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1st Scene: Graduation


Good day everyone, let me introduced our guest speaker. He graduated at Isaub
Elementary School, and continue his secondary at Ateneo De Manila University with
Highest honor, and studied law at Oxford University with flying colors. Now let’s give a
round of applause to Atty. Sebastian Alexander.

Atty. Sebastian:

“Life is like a flat tire, you can’t go anywhere without changing it.” A pleasant
morning to everyone especially to our school superintendent Ma’am Deserie Lagan PhD,
to our school principal Ma’am Loraine Anne Patilan, to all teachers, and of course to my
beloved adviser Mrs. Jessa Madeja. To all hardworking parents and especially to the

As I describe myself before, I was a type of student like a snail. The one who
doesn’t want to go out at the shell that serves as comfort zone. But it suddenly changes
when this person came into my life and help me to discover and enhance my full
potential. It was started when I was on grade 5.

*************************** Music 1 – Transition ****************************

2nd Scene: Classroom

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): So class that’s all for our discussion, any question?

All Students: None ma’am.

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): So now please get ¼ sheet of paper for short quiz.

(students preparing ¼ sheet of paper)

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): 1. It is the zone of life. 2. Rocks is a part of what subsystem?

3. Oceans is part of what subsystem?

: Ok exchange papers and lets checked. 1. Biosphere,

2. Geosphere, 3. Hydrosphere. Ok who got the perfect score?

(pass papers, then everyone claps your hands, teacher going to look at the papers)

: Sebastian where’s your paper?

(Sebastian pass his paper, teacher will be sad, teacher will be going to think an

: So, class for your assignment, study more about this topic.

(Putting the 4 subsystems topic at the board)

Loraine: But ma’am we’ve already finished the discussion about that topic.
Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Oh its now different because for this activity you’ll going to

express your learnings on how to take care the 4 subsystems

in a creative way or while showing your talents. It is to make
sure that you fully understand our lesson. This will be
performed tomorrow, any question?

All students: None ma’am

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Ok class dismiss.

******************************** Music 2- Bell rings *****************************

(Teacher will be going to get out first before students)

Fernalie: Hey, why are you looking so worried?

Sebastian: I’m thinking about the activity, because I think I don’t have any talent.

Fernalie: Oh, don’t think about it too much, I need to go, Bye.

****************************** Music 3- Transition *****************************

3rd Scene: Tomorrow at the Classroom

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Are you all ready?

All Students: Yes ma’am!!

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Alright let’s begin with Fernalie. (Students clap and cheer)

Fernalie: (start singing) (Students clap after singing)

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Next Karen (Students clap and cheer)

Karen: (start presenting her drawing) (Students clap after presenting)

Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Next Sebastian it’s your turn.(No one cheer, students just
murmuring and laughing) Class be quite!
Sebastian: (Going at the front-Very shy) (starting to present) (Mahina boses)
Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Sebastian raise your voice, be confident, you can do it!
Sebastian: (Start performing better and confident)
(All students and teacher are shocked and going to clap and cheer)
Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): What an amazing performance Sebastian!!
: By the way class, I have an announcement. This coming week
there will be competition for English month celebration. One
of the competition is impromptu speech. So, who wants to
Valerie: Sebastian you must join!! (Everybody agrees)
Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Sebastian would you like to join?
Ate Jessa: Go Sebastian you can do it!!
Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): Ok if there’s anyone who wants to join just let me know.
Class dismiss.
******************** Music 2 – Bell rings *******************
(Sebastian and the teacher will be left and talk)
Sebastian: Ma’am I think I can’t do it.
Ma’am Madeja ( Yzel ): I know you can do it, just believe in yourself.
************************* Music 4 – Transition ****************************
4th Scene: Performance Competition
Merly: And now let’s call the next presenter, Sebastian Alexander!
(Students and teacher will clap and cheer for Sebastian)
Merly: Can you please pick a question? (Sebastian going to pick a piece of paper)
: Ok the question is: What are your insights about Progressivism?
Sebastian: (Start to speech) (Everybody clap and cheer)
(Lilinya yung mga presenters)
Merly: And the winner for impromptu speech competition, with an average of 97.98%
It’s no other than, Sebastian Alexander!!! Congratulations
(Everybody happy, clapping and cheering)
5th Scene: Graduation ending
Sebastian: And that was my story back then. Students stop complaining if your
gives you a lot of activities, instead be grateful. Because those activities are
the best way to learn best, and discover your full potential the leads you to
become holistically developed. That’s all thank you, again a pleasant day to
(Everybody stands up and clap their hands)

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