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Edmund Cedrick G Manallog 10 – Jacinto TLE 03/07/24

Reflection: Computers

Computers have become a pivotal part of today’s society, used in offices, schools, and for our
entertainment. Computers have helped pave the way for our advancement, but not many know
the marvel of computers.

Computers come in different shapes and sizes, depending of what the activity demands.
A mainframe computer, informally called a mainframe or big iron, is a computer used primarily
by large organizations for critical applications like bulk data processing for tasks such as
censuses, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and large-scale
transaction processing. A minicomputer is mid-range computer that is intermediate in size,
power, speed, and storage capacity. And microcomputers, the most common type of computer.
Smaller, cheaper, and less powerful than mainframes and minicomputers.

Behind the exteriors of computers lie complex components that works in harmony to execute
tasks efficiently. The Central Processing Unit (CPU), often referred to as the "brain" of the
computer, is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. Random Access
Memory (RAM) serves as the computer's short-term memory, providing quick access to data and
instructions that the CPU requires. Storage devices, from traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) to
modern solid-state drives (SSDs), are essential for retaining data and software. The motherboard
acts as the central nervous system of the computer, providing the platform for connecting and
integrating various components. Input and Output Devices, such as keyboards, mice, monitors,
and printers, form the bridge between users and the computer, allowing for input commands,
receiving feedback, and interacting with the digital world. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is
particularly crucial for visual-intensive tasks such as gaming, graphic design, and video editing,
specializing in rendering images and videos.

Computers have revolutionized our society into what it is. Whether it’s a supercomputer for the
heavy lifting, or just microcomputers for everyday tasks, their impact on our lives is undeniable.
From complex data analysis to simple communication, computers have fundamentally
transformed the way we work, learn, and interact with the world around us.

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