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Topic: Letter

Beyond Death, Distance, and Despair

To my dearest Adelaide,

Writing this letter to you is such a surreal and endearing moment for me. I have never
expected that I will write under such circumstances. I am very thankful to the Gods above, to
your parents, and to your whole family. It was because of them, that you are safe—that you
won’t experience these very heinous events we are facing right now. My love, I am sorry. I’m
very sorry that I could not fight for us; for our dreams, our moments, our memories, and our
aspirations. I want to devote myself to you wholeheartedly, with all my heart and soul. But, if it
meant you suffering with me, I am ready to let you go. You deserve a life where you would
never feel pain; where you would never be hurt. My love, I promised to myself that I would
always keep you safe, to keep you from harm and to never endanger you. I’m glad that I am
able to keep that promise.

A few hours after you departed, the pirates have already docked at the harbor, waiting
to enslave and capture our home. My family got out, but I didn’t. I had to make sure my
younger sisters and brothers got the available seats, I had to make sure my parents got to ride
the only way out of this village. Now, I’m camping under our basement. I’m scared, Adelaide. I
don’t know when the massacre would end; I don’t know when would this genocide end, I just
hope I am still alive even after this malefic event.

Enough about me, my love. How are you? Is the city life good to you? Are you eating
well? Do you have any problems settling in? I apologize if I have tons of questions, I just don’t
know what to do at the moment. Have you opened the gift I gave you? It’s a jar, filled with
letters. Every time you miss me or the life we used to have, just read it and you will definitely
be happy yet again. To tell you honestly, I don’t know if I would still see you again. They are
patrolling around the premises and knocked on each door they could see—I have counted them
knocking at ours for three times. The only strength from keeping me going is the memory of
you, my love. Your eyes, your smile, and your heart. If I could turn back time, choosing to be
with you instead, I’ll gladly take that risk.

My love, as I write this letter, the screams of agony are reverberating around the room.
Even though the basement is an enclosed space, the tiniest of gaps made me hear the pain our
community felt. I even saw a red puddle pouring out from the corner of this sealed room. I
don’t know what to do, my love. I saw my uncle got shot, the same crimson puddle flowing
around him. I saw my aunt, her eyes laid tears and her screams in despair. From there, she
was also eliminated, both hugging the very ground they used to walk on. As I witness this
atrocious moment, I remember you, my dear Adelaide. Your purity should never be exposed to
such malefic atrocity. Your kindness should never witness such grief. Your heart should never
feel the sufferings I am feeling right now.

Ironic, how my name is all about being weak, about weaknesses. That’s true, you make
me weak my love. You are the only vulnerability I have. The only one that can truly make me
crumble. I am strong, but without you, I am nothing. I am just a mere lad, a mere poet.

I pray to the Gods that you remain safe. I pray to them to keep you in harms way, to
never let you wallow in despair. If I fall into demise, please know I tried. I tried to survive and I
tried to live for you. I know that my hiding place is not absolute, I’m also running out of food
rations. I know that any day now, I will also lay at the soil of our homeland.

Adelaide, I love you. Promise me to keep on going. Promise me to hold on. Find someone
after me, someone that can take care of you better. My own regret in life is that I could never
see you reach your dreams and I could never witness your smile once more. Whatever the
future may be, please know that you will always be my greatest love and happiness. You
complete me, my love.

I love you, beyond death, distance, and despair. I love you, my dear Adelaide.

Lovingly yours,


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