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Kabul University

Computer Science Faculty

Information Technology Department

Thesis/Final Project Proposal

Research Title: Online Ticketing System for Abdali Transport


a) Supervisor Personal Details:

Name Last Name Educational degree Academic Ranking

Omer Salim Mohmand MCS Assistant Professor

Phone# +93(0)706425521 & +93(0)789155166

E-mail: &

b) Student(s) Personal Details:

First Name Ali Reza Specialized Field Web

last name Rezaie Educational Year 2023

Father name Muhammad Eissa Start date of Project 2023/5/6

Department End date of Project 2023

Current Semester 7 Project Duration months 5

Phone# +93(0)764808591 & +93(0)781340859

c) Related Information about Research Topic:

The topic is about online ticketing system which the main focus is on important features
such as convenience booking, multiple payment options, real-time seat availability, easy
cancellation and refund policy, seat selection, route planner etc.

An online bus reservation system is a web-based platform designed to enable tickets from
anywhere at any time. It combines the power of technology and the internet to revolutionize the
process of booking bus tickets. With the traditional method, passengers had to physically visit a
ticketing office or call a reservation center to purchase their tickets. However, with the advent of
the online ticketing system, passengers can now complete their booking process with just a few
clicks on their phones or computers. The online bus reservation system offers a range of features
and functionalities that make it user-friendly, convenient, and efficient. It allows passengers to
choose their preferred seats, view bus schedules, make secure payments, and receive e-tickets
via email or SMS. Bus operators also benefit from the system, as it allows them to manage and
monitor their bookings, track revenue, and optimize their operations. In summary, the online bus
reservation system has transformed the way passengers book and travel by making the process
more seamless, hassle-free, and efficient.

Online bus reservation system saves time and offers a convenient way to book bus tickets
from anywhere without having to physically go to the bus station. This online bus reservation
system computerizes the booking process, reducing the risk of human error and improving
efficiency. This online bus reservation system will be available 24/7, making it easy for people
to book their tickets whenever they want. This online reservation system allows passengers to
track the status of their booking, the location of the bus, and the expected arrival time. This
online bus reservation system helps bus companies increase their revenue by reaching a wider
audience, reducing operational costs, and improving customer satisfaction.(Mahzabeen, 2019).

Electronic tickets, or e-tickets, give evidence that their holders have permission to enter a
place of entertainment, use a means of transportation, or have access to some internet services.
Bus Ticket Reservation System enables the customer to buy bus ticket, make payment, and ask
for information online easily. Furthermore, staff can sell bus ticket using Bus Ticket Reservation
System after check bus ticket availability for the customer and print the bus ticket to the
customer that queue up in the counter. The method to solve this problem is to create an online
buying bus ticket system. Customer can buy the bus ticket over the Internet, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week and the bus ticket can't be lost, stolen or left behind. In addition, the online system
lets the customers check the availability of the bus ticket before they buy bus ticket (Wee,
2007). Furthermore, customers no need to pay cash to buy bus ticket because they can pay the
bus ticket by using deposit slip number order by bank(Alaya, 2014).

2) Problem Statement:
In our country the currently type of this project being used at the transport company is an old
system and method which manually used in selling the bus tickets. The problems facing the
Abdali Transport Company(ATC) are that customers must go to the company counter to buy bus
ticket or ask for bus schedule, customers have to queue up for a long time in order to get a bus
ticket and will need to pay cash when they buy bus ticket. Now to overcome all these problems

the online ticketing system revolutionized where we can do all these manually process by just a
few clicks on our mobile phone or computers.

3) Significance of Research:
Online bus ticketing system offers the convenience of booking a ticket from anywhere at any
time. Customers can book tickets online without having to visit the bus station physically.
Online booking will save time and eliminates the effort of travelling to the bus station and
standing in queues form hours to book a ticket. This system provides all the necessary
information about bus schedules, seat availability, and prices, enabling passengers to make an
informed decision. Secure payment is also an issue which will provide by this system which can
be secure and hassle-free transactions for passengers. Seat selection allow customers to choose
their preferred seats according to their convenience, eliminating the need to ask the bus
conductor to allocate a seat. Online bus ticketing systems automate the ticketing process,
reducing operating costs associated with manual ticketing and enabling bus companies to
operate with a lean workforce.
4) Research Objectives:
1. Main Objective
 The main objective of this project is to computerize the manual procedures of booking a
bus ticket every journey made through Abdali Transport Company(ATC).
 To develop an online system which is widely accessible with more user-friendly

2. Sub Objectives
 To decrease work load by online ticketing system and minimize bus staff and improve
customer services.
 Enable customers to check the availability of busses.
 To provide online payment feature.
5) Research Questions:
1- Main Question
How to make an online bus ticketing system to meet the requirements of Abdali
Transport Company?
2- Sub Questions
 What features should be added to have the customers satisfied with this system?
 What technologies should be used to make the system highly accessible 24/7?
 Which technologies and languages are efficient to design the system?
6) Literature Review:
Up growing uses of internet and dependency of web applications is the source of the idea to
make an application for the travel support. Huge number of users are regularly travels inter
cities for their business and recreations are the prime target of this sort of application (Dr. Chaya
Bagrecha, Jun 2016). More over due to incredible traffic hours this a time demanding approach
to our communication industry to simpler the ticket management and supply chain (Niteesh
Joshi, November 2016).
Some of our reputed communication /transport companies has already been started their
operation, specifically in ticketing and payment management. Due to the procedure and lack of
marketing approaches mass community is still managing this task in physical manner (U.F. Eze,
2009). Recently some service provider solutions are introduced with the bus ticketing solutions
like: BD tickets, this platform are operating with the small scale in terms of huge user demand
due to lack of user friendliness and payment complexity. This project is to carry out a better

solution for the end users, whose are the most frequent travelers inter cities. Causes with simple
and secured service this type of application could be an ideal solution for the mass community.
This project “Online Bus Ticket Booking System” is designed to simplify bus ticket purchasing
through use of information Technology and internet. With the bus ticket booking system, you
can manage bookings and purchase from home with a comparatively simply system. Even the
service providers will also be able to store client data, and passenger lists for their further
offers(Mahzabeen, 2019).

Devices nowadays are much of a help to mankind and makes life for them easier. Some of
which was made specifically to entertain and educate each individual. These innovations have
been used to various areas including transportation. Travelling through a bus has its different
kind of approach. Not all bus companies have their own fixed schedule of departure time. Some
would wait for passengers to fill in the seats as many as possible before leaving the terminal
while some would pick up passengers along the way. While the approach varies, all share one
commonality – that is to provide people the best service possible. Seeing some opportunities, the
researchers conducted this study to improve how bus companies offer services to clients. The
researchers developed a bus reservation and tracking system as an alternative tool to the manual
purchasing of tickets and to address the difficulty of determining the current location of buses on
travel. Guided by both the chosen research method and the software process model, the
researchers conducted interviews among the people from a selected bus company to understand
the different processes within the company. The application was made online for the reason that
Internet has become widespread, thus, access would not be a difficulty(Abadilla et al., n.d.).

The Online Bus Ticket Reservation System is a web-based application that allows visitors
check bus ticket availability, buy bus ticket and pay the bus ticket online (Asaad, Ayad and
Hayder, 2012). This system is established for all the home/office users after gaining access from
the administrator. According to Invaderzim (2011), Online Bus Ticket Reservation System
provides bus transportation system, a facility to reserved seats, cancellation of seats and
different types of enquiry which need an instant and quick reservation. This system can be used
by the users in performing online reservation via internet for their all business purposes. Users
can use this program directly on their websites and no need to install it(West et al., 2014).

7) Research Methodology:

The system of collecting data for research project is known as research methodology. The
data may be collected for either theoretical or practical research for example management
research may be strategically conceptualized along with operational planning method and
change management. Information which was used for this study was carried out by oral
interview. Data science is a field of study that involves using systems to extract knowledge and
insights from structured and unstructured data. Data scientist s work together, clean, organize,
and analyze large sets of data in order to identify patterns, make predictions, and provide
actionable insights that can improve decision-making across a variety of industries and sectors.
This field incorporates techniques and technologies form multiple disciplines, including
mathematics, statistics, compute science, and domain-specific knowledge, and relies heavily o
machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches.

7.1 Choice of Methodology
For any project to be completed, it has to go through stages called Development Life Cycles.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the process of understanding how an Information
System (IS) can support business needs, designing the system, building it and delivering it to
users. The SDLC composes of four phases: Planning, Analysis, Design and Implementation.
In order for this project to be developed, the methodology that will be used is the System
Structured Analysis and Design Methodology. The SSADM is classified as a Waterfall
Development. With Waterfall Development, analyst and users proceed sequentially from one
phase to the next and each phase can be mapped out and evaluated. Below figure is a diagram
on the waterfall methodology(Nwakanmas et al., 2015).

7.2 Tools uses

Operating system: Windows
Software tool: WordPress
Database: MySQL
Desktop base server: XAMP
Hardware tool: Desktop Computer or Laptop
Internet connection
7.3 Layout
This system has two layouts which is admin panel and the website. In this website user can
find all their desire information about routes with starting point and dropping destination with
their minimal fair.

 User can search by bus name and see the availability of seats and time.

 In admin panel admin can handle user orders and all the bookings, send email to the user
about their ticket confirmation.

7.4 Features
Bus routes:
This software helps to navigate routes with start point and stop destination.
Bus tickets and seats booking:

The system will allow the clients to select seats from the availability. Here also available ticket
Payment methods:
Customers can pay in both way cash and mobile banking payment channels.

7.5 Functional Specification
User panel:
 This application basically provides a Bus ticket booking, availability of seats, routes,
starting and dropping destination.
 A user will first see the entire website in detail also able to book a bus ticket and find out
if the seat is available or not.
 There is a login option which user can also registered for member of the site.
 User can search by bus name, destination to see the available seats and time also.
Admin panel:
 Using this application admin can oversee all the bookings and trip accounts management
 And also admin can maintain all the registered users’ information, manage bookings
requests, confirm bookings, send email to the customers and manage the total booking
system easily.

7.6 Interface Specifications
This system provide some facility user could be registered in this application. User can make a
registration first for any sort of request and details.
Login module shows some terms which is used for login in the system as a user guide. User
name and individual password is needed for a registered user login.
Book the Ticket:
User can book ticket easily here by selecting destination of a specific bus.
Update Bus information:
From admin panel admin can add bus or update bus details. It contains the information about the
Bus type, photo, description of the destination, available seats, updated fare for the bus etc.
Cancel the Booking Ticket:
In this application both user and admin can cancel the booking Ticket.

8) Expected Outcomes:
The study will design and implement a reliable and efficient system to improve customer
experience search for available buses, choose seats, and make payments online. It saves time to
a physical booking center. Increased revenue for bus operators with this system, bus operators
can reach a wider audience and accept booking 24/7. Online reservation system displays real-
time tracking of buses in online system, which helps customers know the exact location and
estimated arrival time of their bus. As the project is launched customer can make secure
payments online, which reduces their risk of carrying cash while traveling. It will be done
digitally. In addition, this application digitizing the booking process, company can reduce
operating costs associated with physical booking centers, manual ticketing etc.
9) Work Plan:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Topic selection

Submitting proposal

Literature Review

Problem and Objectives


Work report

Report review (by


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Project Design



Pre Defense


Conclusion/ Outcome

Project Report

10) References:

1. Abadilla, T., Dedicatoria, N., John Plana, A., Mae Sinangote, R., & Paolo Gumia, N.


2. Alaya, S. M. (2014). Development of an Online Bus Ticket Reservation System for a

Transportation Service in Nigeria. 5(12), 9–18.

3. Bichsel, J. (2015). IT Service Delivery in Higher Education : Current Methods and

Future Directions. 35.

4. Mahzabeen, A. (2019). Online Bus Ticket Booking System.

5. Nwakanma, C. I., Etus, C., Ajere, I., & Agomuo, U. (2015). Key words : OBTRS ,

Electronic Ticketing , ITC , Reservation , Transportation Background of Study The

prevalent view in various global circles is that man is presently living in an. July 2018.

6. West, F. B., Lake, S., West, P. J., & Lake, S. (2014). Online Bus Ticket Booking (pp. 1–


‫‪d) Date and Signature of Supervisor and Student:‬‬

‫‪Supervisor and‬‬
‫‪Name and Last name‬‬ ‫‪Signature‬‬ ‫‪Date‬‬



‫الف) تایید استاد رهنما‬

‫موضوع و طرح تحقیق محترم ‪ ...........................‬تحت عنوان‪...................................................‬از طرف استاد‬
‫رهنما محترم‪ ...........................................‬مورخ ‪ ......................‬تایید است‬

‫امضا استاد رهنما‬

‫ب) تایید کمیته دیپارتمنت‬

‫از نظر کمیته بررسی مونوگراف دیپارتمنت ‪ ،...............................‬پیشنهاد تعیین موضوع تحقیقی یا پروژه‬
‫محترم ‪ ................................‬به شرح فوق را در جلسه مورخ ‪..................................‬به اتفاق آرا تایید است‪.‬‬

‫امضا اعضای کمیته‬

‫د) تایید دیپارتمنت‬

‫از نظر دیپارتمنت‪ ...............................‬در جلسه مورخ ‪ ...............‬پیشنهاد تعیین موضوعی تحقیقی یا پروژه‬
‫محترم ‪/‬محترمه ‪ ....................................................‬را به اتفاق آرا تایید است‪.‬‬

‫با احترام‬

‫پوهندوی صبغت هللا اسملزی‬

‫آمر دیپارتمنت تکنالوژی معلوماتی‬


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