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10% of Final Mark

In order to complete this course you must create a portfolio of your work that showcases your
understanding, abilities and creative approach to photography. As a photographer, it is essential
to have a portfolio of work. Creating a strong, professional portfolio will attract people and
create interest in your work.

This is your photography portfolio, so it’s important that you only share your very best photos.
Like any competitive sports team, the group is only as strong as the weakest individual. You may
include any photographs you have EVER taken (you are not limited to this semester)

Your portfolio must contain the following:

1. 10 JPEG images:
● 2 scenic (nature/architecture)
● 2 still life (inanimate objects)
● 2 portraits (may be candid)
● 1 creative shot with photo editing
● 3 other images of choice
* Be sure to showcase a wide variety of skills/creativity/subject matter

2. 10 write ups:
One (1) paragraph for each work saying why you chose to include the image. I don’t want to
hear about the elements/principles unless it pertains directly to your choice; instead I want to
hear about why you think the image is strong. I would love to see you relate your choice to one
of the images and/or famous photographers studied in class

Your Portfolio (10 photographs & 10 Write-ups) should be saved as a PowerPoint Presentation and
submitted to Google Classroom. Presentations will take place on Thursday January 18th.

K/U Choice of ten images

Photographs chosen show a variety of skills and successfully represent each of the required categories

Not Submitted Incomplete Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

0 2 4 6 8 10

T/I: Analysis of work

Paragraphs are insightful and give clear reasons for including each piece of art. They discuss your
personal vision, techniques, lessons learned, course content as well as your own aesthetic and
personal values.

Not Submitted Incomplete Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

0 2 4 6 8 10

App: Style and Quality

Portfolio is exciting to view, is interestingly assembled and has a professional quality. Images are
perfectly exposed and technically flawless.

Not Submitted Incomplete Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

0 2 4 6 8 10

Com: Portfolio Presentation

Portfolio presentation is a pleasure to view. Student can clearly articulate their ideas/intentions
surrounding their choice of images and even relate them back to course content.

Not Submitted Incomplete Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

0 2 4 6 8 10

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