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Module 5: Communication,
homeostasis and energy

5.1.1 Communication and

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A Level Biology Personalised

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Module 5 Communication, homeostasis and energy
5.1.1 Communication and homeostasis
1 (a) The need for communication systems in multicellular organisms
1 (b) The communication between cells by cell signalling
2 (c) The principals of homeostasis (HSW8)
3 (d) The behavioural responses involved in temperature control in
4 (d) The physiological and behavioural responses involved in
temperature control in endotherms
4 PAG11 and HSW2
(a) Describe the need for communication systems in multicellular organisms.
To include the need for animals and plants to respond to changes in the internal and
external environment and to coordinate the activities of different organs.
(b) Describe the communication between cells by cell signalling.
To include signalling between adjacent cells and signalling between distant cells.
(c) Describe and explain the principles of homeostasis.
To include the differences between receptors and effectors, and the differences
between negative feedback and positive feedback.
(d) Describe and explain the physiological and behavioural responses involved in
temperature control in ectotherms and endotherms.
To include,
•• endotherms – peripheral temperature receptors, the role of the hypothalamus and
effectors in skin and muscles; behavioural responses
•• ectotherms – behavioural responses.
Homeostasis Questions
1. The diagram below shows the essential components of a homeostatic control system which regulates
body temperature.
D etec tio n by sen so rs in
th e h y p o th alam u s

C h a n g e in D e tectio n b y se n so rs C o o rd in a tio n b y th e
b o d y te m p e ratu re in th e sk in h y po th alam u s

R e sp o nse s b y
effecto rs

(a) With reference to the diagram, explain what is meant by the term negative feedback.




(b) With reference to the diagram, suggest how the hypothalamus coordinates the regulation of body




2. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms.
(a) Metabolic pathway




(b) Homeostasis



(Total 4 marks)
3. Read through the following passage on homeostasis and then answer the questions.
Homeostasis is the regulation of the internal environment within narrow limits. This gives the organism a
degree of independence from the external environment. The regulation is carried out by negative and
positive feedback mechanisms which when not required are damped. All living organisms possess some
powers ofhomeostasis but homeostasis is best developed in birds and mammals.
(a) (i) What do you understand by the term ‘internal environment’?
(ii) Distinguish negative feedback control from positive feedback control.
(iii) Give one example of negative feedback control and one example of positive feedback control in
Negative feedback control: .......................................................................................................................
Positive feedback control: .........................................................................................................................
(iv) What do you understand by the term ‘damping’?
(b) State one example of homeostatic control in each of the following organisms.
Amoeba: ............................................................................................................................................................
Marram grass: ....................................................................................................................................................
Human: ..............................................................................................................................................................
Q1.The following statements refer to ectothermic and endothermic animals. If a statement is correct place
a tick in the appropriate box and if it is incorrect place a cross (´) in the appropriate box.

Q2. (a) Outline three methods by which mammals may increase heat loss from their bodies.
l. .........................................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
2. ........................................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
3. ........................................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) A hibernating mammal, such as a hedgehog, has a large reserve of brown fat. Explain why this is

(c) Suggest why hibernation is a common strategy during adverse conditions.


Q3. Explain the importance of the following in temperature regulation in mammals.
(a) The
hypothalamus: ............................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) The autonomic nervous
system: .......................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) Adipose
tissue: ..................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... [4]

Q4. The diagram shows the temperatures of regions of a human body exposed to a cold environment.
(a) (i) Which cells of the body are responsible for monitoring body temperature?
....................................................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Which part of the body is responsible for controlling core temperature?
....................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Explain the significance of the temperature pattern shown.
(c) Suggest an explanation for each of the following responses:
(i) Upon initial exposure to a cold environment, a person’s face appears pale in colour.
....................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Following prolonged exposure to the cold a person’s face becomes ruddy i.e. they develop a red-faced
....................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

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