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Session 02

Bangladesh: Making strides in

Grade 8
Money sent to the country by the expatriate workers is called remittance.
Bangladesh is the eighth biggest remittance recipient country in the world.
Saudi Arabia is the highest source of the remittance in our country. The UAE’s
position is the second and third is Qatar.
In December 2022, the remittance inflow increased to $169.9 billion from
$163.06 billion in the same month in the previous year.

The Asian Development Bank(ADB) said that despite the hit from the pandemic, the
Bangladeshi economy is recovering fast.
❖ Currently, 98% of children nationwide have finished primary school, with more
girls in secondary school than boys.
❖ According to observers: the Muslim-majority nation over the years has
invested heavily in the lives of women and girls. Bangladesh has also made
progress in combating child malnutrition and reproductive health.
Dr Eirik Jansen [Research fellow] said when he visited the village in Manikanj again in
2010 (he visited Bangladesh 30 years back in 1980), he found that schools in the
area were refurbished, and both boys and girls were going to school. The
improvement in female education has transformed the socioeconomic structure, he [
Dr. Erik Jansen] pointed out.
"Providing scholarships for women's and girls' education is another factor. The
women are now more articulate. They are not as shy as when I saw them four decades
earlier.” Eirik added.

With a GDP of , Bangladesh currently has the world's

, and forecasts suggest that the size of the economy could
double by 2030.
It was the availability of job opportunities outside agriculture that drove economic
The garment industry emerged as one of the nation's success stories in recent
decades. It is the second-largest globally, only surpassed by China, and rakes in over
$35 billion a year from exports.
The sector employs 4 million people, the majority of whom are women, contributing
to female empowerment.
Remittances also plays a major role in the economy, with Bangladeshi workers
employed abroad transferring nearly $169.9 billion in the fiscal year 2022.
The success of the IT industry is central to the digital transformation and ongoing
economic growth of Bangladesh. It exports nearly $1 billion of technology products
every year & The country also has 600,000 IT freelancers.

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