Raider - 2022 Pure Bodybuilding Program - The Program

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Upper 1 Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest Lower 1 Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps

Lower 1 Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest Upper 2 Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest Lower 2 Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest
Main Movement (Big, compound movement) Main Movement Main Movement Main Movement
Flat Press of
Choice (use a
controlled Incline Press
eccentric, and OR Overhead
full pause each Press of
rep, do not Choice OR
rest at the Conventional, Horizontal
bottom of each Sumo, or Trap Press of Squat of
rep) Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input 3 min Bar Deadlift Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input 3 min Choice Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input 3 min Choice Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input 3 min
Back Off Sets #VALUE! #VALUE! 3 Same as top set 3 min Back Off Sets #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 Same as top set 3 min Back Off Sets #VALUE! #VALUE! 3 Same as top set 3 min Back Off Sets #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 Same as top set 3 min
Full Hypertrophy Workout (superset each of these movements 3-5 sets of an ab exercise of your Full Hypertrophy Workout (superset each of these movements 3-5 sets of an ab exercise of your
Rear Delt Isolation (give as much energy to your rear delts as possible by opening your choice (using the same rep range). After completing ab work, you can begin supersetting with a choice (using the same rep range). After completing ab work, you can begin supersetting with a
hypertrophy training with this ala; John Meadows) calves isolation) Rear Delt Isolation calves isolation)
10 - 15 Rear Delt 10 - 15
(increase in Isolation of (increase in
load when all Vertical Choice (select load when all Chest
Rear Delt sets are done Calisthenics a different sets are done Supported
Isolation of with around 15 Pull of Choice movement with around 15 Horizontal
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 1 reps +/- 1 rep) 90 sec (lat focused) Input HERE Input HERE 3 12-15 90 sec from Upper 1) Input HERE Input HERE 3 reps +/- 1 rep) 90 sec Row of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 12-15 2-3 min
Myorep Match Myorep Match
(giga brain (giga brain Belt Squat,
way of saying way of saying Leg Press,
"match the 90 sec "match the 90 sec Hack Squat etc
reps of your match top set (increase rest Inverted Row reps of your match top set (increase rest (a leg exercise)
top set using reps as closely as needed up to (upper back top set using reps as closely as needed up to that limits low
rest pause" Input HERE Input HERE 2 as possible 3 min) focus) Input HERE Input HERE 3 12-15 90 sec rest pause" Input HERE Input HERE 3 as possible 3 min) back fatigue Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-12 2-3 min
Hamstring Curl
of Choice
Full Hypertrophy Workout (superset each of these movements 3-5 sets of an ab exercise of your these with the Full Hypertrophy Workout (superset each of these movements 3-5 sets of an ab exercise of your
choice (using the same rep range). After completing ab work, you can begin supersetting with a quad unilateral choice (using the same rep range). After completing ab work, you can begin supersetting with a
forearm isolation) exercise) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 2-3 min forearm isolation) Pure Hip Hinge Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10 90 sec
Bicep Exercise Bicep Exercise
of Choice (you of Choice (you
can superset Unilateral can superset
this with Quad Exercise this with
triceps) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 2 8-12 --- triceps) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec
AMRAP first AMRAP first
set, do two set, do two
thirds the reps thirds the reps
on sets 2 and 3 on sets 2 and 3
(beat your reps Long (beat your reps
on sets 2 and 3 Head/Short on sets 2 and 3
Long each week, add Head Triceps each week, add
Head/Short weight once all Isolation of weight once all
Head Triceps 3 sets match choice (select 3 sets match
Isolation of your week 1 opposite from your week 1
choice (and/or) Input HERE Input HERE 3 amrap) 90 sec Upper 1) Input HERE Input HERE 3 amrap) 90 sec
Side Delt Side Delt
Isolation of Isolation of
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 Same as above 90 sec Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 Same as above 90 sec
Incline or
Calisthenics Finisher
Chest Press (dumbbells or
Finisher of calisthenics
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 2 15-20 2 min are preferable) Input HERE Input HERE 2 15-20 2 min

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