Pe Reviewer

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E REVIEWER FROM REPORTS and child centered learning PE was

taught through dance gymnastics,
games and swimming.

Physical education day has the potential of contributing to the enhancement of positive
History of Physical lifestyle changes which ultimately load
. This means that
● College
through physical education athletics
the individual canreceived a major
sufficient knowledge and understanding , activity stimulus when a National Collegiate
skills and desirable attitudes that will eventually ● Athletic Association was created in the
contribute to his well-being. In the process, he early 20th centuries. There was a rise in
can achieve total fitness which will enable him to popularity of sports within colleges and
avoid common illness, use leisure wisely, universities. Took great pride in their
practice safety from harm and overcome life
athletic programs and sports
stresses. Ultimately, physical education can
contribute towards a relatively long and happy scholarships became a norm.
life. ● Children's attention towards non-
physical activities like video games has
Physical Education
brought physical education hack in the
- spotlight. The government has re- signal
is commitment to physical education by
Refers to an important segment of general education whichmaking
aims toitcontribute
mandatory to in
thepublic schools in of the lamer th
total development
curly classes. One of the most
. It
provides opportunities to acquire lifelong interesting developments in the history
skills that are essential to his physical, of physical education has been how the
mental, social, and emotional definition of physical education has
development. evolved.
History of Physical Education Areas of Development
● The best gymnasium and schools 1.) Physical Development
focused on gymnastics, hygiene training

and care and development of the Is the obvious type of development within a PE lesson.
Physical exercise
human body. is a very important part of life to keep us
fit and healthy into our old age.
2.) Mental
Sweden followed suit, then other European nations.Development
By the year 1950, over 400 institutes had introduced m

Also known as cognitive development
. It is basically the
● construction of mind activity such as
The Young Men's Christian Association thought processes, memory, problem
launched its very first chapter in 1851 and focused decision
physical making as well as
overall intelligence.
3.) Social Development

● behavior and instill discipline Military exercises were introdu

Sport was used in school in control
Is about improving the well-being of every individual in soc
In success of society is linked to the well-
1945 , new schools were built with being of each and every citizen .
gymnasiums that focus on movement
4.) Emotional Development physical fitness describes a set of
attributes relating to how well one
● Involves learning what feelings and
performs physical activities.
emotions are, understanding how and
why they occur, recognizing your own 2.) Wellness
feelings and those of others, and
● Is more general and encompasses your
developing effective ways for managing whole being. It refers to your overall
those feelings. well-being, which means in addition to
being physically fit, you also have to be
emotionally and mentally fi t.

1.) Physical Development

● Deals with the program of activities that

Factors in Achieving Fitness & Wellness
builds physical power in an individual
through the development of the various
organic systems of the body.
1.) Stress and Tension
2.) Mental Development
● Tend to have a negative effect on
● Deals with the accumulation a body physical fitness. Stress and tension
knowledge and the ability to think and decrease the psychological power of an
to interpret this knowledge. individual, which in turn, reduces the
3.) Social Development
level of physical fitness

● Is concerned with helping an individual 2.) Good Posture

in making personal adjustments, group ● Everyone appreciates the good posture
adjustment, and adjustments as a of an individual. Good posture
member of society. enhances the physical fitness. It is also
4.) Motor Development the symbol of wellness.

● Is concerned with making physical 3.) Heredity

movement useful and with as little ● Decides the structure of a person. If
expenditure of energy as possible and the percentage of slow twitch fibred is
being proficient, graceful, and aesthetic more, the person will have more
in this movement. endurance, whereas if the percentage
Concept on Physical Fitness and Wellness of fast twitch fibre is more, the person
is likely to have more speed.
1.) Physical Fitness
4.) Environment
● A state of well-being that provides the
foundation for the tasks of daily living a ● Includes climate, temperature, altitude,
degree of protection against chronic social and cultural factors, affects the
diseases, and the body's ability to physical fitness of a person. Research
function efficiently and effectively in studies indicate that the persons who
work and leisure activities. In essence, live in cold climate tend to have more
physical fitness in comparison to those 02 BMI & Body Composition
or as who live in hot climate. Height and weight measurements are also
needed to determine your BMI or body mass
5.) Standard Living
index. ISMI is used for monitoring your
● It plays an indirect role in influencing weight. Similar to BMI, is the measurement
of body composition or the ratio of lean body
the physical fitness It has been
mass to fit mass. This is often performed
observed that the people who have low with skin fold measurements.This helps you
standard of living, are likely to have less better understand how much of your weight
physical fitness. is muscle mass vs. fat.

6.) Balanced Diet 03 Cardiovascular Fitness

● Is not only helpful in maintaining the Cardio is any aerobic exercise like running,
swimming, or biking which gets the blood
physical fitness but also it improves the circulating through your body while getting
level of physical fitness. If balanced diet your heart rate up. Your heart rate, or pulse,
is not taken, it will have a negative is how many times your heart beats in one
effect on the level of physical fitness. minute. Blood pressure is a measure of the
force of the blood on the arteries as it gets
pumped cat if the heart. High blood pressure
indicates that the force is too great.

Fitness & Wellness Assessment

Fitness Assessments
Article 14 Section 19, 1987 constitution of the
● A fine assessment is a series of tests Republic of the Philippines
that helps your trainer determine your
physical fitness level and aids in
developing your personalized program.
The results can identity your strengths
and weaknesses in relation to your
physical fitness and help in setting Article XIV Section 19 of the 1987 Constitution provides that “The State
attainable fitness goals. A fitness
assessment is a valuable tool used to
establish baseline measurements and
can be used to your performance and
assess your progress throughout your
exercise training.
01 Height & Weight PARTS OF LEVERS:

Helps establish whether or not you need to Resistance arm Motion

lose weight based on your height, and if so, Fulcrum Force
how much. You can implement new diet
Axis of Rotation
and exercise plans if you weigh too much. Momentum
You can then track these changes over time
to see if you are progressing accordingly.
3 key terms of Muscular ❖ TYPE - determines what kind of
Muscular endurance exercise will help you achieve your
Strength fitness goals.
1) Lesser ❖ TIME - relates to how long you will
1) Greater force exercise per session
force 2) Many
2) Less repetition
repetition 3) Long • Skill related Components
3) Short period of • Health related components.
period of time

Determine the ability of an individual to perform

daily activities with vigor and demonstrate the
● Ectomorph capacities associated with low risk of premature
development of the hypokinetic diseases
● Endomorph
● Mesomorph
o Sprain - pain in ligaments
1. Cardiovascular Fitness
o Sprain - cold
o Strain - warm The ability of the heart and the lungs and blood
vessel to deliver oxygen to working muscles and
tissues as well as the ability of those muscles
and tissues to utilize the oxygen.

Example: Running, Cycling, Step- Test,

Swimming, brisk walking.

2. Muscular Strength and Endurance

Muscular strength - refers to the maximum
amount of force a muscle can exert against an
opposing force.
Example: Using weights (bench press, leg
• It refers to the quality of being able to press, etc.)
suitable to do certain task or demand.
Fitness covers physical well-being, Muscular Endurance - refers to the ability of
balanced mental state, emotional the muscles to do repeated work over an
stability and spiritual soundness. extended period of the time without fatigue.

• Is defined a state of complete physical, Example: Push-ups, sit-ups or crunches.

a social being and not merely the
3. Flexibility- is the ability to move a body part
absence of disease or infirmity.
through a full range of motion at a joint.
Example: Sit and reach, stretching
❖ FREQUENCY - refers on how often you 4. Body Composition - is the ratio of the body
will exercise. fat to lean body mass (including water, bones,
❖ INTENSITY - pertains to how much muscles and connective tissues)
effort you will exert in exercise.
Example: Aerobics and Zumba
SKILL RELATED FITNESS Power is a function of both speed and muscular
strength. An ability to exert an explosive force of
It is also known as performance-related fitness muscles, force quickly.
components. These components are pertaining
with the athletic ability of an individual. REACTION TIME

Includes training to improve speed, agility, Time elapse between stimulations and
balance, coordination, power, and reaction time. response.

SKILL RELATED FITNESS COMPONENTS Reaction time is the amount of time it takes to
respond to a stimulus.
The ability to perform a successive or
continuous movement. Posture is the position in which you hold your
body upright against Gravity while standing,
sitting, or lying.
In exercise: Squat, deadlift, Sled Push/Sprint,
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Dynamic Posture - how you hold yourself when
you’re moving like when you’re walking, running
The ability to rapidly/quickly change position or or bending over to pick up something.
direction of the entire body in space with speed
Static posture - how you hold yourself when
and accuracy. It requires coordination and
you’re not moving like when you are sitting,
standing or sleeping.
In exercise: Forward Running, High-Knee Drills,
Exercise is defined as any movement that
Lateral Running, Side-to-Side Drills, Dot Drills,
makes your muscles work and requires your
Jump Box Drills, L Drills
body to burn calories.

There are many types of physical activity,

BALANCE including swimming, running, jogging, walking,
and dancing, to name a few.
The ability to control or stabilize the body while
standing or moving. RISKS IN EXERCISE
Example: • involve fast or repetitive twisting, or
long-lasting or held movements
In exercise: Side Plank with Leg Lifts, Skaters.
• inducement of a cardiac event.
In Sports: Equestrian, Gymnastics, baseball,
Surfing. • Orthopaedic/Muscular-Skeletal Risks:

In Activities: Biking, Riding a Unicycle, Regular physical activity is vital for good
Hopscotch, Stepping Stones. physical, social and emotional health. While
there is a risk of injury with any type of physical
COORDINATION activity, the benefits of staying active far
The ability to use the senses together with the outweigh the risks.
body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly You can reduce your risk of exercise injury by:
and accurately.
• wearing the right shoes
• using the correct equipment
• drinking lots of water

• warming up and stretching properly SIMPLE TREATMENT TO MINOR INJURIES


Stop exercising and seek medical help if you R is for rest
experience symptoms such as:

• discomfort or pain
I is for ice

• chest pain or other pain that could C is for compression

indicate a heart attack, including pain in
the neck and jaw, pain travelling down E is for elevate
the arm or pain between the shoulder 2.) Rest:
Reduce or stop using the injured area for 48
• extreme breathlessness hours. If you have a leg injury, you may need to
• a very rapid or irregular heartbeat during stay off of it completely.
exercise 3.) Ice:

Put an ice pack on the injured area for 20

minutes at a time, 4 to 8 times per day. Use a
cold pack, ice bag, or a plastic bag filled with
INJURIES crushed ice that has been wrapped in a towel.

Over Use Injuries - occur when you do more 4.) Compression:

activity than the body can handle - wear and tear
Compression of an injured ankle, knee, or wrist
occur on your body.
may help reduce the swelling. These include
(Common along long distance runners.) ▪Blisters bandages such as elastic wraps, special boots,
▪Shin Splint ▪Runner's Heel air casts and splints. Ask your doctor which is
Side Stitch - pain in the side common among
people who do not exercise regularly. Not really 5.) Elevation: Keep the injured area elevated
an injury, because it usually goes away if you above the level of the heart. Use a pillow to help
stop or slow down elevate an injured limb

Micro trauma - small invisible injury. Many

adults experience problems caused by micro
trauma done in their youth.
▪Back Problems ▪Neck Aches ▪Stiff Painful
Flexion - decreases the angle between joints.
Hyper-flexion - exercises over stretch ligament
There are 206 bones in the human body. •Joints
where bones meet. ● Deep Knee Bands
● Duck Walk
● Ligaments hold bones together.
● Hands-behind-the-neck-sit-ups
● Tendons hold muscle to bone.
Extension - increases the angle between joints.
Biomechanical Principals help you to use levers
in your body (your bones) to move efficiently and Hyper-extension - exercises over stretch
avoid injury tendons and muscles.
Avoid: 2. When you are feeling hassled and little things
readily upset you, take a deep breath , count to
● Straight-leg sit-ups ten , and then put everything in perspective.
● Back bends
● Rocking horse 3. Develop healthy lifestyle habits that will
● Incorrect weight lifting enhance your resistance to stress
● Neck circles to the rear
4. Laugh at yourself and try to maintain a sense
of humor no matter what the situation is.
laughter is the best medicine.
5. Accept the fact that you cannot control
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical everything in your life and realize that your way
tension. It can come from any event or thought is not always going to be the best way.
that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or
nervous. Stress is your body reaction to a GROUP 3
challenge or demand.
FITT and Nutrition

What is FITT principles?

The FITT principles are an exercise prescription

CAUSES OF STRESS to help participants understand how long and
how hard they should exercise. FITT can be
Other cause of Stress among the youth are as
applied to exercise in general or specific
components of exercise.
● Peer pressure The FITT Principle is a great way of monitoring
● Expectations from elders your exercise program. The key components or
● Living away from the family training guidelines for an effective exercise
● New, unfamiliar environment program is spelled out with the acronym FITT
● Financial needs that stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and
● Family problem
● Romantic relationship


Long-term or chronic stress can lead to the Frequency - refers to the repetition of exercise
development of the following disorders. undertaken or how often you exercise

1. Lack of appetite or overeating Frequency is a key component of the FITT

Principle. Remember that it’s important to know
2. Sleep disorder why you’re exercising and what you want to
achieve before rushing into any exercise
3. Depression
4. Anxiety or irritability
Intensity - refers to amount of energy the
5. Panic attacks – cramming exercise requires or how hard you exercise.

COPING WITH STRESS This is an extremely important aspect of the

FITT Principle and is probably the hardest factor
Here are some suggestions on how to cope with to monitor. But the best way to gauge the
intensity of your exercise is to monitor your heart
1. Be honest of yourself about all things that are rate.
going on in your life.
Time - refers to the number of minutes or hours The loco motor movements -are classified into
you spend exercising or how long you exercise. • Even-e.g. are walking, running, hopping,
The time you spend exercising is also an leaping and jumping and;• Uneven- e.g. are
important part of the FITT Principle. The time skipping galloping and sliding
dedicated to exercise usually depends on the
type of exercise undertaken. Non-loco motor or Axial Movement -are
movements done in place, with one part of the
Type - refers to the type of exercise undertaken body is serving as an axis or base around which
or what kind of exercise you do. The type of other parts move.
exercise you choose will have a big effect on the
results you achieve. That’s why it’s important to Examples:
know what you want to gain from your efforts. ● bend or flex
Nutrition ● twist
● stretch
Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological
process by which an organism uses food to ● swing
support its life. It provides organisms with
nutrients, which can be metabolized to create
energy and chemical structures. Failure to Another example of non- loco motor movement
obtain sufficient nutrients causes malnutrition.
Manipulative Object Handling - is one in which
Where can we obtain nutrition? a child handles some kind of play objects usually
with the hands, but it can involve the feet and
Proper food that your body endure. Try to eat a other parts of the body. E.g. tambourines,
variety of foods to get different vitamins and castanets, hats, sticks, balls, rings, hoops,
minerals. Foods that naturally are nutrient- rich wands, etc.
include fruits and vegetables. Lean meats, fish,
whole grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds Factors Affecting physical activity and
also are high in nutrients. nutritional choices and behaviors

Factors Affecting Physical Activity and Ways to

We can sort foods into three main
overcome it
groups based on how they help our
body: Factors Affecting Physical Ways to Overcome.




Fundamental Rhythms
The fundamental rhythm program sets the basis -ADD PHYSICAL
for rhythmic movement in all forms of dance ACTIVITY TO YOUR
activities through its stress on fundamental skills LACK OF TIME DAILY ROUTINE.
done in rhythm. It centers on locomotors, non-
locomotors or axial movements, and
manipulative skills, with most attention given to -SELECT
the locomotors types. ACTIVITIES
Two Center of Fundamental Rhythm






● Culture
● Religion
● Cost
● income
● Availability and Access
● How Food was Produced
● Education
● Cooking Passion and Skill
● Mental Health
● Body Image
● Stress
● Beliefs, ethics
● Routines
● Athletic Pursuits
● Hydration
WEATHER CONDITIONS ● Dietary conditions, sensitivities,
● and allergies
● Nutritional deficiencies
● Hunger
● Appetite



A diet consisting of adequate amounts of all the

necessary nutrients recommended for healthy
- TRADE BABYSITTING growth and for efficient daily activities and
TIME WITH A FRIEND, functions. A balanced diet contains the proper
NEIGHBOUR, OR quantities and proportions of the needed
FAMILY MEMBER WHO nutrients to maintain good health.

Family 1) Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit

Obligation and vegetables every day (see 5 A Day)
KIDS. 2) Base meals on higher fibre starchy
foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta

- TRY TO EXERCISE 3) Have some dairy or dairy alternatives

WHEN THE KIDS ARE (such as soya drinks)
4) Eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs,
meat and other protein
CHOICES 5) Choose unsaturated oils and spreads,
and eat them in small amounts
6) Drink plenty of fluids (at least 6 to 8
glasses a day)

Importance of balance diet

● The importance of a balanced diet can’t

be emphasized enough for a healthy
lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle can be
attained by maintaining a balanced diet
and keeping into consideration to meet
all the essential nutrients required by
the body. A proper meal plan helps to
attain ideal body weight and reduce the
risk of chronic diseases like diabetes,
cardiovascular and other types of

Calories measurement
Since calories serve as a measure of a
food's energy content, the calories from the
food are then burned off as you walk, think,
or breathe. Person may need roughly 2000
calories per day on average to maintain
their weight yet men also require more
calories than women do. Once more, folks
who exercise more frequently need more
calories than those who do not. Sugar,
energy drinks, pizza and etc. are the foods
that includes empty calories.

Foods that are rich in nutrients

Vegetables such as leafy greens, starchy
vegetables, legumes like beans and peas, red
and orange vegetables, and others like
eggplant, Grains such as whole grains and
refined grains. For example, quinoa, oats, and FROM QUIZZES
brown rice Protein such as lean beef and pork,
chicken, fish, beans, and peas 1. You spent so much time during school
hours sitting at the desk. Which of the
following statements will promote good
posture upon sitting?

Desk should be appropriate in height

to allow both feet to touch the floor.
2. Which intelligence of the CEAT student 10. If you want to have a personalized
is challenges when he works with others fitness training program, which should
of varying skill levels and abilities? you do first?

Interpersonal intelligence Determine your fitness program

3. If you are cooperative and listening
during our discussion, in the attribution 11. How much time should you devote to
motivation theory, i would most prefer work outs?
that you must
Depends on your fitness goals and
Ascribe their performance outcomes current levels of physical fitness.
to their own ability and eeffort.
12. Suppose you want shooting practice in
4. Should you include dietary changes in futsal, where you may set up drills and
your personal fitness plan? alter the starting position and
involvement of defenders. Which type of
Depends on your fitness goals. practice is best?
5. Romeo is waiting for his turn to present Variable practice
an oral reports discovers that his heart
is pounding and his palms are sweaty. 13. Goal setting is a mechanism that helps
This condition is one to understand his/her potential and
to feel satisfied with its results. Thus, in
Stress goal-setting to enhance personal fitness,
6. Assume that you are the barangay the first step is to assess current level of
captain of your section, what is the best ______________.
way to deal with your classmates' Fitness
14. Which type of practice is best with
Help my classmates mentally classify discrete, closed skills?
events as they arise and to decide
which situations cahhandled. Fixed practice

7. If you believe that Rodrigo has a drug 15. After drinking juice, in which garbage bin
problem, which should you do to must you throw the tetra pack
address this situation? container?

Talk with an experienced counselor Recyclables

about setting up intervention.
16. If length of practice is inversely
8. Perseverance is most likely to be proportional to number of mistakes
encouraged by PE101 Movement committed in your final performances,
Enhancement activities that this means that the practice was
Are challenging, yet within the reach
of students' capabilities. Effective

9. Christian Beramo who is able to see 17. Green leafy vegetables belong to which
more than one side of an issue and food group?
exhibits good time-management skills is
said to possess ________ wellness. Glow foods

Intellectual 18. When do movement enhancement

students need their bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence? When they?
Run, kick, throw, and catch 27. Which type of practice is bet for difficult,
dangerous or fatiguing skills?
19. After completing your physical fitness
assessments, the leader of group 5 asks Distributed practice
his classmates to write down an
individual fitness goal and three possible 28. Which among the following has the
ways to achieve this. Which is the highest dietary fiber content?
primary benefit of this activity? 1 cup of lentil
It gives my groupmates greater 29. Why is it necessary to establish your
individual responsibility for his/her specific goals for personal fitness?
own learning and fitness. Because your goals determine the
20. What will happen to muscles when ____________________________.
exposed to more stress such as Amount of time you will need to
resistance training? exercise
Muscles get stronger and increase in 30. A supply of clean air to breath is very
size important for good health. But air
21. Physical Education traces its origin in. pollutants are everywhere. Which of the
following techniques will most likely
Ancient Greek belief in a sound mind minimize your exposure to air
in a sound body pollutants?

22. Which of the following environmental Don't cook on a charcoal barbecue in

problems is most lethal to people an enclosed space
31. Perseverance is most likely to be
Air pollution encouraged by physical education
activities that __________.
23. A first year student uses his linguistic
intelligence when Are challenging, yet within the reach
of students’ capabilities
Discusses game strategy, read rule
32. What is the most important factor that
24. If you want to determine your fitness contributes to the decline of PE
program parameters which should you recently?
do first?
More subjects in the school
Get a physical examination to identify curriculum and focus on academics
any physical limitations leading to reduced time allocation in
25. Joshua is being selected as a class PE.
barangay captain in his section and 33. Physical literacy is best described as a
being a captain he has so many composite of _____________.
responsibilities to do. Although anxiety
is produced, it helps him become more Fundamental movement, motor and
effective in physical, social, and activity specific skills that equip
psychological functioning. What is students for an active lifetsyle.
Joshua is experiencing?
34. Our Campus Administrator is
Eustress _____________.

26. How do muscles work to produce Ma. Dorothee J. Villaruz, EdD

35. "Basta CapSU, ___________"
Pair of muscles pulls each other
Dekalidad ang serbisyo. PD – PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT

36. The following are the goals of Capiz 47. Good leadership and followership.
State University except.
Promote entrepreneurship and
environmental consciousness. 48. Respect for the rights of others.

37. Our Course Facilitator is _________. SD – SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT

James Olorosisimo, LPT 49. Discovery of ways of improving

38. Our University President is __________.
Editha C. Alfon, PhD
50. Development of self-confidence.
39. Which of the following best describes
the main goal of Physical Education? ED – EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT

Teaching the knowledge, skills, and 51. Increase self-control, self-reliance, and
values for students to live a healthy self-discipline.
lifestyle now and in the future. ED – EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT
40. Which of the following is the main 52. Leading a healthy lifestyle.
reason why students are encouraged to
wear complete PE uniform during PE PD – PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
53. Understanding of rules and regulations.
For safety
41. Wellness can change behaviour and
54. Enhancement of growth and
prolong life.
42. The integration of different components
55. Acquire desirable social traits.
that expand one’s potential to live and
work effectively is called Fitness. SD – SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT

43. Being healthy is simply the absence of

illness, avoidance of tobacco, and
excessive alcohol.


44. To maintain health is to preserve it 56. Engaging in the pursuit of new ideas
through a healthful lifestyle. and understanding.

True Mental

45. Physical activity plays an important part 57. Recognizing the quality of air, water,
for health and wellness. and land.

True Environmental

46. Avoid the risk of various health 58. Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet.
59. Involving intellectual and cultural knowledge and skills while allowing you to share
activities. your knowledge and skills with others.

Mental Environmental wellness - refers to leading a

lifestyle that values the relationship between
60. Achieving balance between work and ourselves, our community and the environment.
leisure time.
Financial Wellness - involves the process of
Occupational learning how to successfully manage financial
61. Maintaining friendships with individuals expenses.
who respect, love, and accept you for Physical wellness - is the ability to maintain a
who you are. quality of life that allows you to get the most out
Emotional of your daily activities without undue fatigue or
physical stress.
62. Accepting mistakes while reflecting and
learning from them. - Recognizes that our daily habits
and behaviors have an impact
Emotional on our overall health, well-being
and quality of life.
63. Not criticizing, judging, or blaming.
Social wellness - focuses on building and
nurturing meaningful and supportive
64. Meditating, praying, and affirming the relationships with individuals, groups and
power or belief system. communities.

Spiritual - It enables you to create

boundaries that encourage
65. Seeking medical care and exams as communication, trust and
needed. conflict management.
- Also includes showing respect
for others, oneself and other
Emotional wellness - involves developing an cultures.Spiritual wellness –
awareness of your feelings and your response to allows us to be in tune with our
everyday interactions. inner selves.
- This realm of wellness lets us
- Allows you to better understand find meaning in life events and
why you are feeling that way define our individual purpose.
and can actively respond to your - Can stem from beliefs, faith,
feelings. values, ethics or moral
principles that provide purpose
Occupational wellness - allows you to explore
and direction in our lives.
various career options and encourages you to
pursue the opportunities you enjoy the most.

- Recognizes the importance of DEVELOPMENTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION

satisfaction, enrichment and
meaning through work. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT – is the process
that starts in human infancy and continues into
Intellectual wellness - encourages us to late adolescent concentrating on gross and fine
engage in creative and mentally-stimulating motor skills as well as puberty.
activities, and it requires lifelong learning and
curiosity can be developed through academics, - Involves developing control over
cultural involvement, community involvement the body, particularly muscles
and personal hobbies that expand your and physical coordination.
MENTAL DEVELOPMENT - When children take part in
sports, it gives them the
1. Boosts Brainpower and Cognitive opportunity to meet new people
Ability and create new friendships,
- This greater flow of blood to the enhancing a child’s language
brain assists in the creation of and communication skills.
new brain cells, which helps to Children gain a different type of
improve the overall brain bond through sports, which
performance. gives them a sense of belonging
- it enhances the brain function, and companionship, decreases
concentration, memory, thinking loneliness and improves their
and cognitive social skills.
- Skills, which are all vital for a 5. Enhances Creativity
child’s development. - Physical activity stimulates the
2. Enhances Academic Learning brain activity, which helps to
- Research has shown that there spark creative juices and
is a positive correlation between overcome mental blocks. When
a child’s performances inschool children exercise, it can release
and their level of physical bursts of creative thinking and
fitness, illustrating that those enhance imagination. So when
who regularly exercise have a children have completed some
better ability to learn new things form of physical activity, it would
and are likely to perform better be beneficial to engage them in
in school. Physical activity a creative activity, such as arts
increases levels of a brain- and crafts or creative writing, in
derived protein, which improves the two hours succeeding it.
focus, concentration and 6. Helps Maintain Mental Health and
decision making. This has a Emotional Wellbeing
positive impact on a child’s - Children begin to establish
motivation, learning and behaviour patterns from an early
productivity in school. age that will have
3. Elevates Mood and Reduces Anxiety importantimplications for their
- When you exercise, the body immediate and long-term mental
releases chemicals called health and well-being – so it is
endorphins. These endorphins important to encourage an
areotherwise known as "feel active and healthy lifestyle from
good" hormones because they an early age. By engaging
can lift your mood. Children children in regular physical
mayexperience reductions in activity from an early age, they
stress and anxiety when they are more likely to maintain a
engage in physical activity healthy mind and healthy
because theendorphins help to lifestyle in the future.
moderate the brain’s response
to stress and elevate your SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT – Social development
mood. When a child’soverall refers to the process by which a child learns to
health and fitness improves, it interact with othersaround them. As they
also helps to boost their self- develop and perceive their own individuality
esteem and gives them a sense within their community, they also gain skills to
of accomplishment and communicate with other people and process
positivity. their actions. Social development most often
4. Improves Social Skills refers to how a child develops friendships and
other relationships, as well how a childhandles
conflict with peers. Social development can emotion we feel relates to our well-
actually impact many of the other forms being. In turn, our well-being directly
ofdevelopment a child experiences. A child’s affects our actions and emotions. It’s an
ability to interact in a healthy way with the ongoing circle. Therefore, it is important
people around her can impact everything from for everyone to achieve optimal wellness
learning new words as a toddler, to being able to in order to subdue stress, reduce the
resist peer pressure as a high school student, to risk of illness and ensure positive
successfully navigating the challenges of interactions.


development refers to the ability to recognize,
express, and manage feelings atdifferent stages
of life and to have empathy for the feelings of
others. The development of theseemotions,
which include both positive and negative
emotions, is largely affected by relationships
with parents, siblings, and peers.

What is Physical Fitness?

Physical fitness refers to the ability of

your body systems to work together
efficiently to allow you to be healthy and
perform activities of daily living. Being
efficient means doing daily activities with
the least effort possible. A fit person is
able to perform schoolwork, meet home
responsibilities, and still have enough
energy to enjoy sport and other leisure
activities. A fit person can respond
effectively to normal life situations, such
as raking leaves at home, stocking
shelves at a part-time job, and marching
in the band at school. A fit person can
also respond to emergency situations

- for example, by running to get help or

aiding a friend in distress.

What is wellness?

Wellness is an active process of Nutrition – is the study of how food and drink
becoming aware of and making choices affects our bodies with special regard to the
toward a healthyand fulfilling life. essential nutrients necessary to support human
Wellness is more than being free from health.
illness, it is a dynamic process ofchange
and growth. ● it is defined as the food we eat, air we
breathe, water we drink, supplements
- Maintaining an optimal level of wellness we ingest, and all that we do that literally
is absolutely crucial to live a higher feeds or nourishes the body for its own
quality life. health benefit.
- Wellness matters. Wellness matters ● studying nutrition is important because it
because everything we do and every serves as the key determinant for
determining and developing optimal - each gram of carbohydrates provides 4
health. calories.
● good nutrition means your body gets all
the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it CLASSIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES
needs to work its best. ● Simple Carbohydrates
3 BASIC FOOD GROUPS - are broken down quickly by the
body to be used as energy.
GO FOODS - simple carbohydrates are
- gives us energy - consist of just one or two
- are the kind of food that give fuel and molecules; Monosaccharides,
help us keep going and be active. Disaccharides
- these nourishments give our muscles
fuel to run, swim, jump and our brain to Monosaccharides – are single units of
stay focused. sugar.
- Go foods are high in carbohydrates.
- examples are grains or starchy foods Include:
like bread, rice, pasta, or oats. Glucose – the body’s main
GROW FOODS source of energy.

- helps build our muscles Fructose – is a sugar found

- help our body grow bigger and stronger. naturally in fruits, some
- ‘Grow’ foods help build our body’s vegetables and honey.
bones, teeth and muscles. Galactose – which is most
- include protein foods such as beans, readily available in milk and
nuts, meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. dairy products.
GLOW FOODS Disaccharides – also called
- protects us form illness and keeps our double sugar, any substance
hair, skin, and nails healthy that is composed of two
- are full of vitamins and minerals to keep molecules of simple sugars
our skin, hair and eyes bright and (monosaccharides) linked to
glowing. each other.
- ‘Glow’ foods can keep our immune Lactose – made up of glucose
system strong so that we can fight bugs and galactose
and viruses.
- include fruits and vegetables. Maltose – made up of two

Sucrose – made up of glucose

● Carbohydrates ● Complex Carbohydrates
● Protein - consist of long chains of sugar
● Fat molecules.
● Vitamins - includes whole grains and foods that
● Minerals contain fiber.
● Water - Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharide
CARBOHYDRATES - Oligosaccharides – represent
carbohydrates that contain between 3
- known as saccharides or carbs, provide and 10 linked sugars.
energy for the body.
- Polysaccharide – composed of more some fat for energy, to absorb
than 10 linked sugars vitamins, and to protect your heart and
brain health.
PROTEINS - “Bad” fats, such as artificial trans fats
- are made up of smaller molecules called and saturated fats, are guilty of the
amino acids that are strung together by unhealthy things all fats have been
chemical bonds. blamed for weight gain, clogged arteries,
- are the building blocks of life, every cell an increased risk of certain diseases,
in the human body contains protein. and so forth.
- But “good” fats such as unsaturated fats
CLASSIFICATION OF AMINO ACIDS and omega-3 fatty acids have the
opposite effect.
● Essential amino acids
- cannot be made by the body, Saturated fatty acids lack double bonds between
and must be supplied by food. the individual carbon atoms, while in
- the 9 essential amino acids are: unsaturated fatty acids there is at least one
histidine, isoleucine, leucine, double bond in the fatty acid chain.
lysine, methionine,
phenylalanine, threonine, Saturated fats tend to be solid at room
tryptophan, and valine. temperature and from animal sources, while
● Nonessential amino acids unsaturated fats are usually liquid and from plant
- are made by the body from sources.
essential amino acids or in the TYPES OF FATS
normal breakdown of proteins.
- Nonessential amino acids Saturated fats – it is responsible for bad
include: alanine, arginine, cholesterol. They are found in most animal
asparagine, aspartic acid, products like cheese, milk, meat and so on and
cysteine, glutamic acid, hence one must limit the quantity of intake.
glutamine, glycine, proline,
serine, and tyrosine. Monounsaturated fats – can help reduce bad
● Conditional amino acids cholesterol levels in your blood which can lower
- are needed in times of illness your risk of heart disease and stroke.
and stress. - they also provide nutrients to help
- Conditional amino acids include: develop and maintain your body’s cells.
arginine, cysteine, glutamine, - Monounsaturated fats are healthy fats
tyrosine, glycine, ornithine, found in Avocados, Macadamia nuts,
proline, and serine. Peanuts, Olives and Olive oil.

Polyunsaturated fats –are healthy fats, which

are abundantly found in both plant and animal
foods, such as vegetable oils, Walnuts, Flax
Functions of Protein seeds, salmon, etc.

● Hormone Production Hydrogenated fats – also called trans-fatty

● Build and maintain tissue acids
● Enzyme production
● Transportation - are manufactured fats created during a
● Energy source process called hydrogenation.


- is a type of nutrient, and just like protein - are the body’s builders, defenders, and
and carbohydrates, your body needs maintenance workers, helping it to build
muscle and bone, make use of nutrients,
capture and use energy, and heal
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine,
2 types of vitamins: pyridoxamine, pyridoxal) – it is vital for
the formation of red blood cells.
Water – Soluble

- these vitamins are dissolved in the

watery parts of fruits vegetables and - Vitamin B7 (biotin) – it enables the
grains, meaning their passage through body to metabolize proteins, fats, and
the body is relatively straight forward. carbohydrates. It also contributes to
keratin, a structural protein in the skin,
Vitamins C and B hair, and nails.
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
- it contributes to collagen production,
wound healing, and bone formation. It - Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folinic acid) – it
also strengthens blood vessels, is essential for making DNA and RNA.
supports the immune system, helps the
body absorb iron, and acts as an
antioxidant. - Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) – it is
- these include fruit and vegetables, but essential for a healthy nervous system.
cooking destroys vitamin C.

- Vitamin A – it is essential for eye

- Vitamin B health.
- refers to not one, but eight different
- All B vitamins play a role in converting
- Vitamin D (ergocalciferol,
food into energy in the body.
cholecalciferol) – it is necessary for the
- The vitamin B-complex refers to a group
healthy mineralization of bone.
of all of the known essential water-
soluble vitamins except for vitamin C .
- It contains all vitamins in the B group.
- Vitamin E (tocopherol, tocotrienol) –
its antioxidant activity helps prevent
oxidative stress.
- Vitamin B1(thiamine) – it is essential
for producing various enzymes that help
break down blood sugar.
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – it is essential
for the growth and development of body
cells and helps metabolize food. - Vitamin K (phylloquinone,
menaquinone) – it is necessary for
blood clotting.
- Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide) – the MINERALS
body needs niacin for the cells to grow
and work correctly. - are an inorganic nutrient which means it
lacks carbon.
- build cells, take part in chemical
reactions, send nerve impulses, and
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – it is
carry oxygen.
necessary for producing energy and
● Macrominerals – are those minerals - Honey, Almonds, Seafood,
which are required in relatively large Tuna, Chocolates, Pineapple,
doses. Pecans, Artichokes, and Green
- also called major minerals. Leafy Vegetables
- include sodium, calcium, ● Potassium
chloride, magnesium, - Controls nerve impulses and
potassium, phosphorus, and muscle contractions.
sulfur. - Helps in maintaining fluid
- these minerals are vital for the balance in the body.
proper functioning and - Maintains proper functioning of
metabolism of the body. muscle and nervous system.
- Microminerals – also called - Spinach, Apples, Oranges,
trace minerals, these are Tomatoes, Papaya, Bananas,
minerals which are required in Lemons, Celery, Mushrooms,
small amounts. Pecans, Raisins, Pineapple,
- also called minor minerals. Rice, Cucumbers, Strawberries,
- Trace minerals include iron, Figs, Brussels Sprouts, and
copper, iodine, zinc, Legumes
manganese, fluoride, cobalt and ● Phosphorus
selenium. - Helps the body store and use
● Sodium energy.
- Maintains cellular osmotic - Works with calcium in the
pressure. formation of strong, healthy
- Helps in maintaining blood bones and teeth.
volume and blood pressure and - Mushrooms, Meat, Cashews,
fluid balance in the body. Oats, Fish, Beans, Squash,
- Table Salt, Cheese, Milk, Soy Pecans, Carrots, and Almonds
Sauce, and Unprocessed Meat ● Sulfur
● Calcium - Involved in protein synthesis.
- Helps blood clotting. Helps - Protects your cells from
muscle contraction and nerve damage.
function. - Helps in promoting the
- Essential for building strong and loosening and shedding of skin.
healthy bones. - Cheese, Eggs, Nuts, Turnips,
- Almonds, Carrots, Milk, Onions, Fish, Wheat Germ,
Broccoli, Canned Fish, Papaya, Cucumbers, Corn, Cauliflower,
Garlic, and Cashew and Broccoli
● Chloride ● Iron
- Maintains proper blood volume, - Helps in transporting oxygen to
blood pressure, and pH of our all parts of the body.
body fluids. - Produces and stores the energy
- Table Salt, Soy Sauce, liver for further metabolisms.
Unprocessed Meat, Milk and - Meat, Eggs, Beans, Baked
Peanuts Potato, Dried Fruits, Green
● Magnesium Leafy Vegetables, Whole and
- Provides structure for healthy Enriched Grains
bones. ● Copper
- Produces energy from the food - Formation of red blood cells.
molecules. - Helps with the functioning of the
- Maintains proper functioning of nervous system.
muscle and nervous system.
- Crab, Lobster, Mussels, ● Mineral Water – as the name suggests,
Oysters, Nuts, Whole grains and is water enriched with vital minerals,
Yeast extract mostly calcium and magnesium.
● Iodine - Natural mineral water is taken
- Promotes the normal functioning from underground sources
of the thyroid gland. which are rich in mineral content
- Helps in the proper functioning and then packaged and sold as
of brain functions. natural mineral water.
- Promotes normal growth and
development of cells.
- Seafood, Seaweed and Iodised ● Purified Water – the water that has
salt been filtered or processed to remove
● Zinc impurities like chemicals and other
- Aids in wound healing. contaminants.
- Supports the immune system. - it is usually produced using
- Helps in the formation of strong groundwater or tap water.
- Controls the functioning of the
sense organs in the nervous
● Distilled Water – is any source of water
that has been purified using the process
- Important and essential process
of distillation.
of cell division and reproduction.
- this involves boiling the water
- Beef, Pork, Dark Meat, Chicken,
until it turns into water vapor,
Cashews, Almonds, Peanuts,
then capturing the gas and
Beans, Split Peas, and Lentil
condensing it back into its liquid
● Manganese
- Helps maintain water balance.
- Controls nerve impulse
- Cereals, Nuts, Oils, Vegetables ● Sparkling Water – it is generally just
and Wholegrains water infused with pressurized carbon
- Drinking sparkling water
provides the same sensation as
drinking a soda without the
- in humans, it acts as both a solvent and added calories and sugar.
a delivery mechanism, dissolving
essential vitamins and nutrients from
food and delivering them to cells ● Flavored Water – are waters that have
had natural and/or artificial flavors
added in order to enhance the taste of
● Tap Water – the water that you get from the water.
your faucet is called tap water.
- this is generally sourced from a
dam or river, treated at a water ● Fruit Water – any combination of fruits,
treatment facility, stored in a vegetables and herbs immersed in water
reservoir, and then supplied to is what makes infused water.
homes through water pipelines.
● Spring Water – is naturally filtered
underground. It's collected from springs
or boreholes.
- Spring water comes from
underground sources that
'spring' up as freshwater bodies.

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