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[March, 31, 2024]
Book analysis report on Conflict Resolution “Solving Your People's Problems”.


I have thoroughly read the book "Conflict Resolution," written by June Hunt, and I have had the
privilege of analyzing it alongside my team during our cohort meetings. As a result, I have compiled
my findings, which I am excited to share.


June Hunt, the author of the book "Solving Your People Problems" on conflict resolution, is a
seasoned counselor specializing in conflict management. Over the years, she has helped many in her
counseling programs in matters of conflict resolution, which has yielded results in the lives of many.

This report encompasses various aspects, including an overview of the author's goals, a concise
summary of their main points, a thorough analysis conducted by me, and a focus on the application
points that hold significance for my ministry.

The author’s goal in writing.

The main goals set forth by June Hunt in her book Conflict Resolution are indicated in the book’s
preliminary part, where she jotted down a letter to the reader just after the table of contents, where she
opened her heart to the subject matter of the book.

1. June Hunt's goal in writing the book Conflict Resolution is to provide a clear understanding of
what conflict entails.

2. Through her writing, Hunt aims to highlight the potential benefits of conflict, challenging the
reader's perception that it isn’t solely a troublesome experience but a tool for personal
development, allowing them to learn and grow from the challenges they face.

3. Another key aspect of Hunt's goal is to help readers understand the impact of different
personalities on conflicts. She emphasizes the need for individuals to reflect on their attitudes
and actions, recognizing the changes they may need to make to effectively manage conflicts.

4. Hunt’s goal is also to address the role of differing opinions in breeding conflicts. By
acknowledging the existence of diverse perspectives, she helps readers understand that
conflicts often arise due to these differences. This understanding can lead to more empathetic
and constructive approaches to conflict resolution.

5. Her goal is also to provide appropriate solutions and strategies for managing conflicts healthily
and productively. By equipping readers with these tools, she empowers them to navigate
conflicts with confidence and effectiveness.
6. Lastly, Hunt aims to help believers understand that conflicts are not random occurrences but
rather part of God's plan for our lives. She encourages readers to view conflicts as necessary
steps on the path to fulfilling God's purpose. This perspective can provide comfort and
guidance to individuals facing conflicts, helping them find meaning and purpose in their

A concise summary of the author’s main points.

Conflict is a natural occurrence in human interactions, often stemming from differences in opinions,
values, or goals. It is crucial to address conflicts in a constructive manner, and the author emphasizes
the importance of developing effective communication skills to achieve this. By actively listening,
showing empathy, and expressing thoughts and feelings clearly, individuals can better understand the
underlying causes of conflicts. The author also discusses various conflict resolution styles, including
collaboration, compromise, accommodation, competition, and avoidance, highlighting the strengths
and weaknesses of each. Choosing the appropriate approach depends on the specific nature of the
conflict at hand.

Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in successfully managing conflicts. By being aware of
one's own emotions and those of others, individuals can navigate conflict resolution more effectively.
The book introduces problem-solving techniques such as brainstorming, negotiation, and mediation,
which help parties involved in a conflict find mutually acceptable solutions. Managing anger and
stress is also crucial in conflict management, as it helps contain the situation. Additionally, building
trust through honesty, transparency, and consistency creates a positive environment for conflict

The book emphasizes the importance of seeking win-win solutions in conflict resolution. By striving
for outcomes that benefit all parties involved, collaboration and long-term relationships can be
fostered. The author highlights that conflict resolution is a skill that can be developed and improved
over time. The reader is encouraged to cultivate a culture of continuous learning, self-reflection, and
seeking feedback to become a proficient conflict resolver.

The book also delves into the concept of power dynamics in conflicts, discussing how unequal power
can influence the resolution process. It explores strategies for addressing power imbalances, such as
empowering marginalized voices and promoting inclusivity in decision-making processes. The author
emphasizes the importance of fairness and equity in conflict resolution, advocating for a balanced
approach that considers the needs and perspectives of all parties involved. By promoting a culture of
respect and understanding, conflicts can be resolved in a way that upholds dignity and promotes
mutual growth and understanding.

The interactive analysis:

The book is as interactive as it gives examples of various key individuals from scripture who displayed
different styles of conflict and how they managed them, which can either be functional or
dysfunctional examples we can emulate, like Eve, Cain, the Philistines, Delilah, Samson, King Saul,
King David, the Pharisees, Pilate, Judas, and Martha. I am touched by the fact that the author explains
that conflict can be used to accomplish God’s purpose in our lives. Many times I run away from
conflict instead of asking to understand the reason and will of God concerning the matter.

The book "Solving Your People Problems" by the author provides detailed insights into the nature of
offenses and conflict resolution. It emphasizes that offenses often stem from perceived injustice or
hurt, and they can lead to bitterness if not addressed properly. The author also highlights the
importance of offenses coming from someone you love to truly be considered offenses. To avoid
falling into traps, the author suggests making a firm commitment not to take the bait, resisting negative
influences, choosing wise counselors, acknowledging our potential to offend others, and trusting in
God's justice. Additionally, the book explores the role of culture and conflict, emphasizing the
significance of ethos in shaping individual, family, or tribal dynamics. As a leader, it is crucial to
identify and maintain the right culture within your ministry. One way to achieve this is by identifying
and embracing our totems. The book also covers essential conflict management skills and guides how
to respond to conflict, whether through attacking, ignoring, or managing it. The author offers keys to
managing conflict, such as praying for blessings, overlooking certain situations, and seeking
reconciliation through confession, forgiveness, and restoration.

Overall, "Solving Your People Problems" offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and
resolving conflicts within relationships and communities. It delves into the root causes of offenses and
provides practical strategies for addressing and overcoming them. By emphasizing the importance of
maintaining healthy relationships and fostering a positive culture, the book equips readers with the
tools needed to navigate conflicts effectively and promote harmony in their interactions with others.
Through its insightful analysis and actionable advice, the book serves as a valuable resource for
individuals seeking to improve their communication skills, build stronger connections, and create a
more peaceful and fulfilling environment for themselves and those around them.

Application points:

Having completed reading the book, I have discovered that these action points are indispensable for
addressing the challenges encountered within the ministry I am involved in, as well as for nurturing
my spiritual journey with God;

Recognize that conflicts are inevitable in life and in ministry, and it is important to address them

Take personal responsibility for understanding the presence and nature of conflicts in order to prevent
getting caught up in them.

Approach conflicts with a positive attitude and a genuine desire to resolve them, rather than avoiding
or ignoring them.
Focus on reconciliation and finding common ground rather than placing blame or pointing fingers.

Learn how to establish healthy boundaries after conflicts have been resolved in order to prevent future
issues from arising.

Understand the power of prayer in managing conflicts and make it a regular practice in seeking

Recognize that conflict management is an ongoing process, and be willing to continually learn and
grow in this area.

Utilize effective communication skills to express concerns, listen actively, and find mutually
beneficial solutions.

Develop empathy and understanding towards others involved in the conflict to foster a spirit of
compassion and forgiveness.

Seek guidance and support from mentors, especially in the five-fold ministry, counselors, or trusted
individuals who can provide wisdom and perspective in navigating conflicts.

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