.I, U Q ,.,FL.L (: Grammar 2

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UNIT 2 Worth the risk7 \

- Use of English: word formation (Part 3) Grammar 2: articles CB page 26

Look at the meaning of each sentence. check if - Compl~te the text with a, an, the or (-}
you need to add a negative prefix (e.g . un-) or a when no article is needed.
negative suffix (e.g . -less) .
Read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals below the text to form a word that fits
in each gap. There is an example at the Nearly 400 children and young people
beginning (0). with (1) ..... physical disabilities from
all over (2) ..... Australia, (3) ..... United
States, (4) ..... New Zealand and (5) .....
CHILDREN WITHOUT FEAR South Africa have been competing in
Research has shown that when they were children, (6) ..... National Junior Games f~r the
many (0) .i,u~Q~,.,fl.l( sportspeople were more Disabled. They have taken part m
(1) ............... than their friends. Why is this? It seems (7) ..... swimming, (8) ..... basket?all,
that some children have very little (2) ......... ...... of the (9) ..... archery and (10) ..... tennis.
potential risks of doing (3) ............... like climbing (11) ..... Games were opened ~y
trees or jumping from heights. They have such (12) ..... Prime Minis~er, who 1s_
faith in their own (4) ............... that even when they (13) ..... Olympic spnnt champion
do make some kind of (5) ............... which results in a herself.
fall or an injury, they do not change their behaviour.
Such children continue to ignore or
(6) ............... adults who tell them not to do
dangerous things and their parents' (7) ............. .. TRAINING FOR SUCCESS
does not seem to make any difference to them. While (14) ..... recent report in (15) ..... Sport and Science
some (8) ............... children may panic when faced magazine explains how (16) ..... sports training
with the (9) ............... of danger, others seem to programmes need to be designed to fit (17) ..... needs
ignore it and appear to be (10) ................. These of (18) ..... individual athletes. (19) ..... factors such as
may be the ones who go on to be the sportspeople (20) ..... age, (21) ..... lifestyle and even (22) ... ..
of tomorrow! . language background are all important. (23) ..... most
successful training programmes are planned specifically
for each individual athlete. (24) ..... decisions about
(25) ..... diet and even how much sleep they need can
0 SUCCESS really affect their chances of success.
(26) ..... Fifth International W,
7 APPROVE Ch • . omen ,s Surf
amp1~nships scheduled to take place on
8 SECURE (27) ..... isl~d of Mauritius in (28) .
9 POSSIBLE Ocean h b ' ..... Indian
' ave een cancelled due to (29) bd
10 FEAR weather. There were (30) ... .. a
(31) thr " .. · waves as high as
.. .. . ee metres yesterday afternoon and
(32) :·: .. strong winds are makin (33) '
. . even more dangerousg. (34) .....
Organ1smg Committee hopes (35) .....
~hampionships can be held in (36 .. ... '
time once (37) . ) ..... week s
..... weather has improved.
UNrr 2 Worth ,

• Use of f ngffsh: open doze 2 Read the title and the text, and think of th
(Part 2) fits each gap. Use only one word in each ga~w;;d Which h..
example at the beginning (0). · ere is an~~
About the exam: In Paper 3, Part 2,
there are two kinds of gaps: gaps for
'grammatical' words and gaps for ICE SKATING
phrasal verbs (get throug_h to,(.catch
up with) or fixed expressions in Many girls dream of a career (0) .. Ii!~..... an ice skater Th
order to, spend time, do your · e costu
and graceful movements make (1) .. ........ seem a very rorn . fl'les
homework). . , antic
thing to (2) .. ........ . Whats more, young skaters (3) ..
Strategy .. ...... Caro1·1
Kastner attract huge numbers of fans whenever they corn ria
1 Read the title and the whole text Pete.
to make sure you understand Nevertheless, ice skating, like most sports, is very demand·,n
what it is about. 9 and
Carolina (4) .......... to work hard. She (5) .. .. .. .... hours practisin
2 Look at the words on either side
complicated routines and follows a fitness programme at the 9
of each gap. 9Yrn.
3 Try to decide whether the missing , Carolina is naturally slim, but she still has to watch her diet and
word is a grammatical word, or a make (6) ....... .. . she eats the right food to get her (7) .. ....... . such a
word from a phrasal verb or fixed
busy schedule. She (8) .......... needs plenty of sleep. Even (9) ... .... ..
all the celebrations when she wins a competition, Carolina is usually
1 Complete the following sentences in bed by 9 p.m. She travels with her family so she doesn't usually
with a phrasal verb or fixed
feel lonely, though she says she sometimes misses (10) .......... at
home with her own things. For Carolina, ice skating is lots of
Some people enjoy taking ...... .... in
dangerous or life-threatening (11) .......... and she enjoys competing (12) ....... ... other young
activities. skaters like herself.
2 Women probably .......... twice about
taking risks because they are more

sensible than men.
3 I think you've got a good .......... of
winning the match.
4 Make .......... you get enough sleep
before the exam. i ;
5 When Diana Rios took the job, she
had no .......... getting to work
( I -t-

would be so dangerous. I
6 In which month does the Boston
Marathon .......... place?
7 I'm so busy. I don't know how I'm
going to get .......... the next seven


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