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Practical based


Programming in C Language (107)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of

Bachelor of Computer Application


Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.)

Session 2023-2024

Guided By: Submitted By:

Mr. Nishid Parmar Piyush Dongre
(Head of department)
Dept. of Computer

Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, KK Road Raipur
1. Write a Program to add two numbers.

2. Write a Program to perform arithmetic

operation in C language.
3. Write a Program to calculate simple interest.
4. Write a program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
5. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.

6. Write a program to add first and last digit of Four-digit

7. Write a program to calculate average rainfall during the year
8. Write a program to swap the value of two variables.

9. write a program to calculate percentage 0f students of 5

10. Write a program to calculate area of circle.
11. Write a program to calculate area of triangle.
12. Write a program to calculate area of rectangle.
13. Write a program to calculate area of square.
14. write a program to calculate maximum number of two
15. write a program to check whether the entered year is leap
year or not.
16. write a program to check whether the entered number is even
or odd.
17. write a program to check whether the entered number is even
or not.
18. Write a program to calculate maximum numbers of three
19. Write a program using switch case to print color.
20. Write a program to print grade of students according to their
21. Write a program using switch case to print week days
according to numbers.
22. Write a program to check whether an entered character is a
vowel or consonant.
23. Write a program using switch case to perform arithmetic
operation according to user choice.
24. Write a program to print the series of natural number from 1
to 10 using loop.
25. Write a program to print the series of following series (2, 1, 4
,3,6 ,5 ,8 ,7, . . . ).
26. Write a program to print the series of following series
(1,4,9,16,25, . . .100).
27. Write a program to print 1 to 10 using while loop.
28. Write a program to print even number between 2 to 20.
29. Write a program to print 1 to 10 in reverse order.
30. Write a program to print odd number between 1 to 19.
31. Write a program to print a table of any number user.
32. Write a program to check Armstrong number.
33. Write a program to print sum of first 10 natural number.
34. Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 10.
35. Write a program to check prime number.
36. Write a program to print series 0,1,1,2,3,5,8….
37. Write a program to print power square.
38. Write a program to print all the combination of the number
39. Write a program to print the (*) pattern in increasing order.
40. Write a program to print the (*) pattern in decreasing order.

41. Write a program to print the number pattern

in increasing order.
42. Write a program to print the number pattern
in decreasing order.
43. Write a program to print break function.
44. Write a program to print continue function.
45. Write a program to print factorial function.

46. Write a program to create a function of addition of 2 numbers

with return value. (call by value).
47. Write a program to create a function of addition of 2 numbers
without return value. (Call by value).
48. Write a program to calculate simple interest using function
with return value. (Call by value).
49. Write a program to calculate simple interest using function
without return value. (Call by value).
50. Write a program to calculate factorial number using function
with return value. (call by value).
51. Write a program to calculate factorial number using function
without return value. (Call by value).
52. Write a program to swapping using functions.
53. Write a program to print power square using pow () function.

54. Write a program to calculate power using function with return

value. (Call by value).
55. Write a program to calculate power using function without
return value. (Call by value).
56. Write a program to create a function of addition of 2 numbers
with return value. (Call by address).
57. Write a program to create a function of addition of 2 numbers
without return value. (Call by address).

58. Write a program to calculate simple interest using function

with return value. (Call by address).
59. Write a program to calculate simple interest using function
without return value. (Call by address).
60. Write a program to calculate factorial using function with
return value. (Call by address).
61. Write a program to calculate factorial using function without
return value. (Call by address).
62. Write a program to calculate power using function with return
value. (Call by address).
63. Write a program to calculate power using function without
return value. (Call by address).
64. Write a program to calculate factorial using recursion.
65. Write a program to take 5 values in an array and print those
five values.
66. Write a program to take 10 values in an array and print values.
67. Write a program to take 10 elements in an array and search
the given number present in an array or not.
68. Write a program to find maximum number in an array of 10
69. Write a program to find minimum number in an array of 10
70. Write a program to take 5 elements in an array and sort then
in descending order.
71. Write a program to take 5 elements in an array and sort then
in ascending order.
72. Write a program to multiplication of two matrix.
73. Write a program to addition of two matrix.
74. Write a program to subtraction of two matrix.
75. Write a program to take 9 elements in a 2-dimensional array
of matrix 3*3.
76. Write a program to take one string and print that string.
77. Write a program to check whether a string is
palindrome or not.
78. Write a program to concatenate two strings.
79. Write a program to copy one string into another string.
80. Write a program to perform pointer arithmetic.
81. Write a program to create structure that take roll no. and
name of student. (Structure).
82. Write a program to create structure that take roll no. and
name of student. (Union).
83. Write a program to demonstrate pointer in array.
84. Write a program to copy the content of one file into another.

85. Write a program to append a content of one file into another

86. Write a program to calculate length of string.

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