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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 3 Exact Duration :_________

126. Pure water is added drop by drop to a vessel of volume V filled with a salt solution of specific gravity 0
which is allowed to overflow due to addition of water. Find specific gravity of solution when a volume V0
water is added. Assume uniform density of solution just after adding each drop of water.

127. A solid semicylinder of uniform density 1 rests in equilibrium on a rough

inclined plane with a liquid of density 2 on its right as shown in figure.
Assuming flat surface of the cylinder is parallel to the inclined plane.
(i) Find the minimum coefficient of friction to ensure equilibrium
(ii) also find the ratio 1 / 2 .

128. We know that the pressure of the atmosphere (layers of gases of thickness of 360 km above earth’ surface) is
P0 at earth’s surface; P0  1.013  105 N / m 2 . Taking the variation of densities of gases (assume ideal gas)
into account and ignoring the variation of temperature, derive an expression for the atmospheric pressure at
a height h from earth’s surface. Assume that, M = average molecular mass of all gases of the atmosphere and
T = temperature of the atmosphere. ?

129. A conical cup of height b, semi-vertical angle  rests open end down on a
flat surface as shown. The cup is filled to height H with liquid of density  .
What is the upward lifting force on the cup by the liquid ?

130. A wooden stick of length L, radius R and density  has a small metal piece of mass m (of negligible volume)
attached to its one end. Find the minimum value for the mass m (in terms of given parameters) that would
make the stick float vertically in equilibrium in a liquid of density (  ).

131. A uniform solid cylinder of density 0.8 g / cm 3 floats in equilibrium in a combination of

two non-mixing liquids A and B with its axis vertical. The densities of the liquids A and
B are 0.7 g / cm 3 and 1.2 g / cm 3 , respectively. The height of liquid A is h A  1.2 cm.
The length of the part of the cylinder immersed in liquid B is h B  0.8 cm.
(i) Find the total force exerted by liquid A on the cylinder.
(ii) Find h, the length of the part of the cylinder in air.
(iii) The cylinder is depressed in such a way that its top surface is just below the upper surface of liquid
A and is then released. Find the acceleration of the cylinder immediately after it is released.

DTS - 1 202 Level - 3 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 2 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 3 Exact Duration :_________

132. Figure shows a large water reservoir of depth H and on one side of
this, a horizontal pipe of diameter d is closed by a plug. The pipe is
at a depth h below water surface.
(i) Find the friction between plug and pipe wall and
(ii) The volume of water coming out from pipe in time t if plug is

133. A container of large uniform cross-sectional area A resting on a

horizontal surface, holds two immiscible, non-viscous and
incompressible liquids of densities d and 2d, each of height H/2 as
shown in the figure. The lower density liquid is open to the
atmosphere having pressure p 0 .

(i) A homogeneous solid cylinder of length L(L < H/2), cross-

sectional area A/5 is immersed such that it floats with its
axis vertical at the liquid-liquid interface with length L/4 in
the denser liquid. Determine:
(a) the density D of the solid,
(b) the total pressure at the bottom of the container.
(ii) The cylinder is removed and the original arrangement is restored. A tiny hole of area s (s < < A) is
punched on the vertical side of the container at a height h (h < H/2). Determine:
(a) The initial speed of efflux of the liquid at the hole,
(b) the horizontal distance x traveled by the liquid initially, and
(c) The height hm at which the hole should be punched so that the liquid travels the maximum

distance x m initially. Also calculate x m . (Neglect the air resistance in these calculations)

134. A jet of water is having speed v from a nozzle of area A. A ball mass m is balanced in air by impact of water
on its underside. Find the height of the ball above the jet nozzle.

135. The bend of an inverted U–tube is kept 1 m above a water

surface with one end dipped in water. The other end B of U–
tube is 7 m below the water surface as shown in figure. The
water coming out from end B of siphon as a free jet at
atmospheric pressure.
(i) Determine the speed of jet at end B and
(ii) The pressure of water in the bend of U-tube. Take

Patm 105 Pa , water  1000kg / m 3 and g 10 m / s 2 .

DTS - 2 203 Level - 3 | Liquids

136. A water clock used in Ancient Greek is designed as a closed
vessel with a small orifice O. The time is determined according
to the water level in vessel. What should be the shape of vessel
for the time scale to be uniform. Find mathematical equation
governing curve AOB.

137. Figure shows a tank of which side wall is having an attached

narrowing tube of which cross sectional area decreases from S1

to S2 . Find the horizontal force acting on tube due to ejection

of liquid.

DTS - 2 204 Level - 3 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 3 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 3 Exact Duration :_________

138. A bent tube is lowered into a water stream as shown in

figure. The velocity of the stream relative to the tube is
equal to v 0 . The closed upper end of the tube is located

at the height h 0 has a small orifice. To what height h

will the water jet spurt?

139. The horizontal bottom of a wide vessel with an ideal fluid has a round
orifice of radius R1 over which a round closed cylinder is mounted,

whose radius R 2  R1 as shown in figure. The clearance between the

cylinder and the bottom of the vessel is very small. Density of the fluid is
 . Find the pressure of the fluid in the clearance as a function of the
distance r ( R1  r  R2 ) from the axis of the orifice, if the height of the
fluid is equal to h.

140. A hemispherical tank of radius R has an orifice of area a at its base. Determine the time required to empty
the tank if initially it is completely filled.

141. A tube of fine bore AB connected to a manometer M as shown in

figure. A stop cock S controls the flow of air. AB is dipped into a liquid
whose surface tension is T and a film is made at end B when it is
pulled out. On opening the stop cock for a while, a bubble is formed
at B and the manometer level is recorded, showing a difference h in
the level of the two arms. If  is the density of liquid in manometer
and r is radius of curvature of bubble formed, find surface tension of
the liquid T.

142. Two vertical plates submerged partially in a wetting liquid form a wedge with a very small angle   . The edge
of this wedge is vertical. The density of the liquid is  , its surface tension is S, the contact angle is  . Find
the height h, to which the liquid rises, as a function of the distance x from the edge.

143. Two vertical parallel plates are partially submerged in water. The distance between the plates is d and their
width is l. Assuming that the water between the plates does not reach the upper edges of the plates and that
the wetting is complete, find the force of their mutual attraction.

DTS - 3 205 Level - 3 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 4 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 3 Exact Duration :_________

144. (i) Find the time taken by a soap bubble, blown at the end of a

capillary tube of radius r and length l, for the radius of the soap
bubble to decrease from R1 to R2  R1  R2  . The surface
tension is S, the viscosity coefficient of the gas is  . l
(ii) Find the lifetime of a soap bubble of radius R connected with

the atmosphere through a capillary of length l and inside radius

r. The surface tension is S, the viscosity coefficient of the gas is


145. A tube of length l and radius R carries a steady flow of fluid whose density is  and viscosity  . The fluid

flow velocity depends on the distance r from the axis of the tube as v  v0 (1  r 2 / R 2 ). Find

(i) the volume of the fluid flowing across the section of the tube per unit time;

(ii) the kinetic energy of the fluid within the tube’s volume;

(iii) the friction force exerted on the tube by the fluid;

(iv) the pressure difference at the ends of the tube.

146. A small sphere falls from rest in a viscous liquid. Due to friction, heat is produced. Find the relation between

the rate of production of heat and the radius of the sphere at terminal velocity.

147. In the arrangement shown in figure a viscous liquid whose density is   1.0 g/cm 3 flows along a tube out of

a wide tank A. Find the velocity of the liquid flow, if h1  10 cm , h 2  20 cm and h 3  35 cm. All the distance

l are equal.

DTS - 4 206 Level - 3 | Liquids

148. A fluid with viscosity  fills the space between two long co-axial cylinders of radii R1 and R 2 . The inner

cylinder is stationary while the outer one is rotated with a constant angular velocity 2 . The fluid flow is

laminar. Taking into account that the friction force acting on a unit area of a cylindrical surface of radius r is
defined by the formula   r   / r  .
(i) Find (a) the angular velocity of the rotating fluid as a function of radius r; (b) the moment of the
friction forces acting on a unit length of the outer cylinder.
(ii) A solid cylinder of radius r1 150mm rotates concentrically inside a fixed hollow cylinder of inner

radius r2  155 mm as shown in the figure. Both cylinders are 300 mm long. Determine the viscosity

of liquid which fills the space between cylinders if a torque of 0.98 N–m is required to maintain the
angular speed of 60 rpm.

149. Figure shows a disc D of diameter d connected to an axle placed on a fixed horizontal surface. There exist a
thin layer of a lubricant of viscosity  between disc and ground of thickness t. Find the external torque
required to rotate the disc at a uniform angular velocity  .

DTS - 4 207 Level - 3 | Liquids

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