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Article Analysis


The article, “What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research” by Aspers & Corte (2015),
is a meta-analysis of existing literatures and research, which aimed at establishing a
clear definition of qualitative research. In order to provide clarity and establish a
definition, the article also addressed topics and issues surrounding the field. Most of
which are comparisons in relation to quantitative research. It touches on the issue of
generalizability and standardization of qualitative research in comparison to
quantitative research.

Drawing on literatures and research and basing on Howard Becker’s study on

marijuana consumption, the article explained that qualitative research is a process of
in-depth examination of a phenomenon and making distinctions of its key features
which then leads to a deeper understanding of the phenomenon being studied. This
illustrates that through the analysis between theory and data gathered, obtaining new
insights and knowledge from these, and finally generating its essential features,
qualitative research is able to provide deeper understanding on the focus of study.


Research in psychology includes the study of variables, psychological constructs,

or a phenomenon. Although the emergence of new fields like neuropsychology and
cognitive psychology has led to the focus on quantitative methods, conducting
research in our field may still be done through different approaches depending on the
focus and aim of the study. This is to say that qualitative methods are still relevant in
the field of psychological research.

One significant knowledge we can gain from the article is that- the article itself is
an accurate sample of what qualitative research is. It addressed the lack of clarity on
the concept being studied. In relation to psychology, this method is significant in
generating concrete data on psychological constructs. Moreover, as mentioned in the
article, the exploratory nature of qualitative research that involves in-depth
examination will provide better and deeper understanding of the construct, or
phenomenon being observed and can serve as basis for quantitative research.


I remember when research was first introduced to us in seventh grade. Since then,
we have been doing research manuscripts every year, chasing our deadlines,
submitting just for the sake of being graded, and all of that made doing research
become monotonous. The article, however, has reminded me of the true essence of
research, be it quantitative or qualitative.
I am reminded that is not for the sake of submission or being graded, but rather,
research is done to generate new knowledge from empirical data and to contribute to
the body of knowledge. As new knowledge is established, it then become a basis to
generate more new knowledge. When a hypothesis has been proven to be null, further
research will follow, acknowledging what was lacking in the previous ones and it
continues, making a scientific progress.


I think that the authors have already done well in presenting the information on
their article. It has touched most of the issues surrounding qualitative research, of
which are we have already discussed in our lecture discussions.


Aspers, P., & Corte, U. (2019). What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Sociology,

42(2), 139–160.

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