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You see honey, I invested about $550,000. in Crunch Base Investment and Innovative
in the Republic of London, and the money i invested have accrued to about

But i have just been informed that the Crunch Base Investment and Innovative
Company where i invested my money in the republic of London have been shut down by
the Greater London Authority due to the fact that Mr Michael Arrington who is the
owner and founder of the Crunch Base Investment and Innovative Company was charge
to shut down the company because the company owns the largest amount of a shares in
London, which is not supported and directly insured by The Greater London Authority
Mr Michael Arrington was charge shutdown the company because it is not full
registered by the Government and they made a lot of shares out from the country
Tax. Right now honey the company is about to be renovated for another business by
the government and The greater London authority made declaration for the Company to
refund and pay every money and interest that belong to every active consumers who
nvested into the Crunch Base Investment and Innovative company.

Honey I’m a very active consumer to the company honey, because it was a good way
for me to save and make more money I have invested before into this company, my
first invested money was $250,000 and I was pay back with interest the amount of
£500,000 after 2years. Honey this is my second time of investing, And I invested
$550,000 which has accrued to £1,200,000

And now honey the Crunch Base Investment and Innovative company just contacted me
through my mailbox with a message and asked me to come and claim my £1,200,000.
Honey there is no way i can do that now because i am here in Iraq honey, This is a
war zone and very far from London Continent not even America continent is closer,
there's no way i can claim it , and i do not have any access to banks or anything
else right here in Afghanistan military refugee camp honey I can’t even go out from
the camp it is too risky and Dangerous out here, this is very difficult time for me
now honey and I’m crying very hard because the company gave me just few days to
come to London to sign the payment document and claim my money or If I can get
someone to do it for me I have to get someone well trusted to claim the money and
sign for me and claim my money, if I fail to find a way to claim the money I am
going to lose all of my money to the London government. honey i can’t avoid to lose
this money I don’t want to lose this money because is my only life investment money
I can’t lose this money honey. Right now I can’t leave this job now because my job
here is not over there is no way I can leave this job right now I am so confused
about this situation I cry all night because of this situation.

It is hurting me so bad right now I’m having headache I don’t even think I can
focus on my work here in Iraq because it hurting me so bad, i have no one to help
me claim my money while i'm away honey. Honey i really don't know what to do right
now 😭😭 I don’t want to lose this money is my life investment money honey 😭

honey, can you please help me to claim the money from the company and keep it with
you in Ecuador until I’m done with the job here in Iraq when I’m done with the job
I will return to Ecuador immediately honey can you help me ? I promise to come home
to Ecuador immediately as soon as the job here In Iraq is over honey can you help
me honey ?

CLIENT: what can i do for you ?

Honey I want the Company to help me move the money and the payment document by a
shipping means to you there in Ecuador so that you can help me claim the money
honey, I will explain everything to the company and let the company know you are my
wife and I trust you very much so they can help me send the money to you honey and
I want you to save the money with you in Ecuador when I’m done with this job here
in Iraq I will come to Ecuador immediately honey.

Client: honey what should I do ?

Honey I will have to contact the company at first

And let them know that I want you to help me claim the money in Ecuador by shipping
means directly to you honey.

Well honey when I get a feedback from the company I will contact you in immediately
honey thank you for this helping hand you are giving to me honey thank you honey.

Honey the company replied to my email and they told me I must send them your name
and full information so they will register the informations with the delivery
company so they will be able to locate you and deliver the money to you hand to
hand honey, the company already made a total conversion from GBP to USD and the
money will be stored in a safety box and it will be send to you in Ecuador honey
the total amount that you will be receiving from the delivery company will be
$1,500,000 U.S dollars in the safety box, mwhich is converted to 4,230,000.00 GEL
in Georgia currency. Well honey if you don’t want the company to help you in
exchanging the money from USD to GEL when it get to Georgia you can save the money
with you in the safety box without making exchange from USD to GEL. When I come to
Georgia we can do the exchange from USD to GEL together honey.

I was also informed by the company that the safety box will be registered with your
informations as personal use items and the box will be delivered to you at your
house or office address safely and successfully so please honey send me this

(1) Your full name

(2) Your Telephone number
(3) Your personal mailbox address
(4) Your home or office address.

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