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KBTC International School

Examination and Evaluation Board



LEVEL Secondary - 2


EXAM Placement Test


45 Marks 1 hr


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This document consists of ( 8 ) pages.

Multiple Choice Questions (5 marks)
1. Explain what obesity is and how it is caused.
A. Obesity is when a person has too little body fat
B. Obesity is when a person has excess body fat
C. It is caused by not eating fat enough in diet
D. It is caused by consuming less food than is needed

2. From the diagram below, what is picture A representing?

A. Breathing in
B. Breathing out

3. The respiratory system is made up of lots of parts, such as the lungs, windpipe and diaphragm.
Respiration is a process that occurs in our cells and gives us energy. What is the name of the gas that
allows respiration to occur?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Water
4. Which of the following do you think is odd in terms of their diet?
A. Sheep
B. Lion
C. Rabbit
D. Elephant
5. Which of the following is not true about the effect of exercise?
A. Breathe more quickly
B. Heart beats faster
C. Pulse rate increases
D. Less oxygen gets to the muscles

Questions 6 and 7 carry 5 marks each. (Total = 10 marks)

6. The diagram shows four different organisms.

(a) Complete the food chain for these organisms.

Organism A: ______________
Organism B: ______________
Organism C: ______________
(b) Which organism in this food chain can make its own food by using light energy from the sun.


(c) All the toads in this food chain are removed by humans to make medicines. Suggest what happens to
the hawk.

(d) Choose the three words that can be used to classify a hawk.
reptile animal plant vertebrate bird
invertebrate amphibian mammal

7. The diagram shows a sandwich.

The sandwich consists of layers of meat, lettuce and butter placed between slices of bread.
(a) Match each food item in the sandwich to the main types of nutrients it contains.
Food item Main type of nutrients
(a) Meat (a)Carbohydrate
(b) Bread (b) Fat
(c) Lettuce (c)Protein
(d) Butter (d)Roughage (Fibre)

(b) The diagram shows an organ system in a human body.

i. Name of an organ system shown in the diagram.

ii. Name the parts labelled A and B.

Label A: ______________

Label B: ______________ [2]

SECTION A (1 × 15 = 15 marks)
Choose the correct answers for the following statements. Write only the letters of the correct answers.

1. A ……… solution has large amount of solute in small amount of solvent.

(A) dilute
(B) concentrated
(C) saturated 1……………

2. In making vinegar, water is used as solvent to dissolve acetic acid. So, vinegar is called…..

(A) saturated solution

(B) non aqueous solution
(C) aqueous solution 2……………

3. As the temperature increase, the solubility of sucrose is ………………

(A) increase
(B) decrease
(C) kept the same 3……………

4. Which of the following is known as universal solvent?

(A) alcohol
(B) acid
(C) water 4…………….

5. The gas that dissolves the most in water is ………………..

(A) hydrogen
(B) carbon dioxide
(C) nitrogen 5…………….

6. Ernest Rutherford discovered ……….. from gold foil experiment in 1911.

(A) electron
(B) neutron
(C) nucleus 6……………..
7. In blue diamond, some carbon atoms in diamond are replaced by the atoms of …………

(A) boron
(B) nitrogen
(C) nickel 7………………

8. Which of the following is an example of solid solution?

(A) alloy
(B) mineral water
(C) vinegar 8……………

9. The state of atmosphere at a particular place during a short periodic of time is known as…………

(A) climate
(B) weather
(C) meteorology 9…………….

SECTION B ( 3 x 2 = 6 marks)

10. The following diagram shows structure of carbon atom.

Particle X

Particle Y

Particle Z

(a) Name three particles X, Y and Z.

Particle X = ………………
Particle Y = ………………
Particle Z = ………………
(b) What is the core center of this atom?
(c) Is this atom neutral or not? Why?
11. Joseph and his friends have done an experiment for reaction of calcium carbonate with sulfuric acid.

(a) What type of salt would be formed after reaction?


(b) Gas X is formed after reaction. Name the gas X.


(c) What elements are present in sulfuric acid?


SECTION A (1 × 5 = 5 marks)
Questions 1 to 5 carry 1 mark each. For each question, three options are given. Choose the correct
1. Which of these describes how a solar eclipse happens? Write the letter.
A. The Sun comes between the Moon and the Earth.
B. The Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun.
C. The Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. [1]_________

2. The statements about the weight of the object in space are given below. Which one is correct?
A. The object in space is heavier than on the earth.
B. The objects in space have the same weight as on the earth.
C. The object in space is weightless. [2]_________

3. Which of these will be best at reflecting sound?

A. a flat wall
B. tall grass
C. a large tree [3]_________

4. On Earth, the force of gravity is 10 N on every ____________ of mass.

A. 1 g
B. 1 kg
C. 10 g [4]_________
5. Which of these is the correct definition of the law of conservation of energy?
A. Energy can be created and destroyed.
B. Energy can be created and stored it
C. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. [5]_________

SECTION B ( 2 x 5 = 10 marks)
Questions 16 to 20 carry 2 marks each.

16. The strength of gravity is 10 N/kg on Earth.

(a) Calculate the weight of an adult who has a mass of 75 kg.
(b) Calculate the mass of a car that has a weight of 8500 N.

17. A fishing boat uses an echo to find the distance from the
boat to some fish. A sound is sent from the ship to the
fish. The sound reflects back to the ship. The speed of
sound in water is 1500 metres per second. The time taken
for the sound to go from the ship and back to the ship is
0.2 seconds. Use this equation to calculate the distance
from the boat to the fish: distance = speed × time
Remember that the distance travelled by the sound wave
in 0.2 seconds is from the ship to the fish and back again.

18. Draw a series circuit with a cell, a lamp and an opened switch.

19. Match the parts of the of the Earth’s structure, A–D, with the descriptions, W–Z.

Parts of the Earth’s structure Descriptions

A Crust W molten iron and nickel

B Mantle X solid outer layer of the earth

C Outer core Y solid iron and nickel in the center of the earth

D Inner core Z molten rock below the crust

20. A container of water is placed over a fire that burns wood.

(a) Name the energy that is transferred from the fire to the water.
(b) Not all of this energy is transferred to the water. List two other places where this energy could go

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