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Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Topic 2: Research Undertakings

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Feb/March 2024

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

1 Objectives

2 Research Strategies

3 Research Designs

4 Merits and Demerits

5 The Research Proposal

6 Post Card

7 Dissertation Components

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone


By the end of this topic, you will be able to:

define the terms research strategy and research design

discuss merits and demerits of research designs

explain research proposal components

write a research proposal.

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

What is Research Strategy?

a systematic plan to conduct research

a layout of a research process from start to finish.

a planned procedure to conduct research.

a plan to execute a research to make a contribution

The two broad strategies are: Quantitative and Qualitative

Research Strategies
Core text: Bryman Allan 2007 (Chap. 2). Business Research

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Research Strategies Cont’d

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Research Design
–it is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in procedure.
–it is a blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis
of data.
–it is strategy for conducting research
–it is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for
collecting and analysing the needed info.
As such the design includes an outline of what the researcher
will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational
implications to the final analysis of data.

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Goals of Research Designs

The following are the main goals of any research design:

It provides a blue print for conducting research. Gives the

necessary details of the requirements for conducting a
good research.

It dictates the boundaries of the research activities.

It enables the investigation to anticipate potential


Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Phases in Research Designing

Specify the Problem

Plan a Research design

Plan a Sample

Collect the Data

Analyze the Data

Prepare a Report

Then the cycle repeats for a new problem.

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS
GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Types of Research Designs

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GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Designs Cont’d

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Designs Cont’d

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GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Merits and Demerits

As you read through the details of each of the research designs

above, develop the following table and populate it with more
merits and demerits

Research Design Merits Demerits

.. .. ..
. . .
··· ··· ···
.. .. ..
. . .

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Research Proposal
A Research Proposal:
Is a well laid down intention to carry out a (scientific) research
intended to solve a particular problem affecting a society.
Gives an overview of the intended research activity by
describing the research problem in specific terms.
Gives among other issues, a clear set of SMART objectives to
be achieved.
Address issues like: WHAT to investigate, WHY its important
to investigate it and HOW you will conduct the research.
Length of the proposal: 20 to 25 pages.
Tense: futuristic since the proposal is an intention to conduct
Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS
GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Research Proposal Components

For most purposes, a research proposal is composed of three

Preliminaries: Title, Table of Contents, List of Figs and

Tables(if any)

The Text:Chapters 1, 2 and 3 + References

The Appendix: Instruments, Budget, Maps, Time Frame.

Quote: If we are not trying new things, we are not learning!

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Cont’d: Title Page

(Names and Reg Number)
A Research Proposal Submitted to the Directorate of Research
and Graduate Training in Partial Fulfillment for the
Requirements of the Award of the Degree of Master of Science
in Applied Mathematics of Kyambogo University
(Date of Submission): Month and Year
Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS
GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Cont’d: The Text

Chapter One: Introduction
General Introduction: Observation, Motivation, Rationale
Background to the Study (Historical, Conceptual,
Theoretical and Contextual), lay emphasis on the
Statement of the Problem: Ideal Case (+ve), Current
(-ve to justify problem)
Significance (Contribution or Importance)/Justification
(Rationale): Vision 2040 or NDP III or AU2063 or SDGs
Research Objectives (Major and Specific(3))
Research Questions/Hypotheses
Scope of the Study (Content, Time and Area)
Conceptual Framework
Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS
GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone


Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Cont’d: The Text

Chapter Two: Literature Review

A standalone review(overview) of the body of knowledge

relevant to your research problem.
This is in themes according to the specific objectives. It details
what other researchers have done in the field of study
highlighting what was not done and emphasizing the need to
investigate the problem of the study.

See next slide for differences between Systematic Review and

Literature Review.

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Cont’d: The Text

Chapter Three: Methodology
Research Design
Population and Sampling
Model formulation/Description/Assumptions:
Data Collection
Research Procedure: Simulation, validating model
Quality Control
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
And References
Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS
GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Cont’d: The Appendix

Here, you should include any relevant documents like:

Data Collection Tools, Maps, Budget, Time Frame/Work Plan

Now you are ready to write!!

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Post Card Exercise for the Research Proposal

The rationale (motivation) of the study:
Why it is a good idea to do this research?
The preliminary systematic literature study:
What other people have said about your topic/ study
The research problem:
What you want to study (unit of analysis) and for what
purpose (research objective)
The research design:
What is the most appropriate type of study to answer the
research problem effectively?
The methodology
How you will gather and analyze evidence to address your
research problem?
Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS
GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Research Contribution

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Assignment II:

Present a (2–3 page) Post Card for your intended research

proposal to conduct research for your dissertation.

Due Date: 22/03/24

Quote: If people think Mathematics isn’t simple, it is because

they do not appreciate how complicated life is!

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Dissertation Components
The Proposal in paste tense: Preliminaries, ToC,
Abstract, Chap1–3.

Chapter Four: Presentation and Discussion of Results:

a Follow the themes of your Specific Objectives.

b All Tables, Figures and Graphs MUST be referenced in
c Last section is on Discussion of Results (thematically).
You may quote supporting evidence from previous

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Dissertation Components Cont’d

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusions and

i) Quick Summary is in order.

ii) Conclusions thematically from a well thought out
Discussion of Results.
iii) Recommendations thematically from a well thought out
iv) Last section here should be: Suggested Area for Further

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings
Objectives Research Strategies Research Designs Merits and Demerits The Research Proposal Post Card Dissertation Compone

Good Academic Conduct

a) Avoid: plagiarism, copy & paste.

b) Stick to approved Referencing Style.

c) Citations: (All in-text citations in References List)

d) Always revise and proof read the drafts before printing or

sending via email.

Rao: 0701 958 101; OR FoS

GMMT7202:Topic 2: Research Undertakings

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