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UNIT lO Close to nature

*- You will hear an interview with Mark lat

scientist who works on volcanoes, talking abo ell, a
job. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A.~ his
which fits best according to what you hear. 'Carni
1 According to Mark, predictions about volcanic C!l'\J •
can be inaccurate because
A the measuring instruments need to be more
e reliability is affected by significant variations t»t,._
volcanoes. --,""1
c scientists need to know more about the history of
individual volcanoes.
D the observation and monitoring of volcanoes needs
be constant. to
2 When Mark's team successfully predicted an eruption, he
A grateful to the staff in his team.
B relieved that they had arrived in time.
C embarrassed by the thanks he received.
D surprised the local people responded well.
3 Why might Mark's team visit other eruptions?
A if they are invited by a government
B in order to study different volcanoes
C if there is a national emergency
D in order to liaise with other scientists

4 Mark denies that he and his team are 'cowboys' because

A they consider the job to be relatively safe.
B their families prevent them from taking risks.
C they plan any expeditions to a volcano very thoroughly.
Listening: multiple choice (Part 3) D their training has prepared them for the job they do.
CB page 120 5 What does Mark say about his experience on Mount St
In Part 3, you are often asked about a feeling, opinion A He was glad that he was with a colleague.
or attitude expressed by the speaker. Make sure you · B He was excited to have had the experience.
read the questions carefully and understand exactly C He was lucky to escape from such a big eruption.
what each question is asking you to listen for. D He was pleased at the knowledge his team gained.

- Read through the questions in Exercise 2 and 6 According to Mark, the next big eruption
decide what each one is asking you about - an opinion A may occur in an unexpected location.
or attitude, a feeling or a fact. You need to look at B could significantly alter the earth's climate.
both the question and the choices.
C is bound to be preceded by some warning signs.
D may be unlike anything we have experienced before.

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