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Team Assignment 1 – Strategic Team Assignment

Divya Tandon, Dorothy Mascarenhas, GarimaSahni, Ishan Nandwani, Namandeep

Kaur&Ritika Nandwani

LDRS 501 IN: Strategic Leadership

Dr. Douglas Atha

Trinity Western University

May 10, 2022


Development of Strategic Team in Business

In this report, we will be discussing how one can develop a strategic team in the

business environment. The synchronization of business development systems and practices

with the company’s strategic business goals is usually related to strategic business

development. Strategic business development aims to attract the ideal clients for the essential

services by making brand promises that the company can keep. Marius et al. (2016) have

stated that strategic teams give organizational leadership and direction, maintain tabs on the

external environment, identify primary objectives, develop strategies that take place, and help

track signs of progress. Strategic teams are crucial components of every company’s structure.

They enable the integration and execution of strategy. They also support employee

development at all levels of the organization. There are different types of strategic teams to

enhance systems and procedures. Strategic team leaders' functional experience, personality,

subject matter competence, and involvement impact their integrated team members' daily

thoughts and behaviours. Strategic teams might emphasize compliance and standards. They

can demonstrate a collective aptitude for integration [ CITATION Pau19 \l 1033 ].

This report will deal with three imperative topics for a strategic team for business

development. Firstly, we will deal with the traits required for developing an excellent

strategic group in the business. The second topic deals with the vital functions of the team so

that the company can grow effectively. The final discussion will be about the reasons behind

the failure of strategic teams in a business environment.

Traits for Development of Strategic Teams in Business

Each member of the strategic team can be related to the team's leaders in one way or

the other. Strategic leadership has an integral role in ensuring that the business operates

effectively and dynamically. The team needs to exhibit wide-ranging traits or characteristics

to be a good and effective team. According to Asif & Basit (2020), strategic features and

characteristics develop as the organization grows in a business environment. An exceptional

strategic team will have a far-fetched vision. For instance, in the business environment, a

strategic thinker or the team should be able to think creatively. They will have the ability to

communicate new ideas and concepts to align with the organization's strategic aims. Another

characteristic that they would possess is high moral and ethical values. For effective

performance, there should be a key value that emanates trustworthiness and ethical thinking

that supports the rights of the customers and the employees in a business environment. Again,

strategic thinking includes creativity, and they would always have a bigger picture in mind. It

also includes analytical thinking and the process that is involved in the business process.

Some of the key attributes in this include innovation, creativity, and thought process in a

divergent manner with a new paradigm of operation in the business [CITATION Qam19 \l

1033 ].

In the business sector or the business organization, it is important to exhibit the above

traits that were enlisted and briefed. For the future development of the business and the

business process, the members of the business should have certain qualities like quick

learning abilities that can help them to shape their thoughts according to the changing trends

and needs of the organization and also to evaluate the entire business process. Also, an

effective strategic team will have the ability to delve into the bigger picture and find the

pattern that is involved in the business processes. In the business environment, there should

be structural development of each dimension so that it can positively impact the business

[CITATION Sas17 \l 1033 ].

Considering the benefits that these traits have on one of the business processes, there

is immense impact and better performance in the organization. These traits can help the

organization to develop its sense of thinking and ability to change with the trends that are

present in the business environment. Another benefit is that it can help to create a proper

trajectory for the business. A proper strategic team can help the business to set their goals and

visions in such a manner that it can enable success and better productivity. Also, there can be

avoidance of competitive convergence and it can help to make the right decision for the

business[ CITATION Pap16 \l 1033 ]. It can also help to measure the success of the business,

thereby, creating and increasing the overall satisfaction. The strategic team can also benefit

the organization in such a manner as to create and share responsibilities and understand the

strategic direction of the entire business.

In the present business organization, there can be new traits that can be added in order

to ensure that there will be a change in the productivity levels and dynamicity of the business

in the future. Currently, there are no risk perception models that are incorporated into the

decision-making of the strategic team. This can be an area where there can be improvements

made for the betterment of the future of the organization. There should be proper risk

perception that can suggest appropriate and prompt actions that can benefit the organization.

When making decisions that can affect the organization, it is vital to notice the possibilities of

risks in the future. There should also be a systematic analysis of the influencers of risks in the

business environment. The experiences of the business can be used that can be accumulated

and applied in these cases so that there will be better actions taken in the future. Information

and data should be gathered in such a manner as to understand the risks that are involved in

the entire process[CITATION WuT17 \l 1033 ].

Important Functions of Strategic Teams

Strategic management is critical because it enables businesses to justify and

implement change, as well as effectively convey the need for change to their workforce. It

can aid in the organization and discipline of the firm’s internal and external procedures and

operations. For the organization to be successful, the entire team should be able to identify

the purpose, roles, standards, and other priorities so that the business can benefit from the


The most important function can be said to be the development of the strategy and

vision of the organization. The role defines their priority to characterize the prophecy of the

organization and to give meaning to the existence of the organization. It also entails the

development of the strategies of the organization so that the future of the organization or the

business will be set in a good shape. The next main function of the strategic team is to

identify the product and the suitable market for the business. This is significant as when

taking the right decision for the development of the organization, there should be constant

and regular innovation in the organization. It provides a competitive edge for the

organization. The strategic team can help to guide the organization to identify its viability in

the current market and the services that are most suitable for the business

enterprise[CITATION MaS21 \l 1033 ]. Another important feature is that the team should

focus on the positioning of the brand. This means that the team can help to set to position and

value of the brand and the business. It can also help to align the various department of the

business and to plan in such a way as to benefit the organization. There should also be a

proper alignment of the purpose and goals of the organization. The process of strategic

management and the team also includes proper planning and they hold key responsibilities to

ensure that there will be properly functioning and the performance of the organization. This

can help in the proper financial planning and planning of the monetary terms for the

organization. It can also in the proper performance of the organization or the business.

Strategic management has several advantages, including opportunity discovery,

prioritizing, and exploration. Firms that engage in strategic planning, for example, can

develop new goods, enter new markets, and go through new business lines. Next, strategic

management enables businesses to take an impartial look at their operations and do a cost-

benefit analysis to determine whether they are profitable.

There have been many indications that suggest that business organizations and firms

which engage in strategic management make them more profitable and successful when

compared to the other organizations which do not have proper strategic teams and

organizations. With a proper strategic team, there can be proper management and planning of

the business and so it benefits the business to a large extent [ CITATION Jab17 \l 1033 ].

Moreover, when the firms involve themselves with proper planning and careful

evaluation of the entire process, there can be a set of priorities for the benefit of the business.

They can also help to oversee the future of the organization. This can help the business to set

the landscape for the further success of the organization.

Apart from these advantages, strategic management companies are more aware of

external threats, have a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the

competitors, and also have higher employee productivity. They also show less aversion to

change and a good knowledge of how performance and incentives are linked. Strategic

management is primary because it improves a company’s problem-solving and problem-

prevention capacities. Almost every business company has acknowledged the necessity of

strategic management in recent years. The main distinction between the successful ones and

the ones who are not successful, however, is the strategic management and the strategic team

play and how they are carried out. Of course, there are still companies that do not involve

themselves in strategic planning and in strategic teams or whose planners do not have

managerial backing. These businesses should recognize the advantages of strategic

management to ensure their long-term viability and commercial success [ CITATION

Son20 \l 1033 ].

A business should also discuss and acknowledge the other subtle functions of the

strategic team. One such main function is the support provided for proper alignment of the

external and internal environment. It should be considered an important part of the

managerial discipline that has to be followed in a business enterprise. This can help to

provide an overarching view of the internal and external factors that have to be considered by

an organization in business. This can help the organization align with the changes that are

happening in the environment. It can also help to shape the businesses according to the

changes that are happening in the organization and the marketplace.

Today’s world is rather an uncertain one, and one of the most important roles that the

strategic team should have is that they should be able to oversee the annual strategic planning

process. This indicates the importance of agility in the rapidly changing world which has

amplified the flaws with the conventional planning of the strategic team and this is mainly

shown by the path towards the series of deliverables and other meetings for reviews that are

by means of the yearly planning (Kraaijenbrink, 2019).

This means that rethought should be given to the role of the strategic team and the

leaders of the strategic management in the business organization. There should be proper

development of strengths for each member of the team so that in the future, the roles and

functions that are played by them will align with the changes that are happening in and

around the business. For instance, in each team, there should be a futurist, who thinks in an

inventive manner, there should be an architect, who lays a foundation for the idea and gives

form to it, and there should be a member capable of managing the funds. [ CITATION

McK14 \l 1033 ].

Reasons for Failure of Strategic Teams

In the previous years, when a business is at the starting stage, there was no successful

implementation of a strategic team. The main reason for this was due to the fact that there

was a sheer absence of proper vision [CITATION Kös09 \l 1033 ]. There was no well-

communicated purpose or objective that the business had. The roles were also not very clear

and combined with the poor decision-making, there was an utter failure in the strategic team.

Another reason was the lack of proper resources [ CITATION Amy11 \l 1033 ].

These reasons for the failure of the strategic team affected the entire business. The

main disadvantage that it had was the lack of productivity and profitability of the

organization. The business was also not able to look at its main aims and objective and act in

accordance with the same. Also, there was a lack of functioning among the team members

and the team was not motivated to act in the right manner as expected in the organization.

There was no motivation and active participation in the team. [CITATION Jer191 \t \l 1033 ].

In order to avoid strategic team failure, steps should be taken to ensure that the

positive traits and characteristics discussed above are followed in an effectual manner. This

can help to strengthen the team roles and the characteristics of the team [ CITATION

Car151 \l 1033 ]. Some of the steps that can be taken include setting proper aims and

objectives for the organization and to act in accordance with the same. There should be active

participation and discussion about the entire progress and process of the organization

[ CITATION Vis10 \l 1033 ].


For the betterment of the organization in the future, it will be ensured that the features

and traits like being a visionary, and thinking innovatively will be incorporated into the

business. This can help to develop the strategic team effectively. Moreover, there will also be

the inclusion of a proper revelation of the organization along with other traits like being

moral and ethical in the business practices. To ensure that these practices are followed, there

will be standard checking on the team members, and feedback is collected for the same

purpose. The evaluation will also be reflected in the overall performance of the organization.

Finally, steps like leading the team in an effective manner, regular meetings, and monitoring

the business process enhance the working of the organization. This way, there will be proper

management of the business for the best outcomes [ CITATION Pau19 \l 1033 ].


For the future of the business and its effectiveness, proper practices need to be

followed to take the business to its heights. Strategic teams follow strategic goals, by being

innovative and ingenious at the same time. The decisions that are made for the organization

will also be in such a way that they can provide positive outcomes for the organization. The

functions will include making strategic visions, setting goals, and analyzing the environment

and its alignment. To ensure that there is no failure, proper allocation of work and resources

is necessary.


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