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Highway Wind Power Generation

Done by:
1-abdallah sallah aldeen abdallah masoud
2- Osama kamal omar haymoor
3- Mohammad mofed mohammad alfruokh
4- Anas jalal alasmar
5- sammy ali saleh qtaish

Supervised by:
Dr. Emad Abdel Aziz Awada
Presented to the Department of Electrical Engineering
At Al-Balqa Applied University


The objective of the project is to design a wind turbine to capture wind energy from vehicles on the
highway. Wind energy is considered the fastest growing clean energy source; however, it is limited by
variable natural wind Highways can provide a required considerable amount of wind to drive a turbine due
to high vehicle traffic. This energy is unused. Extensive research on wind patterns is required to determine
the average velocity of the wind created by oncoming vehicles. The wind turbines will be placed on the
medians therefore, fluid flow from both sides of the highway will be considered in the design. Using all the
collected data, existing streetlights on the medians can be fitted with these wind turbines Additionally, since
the wind source will fluctuate, a storage system for the power generated will be designed to distribute and
maintain a constant source of power. [1]

Ideally, the turbine can be used globally as an unlimited power source for streetlights and other public
amenities. The design of the wind turbine must include storage of power and a system to distribute the
generated power effectively. Operational noise level and space are other important design considerations.
The design of the other parts like Shaft. Flange Bearings etc. are also same important. [1]

First, we would like to express our sincerity to our course manager (Dr. Emad Abdel Aziz Awada).

His patience and motivation were vital for the success of the project. He gave us a chance to do our thesis.

His guidance helped us in the research and writing of this Project.

It was a valuable experience for our power system, and we have got a lot of information about multipower
generation. Also, we would like to say thank you to the engineers and doctors at Faculty of Engineering
Technology who have helped us.

Finally , we are grateful to my colleagues in FET.

The primary goal of this project is to design a wind turbine capable of harnessing wind energy generated by
vehicles on highways. While wind energy is recognized as one of the fastest-growing clean energy sources,
its effectiveness is often constrained by the variability of natural wind patterns. Highways, characterized by
a consistent flow of high-velocity traffic, present an ideal environment for capturing a substantial amount of
wind energy to power a turbine. This project aims to leverage the constant wind flow generated by vehicles
on highways to enhance the efficiency and reliability of a wind energy system.

TABLE OF Contents
LIST OF FIGURES: .................................................................................................................. 6
LIST OF TABLES: .................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1 Types of wind turbines ............................................................................................... 8
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Wind traffic turbine ......................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Sizes and Applications ..................................................................................................... 15
1.4 Comparison between HA-WTs and VA-WTs ................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 2: System equipment .............................................................................................. 26
2.1 Working Principle ........................................................................................................... 26
2.2 Types of AC/DC Converters ............................................................................................ 26
2.3 Applications .................................................................................................................... 27
2.4 Type of charge controller connection .............................................................................. 29
CHAPTER 3: Wind energy calculation...................................................................................... 32
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 34
3.2 Technical Definitions ....................................................................................................... 35
3.3 Technical Equation .......................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Vertical Wind Type ......................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 4: Implementation and Results ................................................................................ 46
4.1 Wind circuit off grid (Vertical type): ................................................................................ 46
4.2 Simulation of light sensor of lighting pole in Wind turbine system ................................... 51
4.3 Code of light sensor of lighting pole in Wind turbine system ............................................ 52
4.4 Code of Cost of lighting pole in Wind turbine system ..................................................... 53
CHAPTER 5: Conclusion and Future Work ............................................................................... 58
References ................................................................................................................................ 59

Figure 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 6 .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 7 .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 8 .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 9 .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10 ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 11 ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 12 ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 13 ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 14 ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 15 ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 16 ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 17. ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 18 ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 19 ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 20 ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 21 ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 22 ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 23 ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 24 ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 25 ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 26 ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 27 ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 28 ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 29 ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 30 ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 31 ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 32-a ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 32-b ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 33 ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 34 ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 35 ................................................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 36 ................................................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 37 ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 38 ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 39 ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 40 ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 41 ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 42 ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 43 ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 44 ................................................................................................................................................ 49

Table-1: ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Table-2: ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Table-3: ................................................................................................................................................. 47

1.1 Overview
Wind energy is the fastest growing source of clean energy worldwide. A major issue with the technology is
fluctuation in the source of wind. There is a near constant source of wind power on the highways due to
rapidly moving vehicles. The motivation for this project is to contribute to the global trend towards clean
energy in a feasible way. Most wind turbines in use today are conventional windmills with three airfoil
shaped blades arranged around a horizontal axis. These turbines must be turned to face into the wind and in
general require significant air velocities to operate. Another style of turbine is one where the blades are
positioned vertically or transverse to the axis of rotation. These turbines will always rotate in the same
direction regardless of the fluid flow. Due to the independence from the direction of the fluid flow, these
turbines have found applications in tidal, and surface current flows turbine would be in air, a helical turbine
based on the designs. [1]

1.2 Wind traffic turbine

It is all about producing electricity which generates energy from the traffic of passing vehicles. along with
natural wind, moves the blades of the turbines and transforms it into electric energy. In this way, they say,
highways become "sources to generate renewable energy also has a panel. [1]

Generating electric energy through the movement of cars also has economic advantages. "The fact that each
streetlight, traffic light, sign or SOS point has its own generator on the motorway. And, that this generator is
activated and fed by the cars that drive by, criminates a large part of energy production cost, and reduces
installation and maintenance costs and favors the environment. [1]

The global wind power capacity increases at least 40% every year. For example, the European Union targets
to meet 25 per cent of their demand from renewable energy by 2012.
Spain also celebrates on Nov. 10, 2010, when the wind energy resources contribute 53% of the total
generation of the electricity.
Over 80 percent of the global installations are in Europe. [1]

Figure 1 installed capacity from the wind [1]

Turbines can be categorized into two overarching classes based on the orientation of the rotor.
Types of Wind Turbine Generators (WT)
1- Horizontal wind turbine.
2- Vertical wind turbine.
We will spotlight the second type.
Horizontal wind turbine:

Figure 2 some forms of horizontal wind turbines

. Rotors are usually Up-wind of tower.
• Some machines have down-wind rotors, but only commercially available ones are small turbines
• Proven, viable technology

1.3 Sizes and Applications
1- Small (10 kW)

Figure 3 Small horizontal wind turbine.

• Homes
• Farms
• Remote Applications (e.g., water pumping, telecom sites, ice making)
2- Intermediate from (10-250kw)

Figure 4 Intermediate horizontal wind turbine (10-250 kW).

• Village Power

• Hybrid Systems
• Distributed Power

3- large (250kW - 2+MW)

Figure 5 Large horizontal wind turbine.

• Central Station Wind Farms
• Distributed Power
• Community Wind

Large and Small Wind Turbines

Large Turbines (600-2000 kW)
• Installed in “Windfarm” arrays totaling 1 - 100 MW
• $1,300/kW
• Designed for low cost of energy (COE)
• Requires 6 m/s (13 mph) average wind speed
• Value of Energy: $0.02 - $0.06 per kWh

Small Turbines (0.3-100 kW)

• Installed in “rural residential” on-grid and off-grid applications

• $2,500-$8,000/kW
• Designed for reliability / low maintenance
• Requires 4 m/s (9 mph) average wind speed
• Value of energy: $0.06 - $0.26 per kWh

Wind traffic turbine

this type Is the main goal to our project.

Figure 6 wind traffic turbine

Figure 7 vertical wind turbine

The environmental impact of these turbines is rather low. They don't need a lot of space because they
are installed in already-existing median strips. They produce hardly any noise, especially when
compared to that from traffic, and animals, especially birds, would not be in danger because the
blades turn slowly. Finally, they could even replace medium-voltage electric cables. The air stirred
by these passing vehicles, along with natural wind, moves the blades of the turbines and transforms it
into electric energy. In this way, they say, highways become sources to generate renewable energy"
Wind turbines operate on a simple principle. The energy in the wind turns two or three propeller like
blades around a rotor. [1]

The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity.
The generator in a wind turbine produces alternating current (AC) electricity. Some turbines drive an
AC/AC converter which converts the AC to direct current (DC) with a rectifier and then back to AC
with an inverter to match the frequency and phase of the grid. [1]
Turbine (Motor) is used Depending on wind conditions, the blades turn at rates between 10 and 20
revolutions per minute. Considering the length of the blades with average wind speeds of 13 to 15
mph, the tips are traveling at 120 mph. At maximum wind speeds, the blade tips are spinning at an
estimated 180 mph.

If there is too little wind and the blades are moving too slowly, the wind turbine no longer produces
electricity. The turbine starts to create power at what is known as the cut-in speed. Power output
continues to grow as the wind speed increases, but at a slower rate than the wind rate it does trigger
the power point. [1]

Figure 8 explanation for wind traffic turbine [1]

The turbine must be able to store energy for use when there is low tactic, bumper to bumper or stop and go
traffic. The design must be sustainable and environmentally friendly. The motivation for designing a
highway wind turbine is to contribute towards the global trend in wind energy production in a feasible way.
Flat blades are the oldest blade design and have been used for thousands of years on windmills shape is
becoming less common than other types of blade design.

Principals of wind turbines:

Wind turbines operate on a simple principle, they capture the kinetic energy in the wind and convert it into
electricity. The wind direction determines the design of the turbine Upwind turbines face into the wind while
downwind turbines face away from the wind.

1- The turbine blades are made of durable lightweight material

2-A mold is created and used to produce all 3 blades

3-The shaft is made from PVC pipe.
4-The generator, alternator, batteries, and other components are bought .

There are 8 parts of wind turbine


4-Electric or Mechanical Brake
6-Rotor blade
7-Blade pitch control
8-Rotor hub


1-wind turbines are predominantly made of steel (71-79% of total turbine mass)

3-resin or plastic (11-16%)
4-iron or cast iron (5 17%)
5-copper (1%) and aluminum (0-2%).

Figure 9 component of wind turbine [1]

Wind turbine configurations
important terms:
1-Impact Wind Energy


Impact pressure thrust depends on different factors as follows:

a) The intensity/frequency of the vehicles traffic.

b) The size of the automobiles.

c) The speed of the automobiles.

d) Distance between the harnessing system &vehicles.

e) Angle of Impact

f) Velocity of natural wind.

1) It’s a clean fuel source, Wind energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of
fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, which emit particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide
causing human health problems and economic damages. Wind turbines don't produce atmospheric emissions
that cause acid rain, smog, or greenhouse gases. [1]

2) Wind is a domestic source of energy. The nation's wind supply is abundant and inexhaustible. Over the
past 10 years, U.S. wind power capacity has grown 15% per year, and wind is now the largest source of
renewable power in the United States.
3) It's sustainable, Wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the heating of the atmosphere by the
sun, the rotation of the Earth, and the Earth's surface irregularities. For as long as the sun shines and the
wind blow, the energy produced can be harnessed to send power across the grid. Wind turbines can be built
on existing farms or ranches. This greatly benefits the economy in rural areas, where most of the best wind
sites are found. Farmers and ranchers can continue to work the land because the wind turbines use only a
fraction of the land. Wind power plant owners make rent payments to the farmer or rancher for the use of the
land. providing landowners with additional income. [1]

1.4 Comparison between HA-WTs and VA-WTs.
Items HA-WTs VA-WTs
Output power Wide range Narrow range
Starting Self-starting Need starting means
Efficiency Higher Lower
Cost Lower Higher
Wind direction Need redirected when Does not needs
the Wind change its redirected into the
direction wind direction
Generator and gear At the top of the At the ground level
box tower
Maintenance Difficult Easy

A wind turbine is a complex mechanical and electrical system designed to convert the kinetic energy of wind
into usable electricity. It consists of several key components that work together to achieve this conversion.
The main components of a wind turbine include:
Rotor Blades:
These are aerodynamically designed blades that capture the kinetic energy from the wind. The blades are
connected to the rotor hub, and as the wind flows over them, they start to rotate.

Wind turbine rotor blades are the most highly stressed and vital component of any wind turbine. Their job is
to absorb the kinetic power of the wind and convert this energy into a rotary motion around a central hub.
While the central hub of the blades may be rotating at a gently speed relative to the wind, the tips of the blades
are rotating much faster and the longer the blade is, the faster the tip rotates especially for propeller type blade
When dealing with a wind turbine generator and different wind turbine rotor blade designs, the term “tip-
speed ratio” (TSR) is often used instead of blade rpm. Wind turbine rotor blades can potentially rotate at very
high speeds. The tip-speed ratio is the speed of the rotor’s tip as it rotates around its circular path divided by
wind speed. So, for a given wind speed, the higher the TSR the faster it rotates. [2]

Gyroscopic forces are the worst threat to the blades of small wind turbine as their rotational movement causes
them to alternately flap the blades back and forth once per revolution as they pass the support column and
unless the rotor blades are firmly secured this movement may even fly off. If a blade breaks due to a poor
design or construction, and this has been known to happen, it could fly some distance through the air causing
serious damage and injury to anything it hits. [2]

Figure 10 types of wind turbine [2]

Wind turbines using the lift force are distinct by the fact that the lifting blade is moving with a much higher
velocity than the wind itself. The blades in such wind turbines (Figure a) are slim. In the case of wind turbines
using the drag force (Figure b), the blades move slower than the wind, to be propelled. The only way to
increase the forces on the rotor is to use a larger size of the blade area. Therefore, one can notice (Figure b)
that such wind turbines cover nearly the whole rotor projection area. A typical structure for this wind turbine
type is the Savories rotor (Figure b, right side). [2]
Very high winds induce negative effects for both types of wind turbines, but of a different nature:
Lift force wind turbines are endangered by over-spinning at high winds which may lead to the destruction of
the rotor by centrifugal forces. They need a brake to stop the rotor, it follows that no energy is produced at
strong winds.
Drag driven turbines produce strong aerodynamic forces at extreme wind conditions. This requires a very
strong turbine and a support structure, leading to heavy weight.
The above feature is the reason why drag driven turbines have not found their way to application at large
turbine sizes.
There is no danger, however, of over-spinning and turbine destruction. Drag driven wind turbines are much
safer than lift driven turbines.
At small winds there are also characteristic features, different for both turbine types:
Lift force driven turbines, due to the small area of blades, startup with difficulty with small torque on rotors
(Figure 1a).
Drag driven turbines, due to the large active area of the rotors start at small winds with a high torque (Figure

Rotor Hub:
The rotor hub is the central part of the turbine where the blades are attached. It transfers the rotational
motion of the blades to the main shaft.
Rotor Hubs
The rotor hub is the component that usually holds the blades and connects them to the main shaft of the
wind machine. It is a key component not only because it holds the blades in their proper position for
maximum aerodynamic efficiency, but it also rotates to drive the generator.
Hubs come in many different shapes and configurations, mostly dependent on the type of generator used
and the design of the rotor blades. This discussion covers the five most common general types of hubs
found on small wind turbines. The first type of hub incorporates a hub with the housing containing the
magnets for the permanent magnet alternator. [3]
For smaller machines, the rotor blades are bolted directly to a plate welded to the housing or can that hold
the magnets (Figure a). This hub also includes a bearing that slips on a fixed shaft. The only rotating part
of this wind machine is the hub with blades and magnets all attached. The bearing needs to be large enough
in diameter to add stiffness to the system so that wind loading on the rotor will not affect the gap spacing
between the magnets and the stator. Blades may be bolted flat to the hub plate or there could be brackets
for the blades to slip into and securely fastened. Machines up to about seven meters’ rotor diameter have
been operated successfully with this hub configuration. The second type of hub is attached rigidly to a
rotating main shaft that connects to a gearbox to increase the rotational speed up to the operating speed of
the generator. This hub is often constructed of cast material to get the right alignment of the rotor blades
(Figure. b). This hub construction accommodates blades up to several meters in length, well beyond the
largest machines classified as small wind systems. Once the blades are attached to this type of hub, they
remain at the same pitch and twist throughout all operating conditions. These two types of hubs are found
on the majority of small wind machines because of cost and reliable operation. [3]

Figure 11 rotor hub a [3]

Figure 12 rotor hub b [3\

Figure 11(a) Rotor blades are bolted directly to the magnet can of the permanent magnet alternator. (b)
Rotor blades are bolted to a plate welded to the magnet can of the permanent magnet alternator.

Figure 13 gearbox [3]

Cast hub for turbines with fixed pitch blades and a main shaft. These designs usually have a gearbox.

Some small wind machines include a full blade pitch assembly. This requires a special hub with the
capability of changing the pitch of each blade. The more common type includes a motor/gear drive on
each blade that moves a cantilever arm that makes the rotor blade twist. It is extremely important that the
entire system of blades move at the same time and the same amount. If one blade has a different pitch, it
may either be carrying most of the load or not carrying any of the load. Uneven pitching of rotor blades is
a major cause of rotor failure on machines, small and large, causing a rotor imbalance resulting in a tower
strike with a blade. Typically, only larger machines have rotors with a fully controlled pitch. However,
several small machines use heavy springs to hold the blades at a fixed pitch until an over speed occurs. In
an over speed condition, the springs will stretch and allow the rotor blades to turn to a lower pitch setting
that causes the rotor to lose its lift capacity, thus causing the rotor to slow down. This concept is discussed
more in the section on over speed control issues. [3]
Springs attached to a hub allow blades to pitch if rotor speeds become excessive. This is an over speed
The fourth type of hub on horizontal axis wind machines is a teetering hub, which is used when the
machine has two blades. The hub has a flex in it that allows the blade passing by the tower to flex because
it has less load on it for that instant it is by the tower. Teetering hubs are especially useful on downwind
machines because of the changes in load when the blades pass behind the tower. The larger the rotor, the
more important it is to have a teetering hub when two blades are used. Keeping the teetering point
lubricated has been a problem with many small machines using teetering hubs. Maintenance issues with
teetering hubs have caused many designers to change to the three-bladed fixed hub designs. [3]

Hubs for vertical axis machines look very different and are usually not called hubs, but a similar device is
used to support the rotating structure. This may look like a bearing housing with mounting brackets
attached to hold the support arms for vertical airfoils. In almost all cases these brackets are supporting
structures that are in tension because of the centrifugal forces pulling the blades from the center of rotation.

On the Darrius vertical axis design, the lower mounting bracket carries the most centrifugal forces; many
blade failures occur at this mounting fixture. The same problem occurs with gyro mill-type wind machines.

Main Shaft: The main shaft is a long, cylindrical component that runs vertically through the nacelle. It transfers
the rotational energy from the rotor to the generator.

Figure 14 Main shaft [4]

The main shaft: it is a piece of metal in the form of a tube which constitutes the most
important spinning constituent since it conveys the energy from the wind turbine
blades to the other parts of the wind turbine. Therefore, it is exposed to its own weight,
the load of the rotor (blades and hub), and forces exerted by the other components. Its
essential purposes are to transfer the energy of the rotational movement from the rotor
to the generator and transmit the loads applied on it to the immobile organism of the
nacelle. For this reason, the main shaft should be designed appropriately to tolerate all
these loads. [4]

The generator is responsible for converting the mechanical energy from the rotating shaft into electrical
energy. It uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to generate electricity as the shaft turns.
Wind Turbine Generator:
Types of Wind Turbine Generator

A wind turbine is made up of two major components and having looked at one of them, the rotor blade
design in the previous tutorial, we can now look at the other, the Wind Turbine Generator or WTG’s
which is the electrical machine used to generate the electricity. A low rpm electrical generator is used
for converting the mechanical rotational power produced by the winds energy into usable electricity to
supply our homes and is at the heart of any wind power system. [5]

The conversion of the rotational mechanical power generated by the rotor blades (known as the prime
mover) into useful electrical power for use in domestic power and lighting applications or to charge
batteries can be accomplished by any one of the following major types of rotational electrical machines
commonly used in a wind power generating systems: [5]

1. The Direct Current (DC) machine, also known as a Dynamo

2. The Alternating Current (AC) Synchronous machine, also known as an AC Generator
3. The Alternating Current (AC) Induction machine, also known as an Alternator
All these electrical machines are electromechanical devices that work on Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction. That is, they operate through the interaction of a magnetic flux and an
electric current, or flow of charge. As this process is reversible, the same machine can be used as a
conventional electrical motor for converting the electrical power into mechanical power, or as a
generator converting the mechanical power back into the electrical power.

wind turbine generator

Wind Turbine Induction Generator
The electrical machines most used for wind turbines applications are those acting as generators, with
the synchronous generator and the induction generator (as shown) being commonly used in larger wind
turbine generator systems. Usually, the smaller or homemade wind turbines tend to use a low-speed
permanent magnet DC generator or Dynamo as they are small, cheap and a lot easier to connect. [5]

Figure 15 Wind Turbine Induction Generator [5]

So does it make a difference what type of electrical generator we can use to produce wind power. Well,
the simple answer is both Yes and No, as it all depends upon the type of system and application you
want. The low voltage DC output from a generator or older style dynamo can be used to charge
batteries while the higher AC sinusoidal output from an alternator can be connected directly to the
local grid.

Also, the output voltage and power demand depend entirely upon the appliances you have and how
you wish to use them. In addition, the location of the wind turbine generator, would the wind resource
keep it constantly rotating for long periods of time or would the generator speed and therefore its output
vary up and down with variations in the available wind. [5]

Electricity Generation
Wind Turbine Generator is what makes your electricity by converting mechanical energy into electrical
energy. Let’s be clear here, they do not create energy or produce more electrical energy than the amount
of mechanical energy being used to spin the rotor blades. The greater the “load”, or electrical demand
placed on the generator, the more mechanical force is required to turn the rotor. This is why generators
come in different sizes and produce differing amounts of electricity [5].

In the case of a “wind turbine generator”, the wind pushes directly against the blades of the turbine,
which converts the linear motion of the wind into the rotary motion necessary to spin the generators
rotor and the harder the wind pushes, the more electrical energy can be generated. Then it is important
to have a good wind turbine blade design to extract as much energy out of the wind as possible.
All electrical turbine generators work because of the effects of moving a magnetic field past an
electrical coil. When electrons flow through an electrical coil, a magnetic field is created around it.
Likewise, when a magnetic field moves past a coil of wire, a voltage is induced in the coil as defined
by Faraday’s law of magnetic induction causing electrons to flow. [5]

Simple Generator using Magnetic Induction

Then we can see that by moving a magnet past a single loop of wire, a voltage known as an EMF
(electro-motive force) is induced within the wire loop due to the magnetic field of the magnet.

Figure 16 induced EMF [6]

As a voltage is induced across the wire loop, an electrical current in the form of an electron flow starts
to flow around the loop generating electricity.

But what if instead of a single individual loop of wire as shown, we had many loops wound together
on the same former to form a coil of wire, much more voltage and therefore current could be generated
for the same amount of magnetic flux.

This is because the magnetic flux cuts across more wire producing a greater EMF and this is the basic
principal of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction and an AC generator uses this principal to
convert a mechanical energy such as the rotation from a wind turbine or hydro turbine, into electrical
energy producing a sinusoidal waveform. [6]

So, we can see that there are three main requirements for electrical generation, and these are:

 A coil or set of conductors

 A magnetic field system
 Relative motion between the conductors and field
Then the faster the coil of wire rotates, the greater the rate of change by which the magnetic flux is cut
by the coil and the greater is the induced EMF within the coil. Similarly, if the magnetic field is made
stronger, the induced EMF will increase for the same rotational speed. Thus: Induced EMF ∝ Φ*n.

Where: “Φ” is the magnetic-field flux and “n” is the speed of rotation. Also, the polarity of the
generated voltage depends on the direction of the magnetic lines of flux and the direction of movement
of the conductor.
There are two basic types of electrical generator and alternator for that matter: the permanent-magnet
generator and the wound-field generator with both types consisting of two main parts: The Stator and
the Rotor. [6]

The stator is the “stationary” (hence its name) part of the machine and can have either a set of electrical
windings producing an electromagnet or a set of permanent magnets within its design. The rotor is the
part of the machine that “rotates”. Again, the rotor can have output coils that rotate or permanent
magnets. Generally, generators and alternators used for wind turbine generators are defined by how
they generate their magnetism, either electromagnets or permanent magnets. [6]
There are no real advantages and disadvantages of either types. Most residential wind turbine
generators on the market use permanent magnets within their turbine generator design, which creates
the required magnetic field with the rotation of the machine, although some do use electromagnetic
These high strength magnets are usually made from rare earth materials such as neodymium iron
(NDFE), or samarium cobalt (SMCO) eliminating the need for the field windings to provide a constant
magnetic field, leading to a simpler, more rugged construction. [6]

Wound field windings have the advantage of matching their magnetism (and therefore power) with the
varying wind speed but require an external energy source to generate the required magnetic field.

We now know that the electrical generator provides a means of energy conversion between the
mechanical torque generated by the rotor blades, called the prime mover, and some electrical load
whether its charging batteries or dissipating power in a dump load.
The mechanical connection of the wind turbine generator to the rotor blades is made through a main
shaft which can be either a simple direct drive, or by using a gearbox to increase or decrease the
generator speed relative to the rotational speed of the blades [6].

The use of a gearbox allows for better matching of the generator speed to that of the turbine but the
disadvantage of using a gearbox is that as a mechanical component it is subjected to wear and tear
reducing the efficiency of the system. Direct drive however may be simpler and more efficient, but the
generators rotor shaft and bearings are subjected to the full weight and rotational force of the rotor

Figure 17 Wind Turbine Generator Output Curve [6]
So, the type of wind turbine generator required for a particular location depends upon the energy
contained in the wind and the characteristics of the electrical machine itself. All wind turbines have
certain characteristics related to wind speed.

The generator (or alternator) will not produce output power until its rotational speed is above its cut-
in wind speed where the force of the wind on the rotor blades is enough to overcome friction and the
rotor blades accelerate enough for the generator to begin producing usable power. [6]

Above this cut-in speed, the generator should generate power proportional to the wind speed cubed
(K. V3) until it reaches its maximum rated power output as shown.

Above this rated speed, the wind loads on the rotor blades will be approaching the maximum strength
of the electrical machine, and the generator will be producing its maximum or rated power output as
the rated wind speed window will have been reached.

If the wind speed continues to increase, the wind turbine generator would stop at its cut-out point to
prevent mechanical and electrical damage, resulting in zero electrical generation. The application of a
brake to stop the generator from damaging itself can be either a mechanical governor or electrical
speed sensor. [6]

Gearbox or Direct Drive System:

In many wind turbine designs, there's a gearbox that increases the rotational speed of the slower-
moving rotor shaft to match the optimal rotational speed of the generator. In some newer designs, a
direct drive system is used, which eliminates the need for a gearbox.

The nacelle is a housing that contains the generator, gearbox (if present), and other essential
components. It's usually located atop the tower and rotates to face the wind direction, allowing the
blades to capture maximum wind energy.

Yaw System:
The yaw system consists of motors and sensors that adjust the orientation of the nacelle to face the
wind direction. This ensures that the blades are always aligned with the incoming wind, maximizing
energy capture.

The tower supports the entire wind turbine above ground level. It provides the necessary height to
position the rotor blades at an optimal height for capturing stronger and more consistent winds.

Anemometer and Wind Vane:

These instruments are often installed on the wind turbine to measure wind speed and direction. This
data helps the turbine's control system adjust the yaw angle and blade pitch for optimal performance.

Controller and Power Electronics:

These components manage the operation of the wind turbine. They monitor wind conditions, control
the yaw and blade pitch mechanisms, regulate the generator's output, and handle safety features.

Brakes and Safety Systems:

Wind turbines are equipped with brakes to stop the rotor in cases of excessive wind speeds or
maintenance. Additionally, safety systems are integrated to protect the turbine from potential damage
due to extreme weather conditions.

The foundation is the base structure upon which the tower and other components are built. It needs to
be strong and well-engineered to support the weight and forces of the wind turbine.
These components work in tandem to efficiently harness wind energy and convert it into electricity
that can be fed into the power grid or used for various applications.

Chapter 2: System equipment

1-An AC/DC converter, often referred to as a rectifier, is a fundamental electronic device that facilitates the
transformation of alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). This conversion is crucial in numerous
applications, ranging from powering everyday household electronics to enabling the operation of complex
industrial machinery. In this exploration, we'll delve into the workings, types, and applications of AC/DC

2.1 Working Principle:

The primary function of an AC/DC converter is to rectify alternating current, which periodically changes
direction, into direct current that flows consistently in one direction. The basic components of a rectifier
include diodes, which are semiconductor devices allowing current flow in one direction only.

During the positive half-cycle of the AC input, the diodes conduct and permit the flow of current in the forward
direction. Conversely, during the negative half-cycle, the diodes block the current, ensuring that it only flows
in one direction. This process effectively transforms AC into pulsating DC. To smooth out these pulsations,
additional components such as capacitors are often employed in a circuit.

2.2 Types of AC/DC Converters:

*Half-Wave Rectifier: *
- Simplest form of rectifier.
- Utilizes a single diode to allow current flow during one half-cycle.
- Inefficient due to its limited use of the AC waveform.

2. *Full-Wave Rectifier: *
- More efficient than half-wave rectifiers.
- Employs two diodes to conduct during both half-cycles.
- Can be further categorized into bridge and center-tap rectifiers.

3. *Bridge Rectifier: *
- Commonly used in practical applications.
- Utilizes four diodes configured in a bridge arrangement.
- Provides full-wave rectification without the need for a center-tapped transformer.
4. *Center-Tap Rectifier: *
- Employs a center-tapped transformer.

- Two diodes conduct during alternate half-cycles.
- Requires a larger transformer and is less efficient compared to bridge rectifiers.

2.3 Applications:
1. *Power Supplies: *
- Most electronic devices require DC power for operation.
- AC/DC converters are integral components in the power supplies of computers, TVs, smartphones, and
various household appliances.
2. *Industrial Machinery: *
- Many industrial machines and equipment are powered by DC motors.
- AC/DC converters are used to convert the AC supply into the required DC voltage for efficient motor
3. *Battery Charging: *
- Charging circuits for batteries often incorporate AC/DC converters.
- These converters ensure a stable and controlled DC voltage for optimal charging.
4. *Renewable Energy Systems: *
- Solar panels and wind turbines generate DC power.
- AC/DC converters are employed to convert this DC power into usable AC power for integration into the
electrical grid.
5. *Telecommunications: *
- Communication equipment, such as routers and switches, often relies on DC power.
- AC/DC converters are utilized to convert the AC supply to the required DC voltage for these devices.

It’s important to note that charge controllers are typically associated with renewable energy systems, such as
solar panels or wind turbines, and not specifically with highway turbines.

2-charge controller: in the context of a wind turbine, is a device that regulates the voltage and current
coming from the wind turbine to ensure that the batteries connected to the system are not overcharged or
over-discharged. It plays a crucial role in managing the energy flow and protecting the battery bank. [14]
Here are some key points about the role of a charge controller in a wind turbine system:
Voltage Regulation:
The wind turbine generates variable voltage depending on wind speed. The charge controller helps regulate
this voltage to ensure it remains within safe levels for the connected batteries.
Overcharge Protection:
Charge controllers prevent overcharging of batteries by disconnecting the turbine from the battery bank
when the batteries are fully charged. This is important for the longevity and safety of the battery system.
Battery Management:
Charge controllers may include features such as temperature compensation and equalization to optimize the
charging process and extend the life of the batteries.
Load Control: Some advanced charge controllers can manage the power distribution to loads, prioritizing
critical loads or disconnecting non-essential loads during low wind conditions.
Monitoring and Data Logging:
Many charge controllers provide monitoring capabilities, allowing users to track the performance of the
wind turbine system. Some controllers may also have data logging features for analysis and optimization.

Type of charge controller

There are different types of charge controllers designed for various renewable energy systems, including
wind turbines. The two main types of charge controllers are:
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Charge Controllers:
How it works: PWM controllers work by rapidly switching the power from the solar panels (or wind
turbine) on and off during charging. This modulation regulates the voltage sent to the battery.
PWM controllers are generally more affordable than MPPT controllers and are suitable for smaller systems
with less variable input.
They are less efficient than MPPT controllers, especially in situations where the solar panel or wind turbine
voltage is much higher than the battery voltage.
MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) Charge Controllers:
How it works: MPPT controllers use advanced algorithms to continuously adjust the electrical operating
point of the solar panels (or wind turbine) to extract the maximum power available under the current
environmental conditions. [14]
MPPT controllers are more efficient than PWM controllers, especially when the solar panel or wind turbine
voltage is significantly higher than the battery voltage. They can extract more power from the renewable
energy sources.
MPPT controllers are generally more expensive than PWM controllers.
When it comes to wind turbines, the choice between PWM and MPPT charge controllers depends on the
specific characteristics of the wind turbine and the energy system requirements. MPPT controllers are often
preferred for larger and more complex systems where maximizing power extraction is crucial.

It's essential to select a charge controller that is compatible with the specifications of your wind turbine and
the battery bank. Always refer to the manufacturer's recommendations and specifications to ensure proper
functioning and efficiency of your renewable energy system.

2.4 Type of charge controller connection:

There are two types of controllers: shunt and series.
Shunt Controller.

-The shunt (parallel) regulator:

has a switch that is open when the battery is charging and closes when the battery is fully charged.
These controllers require a large heat sink to dissipate the excess current. The connection is shown in

-Series Controller:
Series controllers disconnect the array when the battery voltage reaches the high voltage level. These
are small and inexpensive and have a greater load-handling capacity than shunt-type controllers.
These can be single PMW. The connection is shown in Figure.

Figure Shunt controller

Figure 18 Series controller

Specification of solar charge:

 Type (PMW or MPPT)
 Ampere
 Input Voltage
 Output Voltage

One of the fundamental parts of an off-grid energy system, batteries are utilized to power loads when
the Wind is non-existent. [12]

Batteries type: (Lead acid batteries)
 Wet
 Gel
Wet: Since it is a liquid battery, which allows for side reactions that produce gases, it contains an
electrolyte, which is ions in a liquid state. As a result, it requires a good site for ventilation.
AGM: The electrolyte is covered with a layer of fiberglass, making it superior to a wet battery in that
it can be charged quickly, has a low internal resistance, and comes in a variety of capacities. However,
one of its drawbacks is that the battery's efficiency and capacity degrade over time.
Gel: Because the electrolyte is made of a gel substance, which prevents the electrolyte from
maintaining itself in the form of ions without any undesirable interactions, making it one of the best
and most efficient batteries, which makes its cost high.
State of charge (SOC) & Depth of discharge (DOD)
SOC (%) - It is the charging state of the battery, i.e. if the battery is discharged, the SOC will be 0%
until it reaches 100%.
DOD (%) - It is the amount of discharge for the battery, i.e. if the battery is 100% charged, the DOD
is 0%. [12]

Figure 19 State of charge (SOC) & Depth of discharge (DOD).

Figure 20. SOC and DOD of Batteries

- DOD is one of the key areas to consider when designing battery systems since a fully depleted
battery, or a DOD of 100%, is a very negative thing. The battery's life shortens and eventually

expires as DOD rises. There must be some portion of the battery charge that must remain intact.
DOD should range between 60 to 70%. [12]

Figure 21. DOD Riser

The overall link between DOD and Number of cycles is depicted in the above figure. Cycle, or the
number of charges and discharges, is a measurement of battery life. The number of cycles and DOD
have an inverse relationship, meaning that the number of cycles decreases as DOD increases. [12]

Figure 22 Temperature effect on Batteries

All batteries are impacted by temperature, and the curve illustrates how battery capacity is affected
by temperature variations. 25 to 30 degrees Celsius is the best range. The battery can drain some of
its charge if it is not connected to any loads (self-discharge rate). The rate of self-discharge varies
from battery to battery and is influenced by local temperature. [12]

Capacity of Batteries:
 Why is the capacity measured as (AH)?
It is known that I = t , since the battery is a place where electric charges (Q ) are stored, then Q = I ⋅

t Where I is measured in amperes (A) and t is measured in hours (H) and during battery storage of
charges, it stores energy E = V ⋅ I ⋅ t , So the stored energy is equal to E = V ⋅ Q , where:
E: The energy stored in the battery (WH)
V: The voltage of the battery (volts)
Q: The electric charge in the battery (AH)
Example: If there is a 100 AH battery and its voltage is 12 volts, then:
Energy = (100 AH) *(12V) = 1200 WH. [13]

Batteries connection:
When the batteries are connected in parallel, the positive terminals are connected to each other and the
negative terminals to each other, and then the voltage difference must be equal for all batteries, but AH
TOTAL is equal to the sum of AH for the batteries, as shown in figure.

Figure 23 Parallel connection of Batteries

When connecting the batteries in series. AH is constant for all batteries, but V TOTAL is equal to the total
voltages of the batteries, as shown in figure.

Figure 24 Series connection of Batteries 1

Connection in series and in parallel, is used to design batteries at V and AH.

Figure 25 Connection in series and in parallel.

Chapter 3: Wind energy calculation
3.1 introduction:
Concern over renewable energy technology is rising in the modern day. One renewable energy source that
has been used extensively to produce energy is wind energy. This field has seen significant financial
investment to harness energy and power dwellings. Because of the enormous volume of traffic and the high
speeds of the cars, wind energy from highways is typically wasted yet can be very sufficient to power a
turbine. Determining the average velocity of the wind generated by approaching cars requires a thorough
investigation of wind patterns. The aim of this project is to develop and examine a vertical axis wind turbine
with the purpose of harnessing wind energy from passing cars on the highway.
Our chosen wind turbine is the GREEF-VAWT model GV-2KW.

Figure 26 GREEF-VAWT model GV-2KW

Figure 27. Data sheet for Battery.

Figure 28. Converter

3.2 Technical Definitions

 Cut-in speed is the minimum wind speed at which a rotating wind turbine will
begin to generate electricity. This speed will vary based on the size of the turbine
and generator, number and design of the blades, and the type of turbine (axial or
 The rated wind speed is the speed at which the wind turbine will produce its rated
output power. This is also a function of the size and type of generator, in the same
fashion as the cut-in speed.
 Maximum Speed is the highest wind speed the wind turbine will generate power at
before shutting off to protect itself from excessive forces due to extreme wind
 Cut-out speed is the speed at which a wind turbine’s overspeed protection features
will engage to prevent damage to the wind turbine and attached generator. There are
several ways this can be implemented, including mechanical brakes, electrical shunt
trips, or blade feathering. By design, there is usually a range at which these protective
devices will begin engaging depending upon specific conditions and wind turbine
 Rated Output is the design power available at the rated wind speed of the turbine.
This is also referred to as nameplate rating and does not necessarily represent the
maximum potential output of the unit
 Rotor Diameter is the distance across the circle traced by the blade tips of the turbine.
 System Height is measured overall height of the wind turbine assembly, from ground
level of the mounting system to the top of the turbine hub, in meters.

3.3 Technical Equations:

Calculate the available wind power.

Once you know the swept area, you can find the available wind power according to this formula:

P wind =0.5×ρ×𝑣 3 ×A


 A — Sweep area.
 ρ — Air density, assumed to be 1.225 kg/m³ by default (you can change it in advanced mode).
 v — Wind speed — the typical usable range is approximately 3-25 m/s.
 P wind — Available wind power.
It is possible to calculate the density of dry air using the law of ideal gases by placing it as a
mathematical function of heat and pressure
𝜌= 𝑇. 𝑅𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐


ρ: air density.
P: pressure.
R: specific nature for air gases.
T: temperature.

Figure 29. temperature effect on air density.

Figure 30. temperature effect on air density.

Finding the efficiency of the turbine.

You can find the total efficiency of the turbine as follows:

μ =(1−km) ×(1−ke) × (1−ket) ×(1−kt) × (1−kw ) ×Cp


 Cp — Turbine efficiency (it must be lower than the Betz limit (59.3%), and is typically between 30-
 kw — Wake losses due to neighboring turbines and the terrain topography, typically 3-10%;
 km — Mechanical losses of the blades and gearbox, typically 0%-0.3%;
 ke — Electrical losses of the turbine, typically 1%-1.5%;
 ke, t — Electrical losses of transmission to the grid, typically 3%-10%;
 kt — Percentage of time out of order due to failure or maintenance, typically 2%-3%; and
 μ — Real efficiency.

Efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage, but you input it into the formula as a fraction (for example,
30% = 0.3).

Calculating the output power.

To find the wind turbine power, simply multiply the efficiency by the wind power available:

P output=μ ×P wind

We conducted a study in Karak on the desert road .

Figure 3

Figure 31. Data of wind in Jordan_alkarak

On this location the speed on this street is 100km/h

On this speed the car will produce 6.42 m/s wind velocity.

And taken for example the wind velocity in February is 3.57 m/s

And the total speed wind is 9.99 m/s

μ =(1−km) ×(1−ke) × (1−ke, t) ×(1−kt) × (1−kw ) ×Cp

= (1-.002) *(1-.013) *(1-0.04) *(1-.02) *(1-.04) *.4= 0.355

P output = μ* P wind

3.4 Vertical Wind Type:

%power generated by wind
A =8.395; %swept area
Vw= [3.48 3.57 3.44 3.35 3.21 3.26 3.04 2.95 2.77 2.68 3.39 3.52];
d = [1.231 1.228 1.213 1.18 1.188 1.168 1.164 1.16 1.162 1.182 1.204 1.225];
Pw= 0.5*A.*Vw. ^3. *d;

%power generated by car (when the car moves at 100km/h)

d= [1.231 1.228 1.213 1.18 1.188 1.168 1.164 1.16 1.162 1.182 1.204 1.225];
Pcar=0.5*A*Vcar^3. *d;

%power generated by car and wind camping

d = [1.231 1.228 1.213 1.18 1.188 1.168 1.164 1.16 1.162 1.182 1.204 1.225];
Pt=0.5*A.*Vt.^3. *d;

km =0.002 %Mechanical losses of the blades and gearbox

ke =0.013 %Electrical losses of the turbine
ket=0.04 %Electrical losses of transmission to the grid
kt =0.02 %Percentage of time out of order due to failure or maintenance
kw =0.04 %Wake losses due to neighbouring turbines and the terrain topography
Cp =0.4 %Turbine efficiency

Efficiency =(1-km) *(1-ke) *(1-ket) *(1-kt) *(1-kw) *Cp

Pwout=Pw. *Efficiency;
Pcarout=Pcar. *Efficiency;

subplot (2,3,1);
subplot (2,3,2);
subplot (2,3,3);
subplot (2,3,4);
subplot (2,3,5);
subplot (2,3,6);
Readings for Vertical Wind turbine

Mounth Vwind(m/s) Vwcar(m/s) Vwind+car Pwind(w) Pcar(w) Pt(w) Efficiency Pwout(w) Pcarout(w) Ptout(w)
1 3.48 6.42 9.9 217.7642 1367.3 5013.7 0.3522 77.493 486.5529 1784.1
2 3.57 6.42 9.99 234.5275 1363.9 5139.1 0.3522 83.4584 485.3672 1828.8
3 3.44 6.42 9.86 207.2654 1347.3 4880.7 0.3522 73.757 479.4384 1736.8
4 3.35 6.42 9.77 186.2118 1319.5 4619.1 0.3522 66.2649 466.3951 1643.7
5 3.21 6.42 9.63 164.9386 1413.6 4453.3 0.3522 58.6946 469.5571 1584.8
6 3.26 6.42 9.68 169.8581 1297.3 4446.9 0.3522 60.4453 461.6521 1582.5
7 3.04 6.42 9.46 137.2665 1292.9 4136.3 0.3522 48.8473 460.0711 1472
8 2.95 6.42 9.37 125.0014 1288.4 4005.6 0.3522 44.4827 458.4901 1425.4
9 2.77 6.42 9.19 103.666 1290.6 3785.7 0.3522 36.8903 459.2806 1347.2
10 2.68 6.42 9.1 95.502 1.3128 3738.8 0.3522 33.9851 467.1856 1330.5
11 3.39 6.42 9.81 196.8867 1337.3 4771.2 0.3522 70.0636 475.8812 1697.9
12 3.52 6.42 9.94 224.2615 1360.6 5049.9 0.3522 79.8052 484.1814 1797.1

Figure 32-a. Data of wind.

Figure 32-b. Data of wind.

Figure 33 Power of wind and Car for vertical wind type.

It is also possible to take advantage of the generated energy in street sidewalk lighting

Figure 34. Pavement lighting from the generated energy.

4.1 Wind circuit off grid (Vertical type):

Figure 35. wind circuit off grid (Vertical type).

Figure 36. Mechanical Energy.

Figure 37. Initial State of Charge.

Figure 38. V, I of Wind Turbine.

Figure 39. Power of Wind Turbine.

4.2 Simulation of light sensor of lighting pole in Wind turbine system:

Figure 40. Light pole sensor in Wind Turbine.

Figure 41. Data sheet for of lighting pole.

4.3 Code of light sensor of lighting pole in Wind turbine system:

// C++ code
int pir = 2; // PIR pin initialization
int Relay = 4; // Relay pin initialization
int ph = A0; // Photoresistance pin initialization

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Serial monitor begin
pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ph, INPUT);
pinMode(pir, INPUT);

void loop()
int agValue = 0, ssValue = 0; // Analog and sensor value initialization

agValue = analogRead(ph); // Analog value is assigned to agValue

ssValue = digitalRead(pir); // Digital value is assigned to ssvalue

if (agValue <= 500) // Night

digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH); // Light blow low
Serial.println("Night"); // Serial monitor display

if (ssValue == 1) // Sensor value 1 (object detected)

Serial.println("Object detected");
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH); // Light blow high
delay(5000 * (i + 1)); // Increase delay linearly
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
else // Day
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
delay(100); // Add a small delay to avoid rapid execution



Name Quantity Component

U1 1 Arduino Uno R3
PIR1 1 -155.24538546310282 , -267.1913826898903 , -210.9445838301466
PIR Sensor
K1 1 Relay DPDT
L1 1 Light bulb
BAT1 1 24V Battery
R1 1 Photoresistor
R2 1 1 kΩ Resistor

Figure 42. Light pole sensor in Street.

4.4 Code of Cost of lighting pole in Wind turbine system:
To calculate the cost for powering the 20 light poles with a wind turbine that produces 2056 watts, you can
multiply the number of light poles by the price per light pole. Here's the calculation:

Project Total Cost:

Figure 43. Project Total Cost

Cost=Number of Light Poles×Price per Light Pole

% Calculate total cost
% Given data
windTurbinePower = 2000; % in watts (rounded from 2056)
powerPerLightPole = 100; % in watts
numLightPoles = windTurbinePower / powerPerLightPole;
pricePerEnergyUnit = 0.13; % in JD per kilowatt-hour
daysInMonth = 30; % assuming a 30-day month

% Calculate daily and monthly energy consumption (for 12 working hours)

dailyEnergyConsumptionPerLightPole = powerPerLightPole * 12; % in watt-hours
totalDailyEnergyConsumption = numLightPoles * dailyEnergyConsumptionPerLightPole;
totalMonthlyEnergyConsumption = totalDailyEnergyConsumption * daysInMonth;

% Calculate total cost

totalCost = totalMonthlyEnergyConsumption/1000 * pricePerEnergyUnit;

% Display the results

fprintf('Number of light poles that can be powered: %.2f\n', numLightPoles);
fprintf('Daily energy consumption per light pole: %.2f watt-hours\n',
fprintf('Total monthly energy consumption for all light poles: %.2f kilowatt-hours\n',
totalMonthlyEnergyConsumption / 1000);
fprintf('Total cost for powering the light poles for a month: %.2f JD\n', totalCost);

Figure 44. After execution code of total cost of lighting pole.
The total cost after execution the previous code
Number of light poles that can be powered: 20
Daily energy consumption per light pole: 1200.00 watt-hours
Total monthly energy consumption for all light poles: 720.00 kilowatt-hours
Total cost for powering the light poles for a month: 93.60JD

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work:

In conclusion, the project's objective to design a wind turbine for harnessing wind energy from highway
vehicles has been addressed. Wind energy is acknowledged as a rapidly growing clean energy source;
nevertheless, its variability due to natural wind patterns poses a challenge. The utilization of highways as a
source of consistent wind, facilitated by high vehicle traffic, offers a promising solution to overcome this
Moving forward, there are several avenues for future work and improvement. First, the efficiency and design
of the wind turbine can be further optimized to enhance energy capture. Additionally, exploring advanced
materials and technologies could contribute to increased durability and overall performance. Further
research and development could also focus on integrating smart grid technologies to efficiently distribute the
captured energy. Lastly, considering the environmental impact and conducting a comprehensive cost-benefit
analysis will be crucial for the broader implementation and success of this sustainable energy solution.
Overall, the project lays the foundation for ongoing exploration and innovation in the field of wind energy
harnessing from highway traffic.




[4] 12th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, EERA DeepWind'2015





[9] ‫( كثافة الهواء – ويكيبيديا‬

[10]‫ محاكاة بيانات المناخ والطقس التاريخية ل الكرك‬- meteoblue

[11] Hegde, Shreyas & Palash, Shah & Ahmed, Arham & Upadhyay, Meet & M, Arun. (2016). Highway Mounted
Horizontal Axial Flow Turbines for Wind Energy Harvesting from Cruising Vehicles.





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