define these
variables. What are your plans on how to quantify them?
Variables to consider:
1. Profile Variables:
The control variables such as student demographics (age, gender, socioeconomic status),
previous academic achievement, and teacher experience and training. These variables will
help ensure that any observed effects can be attributed to the inquiry-based learning
strategies rather than external factors.
2. Independent Variable: Inquiry-Based Learning Strategies
o Definition: These are teaching method and approaches designed to
encourage students to ask questions, explore, and investigate concepts
independently or collaboratively.
o Quantification Plan: We intend to quantify these variables by designing
questions that assess the frequency and depth of engagement with
inquiry-based activities, possibly using questionnaires.
3. Dependent Variables:
a. Critical thinking skills
o Definition: These are the abilities to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize
information to make reasoned judgments or decisions.
o Quantification Plan: We intend to quantify these variables through
b. Scientific Curiosity
o Definition: This refers to students’ inclination to question, explore and
engage with scientific concepts out of genuine interest.
o Quantification Plan: To quantify scientific curiosity, we propose to use
questionnaires also.

i. What are the statement of the problem?

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning strategies in fostering
critical thinking skills and scientific curiosity among elementary students.
Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the elementary students in terms of the following variables?
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Parent’s educational attainment
d. Available learning materials owned and used.
2. How do students perceive inquiry-based learning in terms of engagement, interest, and
3. What are the outcomes of assessments designed to measure critical thinking skills and
scientific curiosity among students exposed to inquiry-based learning compared to
traditional instructional methods?
4. Is there a significant difference in the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning strategies in
fostering critical thinking skills and scientific curiosity among elementary students?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the pupils’ performance using inquiry based
learning and that of using traditional teaching method?

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