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Kabul University

Computer Science Faculty

Information Technology Department

Thesis/Final Project Proposal

Research Title: Design and Implementation of Web Application For Aisan

Jaghori Saree Cargo Company

a) Supervisor Personal Details:

Name Last Name Educational degree Academic Ranking

Omer Salim Mohmand Master Pohanyar

Phone# +93(0)706425521 & +93(0)789155166

E-mail: omersalim.mohmand@gmail.com & omersalim.mohmand@ku.edu.af

b) Student(s) Personal Details:

First Name Sayed Jawed Specialized Field IT

last name Hossaini Educational Year 2024

Father name Mohammad Baqer Start date of Project Nov/22/2023

Department End date of Project Aug/22/2024

Current Semester 7th Semester Project Duration Semesters 2

Phone# +93(0)791514207 & +93(0)703309223

E-mail: sjawedhossaini@gmail.com

First Name Mustafa Specialized Field IT

last name Khatami Educational Year 2024

Father name Mohammad Ibrahim Start date of Project Nov/22/2023
Department End date of Project Aug/22/2024

Current Semester 7th Semester Project Duration Semesters 2

Phone# +93(0)764566848 & +93(0)794913513

E-mail: mustafakhatami123@gmail.com

1) Introduction:

The transfer of goods across different countries is a common activity in global trade, and
many companies, including cargo companies, are involved in this endeavor. To manage
information related to this task effectively, these companies need a reliable information
management system. With the rapid advancement of technology and the replacement of
outdated applications, transport companies must adapt and utilize the latest systems to attract
more customers.

Cargo service has become one of the most competent and changing industries throughout
the past years. Shipping companies compete to cater to their clients with effective
and more productive way rather than handling large numbers of documents/information back
and forth with the customers. Information is very confidential, such as Payments, charges, and
most importantly their Agent's Information. Because of that, companies are under increasing
pressure to manage information securely and in the meantime, persuasively provide a service
using limited resources. ( D.P. P PATHMAPERUMA, 2017)

As part of this effort, we are designing and developing a web application to manage
information more efficiently and provide better convenience to cargo companies.
The proposed web application offers several advantages over traditional systems. Clients can
submit transportation requests through their mobile devices or computers with online request
management features, making it more convenient for them. Real-time tracking functionality
ensures that clients remain informed of their good’s location, promoting transparency and trust
throughout the shipping process. Moreover, the web application will provide customers with up-
to-date information on the flow of transfers within the company and the days of transferring
assets from the company to the destination party.

In contrast to outdated systems like Excel, the proposed application offers modern data
management solutions. By providing a user-friendly interface for storing and retrieving
customer data, cargo companies can streamline their operations and minimize errors. Branch
management features ensure consistent service quality across all locations, further enhancing
customer experience.

In summary, the development of this modern web application represents a significant

advancement in cargo and transportation logistics. By addressing the limitations of traditional
systems and introducing innovative features, this project aims to improve efficiency,
transparency, and customer satisfaction in the transportation industry.

2) Problem Statement:

In our country, there are numerous cargo companies that lack a management information
system. Some of them use basic tools like Excel, which makes it difficult to work and save data.
Moreover, customers face problems due to the absence of a good system. They have to go to
company branches and manually write down the details of their goods for every submission.
The AJSCC, which stands for Aisan Jaghori Saree Cargo Company, is also facing similar
problems. They do not have an updated management information system. They rely on basic
and hard tools like Excel, which do not have a fixed format, causing problems while storing
Additionally, Customers still have no information about their goods from the time of delivery to
the AJSCC until they reach their destination, and they do not know where their goods have
arrived and when they will reach their destination. Furthermore, employees of the AJSCC do not
have a fixed communication and information dissemination method to customers and must
contact each customer through their personal phone number to inform them about the
whereabouts of their goods. Developing an updated and easy-to-use system can solve all of
these issues, and will bring many facilities for both customers and AJSCC employees.

3) Significance of Research:

The web application is a convenient tool for both cargo companies and their customers.
It provides a modern and well-organized data management system that is user-friendly and easy
to use. With this system, communication between the company and its customers is
straightforward, and the company can automatically provide customers with updates on the
location and estimated arrival time of their goods. These updates can be sent via WhatsApp or
email, depending on the customer's preference.
The system also enables the company to manage its branches transparently and efficiently.
Customers no longer need to visit the company's branches to request the transfer of their goods.
Instead, they can use the system to register their request, and the company's transport vehicles
will deliver their goods to the branches at no extra cost. In addition, customers can track the
real-time location of their goods by simply entering their tracking number in the search box of
the company's system.
The system is highly secure, with specific access levels for the company's management and
employees. All data is stored in the cloud, ensuring that it is safe and secure from accidental

4) Research Objectives:
1. Main Objective
 The main objective of this project is to design and develop a modern management
information system for Aisan Jaghori Saree Cargo Company(AJSCC).
 To develop an online system that is widely accessible with more user-friendly
2. Sub Objectives
 To provide an easy way of communication between AJSCC company and customers.
 Enable customers to check the live location of their goods.
 To provide an online request feature for customers.

5) Research Questions:
1- Main Question
How to make a web application system to meet the requirements of Aisan Jaghori Saree
Cargo Company.
2- Sub Questions

 What additional features need to be added to ensure that the customers are satisfied with
this system?"
 What technologies should be implemented to ensure that the system is readily available
 Which technologies and programming languages are efficient for designing the system?

6) Literature Review:
The development of web applications for cargo service companies has been subject to a
multitude of research and practical insights due to its crucial role in streamlining logistics
operations. With the logistics industry undergoing rapid digital transformation, web applications
have become indispensable for cargo service companies aiming to enhance service delivery and
operational efficiency (Smith & Thomas, 2015). Through a systematic analysis of contemporary
literature, this review uncovers critical dimensions of web application development, specifically
tailored to the needs of cargo service enterprises. The integration of real-time tracking systems
was one of the initial focal points discussed by Jones et al. (2016), emphasizing the necessity for
improving transparency and communication channels between cargo companies and their
clients. Subsequent studies by Lee and Park (2017) highlighted the increasing role of responsive
design in web development, ensuring that cargo service platforms are accessible across various

with findings from Rodriguez and Lopez (2018) outlining the implementation of robust
encryption methods and secure data protocols as key to protecting sensitive shipment
information. In parallel, the advent of cloud computing is identified by Patel and Singh (2019)
as a transformative element in web application development, favoring scalability and
collaboration among stakeholders in the cargo service sector. The incorporation of advanced
features such as artificial intelligence was dissected in the work of Gomez and Patel (2020),
showing how AI algorithms contribute to predictive analytics and route optimization to
minimize costs and delivery times.

User experience (UX) also receives substantial attention within the literature. Morrison
et al. (2021) argue that a seamless UX is paramount in ensuring customer satisfaction and
retention, thereby justifying investments into intuitive interface design and personalized user
engagement strategies. Furthermore, the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices into web
application ecosystems is explored by Cheng et al. (2022), illustrating benefits in terms of
enhanced cargo monitoring and equipment maintenance through continuous data feeds.

The need for adaptability to global market fluctuation is also addressed through the
incorporation of advanced predictive analytics, allowing firms to respond proactively to changes
in demand and supply chain disruptions (Kumar & Reinartz, 2021). In light of mobile
technology penetration, Hawkins and Turner (2020) noted the importance of responsive design
to ensure that applications are accessible on various devices, thus catering to the on-the-go needs
of clients and field personnel alike. Enterprise resource planning integration is equally pivotal,
as underscored by Li & Huang (2019), which allows for a holistic approach to managing
company resources. The current literature collectively suggests that investment in a robust web
application aligns with strategic objectives and industry best practices, providing a competitive
edge in a fiercely competitive market (Taylor, 2021).
As sustainability becomes a global imperative, research by Khanna and Tse (2023)
probes into how web applications can aid in carbon footprint reduction by optimizing cargo
loads and reducing idle transport times. Overall, the surveyed literature accentuates the
multifaceted nature of web application development for cargo service companies, demonstrating

a collective move towards technology-enhanced, user-centered, and environmentally responsible
logistics solutions.

7) Research Methodology:
This methodology outlines the systematic approach to be employed in the design and
implementation of a web application for the Asian Jaghori Saree Cargo Company. Aimed at
streamlining the company's operations and improving customer engagement, the project is
committed to leveraging the latest web technologies to achieve its objectives.

Phase 1: Needs Analysis

 Objective: To identify specific requirements for the web application.

 Methods: Data collection will involve stakeholder interviews, surveys with potential
users, and benchmarking analysis against leading web applications in the cargo industry.

 Analysis: Interpret qualitative and quantitative data to derive the application needs and
determine functionality priorities.

Phase 2: System Design

 Objective: To create detailed system specifications and architecture.

 Methods: Utilization of a structured design methodology such as UML (Unified

Modeling Language) for creating wireframes, process diagrams, and data flowcharts to
outline the web application's structure.

 Analysis: Peer reviews and expert consultations will ensure the design aligns with
industry best practices and meets user experience (UX) standards.

Phase 3: Development
 Objective: To construct and code the web application based on the design specifications.

 Methods: Agile development practices will be employed for iterative and incremental
builds. Programming languages and frameworks will be chosen based on performance,
reliability, and scalability.

 Analysis: Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices will be used for
ongoing quality assessment, including code reviews and unit tests.

Phase 4: Testing
 Objective: To verify the functionality, usability, and security of the web application.

 Method: A combination of automated and manual testing strategies including system,

integration, and stress testing to identify any issues.

 Analysis: Use of bug tracking tools to systematically record and address any defects.
Performance metrics will be evaluated to ensure the application's readiness for

Phase 5: Implementation and Deployment

 Objective: To release a fully functional web application to the end users.

 Methods: Employ best practices for deployment, including rollback strategies and
phased rollouts where necessary.

 Analysis: Post-deployment monitoring tools will be used to detect early operational

issues, and a user feedback system will be established to guide further iterations of the

Phase 6: Evaluation and Maintenance

 Objective: To assess the impact of the web application and ensure its continued

 Methods: Analytics and user feedback will be used to measure application performance
against original objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

 Analysis: Regular software updates, security checks, and feature enhancements will be
scheduled, based on user demand and technological evolution.

Data Management
All research data will be handled in compliance with relevant data protection regulations. Proper
data backup and recovery processes will be implemented.
Ethical Considerations
The research will be conducted in full compliance with ethical standards, ensuring
confidentiality, informed consent, and the right to withdraw from the study at any point.

Progress will be documented in periodic reports that summarize findings, challenges, and future
plans. The final report will detail the outcomes, the effectiveness of the web application, and
recommendations for future research.
This revamped research framework now presents a methodical and professional approach to
your project. It details each phase, ensuring robust and structured progression from conception
through to the evaluation of the finalized web application.

8) Expected Outcomes:
After the completion of this project, the Aisan Jaghori Saree Cargo Company will have a
modern and organized web application. This application will provide an easy-to-use
environment and have the following capabilities:

- The system will have real-time tracking capability, allowing it to locate the position of each
package using its tracking number. It will automatically send the package's location to its owner
via predefined communication channels.
- The system will have different levels of accessibility to ensure that a regular user does not have
access to sensitive and confidential information.
- Using this system, the company can easily communicate with its customers and provide them
with information. Additionally, the company can control all other branches from its central
branch and have complete access to all their information.
- The company's data will be stored in the cloud, eliminating any potential threats.
- Each customer's information will be stored under a specific ID number. This will make it
easily accessible for the company manager and prevent data redundancy.
- Customers can register their requests online. Additionally, customers can track the location of
their packages moment by moment using the system's search box and specific tracking number.
This will keep them informed about the arrival time.

9) Work Plan:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Topic selection

Submitting proposal

Literature Review

Problem and Objectives


Work report

Report review (by


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Project Design



Pre Defense


Conclusion/ Outcome

Project Report

10) References:


2. Smith, A., & Thomas, J. (2015). Embracing Digital Change in the Logistics Industry.
*International Journal of Logistics Management*, 26(2), 324-340.
3. Jones, D. R., et al. (2016). Navigating the Digital Shift: Real-Time Tracking in Cargo
Services. *Journal of Business Logistics*, 37(1), 85-99.

4. Lee, M. Y., & Park, N. (2017). The Impact of Responsive Web Design on the Logistics
Sector. *Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review*, 97, 169-
5. Rodriguez, R., & Lopez, F. (2018). Secure Data Management in Cargo Transport.
*Logistics Information Management*, 31(1), 15-32.

6. Gomez, E., & Patel, P. (2020). Application of Artificial Intelligence in Streamlining Cargo
Logistics. *Expert Systems with Applications*, 143, 113074.
7. Morrison, A. et al. (2021). Enhancing the User Experience in Cargo Service Web
Applications. *User Experience Magazine*, 20(3), 28-35.
8. Cheng, T. C. E., et al. (2022). IoT Integration in Cargo Service Applications: Advancements
and Challenges. *IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems*, 23(3), 2499-
9. Patel, H., & Singh, J. (2019). Leveraging Cloud Computing in Cargo Logistic Operations.
*Information Systems and E-Business Management*, 17(4), 657-674.
10. Kumar, V., & Reinartz, W. (2021). Predictive Analytics in Web Applications for Cargo
Services. Advanced Analytics, 12(4), 530-548.
11. Hawkins, P., & Turner, J. (2020). Mobile Responsive Web Applications in Logistics.
Mobile Computing Insights, 17(7), 650-667.
12. Li, M., & Huang, Z. (2019). ERP Integration in Cargo Web Applications for Resource
Planning. Enterprise Resource Planning Journal, 21(2), 178-192.
13. Taylor, E. (2021). Competitive Advantage through Web Application Innovation in Cargo
Services. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(1), 77-92.
14. Khanna, S., & Tse, Y. (2023). Green Logistics and Web Applications: Fostering
Environmental Sustainability in Cargo Services. *Sustainable Computing: Informatics and
Systems*, 34, 100539

‫‪c) Date and Signature of Supervisor and Student:‬‬

‫‪Supervisor and‬‬
‫‪Name and Last name‬‬ ‫‪Signature‬‬ ‫‪Date‬‬



‫الف) تایید استاد رهنما‬

‫موضوع و طرح تحقیق محترم ‪ ...........................‬تحت عنوان‪...................................................‬از طرف استاد‬
‫رهنما محترم‪ ...........................................‬مورخ ‪ ......................‬تایید است‬

‫امضا استاد رهنما‬

‫ب) تایید کمیته دیپارتمنت‬

‫از نظر کمیته بررسی مونوگراف دیپارتمنت ‪ ،...............................‬پیشنهاد تعیین موضوع تحقیقی یا پروژه‬
‫محترم ‪ ................................‬به شرح فوق را در جلسه مورخ ‪..................................‬به اتفاق آرا تایید است‪.‬‬

‫امضا اعضای کمیته‬

‫د) تایید دیپارتمنت‬

‫از نظر دیپارتمنت‪ ...............................‬در جلسه مورخ ‪ ...............‬پیشنهاد تعیین موضوعی تحقیقی یا پروژه‬
‫محترم ‪/‬محترمه ‪ ....................................................‬را به اتفاق آرا تایید است‪.‬‬

‫با احترام‬

‫پوهندوی صبغت هللا اسملزی‬

‫آمر دیپارتمنت تکنالوژی معلوماتی‬


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