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Event Title: Code Black: Securing The Future

Event Type: Panel Discussion (UKM Preclinical Block)

Date: April 2, 2022
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 pm MYT

1. The panel discussion will follow a semi-structured format, guided by the
questions that were prepared by the organizing team.
2. For the questions that are open to all, the moderators will be asking the
panelists to respond in this order:
Dr Koh - Dr Amanda - Mr Chan - Mr Hashwin
3. Below are the guide questions that the moderators will be using for the
discussion. They may be modified or removed at the discretion of the
moderators (if the remaining time is insufficient or if the questions have
already been discussed earlier in the event).

Guide Questions:
# Addressed to: Question

1 Open to all What is the vast difference you see in the different generations of
doctors we live in right now. Has it improved or does it need to be

2 Open to all What critical skills should be interpreted in medical education or

what should students be equipped with before entering medical

3. Open to all There are a large number of medical schools in Malaysia and an
excess amount of foreign medical schools that Malaysia recognizes.
We have 33 medical schools with a 32 mil population when the U.K
has only 44 medical schools with 67 mil citizens. Malaysia also
recognizes 330 foreign medical schools while Singapore only
recognizes 158 foreign medical institutions. Will this eventually
become a threat to the new generation of Doctors, and if so how
should we resolve it so that it can be contained to not become an

4 Open to all Realistically speaking, the issue regarding contract doctors as of

date are deterring most of us studying to become doctors as our
future is at stake. What would you tell aspiring students and medical
students that are pursuing this field who are worried about their job
stability and satisfaction? Do we keep going or do we stay grounded
to reality and start to seek other alternatives?

5 Open to all Is Malaysia prepared to face another pandemic while the COVID-19
battle has not ended?

6 Open to all In light of the recent flood disasters, what do you think of the
disaster preparedness and response globally and in Malaysia? What
should be done to make medical professionals in Malaysia
acknowledge that this is a part of the Hippocratic Oath that
mentions “ Do No Harm”?

7 Open to all What have we learned from COVID-19 pandemic in order to build a
stronger health system to facilitate national preparedness for future
health disasters and emergencies?

8 Open to all What actions can medical universities or medical student

organizations take to ensure future healthcare workers are adapted
to the current healthcare situation?

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