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Work has communication issues for many organizations. What is described as
‘communication barriers’ can be a common problem workplaces face:


Often, teamwork is deterred due to one member’s attitude and ego. One worker may want
to take over discussions and prevent other members from speaking their minds. Another
might refuse to lose an argument and accept that another person might be right. Many
times, these people will refuse to accept that they are part of the problem. Egos and
attitudes within the team can then lead to resentment, misunderstandings, and friction.

The role of the manager is, therefore, important in making sure that the team focuses on
the work and issues at hand. Teamwork and true collaboration will only occur if
resolutions reflect the needs of everyone in the group.

Solution: Ensure that your staff are properly trained and understand the role that they have
to play in the team to understand their contribution to shared successes. You may need to
deliver specific, targeted training on interpersonal relationships, dealing with conflict, and
other “soft skills” if you identify this as one of the main workplace communication
issues in your company.

Passive listening is simply hearing what the other person has to say without truly
understanding it or empathizing. Often, you will see someone talking, replying, and
interrupting other people instead of truly listening to what others have to say. When people
fail to listen, they are unable to truly comprehend the message which is being relayed. This
then leads to misunderstandings and friction, which could then deter the workforce from
being creative and productive.

Before beginning a chat or interaction, make sure to stress the importance of active
listening. Tell your staff members how inattention and passive listening can prevent them
from learning about the different points of view and ideas that are present in the
workplace. Role model and set a good example by being an active listener yourself.

Solution: If you want to know how to solve communication problems in a team, you can
start by facilitating meaningful two-way dialogues and discussions where the rules
of engagement are clearly set out so that people have the chance to both listen and be

Today’s workplace has become more diverse, especially if your organization deals with
international clients or has employees abroad. Although there is diversity in the workplace,
people still tend to be more persuaded by people from their same culture or backgrounds,
therefore, managers face the challenges of communicating with everyone as one cohesive
team while managing the dynamics involved in cliques and groups.

Try to mix people of different backgrounds together. Break up small groups and try to
have diverse people collaborate on brainstorming activities and projects. Also,
communication tools such as corporate desktop wallpaper software, newsletters, and email
can potentially decrease the impact of cultural differences. This is because communication
is written and is free from accents and impulsive biases and is; therefore, more thought

Solution: Cultural awareness training can help large organizations with employees from a
variety of backgrounds better understand one another so that there are less
misunderstandings and communication issues in business.


One of the most common communication problems in the workplace and solutions is
unclear and poorly written information. You may opt for different communication tools to
get your point across, such as corporate desktop wallpaper software, newsletters, and
memos; however, if your materials are poorly written, your messages might cause
confusion and frustration amongst your staff members.

Solution: Make sure to always proofread your copy before sending it. You may also opt to
ask a colleague to look through your work to help pinpoint any mistakes or typos. Ensure
that you use plain and concise language, free from jargon.


When people are not interested in what is being discussed, or they lack the motivation to
work hard, they are more likely to disregard or ignore your messages. While this means
that you certainly need to take a look at your internal communications, using tools such as
corporate desktop wallpaper software, the intranet, and others can help you reach your
staff members so that they feel more motivated and engaged in their work and in the
Solution: Look at delivering your internal communications using tools such as corporate
desktop wallpaper software, the intranet, and other more engaging methods that can help
you reach your employees in a way that makes them feel more motivated and engaged in
their work and in the organization.



This unit covers the outcomes required to integrate math and

science concepts in the content and delivery of technical training
programs and to motivate trainees in learning and applying such
concepts in the workplace.

Technical education, the academic and vocational preparation of

students for jobs involving applied science and modern technology.
It emphasizes the understanding and practical application of basic
principles of science and mathematics, rather than the attainment of
proficiency in manual skills that is properly the concern of vocational
education. Technical education has as its objectives the preparation of
graduates for occupations that are classed above the skilled crafts but
below the scientific or engineering professions. People so employed are
frequently called technicians. Technical education is distinct
from professional education, which places major emphasis upon the
theories, understanding, and principles of a wide body of subject matter
designed to equip the graduate to practice authoritatively in such fields
as science, engineering, law, or medicine. Technical occupations are vital
in a wide range of fields, including agriculture, business administration,
computers and data processing, education, environmental and resource
management, graphic arts and industrial design, and health and
medicine; technical educational curricula are correspondingly specialized
over a broad range. Technical education is typically offered in post-high-
school curricula that are two years in length, are not designed to lead to
a bachelor’s degree, and are offered in a wide variety of institutions, such
as technical institutes, junior colleges, vocational schools, and regular
colleges and universities.

What do you need to know Where is the information What does the Unit of
about the work activity? found? Competency tell you?

What is the work activity? Title of the Unit of Apply Math and Science
Competency Principles in Technical
What does the work activity Unit Descriptor This unit covers the outcomes
involve? required to integrate math and
science concepts in the content
and delivery of technical
training programs and to
motivate trainees in learning
and applying such concepts in
the workplace.
What skills are needed to Elements In this unit there are four
perform the work activity? (4) key skills to perform:
1. Identify math and
science manifestations in
the course content and the
2. Relate math and
science concepts to
common and workplace
3. Assess trainees’
internalization of math
and science concepts
4. Introduce
What level of skill is needed? Performance Criteria 1. Identify math and science
manifestations in the course
content and the workplace
1.1 Review and study course
content and learning
outcomes for math and
science content
1.2 Identify situations in the
workplace and in everyday
life related to the course or
program for inclusion or
mention in the training
1.3 Prepare training aids,
lesson plans or session
notes, adopted or customized
incorporating or
highlighting applications of
math and science principles

2. Relate math and science

concepts to common and
workplace situations
2.1 Incorporate, explain and
stress practical applications of
math and science related to
the desired learning outcomes
during the training
2.2 Aid and encourage
trainees to identify and apply
math and science concepts in
their work and everyday life
2.3 Give class
examples/cases, exercises,
and assignments for trainees
to explore and reflect
UC-3 How can you improve environmental
practices in the workplace?

That depends on your workplace.

Here’s what comes to mind in general terms:
 Introduce a trash-sorting system, and feed this into
the local recycling system you have in your area.
 Generally, try to reduce garbage - for example by
using reusable containers, using washable cups for
the coffee machines instead of disposable ones,
establishing a digital communication system where
as few lists, documents, salary information sheets
etc. get printed out as possible (it is amazing how
many trees have to get chopped down for such
 Use recycling paper - also on the toilet.
UC-4 Utilized IT Application in Technical Training

Technical training teaches the skills needed to design, develop,

implement, maintain, support or operate a particular technology or
related application, product or service.

Types of Technical Training

Let’s look at the different types of technical training.

1. Formal education and degree programs

Formal education and degree programs are traditional forms of technical
training offered by educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and
vocational schools. They typically lead to academic qualifications like degrees,
diplomas, or certificates.

These programs provide structured and comprehensive education in technical

fields, often covering theory and practical skills. They offer a deep
understanding of the subject matter and can be foundational for a career in
technical fields.

2. Online courses and certifications

Online courses and certifications are delivered via digital platforms and
eLearning modules. They cover a wide range of technical topics and are often
provided by universities, online course providers, or professional

Online courses offer flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace
and on their schedule. Certifications are a valuable way to demonstrate
expertise and competence in specific technical areas. They are particularly
useful for professionals seeking to upskill or validate their knowledge.

3. On-the-job training
On-the-job training involves learning while performing tasks within the
workplace. It can be formal or informal and is typically facilitated by
experienced colleagues or mentors.

OJT provides hands-on experience and immediate application of skills in a

real work environment. It is often tailored to the specific needs of the job and
can be a highly effective way to learn complex software and technical skills.
4. In-house corporate training programs
Many organizations offer in-house training programs to develop their
employees’ technical skills. These programs can range from short workshops
to long-term development initiatives.

In-house training is often customized to align with the organization’s specific

needs and industry. It fosters a common skill set among employees and can
improve overall efficiency and effectiveness.

5. In-app guidance
In-app guidance refers to the provision of training and guidance directly within
software applications. It offers users real-time assistance and support to
navigate and use the software effectively

4 min reading time

Technical Skills: Why They’re Important for

Your Business

Olivia McGarry, Content Marketer at

When we think of technical skills, our minds
often imagine them to be skills relating to
overly complex subjects, like algorithms or
computer programming. While it’s not unusual
to link technical skills to the IT sector alone,
they actually vary broadly depending on the
industry you work in.
So, why are technical skills important for your
business and employees? In this guide, we’ll
take you through what technical skills are, the
benefits they offer, and some suggestions on
technical skills training for your employees.

Why they’re important for your

Technical skills are important for your
business for a variety of reasons. No matter
what sector you work in, the tasks your
employees perform every day rely on different
tools and processes. It’s essential to ensure
your employees have the technical skills they
need to perform their jobs successfully. Giving
your employees the skills, they need, leads to
happier employees, meaning better
productivity. This all results in your business
having a competitive edge over others. To
achieve this, you’ll need to give your
employees technical skills training.

Types of Technical Training

Formal education
Specialized jobs require employees to first get academic qualifications from
institutions such as vocational schools, colleges, and universities.
Long, intensive programs such as degrees, diplomas, and other certificates
ensure that employees develop the basics and are proficient in their field.
Formal education ultimately forms the basis of technical training.

On-the-job training
Many organizations provide some degree of on-the-job training. Usually
delivered by employees with experience, such as supervisors, this kind of
training focuses on technical tasks that can be perfected while already
fulfilling a role.

On-the-job training is essential for harnessing and sharing the experience and
knowledge of senior employees within the organization and across different

Online courses and certifications

The internet provides countless opportunities for self-development, both for
employees and employers. A vast array of technical skills can be taught via
online learning and are available at different prices.

Online courses are often flexible and convenient, allowing both individuals
and companies to access quality training at any budget. Moreover, online
courses can range from being incredibly simple to being intricate and

Corporate training programs

In-house training programs are a mainstay of large businesses. Whether they
use external or internal instructors, these programs range from short, job-
specific workshops to long-term training programs.
Corporate training programs allow organizations to develop employee skills
across the entire company, are tailored to specific industry factors, and can
be an opportunity to implement business goals.
UC5- Prepare performance expectation of a trainers in
5 Simple Ways to Be an Effective Leader in Small

1. Define clear goals of the team with the team

While working in a team when there are just a few
team members, it is key to fully understand the start-
up’s mission, vision, and clear goals for achieving
them. Setting goals should be co-operation work,
where everyone is included and can bring up any
remarks to it which will lead to the bigger
commitment of all team members. It is a combined
effort of all team members where everyone
understands business aims and knows how to
contribute to achieving them. Setting goals in a
small team helps to keep everyone aligned and
allows members to have autonomy over their work.
When team members see how they can contribute to
achieving specific goals, they start to focus on
finding ways to work smarter and more efficiently. It
gives drive & passion for overall work and boosts the
engagement of the small team.
2. Build comfort & trust
Trust is a crucial aspect of a successful business for the
comfort & safety it can provide. Being part of a team with no
trust is like being just an individual in a group where
cooperation can be very hard. However, when team members
are aware that they will not be judged, punished, or
embarrassed for their opinion they are much more likely to
engage, participate and release their efforts. Especially in
small teams where all ideas count and interaction is more
dynamic than in bigger teams, self-reflection on judging other
opinions is important. Team members should feel
psychologically safe – which is defined as feeling comfortable
to fully express themselves – between each other. This trust
can bring more innovation, the courage to take appropriate
risks, and the creative thinking of every team member.

3. Sense of empowerment
The majority of start-ups start in a small team, which requires
people to take several roles at once. As a leader of a small
team, it is important to be open to new ideas of team
members, as it gives them a feeling of being valued and
respected. Empowerment impacts the engagement of the
team, and also it impacts productivity, enabling individuals to
think and take action in a self-sufficient way. It is part of self-
development where they can pave their path to success along
with creating a prosperous start-up.

4. Regular feedback meetings

In managing small teams, feedback is regarded as an essential
management tool. It guides & motivates all individuals in a
team to have to make their work even more effective.
Furthermore, it conveys how team members see each other
and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Especially in
connection with starting a start-up, team members do not
know how the cooperation between them will be and how
every team member is able to work under pressure or in
unexpected situations. That is why it is important to
emphasize regular feedback meetings. It will point out the
areas of improvement, identify challenges from past meetings,
and gain other team members’ perspective.

5. Get-togethers outside of work

By building an atmosphere that is friendly and supportive,
a better workplace is automatically guaranteed. Team
buildings or even casual get-togethers outside of work give
employees an opportunity to build high-quality relationships
with their colleagues. These activities can bring a more robust
workflow and a more open attitude towards each other. A
workplace with a relaxed atmosphere, where relations
between employees are not tense, encourages people to work
harder and be more efficient. Social interactions outside of
the workplace ensure that all members of the team are on the
same page. It gives a feeling of equality and inclusivity.
Furthermore, close relations between team members help
provide emotional support and, thus, contribute to improving
team members’ overall well-being.
Demonstrate Interest and Engagement; I’m looking forward to gaining a deeper
understanding of (specific topic, or subject)

Furthermore, employees expect their training to be relevant and tailored to their

specific job role and responsibilities. This training should address the specific
needs and be delivered efficiently so that the employees acquire her necessary
knowledge and skills.


Ethics refers to society’s sense of the right way of living our daily
lives. It does
this by establishing rules, principles, and values on which we can
base our conduct. Ethics serve as a guide to moral daily living
and helps us judge whether our behavior can be justified.
Workplaces often provide workers with handbooks, policies and
procedures which regulate workplace matters. Observing policies
and guidelines in workplaces can mean general protections
provisions in the Fair Work
Act. Applying policies and guidelines provide a fair, predictable an
d consistentapproach to managing the workplace and workplace
issues and less accidents or none to exist when applied well.
Having the ability to truly understand own value and self-worth
and knowing exactly what skills and abilities can be brought to the
table each day, as well as how valuable this is in comparison to
others performing a similar job, will give an important edge in
training institution. A need to assess performance and skills and it
is important to be realistic when evaluating value. Recognizing
self-worth can increase engagement at work, leading to higher
productivity and improved relationships within. Workers who value
their worth tend to experience better focus and can find work
more fulfilling. Defining value,

The Main Ethical Issues in Education

 Social Inequity. One of the biggest ethical issues that schools face is social
inequity. ...
 Cheating. Cheating has been a prominent historical issue in every school. ..
 Find out what's in your copy. Get started with Copy leaks for free today! ...
 Special Treatment. ...
 Grading Exams. ...
 Bullying. .
UC7 - Practice occupational safety and health practices and

What is Health and Safety Procedures?

Health and Safety procedures are a set of standardized actions that detail every step
needed to conduct a job safely, with the aim of minimizing health and safety risk to
people and the workplace. Every organization has some sort of Health and Safety
procedure. Even if it's just telling people to wear their seatbelt or not to work on some
equipment until the power has been cut out. These procedures are usually set in place
to protect both employees and the general public from injury and ha
UC9 - Work Effectively in Vocational Education an Training

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