TLE COOKERY G10 Q2 W1 Edited

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Team Leader

Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Module on Cookery 10.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Pretest before moving on to the other activities included in
the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope
that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Learning Outcome: Perform Mise en Place

For this lesson, performing mise en place in preparing vegetables will be introduced
to you. Specifically, this module will help you to:

1. Prepare ingredients for vegetables dishes with tools and equipment needed
and some basic knife cuts for vegetables.
2. Determine factors to consider in choosing good quality vegetables.

Quarter 2-Week 1

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Multiple Choices
Directions: Read each question
carefully. Write your answer in the module.
1. Food that is an important source of many nutrients that provides health benefits.
A. tomato B. red bell pepper C. herbs D. vegetables
2. Vegetables must be prepared properly because it may contain _______________.
A. may contain harmful bacteria that can easily spread very easily by touching.
B. nutrients that are essential to our body
C. various color that makes it more attractive
D. it is a good practice to minimize ingestion
3. It is a method of cleaning with the use of water.
A. washing B. soaking C. peeling D. cutting
4. Peeling is to remove or separate a thin covering or part from the outside or surface
while ________ is to remove from something larger by using a sharp implement or
A. washing B. soaking C. peeling D. cutting
5. The following tools used in preparing vegetables, EXCEPT ______________.
A. paring knife B. chopping board C. colander D. ice rack
6. What factor is to consider in choosing good quality vegetables?
A. freshness C. absence of decay or insect infestation
B. right degree of maturity D. all of the above
7. A preparation for raw vegetables that absorb some liquid.
A washing B. soaking C. peeling D. cutting
8. What basic knife cut produce very fine cut usually for onions and garlics
A. mincing B. dicing C. bias D. julienne
9. A tool used to hold vegetables.
A. oven B. chopping board C. bowls D. colander
10. It should be crisp and bright in colors which refers to the ___________ of
A. freshness C. absence of decay or insect infestation
B. right degree of maturity D. all of the above

Memory Check
Directions: Use the pictures below to check how much you have learned from the previous
lessons. Describe each picture based on your recollection.

Quarter 2-Week 1
Scrambled_eggs-01.jpg File

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Quarter 2-Week 1
5. 6.



Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients that provide health benefits.
These are essential part of a healthy diet, serve as a maintenance to our body and protect
us against various illnesses. Vegetables are plants or parts of plants like leaves, fruits,
tubers, roots, bulbs, stems, shoots and flowers used in a dish either raw or cooked.
There are various kinds of vegetables used in food preparation as the main
ingredients or additional ingredients in many dishes. Vegetables must be prepared properly
because it may contain harmful bacteria that can spread very easily by touching. Different
tools and equipment are also needed as it serves as an aid in making vegetable preparation
more easily and efficiently.
In preparing raw vegetables that can be eaten as raw or cooked foods, three
preparations are essential.

1. Washing is a method of cleaning with the use of water. It helps to remove any
unwanted residues from the surfaces of vegetables. It is also a
good habit to practice minimizing ingestion of potentially harmful
residues and germs.
● Wash all vegetables thoroughly.

● Scrub well unpeeled vegetables like potatoes for baking.

● Wash green leafy vegetables in several changes of cold

● After washing, drain well and refrigerate lightly covered to
prevent drying.

Quarter 2-Week 1
2. Soaking vegetables means that the vegetables absorb
some liquid. Vegetables and fresh fruits are soaked in
water to help revive them and make them more palatable
or boost its flavor but for some, it may dilute the flavor of
the vegetables.
● Do not soak vegetables for long periods to
prevent flavor and nutrient loss.
● Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower may be soaked for 30 minutes in cold salted
water to eliminate insects.
● Limp vegetables can be soaked briefly in cold water to restore crispness.

3. Peeling and Cutting are two different ways of preparing

vegetables. Peeling is to remove or separate a thin
covering or part from the outside or surface of
something while cutting is to remove from something
larger by using a sharp implement or tool.
● Peel vegetables as thinly as possible.

● Cut vegetables into uniform pieces for even

● Treat vegetables that brown easily with acid (potatoes, eggplants, sweet
potato) or hold under a water unit ready to use.
● Save edible trim for soups and purees.
In addition, the following basic knife cuts can be applied in cutting the vegetables and other
food for preparation.
1. Chopping – done with a straight, downward
and cutting motion
2. Chiffonade (shredding) – making very fine
parallel cuts
3. Dicing – producing cube shapes
4. Diamond (lozenge) – thinly slicing and
cutting into strips of appropriate width
5. Mincing – producing very fine cut usually for
onions and garlic
6. Julienne and batonnet – making long
rectangular cut
7. Pays Anne (Fermi ere) making curved or
uneven cuts of the same thickness

Rondelle – making cylindrical cut

8. Bias – making diagonal cut
9. Oblique or roll cuts – making diagonal cut by rolling the long cylindrical

Quarter 2-Week 1
Tools and Equipment Needed in Preparing

1. Paring knife – used in paring

2. Chef knife- used in cutting
3. Chopping board – used to hold item while
4. Colander – used to drain excess water after
5. Bowls – used to hold vegetables
6. Utility tray – used to hold ingredients
7. Sauté pan – for sautéing or stir-frying vegetables
8. Steamer – for steaming vegetables
9. Oven – for cooking vegetables oven-steam or bake

Factors to consider in choosing good quality


1. Freshness – fresh vegetables should be crisp and

bright in colors
2. Absence of decay or insect infestation
3. No mechanical damage or injury
4. Right degree of maturity
Variety in color, shape, texture and sometimes

Activity 1. CHOOSE WISELY!

Objective: Name the process in preparing vegetables.
Materials: Pencil and paper
Directions. Name the process in preparing vegetables applied in the given sentences.
Choose your answer from the box below and write your answer in the module.


__________ 1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly

__________ 2. Turn vegetables into uniform pieces for even cooking.
__________ 3. Scrub well unpeeled vegetables like potatoes for baking.

Quarter 2-Week 1
__________ 4. Peel vegetables as thinly possible.
__________ 5. Save edible trim for soups and purees.
___________ 6. Doing it for a long period of time may lose flavor and nutrients of
___________ 7. Salt can be added to water with cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower soaked
on it
to eliminate insects.
___________ 8. Wash green leafy vegetables in several changes of cold water.
___________ 9. After doing this process, drain well and refrigerate lightly covered to prevent
___________ 10. Limp vegetables can be soaked briefly in cold water to restore crispness.


Objective: Identify the basic knife cuts.
Materials: Pencil and paper
Directions: Various menus are prepared differently according to the different cuts of
vegetables. Write the cut of vegetables based on the given menus.
____________1. Menudo (carrots and potato)
____________2. Ginisang Ampalaya (ampalaya)
____________3. Appetizer Crudités (carrots)
____________4. Stir fried noodles (carrots)
____________5. Siomai (garlic, onions and carrots)


My Selfie with Veggies

Objective: Recognize the factors to consider in choosing good quality vegetables.

Materials: Cellphone and raw vegetables.
Directions: Choose raw vegetables that are available in your kitchen that shows the factors
to consider in choosing good quality vegetables. Take a selfie with it and paste it in your

Quarter 2-Week 1
module or send the picture through messenger or another digital platform as instructed to
your facilitator.

Note: Write the factors observed in your selfie with your chosen vegetables.
Dimension Performance Level
Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs No Points
(4) Satisfactory (2) Improvement Attempt Earned
(3) (1) (0)
Final Output Output is Output is Output is Output is not No
very very presentable presentable attempt
presentable presentable and is little and is not
and and meets below within the
exceeds standard standard of standard of
standard expectation the expectation
expectation of the expectation of the picture
of the picture of the
picture picture
Time Work Work Work Work No
Management completed completed completed completed attempt
ahead of within beyond too much
time allotted allotted beyond the
time time allotted time

● Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients that provide health

● Vegetables must be prepared properly because it may contain harmful
bacteria that can spread very easily by touching.
● Washing helps to remove any unwanted residues from the surfaces of
● Do not soak vegetables for a long period of time to prevent flavor and
nutrient loss.
● Peeling is to remove the thin covering or outside surface of vegetables while
cutting is to remove from something larger by using a sharp implement tool.
● Basic knife cuts can be applied in cutting vegetables and other food

Quarter 2-Week 1
Direction: Read the questions below and briefly cite your answers on the spaces

1. What is the importance of following the essential ways in preparing raw vegetables?

2. Why are there different basic knife cuts used in preparing vegetables?
________________________________________________________ .
3. Among the factors to consider in choosing good quality vegetables, choose one that
you think is the most important. Explain your answer?

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write your answer in the module.

1. It should be crisp and bright in colors which refers to the ___________ of

A. freshness C. absence of decay or insect infestation
B. right degree of maturity D. all of the above
2. A preparation for raw vegetables that absorb some liquid.
A. washing B. soaking C. peeling D. cutting
3. Food that is an important source of many nutrients that provides health benefits.
A. tomato B. red bell pepper C. herbs D. vegetables
4. It is a method of cleaning with the use of water.
A. washing B. soaking C. peeling D. cutting
5. Peeling is to remove or separate a thin covering or part from the outside or surface
while ________ is to remove from something larger by using a sharp implement or
A. washing B. soaking C. peeling D. cutting
6. The following tools are used in preparing vegetables, EXCEPT ______________.

Quarter 2-Week 1
A. paring knife B. chopping board C. colander D. ice rack
7. Vegetables must be prepared properly because it may contain _______________.
A. may contain harmful bacteria that can easily spread very easily by touching.
B. nutrients that are essential to our body
C. various color that makes it more attractive
D. it is a good practice to minimize ingestion
8. What factor is to consider in choosing good quality vegetable
A. freshness C. absence of decay or insect infestation
B. right degree of maturity D. all of the above
9. What basic knife cut produce very fine cut usually for onions and garlics
A. mincing B. dicing C. bias D. julienne
10. A tool used to hold vegetables.
A. oven B. chopping board C. bowls D. colande


Directions: Write a reflective learning on the preparation of raw vegetables.

I learned that Vegetables must be The learning that I can

vegetables prepared properly share to my family is
___________________ because ___________________
__________________ ___________________ _______________.

Leizlee B. Daowag
Team Leader
Rhamlyn S. Sucgang
Justine C. Montoya


Quarter 2-Week 1
Absence of decay – also known as insect Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun
by pests or parasites. It can also refer to the actual organisms living on or within a host.
Scrub – to rub hard and to clean them typically with a brush and water
Palatable – pleasant to taste


Learning module in Cookery 10, pages 140 -165

Quarter 2-Week 1

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