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Lecture Notes

Facilitating Learner-Centered

Prepared by: Madel May D. Egera

Course Facilitator: Anna Maneleine B. Caluscusin
Unit III: Organization and Management of Learner-Centered Classroom

B. Learner-centered Classroom: Roles and Responsibilities

1. Of teachers

Learner-Centered Classroom

• According to Anderson, L., Balsamo, A., Bucher, S., Carnicke, S., Chrystal, S., Fliegel, R., Garner,
J., Hollins, E., Lutkehaus, N., Mak, C., Mayer, D., McPherson, T., Schmunk, T., Shuler, C., Walsh,
J., Thalmann, W., Bickers, G. (2006).

An approach to teaching that focuses on the student as a learner, rather than the transmission
of information

• According to education at USC: A resource for faculty. Retrieved

Searches for ethically responsible ways to share power with students

• According to Blumberg, P. (2008). Developing learner-centered teachers: A practical guide for

faculty. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Blumberg, P. (2008). Implementing learner-centered
approaches in your teaching [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Focuses on helping students become self-directed learners

• According to Weimer, M. (2002). Learner-centered teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Is not intended to diminish the importance of the instructional side of the online and/or on-
ground classroom experience, but instead instruction is broadened to include other activities that
produce desirable learning outcomes
The roles and responsibilities of a Teacher in a Learner-Centered Classroom:

• Act as Facilitators and Guides

• Provide Anytime, Anywhere and On-Demand Support

• Embody Core Values That Support Deeper Learning

• Truly Encourage Students Drive Their Own Learning

• Create Real-World and Authentic Learning Experiences

In a learner-centered classroom, the teacher plays a critical role. He plays the role of an encourager,
facilitator, and advocate for the students. The teacher creates an environment where students feel comfortable
asking questions and sharing their ideas. He also provides feedback to the students on their academic
performance and encourage them to continue learning.

1. Act as Facilitators and Guides

In a learner-centered classroom, teachers get to act more as facilitators and guides. Teachers
find this shift motivating, empowering, and validating of their professionalism. In this type of classroom,
teachers are creating opportunities for their students to work in groups, collaborate, experiment,
discuss, and revise. With students at the center of their own learning, teachers are becoming more of
a support person guiding their progress and learning.
Nowadays, teachers act as a facilitator in learning. Due to innovations in education, teaching
and learning are being modified. Today, their role as educators in the 21st century has evolved, and
they are no longer the source of all knowledge in the classroom; rather they are the educators that
inspire the students to take ownership in their own learning. Teachers now help to provide
opportunities for students to learn key concepts and discover the various tools that they need for
learning so that they can become lifelong learners.

2. Provide Anytime, Anywhere, and On-demand Support

Teachers must make themselves available to students “anytime and anywhere”. Students
and teachers are encouraged to connect on an on-going basis-not only when there is a problem.
True commitment to high achievement for all learners requires a strong system of on demand support
and diverse opportunities for connection. The support of the teachers to their students is very
essential. Not only do they guide students in academics or extracurricular activities, but teachers are
also responsible for making them a better human being in the society.

The support of the teachers to his/her students is very essential. Not only do they
guide students in their academics pr extracurricular activities, but teachers are also
responsible for shaping a child’s future, making him/her a better human being. A teacher
imparts knowledge, good values, tradition, modern-day challenges, and ways to resolve
them within students. By doing so, teachers can fulfill their responsibilities as the students’
role model and second parents.
3. Embody Core Values That Support Deeper Learning

It takes teacher commitment to core values to ensure a positive, leaner-centered school

culture is built and maintained. For students to achieve deeper learning outcomes like critical
thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, self-directed learning, an “academic
mindset”, and mastery of core content, teachers must develop and strengthen the same knowledge,
skills, and dispositions.

Teachers must embody core values that support deeper learning for their students to gain
knowledge which prepares them on facing the reality of life. They must embody those core values
because as teachers, they serve as the role models to their students. Moreover, teachers are the epitome of
learnings so possessing those core values are essential for their students to grasp deeper knowledge on
various concepts.
4. Truly Encourage Students Drive Their Own Learning

Teachers must encourage make decisions about how they learn best. Teachers must create
opportunities for them to pursue their own interests and practice skills in a variety of ways. They must
cater different learning styles and they must not expect everyone to respond in the same way. Lastly,
teachers can integrate technology to encourage creative expression of learning.

This approach encourages students to take ownership of their education and learn in a way
that is meaningful to them. To help students achieve this goal, teachers should encourage them to
participate in class discussions and ask questions that challenge their understanding of the material.
Additionally, teachers should provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding
by completing homework assignments and project tasks in a timely manner. By involving students in
all aspects of their education, educators can help ensure that they become active learners who are
confident in their ability to understand and solve problems on their own.
5. Create Real-World and Authentic Learning Experiences

This role of a teacher is very prominent for it encourages students to create tangible, useful
products to be shared in the world. It is indeed a very great way of teaching because it also helps in
honing students in a world more complex than our own and will have to solve real world problems
creatively and collaboratively.

As teachers, they need to incorporate things that are familiar to them and are relevant to
their experiences. Teachers need to create real-world and authentic learning experiences simply
because nothing beats reality. We gain an understanding through exploring reality. It gives us an
enhancement of critical thinking on real-life scenarios. Experience is obtained after the exploration
and followed by the learnings. Applying authentic learning in schools motivate students to surpass
standards and be able to evaluate their own learning. Creating real-world and authentic learning
experiences allows the students to widen their range of knowledge and prepares them on the reality
of life teachings. Those authentic learning experiences will open their eyes to further explore the
things that surrounds them.
Additional Information:

• Commit to Professional and Personal Growth

Learner-centered teachers must commit wholeheartedly to being learners themselves. This

means setting personal and professional goals and seeking out opportunities to build new knowledge
and skills. All of this requires making and keep professional learning a priority, so teachers must have
the support they need to thrive.

Today’s educational realm is full of multiple perspectives, technologies, and opportunities

for students and educational leaders. The goal of professional development for educators is to go
beyond maintenance and to create sustainability and professional longevity.

As students today continue to change and evolve in the areas of technology and access to
information, the core values of being firm, fair, and consistent with their learning remains true. For
teachers, effective professional growth in the 21st century comes from realizing this and finding ways
to enhance teaching and learning strategies.



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