DELTA - PSSG Amoguis, Robie Jane

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PSJLC_PSSg Robie Jane Amoguis

Assignment: ECOLOGY

1. What is the importance in preserving our ecology?

⚫ It is important because it enriches our world and is crucial for human well
being and prosperity. It provides new knowledge of the interdependence
between people and nature that is vital for food production, maintaining
clean air and water, and sustaining biodiversity in a changing climate.

2. What is the difference between Ecological Niche and Habitat?

⚫ Habitat is the place where an organism lives while a Niche is that
organism’s role within that environment. Habitat focuses on how the
environment impacts the organism while nich focuses on how the
organism impacts the environment. Both habitat and niche are important
concepts to understanding the balance of an ecosystem and the
biodiversity found there.

3. Explain the 3R’s

⚫ Reduce: Reduce means to cut on the amount of trash we generate. By

reducing, you stop the problem at the source. Making less waste to
begin with means there’s less waste to clean up.
⚫ Reuse: Reuse means to find new ways to use things that otherwise would
have throw out. Like clothes instead of throwing unused clothes you can
donate it and give those who want it.
⚫ Recycle: Recycle means to turn something old and useless (like plastic
milk jug, papers) into something new and useful like turning into
playground equipment and recycle bins.

4. Why is environmental protection important and how can we protect it?

⚫ It is important to protect the environment because this is where we live. It

has great significant to the peoples health, to the the living and non living
organisms. We need to protect the environment to maintain the health of
ecosystems, and ensure that humans and future generations can continue
to live on Earth. How can we protect it? We people should have some
discipline on taking care of our environment like following the 3 Rs, reduce,
reuse,recycle. Conducting tree planting, cleanup activity, proper disposal
of waste materials, conserving water and energy and other solutions that
could contribute in maintaining and protecting our environment.

5. How can you contribute in protecting the environment?

⚫ I as a member of the community by taking action in protecting the

environment to have an awareness to other people and the community,
the importance of maintaining the balance of ecosystem by implementing
the 3Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Conserve water, energy, plant a tree
and giving importance with a clean environment.

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