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Beyond Boundaries: Exploring the Paradoxes of Infinity

Noy Cohen Lotem Bashar

Abstract (≤ 150 words)

The paradoxes of infinity encompass a rich tapestry of thought-provoking conundrums that challenge
conventional understanding. This abstract explores two prominent examples: Zeno's paradox and
Hilbert's paradox. Zeno's paradox delves into the complexities of motion and space, positing seemingly
contradictory scenarios that arise from the infinite divisibility of time and distance. In contrast, Hilbert's
paradox of the Grand Hotel unveils the perplexities of infinite sets, showcasing counterintuitive notions
such as adding an infinite number of elements to an already infinite set without altering its cardinality.
These paradoxes illuminate the inherent intricacies of infinity, inviting reflection on the nature of reality,
perception, and the limits of human comprehension. Through the lens of these paradoxes, we embark
on a journey to unravel the mysteries of infinity and its profound philosophical implications.

Main text


What is the subject (and why is it interesting)? -lotem

What are the main questions/problems/controversies? -lotem

What is the goal of your paper? -lotem

Brief structure of your paper CORE SECTIONS-all

Zeno’s paradox

Zeno’s paradoxes are a set of philosophical problems that challenge the commonsense notions of
motion, space, and time. They were devised by Zeno of Elea, a 5th century BCE Greek philosopher who
was a follower of Parmenides, a monist who denied the reality of change and plurality.

Zeno's paradoxes have long captivated the minds of philosophers, mathematicians, and thinkers
throughout history. Despite the ancient origins of Zeno's paradoxes, the questions they pose continue to
resonate in modern discussions, challenging our understanding of fundamental concepts in mathematics
and philosophy. As Bertrand Russell said, "Zeno's paradoxes raise difficulties which are not to be solved
by merely saying that they are sophisms." The quote highlights the ongoing philosophical debate
surrounding the paradoxes.

At the heart of Zeno's paradoxes lies the enigma of motion. The paradoxes seek to demonstrate the
apparent impossibility of motion through a series of logical arguments. Zeno's propositions, such as the
famous dichotomy paradox and Achilles and the Tortoise, confront us with the notion that traversing a
finite distance may entail an infinite number of steps, leading to seemingly absurd conclusions.

The subject of Zeno's paradoxes is fascinating because it confronts us with contradictions that arise from
seemingly intuitive concepts. Motion, a fundamental aspect of our experience, is called into question by
Zeno's thought experiments. The paradoxes compel us to wrestle with the essence of continuity, infinity,
and the boundaries of human understanding.

The Dichotomy Paradox:

“there is no motion because that which is moved must arrive at the middle (of its course) before
it arrives at the end. (And of course, it must traverse the half of the half before it reaches the
middle, and so ad infinitum.”[1]

Imagine walking from point A to point B. Before reaching point B, we must first cover half the
distance (point C). But before reaching point C, we need to cover half of that distance, and so on.
This infinite process seems to prevent us from ever completing the journey. How can motion
occur if there are infinitely many steps?

Achilles and the Tortoise:

In this paradox, Achilles races a tortoise. Despite giving the tortoise a head start, Achilles can
never overtake it. Each time Achilles reaches where the tortoise was, the tortoise has moved
slightly ahead. The shrinking remaining distance seems insurmountable. Yet in reality, Achilles
does catch up. This paradox challenges our understanding of continuous motion and time .

Consider the lengths that Achilles has to cover for one version of the paradox ,successively, a
hundred yards, ten yards, one yard, a tenth of a yard, and so on. So, the total number of yards he
must travel in order to catch the tortoise is 100 + 10 + 1 + 1/10 +...

This is a convergent geometrical series whose sum can be expressed in decimal notion as 111.11..
When Achilles has run this number of yards, he will be dead level with his competitor; and at any
time thereafter he will be actually ahead.[1]

The Arrow Paradox:

Consider an arrow in flight. At any given moment, it occupies a specific position. However, if time
consists of discrete instants, the arrow is motionless during each instant. Thus, it should never
move. Yet, we observe arrows flying through the air. This paradox forces us to grapple with the
relationship between continuous motion and time .

Zeno's Arguments and Implications

Zeno's paradoxes rely heavily on the concept of infinity. In the dichotomy paradox, for example, he
argues that to reach a destination, one must first cover half the distance, then half the remaining
distance, ad infinitum, suggesting that reaching the destination entails an infinite number of steps. This
challenges our intuition about motion and raises questions about whether space and time are
continuous or discrete.

Responses from Ancient Philosophers

Aristotle and other ancient philosophers offered rebuttals to Zeno's paradoxes. Aristotle proposed the
idea of potential versus actual infinity, suggesting that while an infinite series may be potentially infinite,
it can still be traversed in a finite amount of time. However, this solution has been criticized for its
reliance on intuitive notions rather than rigorous mathematical reasoning.

Influence of Modern Mathematics

The development of calculus and modern mathematics revolutionized our approach to Zeno's paradoxes.
Mathematicians like Georg Cantor and Bertrand Russell provided rigorous frameworks for understanding
infinity and convergence, offering solutions that rely on the concept of limits. By conceptualizing motion
as a continuous process approaching a limit, modern mathematics offers a compelling resolution to
Zeno's puzzles.

Advantages and Limitations of Solutions

The standard solution to Zeno's paradoxes based on convergent series and limits offers a powerful
mathematical framework. By employing concepts from calculus, such as infinitesimal increments and the
convergence of infinite series, mathematicians can reconcile motion with the infinite divisibility of space
and time.

However, this solution is not without limitations. Critics argue that it may "obscure the underlying
philosophical implications of Zeno's paradoxes by reducing them to mathematical puzzles" .Furthermore,
the reliance on abstract mathematical concepts may alienate those without a strong mathematical
background, limiting the accessibility of the solution.


Zeno's paradoxes continue to intrigue and challenge us, offering profound insights into the nature of
motion, infinity, and human understanding. When I was first introduced to the paradoxes, I couldn't
relate to the idea of taking a simple activity that we accomplish every single day and making it complex
by suggesting there are infinite distances within a finite one. However, upon deeper reflection, It
succeeded in confounding my perception of everything I had ever believed in. While ancient thinkers
wrestled with these paradoxes using intuitive reasoning, the advent of modern mathematics has
provided us with powerful tools for their resolution.

By embracing the concept of limits and convergence, we can reconcile the apparent contradictions
posed by Zeno's paradoxes.


[1] Thomas Heath - A history of Greek mathematics, Vol. 1 (section 1- the dichotomy)
Heath - Zeno.pdf

[2] Achilles and the Tortoise (section 3) Author(s): Max Black Source: Analysis , Apr., 1951, Vol. 11, No. 5
(Apr., 1951), pp. 91-101 Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Committee
For the other group:

Hermann Weyl - Levels of Infinity.pdf

Russell - Principles of Mathematics - The philosophy of the Infinite.pdf

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