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GED-221 Lahore Resolution Md.

Abdullah Al Zobair

Lahore Resolution 1940

ahore Resolution adopted at the general session of the Muslim League. In 1940
Mohammed Ali Jinnah called a general session of the All India Muslim League in
Lahore to discuss the situation that had arisen due to the outbreak of the Second
World War and the Government of India joining the war without taking the opinion of
the Indian leaders, and also to analyze the reasons that led to the defeat of the Muslim
League in the general election of 1937 in the Muslim majority provinces.

Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy left with a The resolution was adopted on 24 March
small group of Muslim League workers with great enthusiasm. The Hindu Press
for Lahore on 19 March 1940. Ak Fazlul dubbed it as the "Pakistan Demand",
Huq led the Bengal Muslim League after the scheme invented by Rahmat Ali,
contingent and reached Lahore on 22 an Indian Muslim living at Cambridge.
March. The 1940 resolution nowhere mentioned
Pakistan and in asking for 'independent
Jinnah, in his speech, criticized the states' the spokesmen of the League were
Congress and the nationalist Muslims, far from clear what was intended. The
and espoused the Two-Nation Theory Hindu press supplied to the Muslim
and the reasons for the demand for leadership a concerted slogan, which
separate Muslim homelands. His immediately conveyed to them the idea
arguments caught the imagination of the of a state. It would have taken long for
Muslim masses. Sikandar Hayat Khan, the Muslim leaders to explain the Lahore
the chief minister of the Punjab, drafted Resolution and convey its real meaning
the original Lahore Resolution, which and significance to the Muslim masses.
was placed before the Subject Committee Years of labor of the Muslim leaders to
of the All India Muslim League for propagate its full importance amongst
discussion and amendments. The the masses was shortened by the Hindu
resolution, radically amended by the press in naming the resolution as the
Subject Committee, was moved in the 'Pakistan Resolution'. By emphasizing
general session by Fazlul Huq on 23 the idea of Pakistan the Hindu press
March and was supported by succeeded in converting a wordy and
Chowdhury Khaliquzzaman and other clouded lawyer's formula into a clarion
Muslim leaders. The Lahore Resolution call.
ran as follows:
The Muslims of Bengal, who were
The areas where the Muslims are numerically searching for an identity throughout the
in a majority as in the Northwestern and nineteenth and early twentieth century,
Eastern zones of India should be grouped to finally found it in the Lahore Resolution.
constitute 'independent states' in which the The Lahore Resolution gave them a sense
constituent units shall be autonomous and of nationhood. Henceforth the dominant
sovereign. theme in Muslim politics was not
complaint against Hindu injustice, but a

demand for separate political existence.

GED-221 Lahore Resolution Md. Abdullah Al Zobair

constituted into a sovereign independent

On 15 April 1941 the Lahore Resolution 'state' and that an unequivocal
was incorporated as a creed in the undertaking be given to implement the
constitution of the All-India Muslim establishment of Pakistan without delay.
League in its Madras session. It The committee did not question the
continued to be the League's creed until change.
its dissolution after the independence of
Pakistan in 1947. The resolution was proposed in the open
session by Suhrawardy and seconded by
Indeed, from 1940 onward, Pakistan was Choudhury Khaliquzzaman. Abul
the great talking point of the Indian Hashem claimed that he raised the voice
independence debate. When the Cabinet of protest against the resolution on a
Mission arrived in India in March 1946 to point of order in the Subject Committee
consult Indian leaders and to help on the previous day when Jinnah placed
facilitate self-government, the All India it before the committee. He maintained
Muslim League decided to hold a three that the draft resolution looked like an
day convention of the members of the amendment of the Lahore Resolution
central and provincial legislatures though it had not been said or it was not
belonging to the Muslim League on 7 placed in the form of amendment of the
April at Delhi to reiterate their 'Pakistan Lahore Resolution. He claimed to have
Demand'. The Working Committee of the argued that the Lahore Resolution
Muslim League had appointed a Sub envisaged two sovereign states in
Committee with Choudhury Northeastern and Northwestern zones of
Khaliquzzaman, Hasan Ispahani, and India, and the Resolution was accepted
others to draft a resolution to be placed by the All-India Muslim League in its
before the convention. Choudhury Madras session of 1941 as the creed of
Khaliquzzaman prepared a draft of the that political party. He claimed to have
resolution, which was discussed with insisted that the Convention of the
other members and, after some minor Muslim League legislators was not
changes here and there, was approved by competent to alter or modify the contents
the Sub Committee and then by the of the Lahore Resolution.
Subject Committee. This resolution made
a fundamental departure from the Jinnah at first took the plural-'s' of the
original Lahore Resolution in using the Lahore Resolution as an 'obvious
word 'state' in the singular replacing the printing mistake'. But when, on Abul
term 'states'. Hashim's insistence, the original minute
book was checked, Jinnah found under
The resolution that was placed before the his own signature the plural-'s'. Abul
Delhi Convention of Muslim Legislators Hashim claimed that he had suggested
in 1946 included the principle that the for erasing the word 'one' and replace it
zones comprising Bengal and Assam in with 'a'. Jinnah is said to have accepted
the Northeast and the Punjab, North Abul Hashim's suggestion. According to
West Frontier Province, Sind and Hashim, Suhrawardy placed in the open
Baluchistan in the Northwest of India, session of the Convention a modified

namely Pakistan zones, where the form of the resolution on Jinnah's advice.

Muslims are in a dominant majority, be

GED-221 Lahore Resolution Md. Abdullah Al Zobair

It may, therefore, appear that even after and AV Alexander - the mission
the Delhi Convention of the Muslim proposed a two-tiered federal plan,
Legislators Jinnah was not thinking in which was expected to maintain national
terms of amending the Lahore unity while conceding the largest
Resolution. The Subject Committee measure of regional autonomy. There
presided over by Jinnah seemingly was to be a federation of the provinces
accepted the constitutional position that and the states with the federal centre
the Convention of the Muslim controlling only defence, foreign affairs
Legislators was not the forum competent and communications. At the same time,
to amend the Lahore Resolution. Nor individual provinces could form regional
could Jinnah amend it after the General unions to which they could surrender, by
Election in the country in which the mutual agreement, some of the powers.
Muslim League contested on the basis of
the Lahore Resolution. He assured the The existing provincial assemblies were
Muslim League leaders from Bengal who to be grouped into three sections while
met him on a deputation that the Lahore electing the constituent assembly: Section
Resolution was not amended. At his 'A' for the Hindu majority provinces,
Malbari Hill House on 30 July 1946 Section 'B' and 'C' for the Muslim
Jinnah encouraged Abul Hashim to work majority provinces of the Northwest and
on the basis of the Lahore Resolution. Northeast (including Assam). The
sections would have the power to set up
Cabinet Mission arrived in India on 24 intermediate level executives and
March 1946 to make negotiations with legislatures of their own.
the recognized party leaders in India Compiled By: Md. Monirul Islam,
towards self-government for India. Assistant Professor, Bangladesh Islami
Comprised of three members of the University
British Cabinet - Secretary of State
Pethick Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps


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