Fluke by Romesh Gunesekera

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In Fluke by Romesh Gunesekera, we have the theme of trust, privacy, conflict,

independence and prosperity. Narrated in the first person by a man called Vasantha
the reader realizes after reading the story that Gunesekera may be exploring the
theme of conflict. Throughout Mr. Weerakoon’s journey to the conference center and
when he is in the conference center there is a sense that he is in conflict with himself.
It is as though he is continually playing catch-up. Something which may be normal
in light of the fact that he has to give a marketing presentation. However, one would
expect an individual who is to make a marketing presentation to be confident and
Mr. Weerakoon definitely lacks any sense of confidence till the conference speech
itself begins. What is also interesting about the speech given by Mr. Weerakoon is the
fact that Vasantha discovers that he is learning very little form Mr. Weerakoon. This
may be important as Gunesekera may be suggesting that Mr. Weerakoon is in reality
attempting to sell others something that they do not necessarily need. However, the
important point is that the same people do not appear to realize this. If anything,
there is a sense of naivety when it comes to Mr. Weerakoon’s actions. Losing his
phone being an example.
As to why Vasantha would go through Mr. Weerakoon’s phone is also difficult to say.
There is no doubt that he is invading Mr. Weerakoon’s privacy. Though he may be
looking to advance his own business and as such Vasantha sees nothing wrong with
doing a little marketing of his own. It may not be on the same scale as Mr.
Weerakoon’s marketing. However, the results could be just as fruitful with Vasantha
getting new customers. It is also interesting that Vasantha is able to engage in
conversation with some of the people at the marketing course. The retired navy man
Lucky being an example. It is possible that Lucky is a military representative and with
the Sri Lankan Civil War over there is not as much need for a naval fleet for military
purposes. His idea to see whales is an interesting idea as it suggests that the military
knows that they must adapt to their new circumstances. Though it might also be
important to remember that the only real independent person who is non reliant on
marketing advice at the conference is Vasantha. He may be a small entrepreneur but
he does sufficiently well to survive. All others at the conference appear to be trying
to learn how to attract customers. Something that Vasantha does not need to do.
Though with the help of Mr. Weerakoon’s phone does manage to do.
It would also appear that Gunesekera is suggesting that out of conflict comes peace.
Apart from Mr. Weerakoon losing his phone and being apprehensive about the
equipment in the conference hall. Everything appears to run smoothly.
Metaphorically Gunesekera could be suggesting that after the Sri Lankan Civil war
things did eventually get back to normal and allow others the chance to prosper.
Hence the marketing conference. Something that may not have been possible during
the war. If anything, apart from Lucky who is trying to market whale sightseeing trips.
There is very little if any military presence in the story. Which may suggest that times
have and are calmer for Sri Lanka. During the civil war there would have been very
little need or necessity for marketing conferences and there would have been very
few if any visitors from outside Sri Lanka (Chinese women). It is for this reason that
Mr. Weerakoon can view the marketing conference to be a success. Some seats might
be empty but he has an attentive audience.

The end of the story is also interesting as Vasantha feels confident that he can offer
Mr. Weerakoon advice on marketing. Simply from some facts that he has learnt that
afternoon. This may be important as the reader is already aware that Vasantha has
gone through Mr. Weerakoon’s phone and may feel like suggesting to him that a
secure pin number on his phone may be appropriate. However, this may be a foolish
thing for Vasantha to do as it would result in Mr. Weerakoon being aware that
Vasantha has gone through his phone and as such can’t be trusted. It is as though
Vasantha is oozing in confidence and as such wants to relay some of his wisdom to
Mr. Weerakoon. However, by doing so Vasantha is only affecting his own business
and may not be marketing himself in the proper manner. If anything, it is better for
Vasantha to keep what he has learnt to himself and use it to his own advantage. In
that way he is not burning the bridge that exists between Mr. Weerakoon and himself.
A bridge that Vasantha can easily build on if he is careful with his words.

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