Business Communication

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Answer 1.

Mr. James may consider below mentioned steps to compose message for his team to make sure
that they sound persuasive and feel equal:

Step 1
Planning Persuasive message
Nowadays, having a fabulous idea or a product is not enough. Every day, several ideas and
products go overlooked because the audience is unaware of them or their promotion was
insufficient to be heard over the competitive cacophony. As a result, in order to reach the target
audience, it is necessary to pay close attention to all four stages : analysing the situation, getting
information, selecting the appropriate media and channels, and structuring the information.

Analysing the Situation

While defining the purpose of writing persuasive message, make sure that you are clear
about the goal that you want to achieve with the message. The most effective persuasive
messages is the one which is closely related to the interests and desires of your audience.

The needs of an audience can be understood and categorised using demographics (age,
gender, education, income, etc.) and psychographics (lifestyle, personality, attitude,
etc.). Also, consider cultural norms and practices when analysing your audiences to
avoid compromising your persuasive message with an improper appeal or by
structuring your message in a way that your audience might find uncomfortable. A
persuasive message is more likely to be effective if it fits the audience's motive. Motive
is the factor which drives the audience to fulfil their needs and thus, it is important to
understand the motive of audience to change his/her belief, attitude or actions.

For example, in order to convince the audience to buy a product that is healthy for diet,
the message will resonate with the audience who are motivated by a desire to stay fit,
but it is unlikely to do so with audience who are motivated by a desire of eating junk

Getting information

After finishing situation analysis, to write an effective persuasive message one needs to
gather the necessary information.

Selecting appropriate Media and Channels

Many factors must be considered when choosing the best medium for writing
persuasive message:
 The number of audience and your capacity to contact them all in a timely
 The complexity of your message.
 Audience’s communication preferences.
From podcasts and instant messages to radio commercials and skywriting, almost every
form of communication uses persuasive messages. In some circumstances, different
audience members could favour different media for the same message. While some
shoppers does online research for buying something and others prefer to do it in person.
Some audiences are not bothered about receiving marketing emails about the product
of their interest, while others don’t like it at all. Some people don't mind receiving
marketing emails for products they are interested in, while others resent every email
they get from businesses. If you are unsure of reaching your audience through single
medium, try to use two or more mediums like follow up email with letters. Persuasion
is a process that frequently calls for several communications, each of which adds to
your persuasive goal.

Organizing the Information

There is one thing in common in most of all the persuasive message i.e. they are all
about receivers and not the senders. While persuading someone to join you in a business
venture, try to explain on how it will benefit them rather than how it would benefit you.
Include only the details required to guide your audience in taking the next step toward
reaching the end decision or taking the desired action you want from them.

In the persuasive communication, it is often observed that an indirect approach is

commonly employed. This is because the objective of persuasion is to influence
individuals to alter their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviour. Consequently, it is essential to
provide a reason, pique interest, and build a foundation before making a request or
seeking a specific action. However, it is important to note that in situations where there
is a high likelihood of audience receptiveness, a direct approach can be employed,
where the main point is presented upfront without longer introduction. And if your
audience have doubt in it, they will then go for explanation.

Firstly, Mr. James Steven should start by defining the goal of the message. While writing the
message, he should keep his team's culture, values, and attitudes in mind. This will assist him
in understanding about what motivates his team members and what language and tone will
resonate with them. The message should be supported by evidence and examples, and he should
select the most effective channel to reach his team members. He should organize the message
logically and coherently. He should begin with a clear introduction, then proceed to the main
part of the message.

Step 2 : Writing Persuasive message

As, persuasive message is often unpleasant, the “you” attitude is more important when
it comes to writing them. Almost all the people will ignore the message if it is not about
them. To elicit a positive reaction to your persuasive message, you can achieve this by

(i) Use of polite and positive language

When delivering persuasive message, positive language usually comes
effortlessly since you are promoting an idea or product that you are passionate
about. Don’t unintentionally offend your audience by telling them that they have
been making terrible decisions in the past and you are going to save them from
their mistake.

(ii) especting and understanding differences in culture

You'll be better be able to meet your audience's needs and earn their respect if
you're able to understand and respect cultural differences. This is due to the fact
that persuasion varies among different cultures.

(iii) Displaying sensitivity towards the organizational culture

Just like culture, the success of persuasive message is influenced by culture
within the organization. As time passes, every organization creates a unique
internal culture that establishes various communication expectations.

(iv) Establishing your credibility

Credibility is crucial while trying to convince unfriendly audience. You must
persuade them that you are knowledgeable and not intentionally trying to
mislead them. Try following strategies to build credibility:
(i) Use simple language
(ii) Support your message with facts
(iii) Identifying your information sources.
(iv) Establishing common ground with audience by sharing experience and
belief you have in common.
(v) Being objective
(vi) Demonstrating good intentions by focusing on their needs.
(vii) Try to build your credibility before making proposal or seeking for a
decision. In this manner, audience won't have to assess both you and the
message given by you simultaneously.

Secondly, when composing his message, Mr. James Steven should adopt a positive language
that is respectful and collaborative. He should support his message with evidence and
examples. He should also respond to any objections respectfully and constructively, and
present a clear call to action.

Step 3: Completing Persuasive Messages

The experts are careful not to skimp on this stage of the writing process since they are aware
from experience that details may make or break persuasive message. While evaluating your
content, make sure to evaluate it honestly and don’t overstate your credibility. Ask a
knowledgeable co-worker who is familiar with your target audience to review your draught.
Make sure the design aspects support your persuasive argument rather than distracting away
from it. Lastly, proofreading can eliminate any errors that may weaken the persuasiveness of
the message. Also, check to see if your distribution strategies align with both your goal and the
expectations of your audience.

Lastly, Mr. James Steven should go through the message and evaluate it for clarity, tone, and
language. He should make sure the message is accessible and inclusive to all team members,
and he should test it by sharing it with trusted colleague for feedback. He should also follow
up with team members to ensure they received and understood the message, and identify areas
for improvement for future communication.
Mr. James should use following strategies for writing persuasive message to his team members:

 Know your audience: The most effective persuasive messages is the one which is
closely related to the interests and desires of your audience. Hence Mr. James should
understand his team member’s culture, values, and belief in order to personalise his
message to their needs and interests.
 Use polite and positive language: When delivering persuasive message, positive
language usually comes effortlessly since you are promoting an idea or product that
you are passionate about. Don’t unintentionally offend your audience by telling them
that they have been making terrible decisions in the past and you are going to save them
from their mistake.
 Provide evidence: Mr. James should be supporting his message by evidence and
 Use emotional appeal: Mr James should make an emotional connection with his team
member. He should use stories or personal experiences to demonstrate the impact of
the message.
 Address objections: Mr. James should identify any potential issues from his team
members and address them directly. This demonstrates that he has considered their
point of view and have answers to their questions.
 Call to action: Mr James should be clear and precise about what he expects from his
team members. To persuade them to act, he should use persuasive language.
 Selecting appropriate channel: he should select the most effective channel to
reach his team members.
Answer 2

Report can be defined as a written statement that gives information about the specific issues
that is intended to provide information for making decisions. It presents data for the specific
event. It is the summary of findings and suggestions regarding a specific event. The report is
used by higher authorities in taking decisions.

A proposal can be defined as the document that is submitted to a company in order to convince
them to accept certain course of action or to fund a particular project. Proposal can be of two
types i.e. formal and informal. Proposal is submitted against request for proposal. Proposal
contains executive summary in which overview of proposal is stated. It is followed by
description of the problem/opportunity, objectives and goals, the solution, benefit, and cost and
lastly the timeline of the project. A proposal’s aim is to convince the recipient to approve the
proposed course of action. As a result, it is essential that the proposal should be well-written
and clear.

Sections of a Report:

1. Title Page: This part of the report consists of the title of the report, the name and title
of the author and the date of submission.
2. Table of Contents: This section of the report contains a list of all the section headings
and major subheadings. A table of contents not only helps readers to locate information
in the report, but it also summarizes the topic of the report.
3. Executive Summary: This part of the report consists of the problem, research methods,
key findings, and recommendation. Busy executives and other stakeholders can easily
understand the contents of the report from this section.
4. Introduction: This section gives the overview of the report’s purpose and scope. It also
gives the overview about the information required to understand what the report is
about. The purpose and objective should be stated clearly in the introduction section.
Introduction should be in clear and engaging style and should be written in language
that is accessible to vast audience. With headings and subheadings to help the readers
in directing through the information presented, it should be organised logically and
coherently. The introduction should grab the reader’s interest and encourage them to
read the report. This can be accomplished by using a strong opening sentence that
emphasis on the importance of the topic.It should also include any limitations that could
impact that analysis. Any unnecessary information should be avoided in this section.
5. Body: The body is the longest part of the report and includes major information of the
report. In this section, author provides his research’s finding, analysis and conclusion.
Body consists of various section and sub-section, each of which deals with topic. Each
of these sections or sub-sections should be labelled clearly and arranged in sequence in
such a way that each section builds on the previous section. In every section the author
shall give the evidence to support his argument/analysis. This evidence may be in the
form of statistics, quotes from professionals, data, or other source of information. In
this section, the writer must explain about how the evidence is supporting his argument
and what can be the consequences of evidence on the issue being discussed.
Additionally, it also includes the benefits, drawbacks, and cost of selecting a specific
course of action. The writer should avoid using jargons or other technical terms that
readers might find difficult to understand. The writer should adequately define and
explain any specialized terms that are used.
6. Conclusion: It is the final part of the report. It includes the summary of the main
findings and arguments discussed in the body. The writer should give recommendation
or suggestion for further action based on the data and analysis discussed in the report.
The conclusion should summarise the key findings and give the reader some sense of
resolution. This can be accomplished by offering a concluding statement or by outlining
the importance of the research and its implications for the broader context. The
conclusion should be concise, memorable, and leave the reader with a clear
understanding of the main points of the report.
7. Recommendations: This part consists of the actions which can be taken to address the
issue mentioned in the report.
8. References: This part consists of the list of all the sources such as reference books,
blogs, articles etc. from where the information regarding the report is taken.
9. Appendices: This part consists of the additional includes any additional information to
support the findings of report. It is not the part of the main report as it is lengthy or not
directly related to the report.

In conclusion, the three main parts of a report are the introduction, body, and conclusion. The
report's purpose and objectives are described in the introduction. The findings of the research,
analysis, and conclusions are included in the body and are organised and logically presented.
The key findings and arguments are summarised in the conclusion, along with some
suggestions or recommendations for further action.
Answer 3 a

Businesses have been greatly impacted by social media, which has transformed how they
communicate with clients, workers, and other key players. Social media now offers a powerful
tool for building brand awareness, enhancing customer engagement, and expanding business
horizons. Following are the ways in which social media affects business communication and
strategy for businesses to communicate effectively on social media platforms.

Impact of social media on communication in business

1. Integrating workforce
The use of social media can aid in the integration of a company's workforce by
providing a medium for employees to interact and share knowledge with each other,
regardless of their geographical location. These networks can help newcomers connect
with seasoned experts and mentors, promote teamwork, and open communication, and
circumvent formal communication channels to quickly disseminate important
information. Such practices can establish a sense of community and promote a culture
of teamwork within the organization.
2. Socializing brands and companies
Social media is now an essential instrument for brand and company for socialization,
enabling them to interact with clients and other stakeholders in a mutually beneficial
information exchange. A company's reputation can be improved globally and client
relationships can be strengthened through effective brand socialising. Businesses can
utilise social media to respond to customer questions about their products, repost fan
videos, and thank them for their enthusiastic reviews.
3. Understanding target markets
Social media may help businesses better understand their target markets by allowing
them to listen to their customers and gain market intelligence. Companies can use
sentiment analysis and reputation analysis tool to examine the reputations of
organisations and individuals, measure the emotional quality of online communication,
locate "hot zones" of indignation on social media, and discover trending topics or
subjects of interest.
4. Connecting with sales prospects
Sales professionals can take advantage of social media to identify potential leads and
request introductions through mutual connections. This can help sales professionals to
establish relationships with potential customers without relying solely on cold calling.
5. Supporting customers
The use of social media has transformed customer service for companies by providing
a more convenient way for customers to reach out for assistance and support each other.
This mode of customer service is faster and more productive as customers can access
help in real-time from different sources.

The following are some key strategies for successful social media communication:

1. Choose the best compositional mode

To effectively communicate on social media, companies need to select the appropriate
message format for each platform as different formats are better suited for different
networks. Facebook posts are better suited for informal status updates, while company
overviews and mission statements would not be as effective using this format.
2. Offer valuable content
People use social media platforms to interact and not to be sold products by the
company. Hence, companies should create and share meaningful content that benefits
their audience and improves their relationships with both existing and potential clients.
3. Join existing conversations
Companies can improve their social media engagement by actively seeking out
ongoing online conversations and engaging with their audience. By providing
valuable solutions and helpful responses, they can increase their credibility and
rapport with their audience.
4. Anchor your online presence
Companies should set up a central hub for their online presence that they control, such
as a website, blog, or company-sponsored online community, to connect all their
online activities and make it easier for people to locate and follow them.
5. Facilitate community building
To promote customer and audience engagement, companies can utilize social network
groups to create special-interest communities that facilitate connections between
individuals and the company.
6. Maintain a consistent personality
Businesses must adopt a unique messaging strategy to align with the communication
standards of different social networks, while also ensuring that they retain a uniform
personality across all the channels on which they are active to gain trust and credibility.

In conclusion, social media has impacted communication in business by enabling firms to

integrate workforce, socializing their brands and companies, understanding target markets,
connecting with sales prospects, and supporting customers. Businesses can effectively
communicate on social media by selecting the right compositional mode, providing valuable
content, engaging in ongoing conversations, establishing an online presence, promoting
community building, and maintaining a consistent personality. By implementing these
strategies, companies can increase their social media engagement and establish stronger
relationships with their audience.
Answer 3 b

The overall supply and demand of jobs in a specific geographic region or industry are referred
to as the job market. Numerous factors, such as the state of the economy, business trends,
technological developments, and governmental regulations, have an impact on the job market.
Employers may require a large number workers during a strong economy, which could lead to
more job openings and higher salaries. On the other hand, in a bad economy, employers might
stop hiring or fire workers, which would mean fewer job openings and lower pay. Specific
demand of any skills and qualifications by employers is reflected in the job market. The job
market is influenced by a wide range of factors. It is important for both employers and job
seekers to stay informed about these factors to accomplish their goals.

It is important to do research about the organization in which you are applying for job.
Following are some of the points which needs to be considered about the organization:

1. Name: You should find out organization’s name along with any parent company, its
subsidiaries or divisions. You should also find out how the company is referred to in
the sector or by its clients.
2. Location: You should find out where the organization's headquarters and whether it
has any other offices, facilities, or places where they have operations. Also look out if
the company works internationally or just in a specific location or nation.
3. Ownership: You should find out if the company is privately held or public. Find out
the ownership structure of the company, such as the number of shareholders or the
family or person who has founded it.
4. Brief history: you should study the history of the organisation like when it was
founded, how it was developed, and its key events . you should also look for details of
the organization's culture and leadership.
5. Products and services: You should do the research about the products and service the
company is offering. Also take into consideration about how the product and service of
the company competes with its competitor in the industry.
6. Industry position: you should find out the position of the company in the industry by
taking into consideration its market share and reputation.
7. Key financial points: You should examine the company’s financial performance
considering growth rate, profitability and revenue. Also find out the financial health of
the organization and any potential risk it may face.
8. Growth prospects: You should find out the company’s growth plans such as entering
into new market or creating new products or service. Take into consideration on how
your career goals and ambitions align with the growth of the company.

Following are some of the points which needs to be considered about the job opportunity:

1. Title: The title of job will give you the idea about what will be your roles and
responsibility in the company.
2. Function and responsibilities: It consist of tasks that needs to be performed for the
role. You can determine if your expertise and talent meet the requirements for the
position by doing some research.
3. Qualification and expectation: The education, experience, and skills needed for the
position will be described in here. You can find out if you fulfil the criteria or if you
need to get further training or education by doing some research.
4. Possible career paths: Evaluating the potential for growth in the company and industry
is crucial. You should also do research about the trajectory of the role and whether it
aligns with your long-term professional goals or not.
5. Salary range: You should analyse the salary range provided for the role. This will help
you in assessing whether that pay meets your expectations and fair in the industry.
6. Travel expectation and opportunities: If your position involves travel, it is crucial to
know how often and where. You can find out if it fits your lifestyle and whether the
employer pays for travel expenditures.
7. Relocation expectation and opportunities: Understanding the expectations and
opportunities is crucial if the work involves relocation. You can find out if this is viable
for you and your family and whether the employer will pay for your relocation costs or

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