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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1(a) Any two from: 2

• (Amount of water in the pool
decreases) as water evaporates
/ becomes water vapour / gas
• The (more) energetic
molecules escape OR fast(er)
molecules escape OR molecules
with more (kinetic) energy
• From the surface of the

1(b) lower temperatures / cold(er) 2 change and

day (1) explanation must
produces smaller pool more
slowly because rate of
evaporation decreases with
decreasing temperature (1)
less windy weather (1)
produces smaller pool more
slowly as a draught over surface
removes water vapour enabling
faster rate of evaporation. (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

2 average distance between 2

molecules greater (in gas) (1)

(attractive) forces between

molecules lower / zero in gas

3 (thermal) energy (needed) to 2

change state (1)
NOT per °C
of unit mass / 1 kg (of material)

4 electrons mentioned (1) 3

electrons travel (a great
distance) through the metal or
(vibrating) atoms hit (free)
electrons (1)
electrons hit (distant) particles
or transfer energy (to distant
atoms) (1)

5(a) (p 2=) p 1 V 1 / V 2 2
ALLOW 1 mark for p 1 V 1 = p 2
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5(b) greater 3
molecules move faster / have
greater KE / molecules have
greater momentum
(leads to) more frequent / harder
collisions (with walls) / great rate
of change of momentum

6(a) E = ml in any form OR 3

(l =) E ÷ m words, symbols or
numbers (1)
(m =) 1.5 OR
1500 OR
3.8 – 2.3 OR
3800 – 2300 (1)
6 5
(l = 1.26 × 10 ÷ 1.5 =) 8.4 × 10
J / kg (1)

6(b) insulate OR 2
apply lagging / insulation (to
container) (1)
reduction of thermal energy /
heat losses (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

7 molecules do work against 3

attractive force as they
evaporate (1)
more energetic molecules more
likely to escape (1)
average energy of remaining
molecules decreases (1)

8(a) E = Pt in any form (1) 2

(E =) 6000 J (1)

8(b) E = mc ΔT in any form (1) 3

c= (1)

(c =) 0.84 J /(g °C) OR

840 J /(kg °C) (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8(c) EITHER 2
some of energy supplied by the
heater heats the heater / goes
to lagging / goes to surroundings
specific heat capacity is lower
than value in (b) (1)
some energy may be absorbed
from surroundings if they are at
a higher temperature (1)
specific heat capacity is higher
than value in (b) (1)

9 temperature too high 1

or thermometer only measures
up to about 100 °C
or small range

thermometer / bulb can’t make 1

proper contact
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

10 sand molecules gain KE OR 2

vibrate more OR hit (other)
molecules (when heated) OR
(thermal energy is transferred
by) conduction (1)
Energy is transferred to
molecules of plastic pot in
contact with sand (through
collisions) OR Energy OR
(lattice) vibrations transferred to
neighbouring molecules (1)

11 A liquid 2 2 marks if 3 correct

B solid answers and 1 mark if
C gas two correct answers

12 Any three from: 3

• (thermal) energy in the skin /
body transferred to (molecules
of) sweat
• These molecules (have
enough KE to) escape from the
skin / become water vapour
• Leaving behind molecules with
lower energy
• Which leaves the skin / body
at a lower temperature

[Total: 40]

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