Notes - A Truly Beautiful Mind.

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1. A truly beautiful mind.

2. The Lake Isle of Innisfree

A truly beautiful mind.

1. During his childhood, Einstein did not show any traces of becoming a genius
one day. How?

Answer: As a child, Einstein had a large head and did not start to speak till he
was two-and-a-half years old. Finally, when he did speak, he used to utter
everything twice. He could not interact freely with his playmates either. All
this showed the absence of any traces in him of becoming a genius one day.

2. Why did Einstein leave school in Munich?

Answer: Einstein left the school in Munich because of the stifling environment
that suppressed his scientifically curious mind. The excessively stern discipline
and rigid rules in that school led to frequent clashes with his teachers. He thus
began to feel that such a place was inappropriate for a liberal person like him

3. What did Einstein call his desk drawer at the patent office? Why?
Answer: Einstein called his desk drawer at the patent office the “bureau of
theoretical physics”. Einstein was developing his own ideas in secret and his
drawer had all the pieces of evidence which could reveal the secret.

4. Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt?

Answer: With the emergence of Nazis in Germany, Einstein emigrated to the
United States. It was the fact that the Nazis had the ability to develop the
atomic bomb. It could destroy the whole world. So, he warned Franklin D.
Roosevelt in his letter.

5. Why does the world remember Einstein as a ‘world citizen’?

The world remembers Einstein as a ‘world citizen’ because he believed in
universal peace. When there was the rat race for becoming atomic power, he
was worried about the aftermath of the bomb. He was really a world citizen
who was concerned with humanity.

6. When and for what did Einstein gain international fame?

Answer: Einstein gained international fame when his paper on the General
Theory of Relativity was found to be accurate in 1919. As per this theory, the
calculations made by Einstein in advance about the deflection of light in the
solar gravitational field during the eclipse were proven true. This theory was
treated as “a scientific revolution.

Notebook Activity: Write a bio sketch of Albert Einstein


Poem: The Lake Isle of Innisfree

About the poet:

Answer the following questions:

1. Where does the poet want to go and why?

Answer: The poet wants to go to the solitary and silent Isle of Innisfree in the Lake
Lough Gill of his native country, Ireland. He wants to go there because he is fed up
with the restless, noisy world of cities and feels strongly nostalgic about life on the
island which, by contrast, will be a life of quietness and pleasure.

2. What kind of life does the poet want to lead on Lake Isle?
Answer: The poet wants to lead a life of serenity and contentment, away from the
bustle and loudness of urban life. He longs for living in a simple cabin made of clay
and sticks. A small piece of land with a few bean rows and some honey fresh from
the beehive will be enough to satisfy his needs.
3. What kind of music will the poet enjoy on the Lake Isle of Innisfree?
Answer: On the Isle of Innisfree, the poet will enjoy the loud music of the bees and
the mild music of the waves striking against the shore.
4. What does the poet dream of enjoying in the evenings?
Answer: The poet dreams of enjoying the songs of the linnets and the sound of the
flapping of their wings as they fly back to their nests. He also hopes to enjoy the song
of the cricket in the peaceful surroundings.
5. Why does the poet hear the music of the waves standing on the roadway?
Answer: The poet hears the music of the waves standing on the roadway because
their gentle and soothing sound is recalled involuntarily by his mind as a defence
against the deafening, unpleasant and jarring sounds of the traffic that have a
sickening impact on him.


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