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Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No.

5, 762–775
Advance access publication 28 October 2022
Research Article

Maximum power point tracking using decision-tree

machine-learning algorithm for photovoltaic systems
P. Venkata Mahesh1,3,*, , S. Meyyappan1,2 and RamaKoteswara Rao Alla3
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India
Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, India

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Department of EEE, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, India
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

This work presents a machine-learning (ML) algorithm for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of an isolated photovoltaic (PV)
system. Due to the dynamic nature of weather conditions, the energy generation of PV systems is non-linear. Since there is no specific
method for effectively dealing with the non-linear data, the use of ML methods to operate the PV system at its maximum power point
(MPP) is desirable. A strategy based on the decision-tree (DT) regression ML algorithm is proposed in this work to determine the MPP of
a PV system. The data were gleaned from the technical specifications of the PV module and were used to train and test the DT. These
algorithms predict the maximum power available and the associated voltage of the module for a defined amount of irradiance and
temperature. The boost converter duty cycle was determined using predicted values. The simulation was carried out for a 10-W solar
panel with a short-circuit current of 0.62 A and an open-circuit voltage of 21.50 V at 1000 W/m2 irradiance and a temperature of 25°C.
The simulation findings demonstrate that the proposed method compelled the PV panel to work at the MPP predicted by DTs com-
pared to the existing topologies such as β-MPPT, cuckoo search and artificial neural network results. From the proposed algorithm,
efficiency has been improved by >93.93% in the steady state despite erratic irradiance and temperatures.

Graphical Abstract

Solar panel

Pm Tracking speed
Boost Electrical
converter load
Exact MPP
No periodic tuning

Duty ratio

Decision tree Train

Solar panel Data Predicts duty ratio

specifications collection corresponds to Pm


Keywords: boost converter; decision tree; maximum power point tracking; photovoltaic system; regression machine learning

Introduction to industrialization and urbanization, India’s energy needs are

continually increasing. India, a developing nation, added a total
Every nation must have access to inexpensive, sustainable elec- installed electricity capacity from various sources from 1.362
tricity to advance industrially, socially and economically. Due GW in 1947 to 403.7 GW as of 30 June 2022 [1, 2]. Clearly, since

Received: 1 July 2022. Accepted: 16 September 2022

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For
commercial re-use, please contact
Maximum power point tracking using decision-tree machine-learning algorithm for photovoltaic systems | 763

the country’s independence, coal and lignite have been India’s history for the country’s growth and reaching new heights in the
primary sources of power supply. However, due to the massive Indian power industry.
emissions of heavy metals and polluting chemicals from the The sun is the most easily available energy source on Earth
stack of these traditional power generators, humans are harmed among all renewable energy sources. Solar energy is converted
by them. into electrical energy using photovoltaic (PV) cells. The PV panel
Fig. 1 illustrates the sources of installed electrical energy in should run at its MPP, or the greatest power possible, to gener-
India as a percentage. As of 30 June 2022, India’s total installed ate as much energy as possible under the specified operating
generating capacity was 403.76 GW, with thermal accounting for parameters. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method is
58.47%, renewable accounting for 28.25%, nuclear accounting for required since the MPP varies with the temperature and solar ra-
1.68% and hydro accounting for 11.6% [2, 3]. Coal-based power diation of the environment. An MPPT algorithm should ideally en-
accounted for 52.18% of the energy supply in the Indian electrical hance PV panel output power independently of solar irradiation,
grid. The hybridization of diverse renewable energy sources with ambient temperature and shifting weather conditions. As a re-
energy-storage technologies, which play a vital role in addressing sult, both the amount of energy created and the efficiency of the

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power uncertainties, may minimize dependence on traditional power generation are improved. Popular MPPT techniques in the
energy sources. In the current context, any country’s power dis- literature include conventional methods such as perturb and ob-
tribution system regards energy storage as a critical component. serve (P&O) [5] and incremental conductance [6, 7], which use the
This is because preserving fossil fuels may improve grid stabil- panel current and voltage for tracking the MPP. Mathematical-
ity, boost system efficiency, promote renewable-energy penetra- based methods such as β-MPPT [8] and curve fitting [9] use cal-
tion and assist in alleviating environmental and health effects. culations related to the various equations to identify the MPP.
Adopting battery energy-storage system technology can also Constant parameter methods include fractional open-circuit
minimize the operational costs of the power distribution network. voltage [10] and short-circuit current [11], which require periodic
Thus, combining solar energy with energy-storage technology im- open-circuit and short-circuit current of the load, respectively.
proves rural energy availability, boosting economic growth [4]. Optimization MPPT methods such as cuckoo search (CS) [12], par-
Renewable energy will provide a sustainable alternative as a ticle swarm optimization (PSO) [12, 13], ant colony optimization
green and pollution-free power source to meet India’s electricity [14] and genetic algorithm [14, 15] methods will try to optimize
needs [4]. Table 1 shows that the total installed capacity of renew- (either maximize or minimize) a function. Intellectual prediction
able energy from various sources was 114.065 GW as of 30 June methods include the artificial neural network [16–19] method
2022 [3]. As a result of the above facts, solar power has emerged as that requires the data set to train the model and the fuzzy-logic
a critical source of green power among renewable energy, making control method [20–23] that needs prior knowledge of the data
to create a strong rule base. The merits and demerits of various
MPPT methods are tabulated in Table 2.
Diesel, 0.13 Machine-learning algorithms (MLAs) are best suited to handle
Gas, 6.16
non-linear PV data. The accuracy and speed of the MPP’s tracking
can be increased by employing MLA. Reinforcement learning [29],
Nuclear, image-based machine learning (ML) [30] and the random forest
method [31] are applied to track the MPP of PV systems in the lit-
erature. MLA will predict the anonymous data if it goes through
training, testing and validation using existing data. In general,
60% of the data are used for training, 20% for testing and the re-
maining data are used to validate the ML model. In the following
Equations (1) and (2), root mean square error (RMSE) and R2 val-
52.18 ues represent the model’s performance:
28.25 ns
1 2
RMSE = (yt,k − yp,k )
(1) k=1

 ns 2
(yt,k − yp,k )
R2 = 1 − k=1
ns 2
(2) k=1 (yt,k − yag )
Note: share of sourses are in percentage
where the true value is yt, the predicted value is yp, the total
Fig. 1: Installed capacity of electricity in India by source.Source: Central count of samples is ns and the true values average is yag. The R2
Electricity Authority, India. Note: shares of sources are in percentages. value is in between zero and 1, which provides the prediction
strength of the model and for the best-fitted model, the R2 value
is close to 1. Similarly, the RMSE values are measures of the error
Table 1: Renewable-energy installed capacity between yp and yt. Therefore, the value of the RMSE that is close
to zero represents the model with greater strength of prediction.
Renewable energy sources Installation capacity (MW) Share (%)
This research article is organized as follows. Section 1
Wind 40 788 35.76 describes the system, which includes the specifications and
Solar 57 706 50.59 characteristics of the PV panel, the boost converter and the
Biomass 10 206 8.95 regression-tree (RT) algorithm. Section 2 describes the method-
Waste to energy 477 0.42
ology for data collection, model preparation and the MPPT RT
control approach to the solar panel. Section 3 provides the re-
Small hydro 4888 4.29
sults of the simulation and discussions. Finally, Section 4 of the
Total 114 065 100.00
study provides a comparative evaluation of the different MPPT
764 | Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 5

control mechanisms provided in the literature with the proposed where q is the electron charge, K is Boltzmann’s constant, cell
method, along with a conclusion in Section 5. temperature is T and the diode ideal factor is n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2). The
output current I is given by Equation (5):
 q(V+IRs )  V + IR
1 System description I = IPH − I0 e Ns nKT − 1 −
1.1 PV panel, characteristics and mathematical When the PV cells are connected in series–parallel and the out-
model put current I is determined, Equation (5) may be changed and is
A PV cell converts solar energy into DC electrical energy through shown in Equation (6) as follows:
a physical process called the photoelectric effect. A PV array is a  q(V+IRs )  N ÅV Rs I
collection of PV cells connected in parallel and in series to increase I = Np × IPH − Np × I0 e Ns nKT − 1 − +
(6) Rs Ns Rp
the voltage and current within the array. Fig. 2 depicts a more ac-
curate circuit model of a solar PV cell. Series resistance (Rs) and where Np and Ns indicate the number of parallel and series con-

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shunt resistances (Rsh) are ideally neglected but, in practice, this is nected cells, respectively. According to the IPH equation given in
not practical because these factors impact the efficiency of the PV Equation (7), the photocurrent is proportional to the incoming
solar cell. From Fig. 2, the output current I is as follows: flux and independent of V (or Rs); it is linearly dependent on solar
radiation (G) and is also impacted by temperature [4]. The refer-
(3) I = IPH − ID − Ish ence solar radiation (Gref) is 1000 W/m2:
where IPH is the light-produced current, ID is diode current and Ish
is the current through Rsh. Rs in the current path is a loss caused IPH = [Isc + Ki (T − Tr )] ×
by the Joule effect and is primarily caused by metal grids, semi- (7)
Isc(To) −Isc(Tref )
conductor materials, the collecting bus and its connections. Rsh where Ki = To −Tr .
stands for shunt resistances and is connected with current seep- Isc is the short-circuit current, and T and Tr (25°C) are real-time
age owing to cell thickness and surface effects. Compared to Rsh, and reference temperatures, respectively. Equations (8) and (9)
the impact of Rs is more pronounced due to the expansion of are used to compute the reverse saturation current (Irs) and the
the cell resistance in the PV module. The influence of Rsh is only saturation current (Io):
seen when there are a high number of PV modules in the solar  q Voc 
Irs = Isc / e Ns nKT − 1
PV system. So, if Rs is taken into account and Rsh is assumed to (8)
be infinite, then the diode current is represented in Equation (4): ï ò3  q Eg  
T 1
 q(V+IRs )  Io = Irs e nK ( Tr T )
ID = I0 e Ns nKT − 1 (9) Tr

Table 2: Analysis of MPPT methods with limitations

Reference MPPT Contributions Limitations Year


M. Shixun Mayfly Studied under uniform and non-uniform illuminations. Can track Compared with only the PSO algorithm. 2022
et al. [24] intelligent MPP by two populations Temperature fixed at 25°C
S.R. Adaptive PV array of five Canadian Solar CS5C-80M modules serially Limited shading patterns considered. 2022
Revathy neuro-fuzzy connected to a boost converter. 231 data sets acquired from the I–V Complex rule base and system with five
et al. [25] inference and P–V characteristics layers
K.R. Deep learning Deep learning with back propagation neural network is employed. A Just the methodology is stated not 2022
Ahmed et two-stage control is employed simulated
al. [26]
H. Islam Proportional Results in fast-tracking and reduced power oscillations. The PV Effect of temperature is not considered. 2021
et al. [27] integral (PI) system is connected to the grid through an H-bridge inverter Proper tuning is required for PI controller
R.M. Asif Modified fuzzy- MPPT power loss reduction. Consider severe climatic drifts. Charging The effect of temperature on battery 2021
et al. [20] logic algorithm management control is implemented on the lead-acid battery bank charging/discharging is not considered.
to store photovoltaic energy for backup use. To maintain the state of The lifetime of the battery is not
charge (SOC) of the batteries, the charging and discharging time are considered
calculated using a C-rate scale
K. Sudoku MPPT under partial shading condition. Performance analysis carried Wiring complexity increases 2020
Rajani, T. reconfiguration out in terms of global maximum power (GMP), fill factor, mismatch
Ramesh technique losses and efficiency
S. Dorji et P&O and fuzzy For boost converter and quadratic boost converter is carried and Simulated under only standard test 2020
al. [6] logic control compared conditions. Dynamic weather conditions
(FLC) not considered
X. Li et al. β parameter- A novel β-parameter-based FLC is coined with three inputs and one The temperature effect is not considered. 2019
[22] based FLC output, and this β method will reduce the number of membership The sensitivity of V and I sensing devices
functions are not taken into account
Maximum power point tracking using decision-tree machine-learning algorithm for photovoltaic systems | 765


Ish + 0.6

Current (A)
25 °C
0.2 35 °C
45 °C
0 5 10 15 20 25

Voltage (V)

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Fig. 2: The one-diode equivalent circuit of a PV cell. Pm
25 °C

Power (W)
A 35 °C
0.8 5 45 °C
1 kW/m2
0.8 kW/m2
Current (A)

0.4 0.6 kW/m2 0 5 10 15 20 25
0.4 kW/m2 Voltage (V)
0.2 0.2 kW/m2
Fig. 4: Characteristics of PV panel with provided temperatures at
1000 W/m2.(a) V vs I; b) V vs P.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Voltage (V) Ipv L Diode
10 1 kW/m2 +
Pm ICi IC0
PV panel

8 0.8 kW/m2
Co Ro Vo
Power (W)

6 0.6 kW/m2 Ci
4 0.4 kW/m2 –

2 0.2 kW/m2
0 Fig. 5: The PV supplied boost converter circuit.
0 5 10 15 20 25
­ apacitive filter smoothes the switching action’s pulsing current
Voltage (V)
while supplying a DC voltage to the load.
Fig. 3: Characteristics of PV panel with provided irradiances at 25˚C.(a)
V vs I; (b) V vs P.
2 DT ML algorithm
A DT is a ML algorithm generally used for regression and classifi-
In this work, a PV panel whose specifications are a maximum cation problems. The output of a classification-type tree is a class
power capacity of 10 W with a short-circuit current of 0.62 A and or label of the data, whereas the RT output is a real value. A RT
an open-circuit voltage of 21.50 V, the voltage and current at MPP is a DT meant to approximate real-valued functions rather than
are 17.50 V and 0.57 A, respectively, and with 36 solar cells used be utilized for categorization. The input variables may include
for simulation. Figs 3 and 4 show the I–V and P–V characteristics both continuous and categorical data when using the standard
of the panel for a range of temperatures and irradiances. RT building method. The tree is referred to as a DT when each
decision node tests the value of an input variable. The terminal
1.2 DC–DC boost converter nodes of the tree contain the predicted output variable values.
Fig. 5 shows a DC–DC boost converter powered by a PV panel and Binary recursive partitioning is an iterative approach that splits
controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM). The metal oxide data into branches or partitions and divides each branch into
field effect transistor duty ratio (D) influences the power trans- smaller units as the procedure continues along each partition.
ferred from the panel to the load. The circuit increases the PV The training set’s records (pre-classified data used to define the
voltage to the expected output level by an inductor (L). The input tree’s architecture) are first sorted into the same division. The
capacitor (Ci) and output capacitor (Co) minimize the ripple con- approach then separates the data into two segments or branches,
tent of the output voltages. The boost inductor’s current grows using each field’s possible binary split.
linearly while the switch is in the on position and the diode is The method chooses a division that reduces the sum of squares
off. The inductor’s stored energy is released when the switch is of the deviations from the mean of the two independent divisions.
off, passing via the diode and onto the output RoCo circuit. The Then this rule is used to split each new branch. This operation
766 | Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 5

Start Root node Sub-tree

Assign all samples to root node

Calculate the responses weighted MSE in node t using
the equation (4) Terminal
An observation to be in node t, calculate the
probability estimation using the equation (5)

Sort the values of the predictor xi in ascending order.

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a splitting candidate or cut point is represented by
each element of the sorted predictor.

Fig. 7: Illustration of the RT problem.

In the unsplit set TU, take account of any indices that

relate to missing values.
For tL ϵ TL and tR ϵ TR, the decrease in MSE for the present split-
ting data point is (if xi does not have any missing values) given by
Divide the node t observations into right and left child Equation (12):
nodes (tR and tL respectively)
Using xi, determine the optimum
approach to divide node t while

∆I = P (Tt ) εt − P (TL ) εtL − P (TR ) εtR

maximizing MSE reduction.

The reduction in MSE is (if xi has missing values, with an as-
sumption that there are randomly missing observations) given by
No Missing Yes
Equation (13):
(13) ∆IU = P (Tt − TU ) εt − P (TL ) εtL − P (TR ) εtR
Compute ∆I Compute ∆IU where Tt – TU is the collection of all valid observation indices for
node t.

Choose the candidate who minimizes the MSE most.

3 Methodology
Split the predictor variable at the cut point where the The proposed approach consists of two steps and involves build-
MSE reduction is greatest. ing the RT ML model using the data obtained based on the PV
panel parameters and using the prepared model for MPPT. First,
since irradiance (Ir) and T are functions of the maximum power
Stopping No (Pm) and the respective voltage (Vm) at MPP, Ir and T are used as
criteria? features to predict the data for Pm and Vm. Therefore, the created
models are utilized for the specified Ir and T to predict the PV
Yes panel’s Pm and Vm. Then, the predicted values are used to deter-
End mine the duty cycle (D) to drive the PV panel at MPP.

Fig. 6: Flowchart of node-splitting procedure for CART. 3.1 Data collection and model preparation
Ir, T, P and V make up the data needed to train and test the model.
Fig. 8 shows a flowchart of the conceptual process of collecting
continues until each node reaches the user-specified minimum data and creating a ML model.
node size and becomes a terminal node. Even if a node does not
meet the minimum size requirement, if its sum of squared devi-
3.2 MPPT with boost converter and RT model
ations from the mean is zero, it is considered a terminal node. The The prepared ML model predicts the available maximum power
stepwise procedure for standard classification and regression tree in the PV panel (Pm) and the respective voltage (Vm) for the fea-
(CART) with all predictors xi (i = 1,2,..., p) to split node t is shown in tures Ir and T. Using the predicted values Pm, Vm as in Equation
Fig. 6. The basic structure of a DT is shown in Fig. 7. (14), the resistance Rmp that corresponds to MPP is computed. By
The weighted mean squared error (MSE) of the response in adjusting the D of the converter, the Rmp will be reproduced be-
node t is given by Equation (10): tween node-n1 and node-n2 in Fig. 9. In Equation (15), the load
 resistance (R0) and Rmp provide the converter’s D:
εt = wj (yj − yt )
(10) j∈ Tt
Rmp = m
where wj is jth observation weight and the set of all observation
indices in node t is denoted by Tt. If no weights are specified, use Rmp
wj = 1/n and n as the sample size. Probability estimation is given D=1−
(15) R0
by Equation (11):
 The approach suggested by Ayop et al. [32] can be used to es-
P (Tt ) = wj timate the highest and lowest values of the resistance for the
(11) j∈ Tt load. The process outlined by Rashid [33] was used to design
Maximum power point tracking using decision-tree machine-learning algorithm for photovoltaic systems | 767

the boost converter. The inductance for a boost converter is

Start given by Equation (16), while the capacitance is given by
Equation (17):

PV Panel specifications Vip × (Vop − Vip )

fsw × ∆I × Vop

Insert the independent random data Iop × (Vop − Vip )

(irradiance and temperature) (17) fsw × ∆V × Vop
where fsw is the switching frequency in hertz, ΔI stands for the
percentage current ripple, ΔV for the percentage voltage ripple,
DATA Collection

Use equations (5) to (9) and Vip and Vop are the input and output voltages in volts, re-
spectively. Fig. 9 shows the block diagram of the PV panel asso-

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ciated with the RT ML control technique of the RT and the boost
Note the Pm and Vm values
(plot the P-V and I-V characteristics if required) converter.

Prepare the dataset : {Ir, T, Pm, Vm}

4 Simulation results and discussion
With the use of PV panel parameters, the data for PV panels
Open regression lerner have been gathered in the proposed approach, as mentioned in
Section 3. The pairwise association between the data is shown in
Fig. 10. In Fig. 11, a correlation heat map visually and numeric-
Select regression tree
ally represents the relationship between the variables.
RT Model preparation

The simulation was run at four intervals of 0.5 sec each for a
using MATLAB

Prepare the regression tree using the DATA total of 2 sec to determine the tracking accuracy of the RT under
various irradiances and temperatures. For each interval, the val-
ues of Ir or T are changed while keeping the other fixed. Table 3
displays this change.
RT Model

The parameters for simulation are:

• rated PV power = 10 W;
• voltage ripple, ΔV = 1%;
• current ripple, ΔI = 5%;
• designed boost converter:
◦ switching frequency, fsw = 5 kHz;
Use the trained RT model for prediction ◦ inductance, L = 34 mH;
◦ capacitance, Co = 68 μF;
• load resistance = 300 Ω;
• input capacitance, Ci = 1000 μF.

Fig. 8: Flowchart of the schematic procedure for data collection and ML

model preparation. Ir and T are used as the input to create two RTs, Pm and Vm
being the predicted responses for each. Figs 12 and 13 show
the trained RTs on Pm and Vm planes using MATLAB® software.
Fig. 14 shows the actual data as well as the expected data from
PV panel Rmp Boost converter the created RT models. Since the RT technique performs an
averaging function on the data, the residual in prediction will
Ipv n1 + be modest if the actual values are near the average values and
+ will be as high as possible up to the maximum. Fig. 15 displays
the estimations of predictor importance. The x-axis represents
Vpv R0 V0 each model predictor and the y-axis measures their signifi-
cance. This significance has no unit and is defined as the sum
= of their MSE when permutation in the RTs is done. The predict-
– n2 – ors x1 and x2 are Ir and T, respectively.
Table 3 shows the RT model’s predicted Pm and Vm values, the
computed duty cycle and the mean efficiency in steady state. The
Regression tree D V, I and P waveforms of the solar panel and load are shown in
Fig. 16, employing RT models. These findings indicate that when
Rmp = Vm2 /Pm
the T is changed, there are moderate oscillations in the transient
Ir,T Vm Rmp response and significant amplitude oscillations when the Ir is al-
R0 tered. Finally, the mean efficiency is shown in Fig. 17, along with a
comparison between predicted power and PV operational power.
Fig. 9: Schematic of the solar panel with the RT ML control method and It shows that the suggested approach correctly tracks the MPP in
DC–DC boost converter. the steady state.
768 | Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 5







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Max voltage




Max power

250 500 750 1000 30 40 50 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
Irradiance Temperature Max voltage Max power

Fig. 10: Pairwise relationship of the variables.

5 Comparative analysis where ipv and vpv, respectively, stand for the output current and
voltage of the PV module. The diode constant is C, q is the elec-
The developed control strategy’s outcomes are compared to those
tron charge (1.6 × 10–19 coulomb), n is the ideal diode factor and the
of the β-MPPT method [8], which incorporates the P&O algorithm
Boltzmann constant is K, 1.38 × 10−23 J/K, the p–n junction tempera-
[5], the CS optimization [12] approach and a perceptron artificial
ture is T in Kelvin and N is the number of PV cells in the module.
neural network (PANN) algorithm [18, 19].
This approach’s transient and steady-state stages use variable
and fixed steps, respectively. Fig. 18 shows the flow chart for this
5.1 β-MPPT method strategy. Before continually calculating the values of β, the cur-
The fundamental idea behind the β-MPPT approach is to monitor rent and voltage must first be monitored. The Beta technique en-
an intermediate variable called β instead of the change in power, ters the steady-state stage if the β is inside the bounding range of
which is denoted by Equations (18) and (19): the (βmin, βmax). Otherwise, it enters the temporary stage, in which
Å ã the P&O method is applied. In the interim stage, the variable step
β = ln − C × vpv size ΔD is calculated using a guiding parameter βg, which may be
(18) vpv
written as Equation (20):
C= ∆D = F × (β − βg )
(19) (20)
Maximum power point tracking using decision-tree machine-learning algorithm for photovoltaic systems | 769

where F is the scaling factor. the PV system from working at MPP. The system can be operated
The temperature and irradiance affect the β parameter’s range. at MPP in a steady state with more precision using the proposed
In this study, βmin = 15.45 and βmax = 19.02 are used with a scaling RT approach compared with the β-MPPT method.
factor F = 0.01. The average value of βmin and βmax was used as
βg = 17.24.
Fig. 19 compares the power response of the β-MPPT (Pbeta), the 5.2 CS method
maximum power predicted by RT (Pm) and the control technique The CS method is one of the rapid-converging swarm optimiza-
using the RT algorithm (PRT). For low irradiance levels, the β-MPPT tion techniques. The CS approach is implemented as a flow chart
method operates at MPP, but for high irradiance values, this tech- in Fig. 20 and creates four new D samples using a series of equa-
nique fails and exhibits a significant amount of error, preventing tions from Equations (21)–(24):
(t+1) (t)
(21) Di = Di + α ⊕ l evy(λ); i = 1, 2, 3, 4.
1.00 where α = αo (Dbest − Di ).

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Equation (22) gives the simplified Levy flight distribution func-

tion [12]:
1 0.52 –0.13 1 0.75 Ç å
αo (Dbest − Di ) ⊕ levy(λ) ≈ k1 × 1/β
(Dbest − Di )
(22) |v|
where β = 1.5 and k1 (the Levy multiplication coefficient) are equal

to 0.8. The normal distribution curve yields the values of u and v,

0.52 1 –0.85 0.46
0.25 which can be expressed as Equation (23):
Ä ä Ä ä
u ≈ N 0, σu2 , v ≈ N 0, σv2
The σu and σv values are in Equation (24) with the symbol Г as
Max voltage

–0.13 –0.85 1 –0.064 integral gamma function:

Å ã
–0.25 Γ (1 + β) × sin(π × β/2)
σv = 1, σu =
(24) Γ ((1 + β)/2) × β × 2((β−1)/2)
Fig. 21 compares the Pm predicted by the RT model, the CS method
Max power

(Pcs) and the PRT. The CS method has dynamic behaviour. Initially,
1 0.46 –0.064 1
the CS response has an undershot, which is undesirable. For
–0.75 small irradiance values, the CS gives good results in tracking MPP.
For high irradiance levels, such as 800 W/m2, the CS technique
Irradiance Temperature Max voltage Max power overshoots and fails to operate the system on MPP, leading to a
severe steady-state error. Compared with the CS approach, the
Fig. 11: Heat map of data correlation.

Table 3: Predicted values by RT models, D and percentage mean efficiency for all intervals

Time (sec) Ir (W/m2) T (oC) Pm (W) Vm (V) D % mean efficiency

0 to 0.5 400 25 3.7612 17.475 0.4798 94.23

0.5 to 1 400 35 3.7612 16.160 0.5189 96.20
1 to 1.5 800 35 7.5258 16.160 0.6599 96.39
1.5 to 2 800 25 7.5258 17.560 0.6304 93.93

x1 < 562.5 x1 >= 562.5

x1 < 312.5 x1 >= 312.5 x1 < 812.5 x1 >= 812.5

x1 < 162.5 x1 >= 162.5 x1 < 437.5 x1 >= 437.5 x1 < 687.5 x1 >= 687.5 x1 < 912.5 x1 >= 912.5

x2 < 38.75 x2 >= 38.75

0.96242 2.3502 3.7612 5.0232 6.2824 7.5258 8.6365

9.6536 9.231

Fig. 12: Developed RT-1 model on the Pm plane.

770 | Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 5

x2 < 33.75 x2 >= 33.75

x1 < 137.5 x1 >= 137.5


x1 < 312.5 x1 >= 312.5


x2 < 28.75 x2 >= 28.75


x2 < 26.25 x2 >= 26.25

x1 < 412.5 x1 >= 412.5
x1 < 962.5 x1 >= 962.5

Downloaded from by University of Sfax user on 16 October 2023

x1 < 512.5 x1 >= 512.5

x1 < 887.5 x1 >= 887.5


x1 < 837.5 x1 >= 837.5


x1 < 787.5 x1 >= 787.5


x1 < 612.5 x1 >= 612.5


17.57 17.59

Fig. 13: Developed RT-2 model on the Vm plane.

A A Predictor importance estimates (Pm)

Actual data
Pm (w)


Predicted data
X: 1
Y: 1.142

0 X: 2
50 Y: 0.001464
40 1000
Tem 30 600 800 0
tu 20 200 400 2) 1 2
re (°C 0 e (w/m
) Irridanc Predictors (x1,x2)

B B Predictor importance estimates (Vm)

Vm (V)

X: 2

16 Y: 0.0161
Actual data
0.01 X: 1
14 Predicted data Y: 0.005333
50 1000 0.005
Tem 500
pera 30 m2 ) 0
ture a n c e (w/ 1 2
(°C) 20 0 Irrid
Predictors (x1,x2)
Fig. 14: Actual vs predicted data.(a) RT-1 model on the Pm plane; (b) RT-2
model on the Vm plane. Fig. 15: Predictor importance estimates for (a) RT-1 and (b) RT-2.

proposed RT method produces improved results under varying

irradiances and temperatures. ployed in the hidden and output layers. This linear and non-linear
combination of activities produces specific training for the PANN.
5.3 PANN method The role of tansig is given as Equation (25) and the delta principle
A PANN model with Ir and T as inputs and Pm and Vm as outputs [34] to update the weights (Wi,j) is shown in Equation (26). The
is shown in Fig. 22. A hidden layer having 10 neurons and the function of purelin is in Equation (27) and to update the weights
output layer with 2 neurons create the constructed PANN model (Wj,o), the delta principle [34] is in Equation (28):
architecture shown in Fig. 22. It has two inputs and two outputs,   2
φ vj = −1
and all of these layers are interconnected; 60% of the data set was (25) 1 + e−2vj
used for training, 20% for validating and the rest for testing the  
PANN model. The tansig and purelin activation functions are em- Wi,j ← Wi,j + lr φ vj ej xi
Maximum power point tracking using decision-tree machine-learning algorithm for photovoltaic systems | 771

50 Vload Begin
40 VPV
Voltage (V)

20 Measure v(k), i(k)
Calculate β = In[i(k)/v(k)] – C × v(k)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Iload Yes
0.4 βmin < β < βmax
Current (A)

0.3 Steady

Downloaded from by University of Sfax user on 16 October 2023

state Transient state
0.2 No
0.1 P&O Algorithm
D(k) = D(k–1) + F × (β–βg)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Update D(k)
Power (W)

6 Fig. 18: Flowchart of the Beta MPPT method.

2 Pload 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 8

Time (sec)
Power (W)

Fig. 16: V, I and P waveforms of the solar panel and load with RT
4 Pm
100 2
% Mean efficiency

60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (sec)
Fig. 19: Power response comparison of Pm, PRT and Pbeta.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ϕ (vo ) = vo


(28) Wj,o ← Wj,o + lr ϕ (vo ) eo yi

where, the present value of the hidden node j, (j = 1, 2,…, 10) is yj,
the weight value between the oth output node and the jth hidden
Power (W)

6 Pm node is Wj,o, the error value at the output node o is eo, the weighted
PPV sum of the hidden nodes together with the bias bo value is vo and
the derivative value of the purelin function is φ’(vj).
To train, validate and test the model, the Levenberg–Marquardt
0 optimization method was used with the same data set used for
the proposed methodology. Equation (29) contains the weight-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
updating formula for determining updated weights (Wi,j* and Wj,o*).
Time (sec)
Pm and Vm were predicted using this PANN model. The train, valid-
Fig. 17: Percentage mean efficiency, Pm and Ppv waveforms with RT ate and test regression curves in Fig. 23 demonstrate that R2 is ~1:
models.  −1  T  
Wi,j ∗ = Wi,j − JT J − lp I J e
 −1  T 
where xi is the present value at the ith (i = 1, 2) input node, Wi,j Wj,o ∗ = Wj,o − JT J − lp I J e
stands for the weight value between the ith input node and the jth where J is the Jacobian matrix, I is the identity matrix, e is the cu-
hidden node, the learning rate lr ranges from 0 to 1, the error value mulative error vector and lp is the learning parameter.
at the jth hidden node is ej, vj stands for the sum of the weighted The Pm predicted by the RT model, PANN method (PNN) and PRT is
inputs including the bias bj and the derivative value of the tansig compared in Fig. 24. For low irradiance levels, the PANN response
function is ϕ’(vj): is almost the same as that of the proposed method in this work.
772 | Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 5

Start 10

Initialize 4 nest positions (duty cycles)
D1 = 0, D2 = 0.3, D3 = 0.5, D4 = 0.9
set the search limits Dmin = 0, Dmax = 1 6

Power (W)
Calculate the fitness function of each nest
(power values P1, P2, P3, P4) Pm
Specify the best duty cycle (Dbest) 0
which gets the (Pmax) from the PV panel

Downloaded from by University of Sfax user on 16 October 2023

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Specify the worst duty cycle (Dworst) which gets the Time (sec)
(Pmin) from the PV panel
Fig. 21: Power response comparison of Pm, PRT and Pcs.

If (rand(1) > 0.2)

No Input layer ∈ R2 Hidden layer ∈ R10 Output layer ∈ R2
Yes bj1
Wi,j Wj,o
Generate a new nest to replace the worst one Σ Tansig bo1
bj 2 y1
Σ Tansig Σ Purelin
Calculate the power value of the new nest and update x1
the best duty cycle
Generate new samples using lévy flight x2 bj 9
Σ Purelin
equation for the next iteration Σ Tansig
bj 10
Dmin > Any new D > Dmax Σ Tansig
Fig. 22: Architecture of a perceptron neural network with 10 hidden
The highest two power value's dutycycles are layer neurons.
Dmax1 > Dmax2
update D = Dmax2 + [(Dmax1 – Dmax2)/2]
time (tr), peak time (tp), settling time (ts), peak overshoot (Mp), mini-
mum settling value (Mm) and peak response value of response
Calculate the fitness function of each new for all the methods used are compared in Table 4. Although the
nest (the new power values P1, P2, P3, P4) β-MPPT response has a good rise time and settling value, the
final settling value is poor compared to the rest of the methods.
Although the CS method response is better in the peak or settling
Maximum iteration? maximum value, the rise time and settling time are poor com-
No pared with the other methods. In addition, the CS response has
undershot by ~20%, which is undesirable for the system. Finally,
Send the max power's duty cycle (Dbest) to the converter the response of the PANN method is almost perfect but a little
poor in terms of all time-domain values compared to the pro-
posed RT control strategy.

Fig. 20: Flow chart of the CS algorithm.

6 Conclusions
In this work, a boost converter with PWM control is associated
However, if there is a sudden and colossal rise in irradiance, the with a new ML-based DT technique for MPPT of the solar panel.
PANN response overshoots as shown in the zoomed portion of The simulation results demonstrate that the developed ML-based
Fig. 24. If the temperature is decreased, i.e. from 1.5 to 2 sec, the control strategy gives a tracking efficiency of >93.93% in tracking
PANN response shows some fixed error in steady state, as shown MPP, with a quick response in 0.16 sec and the system settles in
in Fig. 24. Taken together, the proposed method gives a superior 0.27 sec. The proposed approach is compared with the β-MPPT, CS
response in tracking the MPP compared to the PANN method. optimization and artificial neural network methods under varying
temperatures and irradiances to demonstrate its efficacy. The CS
5.4 Response comparison (during 0–0.5 sec) for has an undershoot of ~20%, which is undesirable for a system,
all methods used in this work taking 0.21 sec to respond and settling in 0.3 sec. The β-MPPT, CS
Comparison of the power response of the proposed, RT predicted, and PANN methods take 0.06, 0.21 and 0.16 sec to respond and
β-MPPT, CS and PANN methods during 0–0.5 s (Ir = 400 W/m2, 0.22, 0.3 and 0.29 sec to settle, respectively. Taken together, it is
T = 25°C) is represented graphically in Fig. 25 and numerically in evident that the proposed method shows faster and better ac-
Table 4. The numerical values of the time domain such as rise curacy in tracking MPP. The work presented in this paper may be
773 | Clean Energy, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 5

Training: R = 0.99996 Validation: R = 0.99978

Output ~= 1*Target + –0.051

Output ~= 1*Target + –0.014

15 Data 15 Data
Fit Fit
10 10

5 5

Downloaded from by University of Sfax user on 16 October 2023

5 10 15 5 10 15
Target Target

Test: R = 0.99994 All: R = 0.99992

Output ~= 1*Target + –0.045

Output ~= 1*Target + –0.044

15 Data 15 Data
Fit Fit
10 10

5 5

5 10 15 5 10 15
Target Target

Fig. 23: Training, validation and testing regression plots.



6 3.5
Power (W)

0.5 0.6 7

1 1.05
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (sec)

Fig. 24: Comparison of the power response of Pm, PRT and PNN.

Table 4: Comparison of numerical MPP tracking response for different methods during 0–0.5 sec

Parameter RT β-MPPT CS PANN

tr (sec) 0.1610 0.0667 0.2114 0.1666

tp (sec) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Peak value (W) 4.0081 3.7735 4.5250 3.9532
Min. settling value (W) 3.6073 3.3187 4.0739 3.5579
ts (sec) 0.2738 0.2185 0.2983 0.2944
Undershoot (%) 0 0 19.9789 0
Mp (%) 0 0 0 0
Energy loss (%) 9.37 8.84 9.86 10.96
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