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1. When did greek history start?

Answer: 8th Century

2. Why did greek empire fall?

Answer: Conflict and competition

3. As we discussed before in the houses of greek people, who can differentiate their house from
islands to mainlands?


4. A burial chamber that is cut into an existing naturally occurring rock formation?

Answer: A rock cut tomb

5. It is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world located in kephala hill on the
island of crete

Answer: Palace of king minos, Knossos

6. What are the 3 chambers of the Greek temple?

Answer: Cella/Naos, Pronoas, and Epinaos

7. What are the three kinds of architectural vocabularies called orders of architecture?

Answer: Doric Order, Ionic Order, and Corinthian Order.

8. What do we call the upright support that traditionally has three main parts, which are the
base, shaft, and capital?

Answer: column

9. What are the three parts of an entablature?

Answer: architrave (lowest part), the frieze (middle), and the cornice (top).

10. It is the principal chamber or enclosed part of a classical temple?

Answer: Cella or Naos

11 Also known as optical refinements, involves the usages of curvature to create an

aesthetically pleasing optical illusion to make buildings appear perfect.

Answer: Visual Refinements

12. What is the most refined and perfect example of a Greek temple known to date?
Answer: Parthenon

13. Give at least 2 parts of greek temple.

Possible answers: Pediment, Tympanum, Stylobate, Stereobate, Acroterium

14. It is the oldest, simplest, and most massive of the three Greek orders is the Doric Order,
which was applied to temples beginning in the 7th century B.C.

Answer: Doric Order

15. Give at least 1 example of a Temenos.

Possible Answers:
• Acropolis At Pergamon
• Prytaneion, Bouleuterion, or Assembly Hall
• Agora
• Stoa

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