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Task 1: Picture Perfect

• Whose face flashed at the back of your mind?

My own face flashed at the back of my mind as I look closely at the drawing.

• How do you feel as you look at it?

As I look closely at the drawing, my mind was puzzled since I don’t have an idea on what
lies ahead in the cave just like the confused boy at the drawing.

• What are its aspects / details that relate to, or show the importance of dealing
with personal challenges in life?

The cave's darkness relates to our problems where they create situations that
sometimes bring failures in our life that could make us feel in deep sorrow and melancholy. The
boy at the drawing basically relates to us who experience dealing with personal challenges in
life, wherein we encounter different situations, ups, and downs but as we go through with it,
problems make us grow and shape us, regardless of the result, we must value the experience
and personal growth and we’ll surely attain happiness, glory and true comfort.

• Now, read the quotation and relate it to the message in the pictures and talk
about what the picture and the quote have in common.

The picture portrays the idea of how people wanted to live in true happiness without
facing one's problems and struggles in life while the message conveys the same thing but what
they have in common is that both aims to give a lesson that in order to gain true glory, comfort,
and happiness in life, we must first learn to deal with our own problems.

Task 2: A Puzzling Trial

• Tell what you like / dislike about it.

I disliked how careless I am at that moment that I lost something important to my

classmate’s belongings.

• How did you feel about it?

I felt really empty inside the moment I realized that I lost the wallet of my classmate and
I don't know what to do, thinking about what could be her reaction after knowing that I lost her
wallet when she only let me keep it because she doesn’t have a pocket and I have one.

• How did you deal with it?

I looked all over the places where I went to find the missing wallet but I did not see any
traces of it. I started to get nervous so I decided to confront my classmate about what I did
wrong. At first, she was shocked and got also nervous for all her money was in that wallet. We
looked for the wallet until we decided to go home because it’s quite late and continue looking
for it the next day until the wallet was nowhere to be found.

• What are the things about it that you’d like to change / improve?

I would like to improve on how I took care on the belongings of others as much as I took
care of my stuffs especially when I’m told and they’re expecting much on me about their things.
• What’s your next move?
Next time, if someone wants me to take care of their things, I will be attentive and be
responsible towards them because the owner entrusted me with their belongings and I must
take good care of it as much as I care about my stuff.


Task 3: Setting Expectations

• What do I expect or hope to learn?

I expect or hope to learn in this lesson is about how to solve and deal with problems and
situations with effective solutions that I can learn through stories or literary works.

Task 3: Image Makers

1. What caused Arachne’s fears and failures?

Arachne’s wicked and immoral personality caused her fears and failures.

2. How did Arachne try to fight her fear and carry out the conditions of the challenge?

She tried to fight her fears and carry out the conditions of the challenge by competing with a
powerful goddess, Athene in weaving, believing that she could exceed the ability of the goddess and all
mortals could do, and also by thinking a wicked thought as a solution that lead her in worst situation.

3. How does she feel about her weaving skill?

She feels tremendously proud of her weaving skill that she claims to be equal to the immortal
gods themselves.

4. What prevailing mood is conveyed in “Arachne”? Find words/phrases in the selection that convey that
mood clearly.

The prevailing mood conveyed in “Arachne” is angering, displeasing, and arrogant that coveys
by the phrases such as “Praise was all she lived for, and it displeased her greatly that people should
think anyone, even a goddess, could teach her anything.” , “Reckless girl”, “As for Athene’s "weaving,
how could there be finer cloth or more beautiful embroidery than mine?”.

5. What tone is used in the selection? Cite paragraph/s that support your contention?

The tone used is the selection is moralistic where it shows strong opinions about what is right
behavior and what is wrong behavior or simply teaches us not to be envious, haughty and wicked that
the 7th paragraph supports which is “As she stole glances from time to time at Athene and saw the
goddess working swiftly, calmly, and always a little faster than herself she became angry instead of
frightened, and an evil thought came into her head. Thus, as Athene stepped back a pace to watch
Arachne finishing her work, she saw that the maiden had taken for her design a pattern of scenes which
showed evil or unworthy actions of the gods, how they had deceived far maidens, resorted to trickery,
and appeared on earth from time to time in the form of poor and humble people.”

6. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story.

The mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story through the conclusion that it
gives highlight and emphasis to the readers on how human desires, intuitions, and motives lead to
dealing with personal challenges.

Task 4: Justifiers
1. What is the nature of the conflict in Arachne?

The story has a Man vs. Self and Man vs. Man nature of conflict. It is where Arachne lets her
pride and boastfulness get the best of her to the point that she claims to be equal to the goddess,
Athene and upon being insulted, the goddess challenges Arachne in weaving to know who among them
has the better weaving skills.

2. What does Arachne do that makes it difficult for her to solve her problem?

Arachne being swallowed by her pride and boastfulness that she let her anger and wickedness
affect her actions makes it difficult for her to solve her problem.

3. What happens to her as she lives through her experience?

She then faces her horrible consequence. Athene turned Arachne and her descendants into a
spider that weaves forever. They have remembered the contest with Athene and to humans to learn the
lesson that it was not right for even the best of men to claim equality with the gods.

4. What character trait is clearly shown by Arachne?

The character trait that is clearly shown by Arachne is boastfulness that leads to her evil actions.

5. What are some details in the story that will prove that Arachne’s pride is the reason for her downfall?

In this phrase, "As for Athene’s weaving, how could there be finer cloth or more beautiful
embroidery than mine? If Athene herself were to come down and compete with me, she could do no
better than I.” It proves that Arachne's pride is the reason for her downfall when she claims equality
with the gods and challenged a powerful goddess in a weaving contest that leads to a terrible

6. What is your opinion on the characteristics of the following based on their words and actions,
especially in dealing with challenges?

a. Arachne

Arachne is a skillful lad yet reckless towards her words and actions. She let her emotions
swallowed her that makes her wickedness prevails in dealing with her challenges.

b. the old woman (Athene)

Athene is one of the powerful goddesses that made Arachne and her descendants turned into a
spider as a punishment to their wrongful behavior by insulting her. Hence, Athene judged fairly in
dealing with her problems.

Task 5: Theme Builders

1. Is the use of poetic justice (a happy ending where a virtue is rewarded and the vice/wrong doing is
punished) as a literary device effective in “Arachne”? Explain.

Yes, the use of poetic justice in the story "Arachne" is effective wherein the virtue is rewarded
and the wrong is punished because it conveys the message of the story clearly and highlights the lesson
that the readers must learn.

1. Had Arachne changed her attitude, do you think the old woman would have punished her? Explain.

No. If Arachne changed her attitude then, the old woman or Athene would not punish her
because, for some reason, the goddess might consider her attitude if she's willing to change herself to
be a better individual and avoid negative traits.

2. Does the story help you understand the value of dealing with challenges? Explain.
Yes. The story helped a lot in understanding the value of dealing with challenges wherein we are
taught that being reckless and rash in solving problems does not do any good in dealing with one, hence,
it just makes the problem worse. It also tells us that good behavior towards others will make us a better
individual and to gain happiness, glory, and comfort in life.

3. What generalization or statement about human experience (theme) does the story make?

Respect begets respect. That is the generalization or statement derived from Arachne’s story. If
only she treated others good in the first place, not being boastful and reckless towards her words then
maybe she can continue having great skills and a great personality that people will surely adore. There
will be no problems that will arise for she knows how to respect everyone with her feet always kept on
the ground.

4. Ponder on the title “Arachne.” In what way does it relate to the theme (general truth or observation
about human experience/message) of the selection?

It shows the importance of humility. Having the quality of being humble is important to become
a better individual that sometimes, we can be confident in the skills we are good at but this story tells us
not to have too much confidence to the point that it gets the best of ourselves that may lead to

5. Is it used as a symbol to clarify the theme? Explain.

Yes, it is indeed used to clarify the theme of the story which would be a human limitation. It
talks about limitations between a human being and a goddess. Arachne was blinded with praises that
made him boastful to the point that she claims equality with the gods and challenged Athene in a
weaving contest where she failed because she did not recognize her limitation as a human being, on the
other hand, Athene who is a goddess can disguise herself as an old woman and can curse someone into
a spider.


Task 6: Matter of Judgement

1. Murderer who has eight (8) children

No, I will not set this prisoner free despite the number of his or her children because he
or she still killed someone and has been proven guilty of murder by the court and also, the
number of children the convict has will never be the basis of his or her judgment of punishment.

2. Thief who stole your mother’s wedding ring

No, I will also not set this prisoner free. He or she needs to pay for doing something that
forbids the law and also, what the prisoner stole is a valuable thing of my mother, I will not let
this pass and I'll surely put him or her in jail.

3. Convicted rapist who claims he’s innocent

No, I will also not set this prisoner free. This person is subject to suspicion and has been
declared guilty of committing an action that is forbidden by the law, then he or she must be
sentenced to serve of doing such dishonor.

4. Innocent man convicted of a crime but became a drug pusher while in prison.

In this case, I might take consideration in setting this man free since he is proven
innocent but to avoid conflicts and to seek the truth, further investigation should be done as to
why did he become a drug pusher while he is in prison.

Task 7: Peer Pressure

1. My brothers are asking me to join their fraternity. Tonight’s going to be the initiation rites. Would you
like to join us?

No, I wouldn’t like to join them. Even if I get invited by my brothers, still I'm not joining them
because, in the first place, I don't have an interest in joining such a thing. Even if they pressure me
because it's my choice and no one could change it.

2. Cecil is keeping a cheat sheet of the examination in her bag. She wants us to see it.

I would kindly refuse her offer. It would be beneficial for me to not see the cheat sheet so that I
would know if I really learned the lesson and to correct my mistakes.

3. Khris broke into his dad’s room and took adult materials with him. Let’s check them out.

I would disagree with the plan of Khris because I know that breaking into someone’s room is
already invading someone’s privacy, as well as taking someone's properties without permission from the
owner is considered a thief.

Task 8: React to The Max

1. You’re not invited to your friend’s party.

As a friend, I wouldn't be
displeased about this because it would
be a shallow reason for me to get angry
with my friend. I would be
understanding about my friend's
reason and still be friends.
2. Your parents broke their promise to you on a trip.

It would be better if I'll just

understand my parents and just
forgive them because maybe they
have a valid reason for doing so.

3. You failed the test.

If I failed the test, I'll just look

at its positive side where I have
learned my mistakes and improve in
order to be successful in the future.
4. Your best friend spilled out your secret.

This time around, I would be

displeased since I shared my secret with
her because I treated her as my best friend
and I trusted her. I'll ask her about this
issue to the point that she would tell me
the truth. After this incident, I would be
cautious around her knowing that she
cannot be trusted.

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