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What is Reflection of light

Kinds of Reflection of light

Laws of Reflection of light
Mirror and its types
Types of Images
Characteristics of image formed by plane mirror
 Speed of light & Formation of Rainbow
Primary and secondary colours
Appearance of colours of transparent and opaque objects
Reflection of Light
The bouncing back of light in the same
medium after striking a surface.

Incident ray

Reflected ray
Kinds of Reflection

Regular Reflection Irregular Reflection

Important terms Related with

Angle of Angle of
Incident Ray Reflected Ray
Incidence Reflection

Plane Mirror
Laws of Reflection

Angle of Angle of
Incident Ray Reflected Ray
Incidence Reflection

1. Angle of Incidence is equal to angle of reflection

2. Incident ray, Reflected ray and normal at the point of
incidence all lie in the same plane.
A light ray is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of
600 with normal .Calculate the angle of reflection.
A light ray is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of
450 with mirror .Calculate the angle of reflection.
A mirror is a smooth polished surface which reflect light
Types of mirrors

Plane mirror Curved mirror

Plane Mirror
Highly polished and silvered surface, reflects
almost the entire light falling on it.
Curved mirror
It is highly polished curved surface . Generally, the
surface is spherical in shape.
Images formed by a Mirror
When light ray starting from a point object , after reflection
from a mirror, meet or appear to meet at a point , then this
point is called image of that object.
Types of Images

Real Image Virtual Image

Difference between Real and Virtual Image
Real Virtual

Light rays after reflection actually Light rays after reflection appears
meets at a point. to meet at one point.
Image formed is inverted Image formed is erect

Image can be obtained on the Image can be formed behind the

screen. screen
Image formed in cinema halls Image formed in plane mirror.
1. A plane mirror forms an upright or erect image.

2. Image formed is of same size

3. The image formed as far behind the mirror as the object is
in front of it.

4. Image formed is a virtual image

5. Image formed is laterally
Uses of plane mirrors

Plane mirror are used as looking

mirrors and dressing mirrors.
Uses of plane mirrors
They are used in hair cutting saloons to show a person the
backside of his head.
Uses of plane mirrors
They are used in
solar cookers to
reflect the sun
rays into the
interior of
Uses of plane mirrors
Plane mirrors are used in reflecting periscope and
Speed of light
In vacuum as well as in air , light travels with a
speed of 3 X 108 m/s.
Speed of light
In a transparent medium such as water, glass etc , the speed of
light is less than its value in air.
Speed of light is minimum in diamond.
Constituents colours of white light from the sun
Formation of rainbow
Primary colours
Red , green and blue colours are called
primary colours.

These colours cannot be formed by the combination of

other colours. All other colours can be obtained by the
combination of primary colour only.
Secondary colours are the colours which can be obtained by
mixing of any two primary colours.

Green + blue = cyan

Blue + Red = Magenta
The colour which produce white light when added together are
called complementary colours
Appearance of a Different objects



Appearance of colours of an opaque object
The phenomenon due to which an opaque object selectively
reflects light of few colours out of white light and absorbs light of
other colours is known as the colour subtraction.
Appearance of colours of an opaque object
If an object reflects light of all colours and does not
absorb light of any colour, then the object appears
as white

If an object does not reflect light of any colour and absorbs light
of all colours, the objects appear black.
Appearance of colours of an opaque object
White light + Red rose = Red reflect
Appearance of colours of an opaque object
Red light + Red rose = Bright Red reflect
Appearance of colours of an opaque object
Blue light + Red rose = Black reflect
Does not reflect any light
Appearance of colour of a transparent object
When light incident on a transparent object, it selectively
allows light of certain colours to pass through and absorbs light
of different colours.
Appearance of colour of a transparent
Appearance of colour of a transparent object as white
when all colour pass through it
A transparent object appears black if it
does not allows light of any colour to pass
through it and absorbs all colours.
A piece of red glass appears as red in
white light. Because it allow light of red
colour to pass through it.
A piece of red glass appears as red in red
light. Because it allow light of red colour to
pass through it.

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