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ConceptX International School

Tutorial-1 (Geometry) Total Mark: 30 Marks

Grade – Secondary-1 (2023 June Intake)
Date: 28.2.2024 Time Allowed: 1:00 hr


• The total mark for this paper is 30.
• Only handwriting answer papers will be accepted.
• The use of a scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate.
• You need to describe all the necessary geometrical reasons.
• Omission of essential work will result in loss of marks.


1. The favourite subjects of20 pupils were noted during a survey :

English, Science, Maths, Sport, Drama, English, Science, Maths, Drama, Music,
Sport,Food Technology, Drama, Maths, Science, Sport, French, Science, Drama, Sport
(i) What kind of data are these?
(ii) Make a frequency table with tally chart to display the data. [3M]

2. A boutique had daily sales of £326, £540, £385, £450, £2435, £459, £493 over the last
week.Which average is the best one to use and why? [2M]

3. A shop sells mobile phone contracts to 8 customers one morning. The monthly cost of
these contracts are: £45, £35, £35, £20, £34, £35, £35 and £35.
Which average is the best on to use? Explain your answer. [2M]
4. A student wrote down the temperature in his garden in Aberdeen every day at noon
during the summer. His results are shown in the table. [3M]

a) Find the median noon temperature.

b ) Find the mean temperature.

5. This table shows information about the heights of 200 people. [4M]
a) Write down the modal group.
b) Which group contains the median?
c) Find an estimated mean for the table.

Height in Centimeters Frequency

150 – 160 27
160 – 170 92
170 – 180 63
180 – 190 18

6. Say whether the following data is categorical, discrete or continuous. [4M]

a) The number of words in your favourite song b) Your favourite food.

c) The numbers of pets in 20 households. d) The heights of 100 tomato plants.

e) The nationalities of the people in a park. f) The lengths of 30 worms.

g) The distances of planets from the Sun. h) The hair colours of 50 people.
7. Find (i) the mean (ii) the median (iii) the mode and (iv) the range of each of these sets of
numbers: [6M]
a) 6, 7, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 12,7,8, 10,9,7
b) 20, 31 , 28, 22, 25, 13, 22, 34, 22, 18, 19

8. This two-way table gives information about the colours of the vehicles in a car park.[6M]

a) Copy and complete the table.

b) How many motorbikes were blue?
c) What percentage of vehicles were:
(i) cars? (ii) vans? (iii) red?

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